View Full Version : The beggining
Vanair Sharkan
May 22nd, 2002, 05:15:10 PM
A human male of about 18 years walks through the halls of the temple. He stands 6'4" and looks to weigh about 215 lbs. His black hair was swept back into a pony tail and most people were drawn to his silver/grey eyes. He had the look of a fighter, his stance always wary and his eyes darting about looking for danger.
"What am I doing here?" he wonders to himself. "Me a Jedi Knight? Right I will probably be lucky if they don't take one look at me and send me through the front door."
He looks around noting the silence and peacefullness of the hallways. "If only the rest of the universe were as peaceful, then there would be no reason for mercs like me to be around."
He continues to look around until finally he admits the truth to himself. "You are only putting off the inevitable. Time to get this over with." He looks around a moment longer..."Hello is anyone here?"
Vanair Sharkan
May 22nd, 2002, 05:16:11 PM
Marcus Telcontar
May 22nd, 2002, 06:34:47 PM
OOC : hello :)
Just to note, you have been seen. Offical greeter will post here soon, if I know her :). Welcome to our little area of cyberspace
Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:09:07 PM
Xazor stepped out of her place in the shadows. Her red robes flowed behind her like an ocean wave, and her waist length blonde hair was adorned in Garou warrior braids which swayed with the weight of the gold coins interwoven into them. With every step she took, the clanging of the coins could be heard. Finally she reached him and bowed gently with a smile dancing upon her lips.
"Greetings...I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. So indeed...someone is here."
She said softly, crossing her arms over her chest to eye the young man before her. The silver specks in her deep blue eyes caught the light like broken pieces of glass, and reflected it off in various directions. She smiled once again and nodded her head.
"Do you come seeking the way of the Jedi?"
She questioned softly, seeking out his thoughts and feelings to tell why he was here. He felt a bit....unsure, perhaps...nervous. Her gentle demeanor beckoned him to trust her, though...and hopefully he would.
Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 10:35:50 AM
He jumps at the sound, turning and crouching into an unarmed fighting stance. He regains control of himself and stands though still ill at ease. "Greetings my name is Vanair." He listens to Xazor and gives her an incredulous look. "Me a Jedi. Right, can you see a merc like me becomeing one of the respected and most revered people of the universe." "Don't ask me why I came. I don't know. It is as though something pulls calls me to this place and I have no idea what it is....."
Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 11:09:57 AM
Xazor closed her eyes and took in a deep breath through her nose and released it out her mouth. She smiled gently and nodded.
"Indeed....that is the Force, young man. A merc, you say? Well...even killers can have a change of heart."
The Knight said softly. The last comment was in reference to herself. She smiled and stepped closer to him, crossing her arms over her chest and examining him closely.
"This draw you long have you felt it?"
She questioned curiously.
Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 11:24:15 AM
"I have felt the pull most of my life. Since I was five really. I never knew what it was or where it came from. I thought it was the pull of adventure, of wanting to go out and carve my name into the stars to be remembered for an eternity." He lets out a sarcastic laugh. "How wrong I was. Since then I have been living the life of a mercenary, a soldier with no loyalties, always ready to be bought by the highest bidder. A man with no honor, no ties, nothing." Tears begin to come to his eyes. "I did what I was paid to do, it did not matter who I killed as long as I was paid. Until the day I found myself in the merc ranks of Jabba the Hutt. One day he sent me out to kill some slaves no longer deemed worthy to live. The mother and father I killed easily. But then their son came out of his room and looked at me......." " You cannot know the look that was in that child's face. It was one of fear, terror and uncomprehension. It was that day that I knew that I had become a monster. I took the child to my grand parents and left them money to take care of the child. Then I terminated my contract with Jaba. I roamed the stars for a few months dealing with my demons. It was then I decided once and for all to find out what this call was that was pulling me and here I am......"
Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 11:59:51 AM
Xazor nodded with sympathy in her eyes. She more than understood what he felt.
"Yes....and here you are. Your story sounds oh so familiar to me. is because I share the same tale. I too was a killer who had a longing, a pull in my heart. Though it is a long story, it ends happily. I came here to find out what that pull was, to find out that it was the Force! I believe that is what has brought you here this day."
She said softly, her eyes seemed a bit misted from approaching tears, but she held them back. She knew that he sought redemption as she had, and all he had to do was ask for it.
Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 12:06:34 PM
He fell to his knees crying. "Please let me train. Let me redeem myself in some way for what I have done. I can not bear this torment any longer." After saying this he breaks down and cries with such anguish that it almost pierces the soul.
Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 12:21:23 PM
Xazor winces when she hears his words. She knew the pain that lived within his soul, and the torment it put one through. Kneeling down beside him, she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"You may will become a Jedi, I promise. You have been redeemed young Padawan. Forgiveness is key to a happier life. No one here will judge you for your past."
She said softly. She looked up for a moment and scanned the room. The shadows seemed to dance as the candles flickered in the darkness. There was a warmness that seemed to wash over the place. A new life had been born...and he was ready to live now.
"You needn't worry...."
The Knight reassured him with a gentle embrace. He continued to cry, but it was good for the soul. was like a renewing, a cleansing thing sometimes.
Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 12:31:45 PM
After crying for a few minutes he regains control of himself and berates himself inwardly for showing weakness. He draws back into his mental shell outwardly showing calm and yet within feeling that he will never be able to redeem himself or be forgiven for the atrocities that he has done.
"it must look bad for a grown man to break down and cry like that, my apologies. Where do I seek a master so that I may begin? Or do I simply wait here until the time I am chosen?"
Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:00:35 PM
Xazor shook her head and gently placed a hand under his chin. She looked into his eyes for a moment and sighed to herself.
"You do not need to feel ashamed to cry. It is pure and not hold that in. I can feel that you have put up a barrier...that you have a mental shell blocking your hurt. You can't hold that about it, cry if you wish. If you keep that inside, it will only end up hurting you more."
She said softly. Her eyes sent a comforting silent message his way to let him know everything was alright. Smiling gently she spoke again.
"There is a Force class you may join if you wish. We are short on Knights and Masters to train, but in time, you shall have one. The Force class will provide you with the basics...and in time, a Master you shall have."
The Knight said with a hopeful smile.
Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 01:22:46 PM
"Aye, my thanks.
The shell though is my only means of staying sane. Who knows what would happen if I gave into the anger, fear, and self hatred that lies within me...." "Until I can cope and deal with my inner demons, as well as deal with the hatred and fear of those around me the shell must stay." With that he hardens the shell around his mind and gets up. "A basic force class you say. Then I shall start there. Farewell Jedi Xazor if the fates permit maybe we shall talk again and maybe help each other with our demons. For I sense that you to have your own inner demons." After saying this he gets up and makes his way toward the classrooms walking like a man who carries the weight of hundreds and bears all the terrors of the world.
Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:39:04 PM
Xazor bows as she stands and smiles gently.
"Yes...perhaps we shall meet again..."
She said softly, knowing that they would. She slipped off into the darkness to go start the class she spoke of.
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