View Full Version : Max

Jedi Master Carr
May 22nd, 2002, 10:37:11 PM
I read this on foxnews and it is an interesting story it deals with the upcoming movie Max starring John Cusack, Noah Taylor and Leelee Sobieski. It deals with a young Adolf Hitler (played by Taylor)


Now I disagree with the columinst that we should humanize Hitler, I think the opposite, yes Hitler was one of the most vile, evil men ever to live but he was Human he wasn't from another planet. Personally to me it shows what humans are capable of and how anyone can go from an average joe to a ruthless, evil person. Its not just Hitler I read books dealing with people who did a lot of the killing of the Jews and they were average people, no different than any of us and they still killed them. I think its important to understand the how becuase it can teach us a lot about how we should treat each other and also maybe prevent the Hitlers of the world sprouting.

May 22nd, 2002, 10:58:43 PM
I don't know if there is anyway to stop the spread of people like Hitler the man was twisted / sick /and evil. The sad fact is there are Many out there Just like him. sorry Off topic:)

Marcus Telcontar
May 23rd, 2002, 02:01:49 AM
Hitler had three deadly traits - one he was charismatic, he was detirmined and he believed he was right. In the wrong hands, those three lead to the despots and dictactors.

The fact is, it is good to study history and find out what set of circumstances lead to him, but the other fact is - we not know how the next one will come about. As once said, there is no such thing as the next "insert name here". Great people (and Hitler was a great person, make no mistake - evil, but a great none the less) are never predicted or forshadowed.

Oh, I do agree Hitler was human. So was Pol Pot, Stalin, etc. Now I did say that greats are never predicted, but if you know how one arose, you can do somethign to close that door off to them.

* Just read the article. The protrayal of Hitler is unfortunanlty very historically accurate. I see no probelm as long as it makes clear Hitler is not a man to be followed