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Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 01:06:59 PM
Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider, sat in the middle of the large Academy. In a shallow meditative state, she waited for the Padawans to start coming into the room. There was a datapad on a small table near the door, where they would sign in. Today would be a challenge, but she was up for it...and the new recruits were eager. With the help of fellow Knight, Navaria Tarkin, the class would be a success. Xazor had sent out a message to all of the new padawans to report there at two o'clock in the afternoon...and it was nearing that time.

May 22nd, 2002, 01:15:29 PM
Kanji had received the message earlier in the day and would've arrived sooner to the area, But unfortuneatly he became lost in the Living Quarters for a few hours. Eventually he exited the living complex and had found the training area soon after.

Still garbed in his black robes, the folds and hood shrowding his frame and head for exeption of the tip of the Drakan's snout and his glowing blue eyes.

Seeing the datapad on the table, Kanji entered his name and crouched off to the side waiting for something to be instructed

May 22nd, 2002, 01:19:28 PM
Anduril walks into the room, and notices the datapad on the table.

"Greetings Xazor. I sence an aura of encouragement about you."

He looks at the table.

"Ah, I see."

He signs in on the datapad quickly.

"I see I am the first. When I said 2pm GMT, I was only saying that for Saturdays. I regret that I cannot do this time on weekdays".

He looks at Xazor and walks over to her, being careful not to disturb her too much. He goes to sit in frount of her and clears his mind.

May 22nd, 2002, 01:22:20 PM
As his mind clears he sences a slight aura of nervousness coming from the corner of the room. Seeing the padawan. He nods in awcnolagement to her.

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 01:26:13 PM
Though he had not recieved any message directly, Sejah had been told about the new class for those such as himself, and had been watching clocks all day until the correct time came about.

Dressed in his normal clothing, which resembled those of a Jedi, but were still slightly different, the brown Nehantite wandered down the hallway, his sandals thapping the floor as he went. Subconsciously he reached one of his gloved paws to the hilt of his saber, which was inserted in the folds of his belt. Relieved that it was still there, he pressed on, and eventually asked directions to the room he needed to go to.

Three incorrect floors on an elevator later, he made it, and saw the datapad lying near the doorway, one section allready checked off.

Picking it up, the m ongoose's pink eyes scann ed the list furtively, and he began to get afraid that he wasn't on the list until he recognized his name in the middle. Venting a sigh of releif, Sejah cheked his name off and then put the pad back down, making his way to the others in the room.

He had seen Kanji around before, but not met, but knew that they would eb introduced in time. Bowing to Xaxor, he smiled and said, "Thank you for starting these classes; even though I hear that you are swamped with otehr work." Turnign to Kanji, he smiled and held out his gloved paw in handshake fashion and said, "Hi, I'm Sejah. I guess we'll be classmates, then, huh?"

May 22nd, 2002, 01:31:56 PM
Kanji stood up and took the offered hand in a firm handshake, "I am Kanji. It seems that we will be classmates."

May 22nd, 2002, 01:33:15 PM
"Hello Sejah!"

Anduril walks our of the shadows, having finished his meditation.

"I didn't know you would be here!"

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 01:40:56 PM
"Good to meet you too, Kanji. Always good to have some friends, y'know." Sejah smiled, then released his talons. He ahd never seen a species like the Drakkan before, and he tried to disguise his looking him over, but did a poor job. Smiling nervously, he apologized, "Sorry about that, I've just, well, never seen a lot of species before."

It was then that Anduri approached him, and Sejah turned around to see who it was. "Hello again, Anduril. You sure seem to be everywhere, don't you?"

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 01:49:33 PM
Xazor opened her eyes to view the three students speaking with one another. It was good to see that they were getting along already, and it was also good to see that there were already Padawans arriving.

"I apologize if this time is not convenient, but I brought the request before the Council and they gave me permission to begin this class. I thought it would be wise to start right away."

She said softly, bowing her head to those in the room. The Knight looked up and smiled at all of them.

"In time...others shall come too. Have patience, for we must wait for them."

She said softly. She closed her eyes once again and sat crosslegged as she was before. She fell into the shallow meditative state once again and listened to all that went on around her.

May 22nd, 2002, 02:02:40 PM
"I am always everywhere. If I am not then I am generally somewhere"

He smiles, pleased with his ovely cryptic comment.

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 02:10:28 PM
Sejah smiled politely to acknowegde that, yes, it was a joke. "Just like amy tail is always behind myself, huh?" He smirked, trying to lighten the other's attitude. Anduril seemed to be depressed too often, and it was starting to get on sEjah's nerves. HE didn't think that i were supposed to act like that, but, then again, he really didn't know how JEdi were supposed to act yet.

May 22nd, 2002, 02:10:45 PM
Oriadin had recieved no official word of these classes starting but had heard rumours. After asking many questions to various different people he found his way to the class room.

He entered the room, dressed in his Jedi robes Verse Dawnstrider had given him not long after he had arrived to the Greater Jedi Order. They were slightly big for him but Oriadin found them comfortable. He closed the door slowly behind him as he didnt want to disturb Xazors meditation or the fellow class mates conversation. He was shy by nature so after logging in on the datapad he made his way slowly to the others. He stood next to them without saying a word. He didnt want to interupt.

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 02:14:01 PM
Turnign to look as Oriadin entered, Sejah knew he had seen the man around the complex before, but had always thought he was a Jedi, not a Padawan. Stepping over to him slightly, he waved hello and smiled slightly.

"You're Oriadin, right? Don't worry, we haven't met, but I overheard your name one time. I'm Sejah, I'm new here. You in this class, too?"

May 22nd, 2002, 02:20:39 PM
--Yeah, my name is Oriadin. Pleased to meet you--

Oriadin bowed

--I think ive seen you about, Sejh isnt it? Yes im here to join the class. My training since joining the order has been very slow so any extra help I can recieve the better. Thats why im here. Hopefully my patience will pay off. Do you have a master yet?--

Oriadin nodded to the others as he spoke to Sejah then turned to face him as he finished speaking.

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 02:24:05 PM
Shaking his head, the brown mongoose replied, "I've not got a master yet, but they've sort of been bouncing me form master to master for bits of training. And, um, I'd stay away form Shade, if I were you. Unless you like climbing trees..." He let loose a dark chuckle that indicated a bad experience, but one he still ahd humor about.

"And it's Sejah, but that's no big deal."

May 22nd, 2002, 02:31:27 PM
(Err.. it is alright that I'm joining in here, isn't it..? *is new*)

The young, dire fanged 'Displacer' made her way down the halls after having had to stop for directions at least four times.. She'd half walked, half trotted along on all fours.. She was trying to get into the swing of being bipedal, as from what she observed it was the common thing amongst the Jedi but she was used to the sand laden and rock laced ground of the deserts, not the smooth, slick, metallic floors of the large open buildings. As a result of this, her unsure footing gave her a rather high, unstaitly gait and her tail shifted itself behind her constantly to keep her balance lest she slip and fall or mull someone over...

She stopped in front of the data pad and drew her brows together, peering down closely at it before finding her name and scratching it off.. She'd adapt.. eventually.. The one thing she needed along side the basic beginning training however was a Lightsaber.. and she had one in mind, as she'd been taking notes all day... Given she was so tall a double blader would be perfect for her.. and she'd always had a thing for purple, as it played with her fur, illuminating it... She'd figured that out long ago, having once kept a collection of black lights back at her old 'home'..

"I hope I'm not to late.." She gazed at the others as she plodded in and carefully allowed herself to raise onto her hind paws once more...

May 22nd, 2002, 02:34:37 PM
Anduril looks curiously at Sejah.

"Why are you concerned for me. I am sorry if I seem depressed. I am not so, I am merely not a man of many words."

He smiles at Sejah.

"I am not depressed, merely occupied with my thoughts. I am sorry if you took offence at my words."

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 02:37:41 PM
Sejah's pink eyes shifted in concern when Anduril spoke to him again, and he shook his head, "Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that, I was just trying to make a joke was all. Sorry about that."

As he spoke to Anduril, Sejah looked over to see another animalistic species like himself enter. She was tall, very tall, and different form his form in that she seemd to be able to walk both upright and quadropedal as well. The sight of another species with fur was enough to captivate his attention, and a smile slowly curled his lips as he continued to look at her.

He would have to introduce himself, he knew how out of place he felt when he first arrived, seeing no others even remotely like himself.

May 22nd, 2002, 02:54:43 PM
She smiled softly at Sejah, her overley long canines giving that simple gesture a rather off-setting look. She'd gotten used to being given all sorts of strange looks because of her features.

"Relieved to see another furred beastie walking about..?" She chuckled softly, feeling much the same way herself, not that humans, or the scaled, feathered, quilled and whotnot bothered her. She had been born in a spaceport city, much like Tatooine and as a result she knew many langauges and was pretty much acustomed characters of all sorts..

"My name is Hy Narr.. by the way.." She extended a 'paw' in general for anyone wishing to get acquainted.

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 02:59:39 PM
Taking her paw in his own, Sejah shook it, a chuckle shaking in his throat at how true her words had been. "Sejah Haversh, good to meet you Hy," He replied, then waved a paw back around at the others, "Looks like we've got a good sized class started here, I hope it will go well."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 03:58:02 PM
Xazor had sensed others enter the class. Without opening her eyes, she smiled and spoke.

"Greetings Oriadin...it is good for you to join us."

She then sensed out the other presence and nodded her head as she recalled her meeting with the Displacer.

"Greetings to you also Hy..."

Opening her eyes then, she looked around at the good sized class. She hoped others would make it soon, for she was as eager to start as they were.

"Well...our numbers are not too bad, but there are more coming. I hope that make it soon...I am eager to begin as I can sense that all of you are also."

She said with a gentle smile, and then fell back into her shallow meditative state. It was interesting to listen to the conversations between the strangers...some made friends with others quickly...while others remained quiet and reserved. In time, though, that would change for they would be working together....a lot. She smiled at the thought and continued charging her body with the Force as she waited the arrival of the other masterless padawans.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 06:06:03 PM
Sene entered the room quietly, but obviously not quiet enough, as everyone in the room turned and looked at him. Embarresed he rushed when he spoke.

Hello, I was unaware that a meeting was taking place, but i would very much like to join. With so many potential Jedi around, I know that the teachings in here will be enlightning.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:11:40 PM
Xazor opened her eyes and spotted Sene before her. He appeared a bit nervous, and she understood why. Smiling gently, she bowed her head.

"Greetings my young apprentice....you wish to have double training? That is good....very good. I see your committment to the Jedi is strong. Join the rest of us and you too shall learn."

She said softly, and then fell back into her shallow meditative state, waiting for the others.

May 22nd, 2002, 07:31:07 PM
"Hello there..." She smiled warmly at Sene, or at least as 'warmly' as the sabored fangs and feline muzzle would allow for.. She idly folded her standard forarms behind her and her tendrils, which were generally held at rest start to 'poke' around slightly, like extended feelers of sort, when one ignores the accumulation of thousends of tiny bone like spikes along the undersides of the pointed, ovalish 'heads' on each tendril end... She made sure not to poke at any one though, not wanting to scare some poor unexpecting new commer..

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 07:47:33 PM
The doors parted and Navaria stepped inside, pleased with the sight that she saw before her. Xazor was speaking with one of the newest arrivals and already, there was quite the gathering of Padawans in the room.

She pulled back the hood of her cloak and made her way towards Xazor, nodding to each student that made eye contact with her. Upon reaching her friend, she bowed out of respect when Xazor took notice of her and turned to address those waiting patiently.

"Greetings Padawan Learners. My name is Navaria Tarkin, Jedi Knight and Council Member. I've yet to meet most of you but today is the day that changes."

The Knight smiled and kneeled down next to Xazor.

"Will their be others?"

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 07:58:39 PM
Originally posted by HyNarr
"Hello there..."

"Hello my name is Sene....but you already know that."< Sene blushed softly.

" I am new here and Xazor has taken me in as her padawan." Sene continued still talking to the one with teh tendrils.

Just then the door behind Sene opened and in stepped a Jedi Knight that introduced her self as Navaria Tarkin. She seemed nice.

"There seems quite an abundance of talent in the room. I just hope I am up for the task." Sene said continuing the conversation with the one with the tendrils.

May 22nd, 2002, 08:06:13 PM
Kanji kept quiet through the greetings, taking handshakes and giving his name, When Navaria entered the room his gaze watched her movements across the room. Under the hood, he gave enough of a smile that a drakan could muster in friendlyness.

"Interesssting group of learnersss here.." He spoke mostly to himself in a hushed whisper, his arms folded into the sleeves of the huge robe and watched on as conversations contiuned.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 12:37:29 AM
Sejah bided his time with other small talk, but soon the class became quiet, as if waiting for it to start. Most of the masterless padawans had assembled, or at least most of the ones he had heard about, and so the mongoose was beginnign to think that they should be ready.

But he also remembered never to rush a teacher; something he ahd learned well from his fencing master. When rushed, the quality of education is diminished. So, he stood silently and waited, hoping that nothing would happen to made himself look stupid during the lesson.

May 23rd, 2002, 12:55:46 AM
Anduril silently materialized beside Kanji from the shadows.

"Yes," he said. "Very interesting. Hello, I don't believe we have met before. I am Anduril. And you are?"

May 23rd, 2002, 02:29:16 AM
Oriadin sat fairly quietly as the Jedi hopefulls entered the room. He greeted each one as they came in with a simple nod and hello. Navaria Tarkin entered and addressed the class. He listened with intent. When she finished Oriadin took a look around the room at all the people. He thought to himself that there could be a lot of potential in this class and was looking forward to begining.

May 23rd, 2002, 04:09:19 AM
"I am called Kanji." He drakan replied, never turning his head for some reason unknown.

May 23rd, 2002, 05:21:47 AM
Oriadin looked at Kanji, not really knowing if he was speaking to anyone in particular or simply speaking out to the class.

--Hi, my name is Oriadin. Are you masterless or are you yeah for extra tuition?--

May 23rd, 2002, 06:24:51 AM
Anduril looks at Oriadin.

"We are all materless here. I don't believe we have met. I am Anduril."

He nods in greeting to him.

Neo Quickbeam
May 23rd, 2002, 06:25:06 AM
As he steps into the room, he sees Xazor sitting in the throne, he knows this will be a challenge.......... He pads his name into the datapad, then walks to the window and says
*Hello everyone, I am here....... sorry it took so long. I lost my way here because I asked some people who, might I add, were not very nice and I think they might even be turning to the Dark Side, because they intentionally gave me wrong directions......*

May 23rd, 2002, 06:26:38 AM
ex- burss though the doos panting knowing that every one else would already be in there. He stoped suddenly and noticed that the class had not started, they were still on greetings. Noing this he made a sigh of relief and looked for any familier faces.

"Anduril i see you turned up..."

He looked around for any reaction from his entrance, he noticed Xazor meditating and Navaria standing next to her.

"Anduril do you know where Euuon is? I've been looking for him every were."

Then ex- closed hie eyes and started to use one of his skills he had learnt to comunicate with his brother.

"Ah, he's on his way from Marster Yoghurt's bar and grill, he will be here shortly."

ex- thoguht to him self.

"Sorry i'am being rude, My name is ex- and Euuon is my twin brother."

Marcus Telcontar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:41:46 AM
This might be interesting Thought the Jedi Master as he watched from a place on the other side of the room I might stay and observe.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 07:23:50 AM
Xazor looked up at Navaria as her friend took a seat beside her.

"I think this is almost everyone...we are still missing about one to three, but they'll come eventually. This will be a good class....you and I will work well together and I have a feeling that the Padawans will too."

She said with a gentle smile. Suddenly she was aware of the presence of her friend, Marcus Q'Dunn. Smiling to herself, she searched the room for him, but not in an obvious way. She spotted him and smiled before returning her attention back to the class.

"So shall we wait, or shall we begin with those that we have?"

She questioned her friend while looking out over the class as they spoke amongst themselves.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 08:45:08 AM
Nt meaning to sound hasty, Sejah replied, "I am ready, and I believe the rest of us are as well. And if more students do come, we can always fill them in on what they missed later."

He felt odd being a student again. Sure, he still had a fencing master back home, but he had surpassed the aging man years ago, and their student-teacher relationship had changed into one of friendship and guidance. Getting used to learing somethign new would be hard, but not impossible. But that didn't change the fact that he felt ready to learn at the moment. After all, he had little to lose but his dignity if he made a mistake.

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 08:57:10 AM
Sene agreed with the furry one. He too was ready to begin.

"I also think we should begin. It is about time we commenced the lessons. I mean no disrespect of course."

May 23rd, 2002, 09:16:16 AM
Anduril looks up, unmoved at ex-.

"You are very correct ex-, he has the same emotions as you; anxiety, and annoyance at being late. He should be with us soon."

He turns to the others.

"We should be patient my friends, there is no need to rush training. I would be willing to wait until all are present, if Xazor is willing. We should at least wait for Euuon, and then, if you two are still anxious to go on then I will put up no protest."

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 09:33:10 AM
Xazor listened to the conversations and smiled to herself.

"Eagerness you have...and that is good...but patience is better. Learn to quiet your mind and listen to all around you as we wait. In short time, they shall join us also."

She said softly as her eyes remained closed...waiting in the nearly silent room for the others who were yet to come.

May 23rd, 2002, 09:43:32 AM
Oriadin had pretty much greeted everyone in the room now and was awaiting the class to begin. Xazor still wanted to wait for one or two more who might like to join the class. While he was waiting he moved away from the others and sat in a corner on his own. Hed spent a lot of time recently reading the Jedi archieves and he was studying meditation as well as the Clone wars. He decided to do some meditation now, while he waited for others to arrive.

May 23rd, 2002, 10:12:45 AM
"Yes, i agree you cannot rush training. But i also think if any one is willing to do so then we are taking a bit to long."

ex- looks around for a response, there is none, so he carries on.

"I will relay all information back to Euuon if he misses, that will not be a problem, but there is soe things you can't relay back to some one. If Euuon does miss quite alot, then he will have to have a little bit of extra teaching."

ex- turns to face Xazor.

"Do you not agree Xazor, there is some things you cannot pass on?"

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 11:03:10 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled without opening her eyes.

"Indeed...but patience is a virtue. One cannot be so quick to rush. You must learn this lesson or you could end up hurting yourself or someone else in the future."

She said softly, recalling times in her past when she jumped ahead and did what she thought without having patience.

May 23rd, 2002, 11:43:13 AM
All of a sudden the tapping of footsteps could be heard, getting louder and louder until they seemed to stop at the door. There was a shy knock and a bright red face peered into the room. Everyone turned to face Euuon as he pushed open the great door.

"S.s..sorry for being late Xazor, I got ... caught up"

Euuon removed the hood from his head and ran over to stand next to ex- and Anduri.

"Have i missed anyting...?"

May 23rd, 2002, 11:53:43 AM
ex- turns to great Euuon.

"Hello Euuon, did you get lost? No matter, I think that we are all here now."

ex- notices the daterpad and walks over to it and signs in.

"Xazor, if you do not object than i think that we should start the teaching."

ex- takes his hood off and looks at the room full of people
::I would not like to be Xazor right now, there is alot of padawans to teach. this wil be no easy task::
He thought to himself. ex- walks to a chair and takes a seat.

"Xazor, if i may ask, how long did it take for you to complete your jedi traning?"

May 23rd, 2002, 12:05:36 PM
Euuon closed his eyes and started to concentrate, sending a message to ex-

~Hey ex-... I recived a message from Tatooine... Radios... was killed... by tusken raiders...~

Euuon opend his eyes again but did not say a word... he just sat down next to ex- with a blank expression on his face....

May 23rd, 2002, 12:10:11 PM
ex- said nothing, he looked around the room again and turned to face Euuon and whispered

"Don't worry he did not die in vaine..."

::Now it is my job to find the answers:: ex- though to himself.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 12:16:04 PM
Xazor sensed another coming into the class. She smiled and bowed her head without opening her eyes once again.

"Greetings Euuon....you are not late at all. We have been expecting you."

She said gently. With a smile on her face, she opened her eyes and listened to ex- speak.

"Indeed...class shall begin momentarily."

The Knight was surprised by his next question and she had to think for a moment. Nodding slightly, she spoke.

"It took me about three or four months...but for others it may be different. I have seen people train for a year and then be promoted. It all depends on the person, I guess...."

She did not wish to answer him unclearly, so she included everything that the question involved. Smiling at the large group and took a quick count. Indeed, it would be a challenge...but it was not impossible to teach a group this large. She looked over to her friend and fellow Knight, Navaria.

"Well...it appears as though everyone is here. I think it is time we begin their training."

Looking back to the group, she waved her hand over in motion for them to come closer.

"All right young Padawans...gather around and sit in two rows in front of us."

She instructed with gentleness, hoping that the class would move swiftly and there would not be too many interruptions. Indeed...this was the first stepping stone of the Jedi and it needed to be taken seriously. She could sense the committment and desire in them, and knew that it would go well.

"I am confident in this group, Navaria..."

The Garou spoke softly. Turning her attention back to the class, she began.

"Now...can any of you tell me what you think the Force is?"

It was the first question, one that she thought was important for all of them to explore. It was a necessary step for these young ones to realize what the Force was...and realize what they perceived it to be.

Nyth Galanos
May 23rd, 2002, 12:17:39 PM
A tall figure entered the room. He moved slowly, his hood was up. Nyth Galanos walked towards Xazor and bowed, removing his his hood. He looked at her and expressed deep apology with his eyes. He reached out with the Force

"Master Xazor, I am sorry. I was lost in my meditation and failed to realize that I was to be here"

He straightened up and headed towards Anduri hoping that he had not angered or dissappointe Xazor

May 23rd, 2002, 12:20:53 PM
ex- looked around, he thought that he'd be the first to speak.

"The force is every thing, in every thing, it is the essance of life it's self."

once ex- finished speaking he looked hopfully to see if his answer was correct, He did not want to get his first answer wrong.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 12:24:33 PM
Xazor bowed her head to the new arrival. She smiled his way with approving eyes.

It is alright, Nyth...you are just on time. Meditation is a good thing...don't worry, I am not upset.

She spoke in his mind before turning her attention to a Padawan who had answered her question.

"Indeed you are correct...that is part of it. Now anyone else?"

The Knight questioned, looking from face to face. She could tell that a majority of them were nervous, but in time...it would pass.

May 23rd, 2002, 12:25:30 PM
Euuon, usally eager to answer questions, said nothing just sat in his seat.... still slient deep in thought.

~What was ment by "He didn't die in vien?~

May 23rd, 2002, 12:46:28 PM
Hy`narr crouched near the back of the group as she was amongst the tallest and she didn't want to block anyones veiw... She made it a point to rest her tendrils, tail swishing nerviously behind her..

She blinked at Xazor's question about the Force.. She'd never given it much thought, she'd just felt it.. known it was there, like a person knows they're being watched.. "It shows me things..." That was the best explanation she could come up with.. though it hadn't always worked for her.. It never warned her when her father was going to die.. That still haunted her..

She decided not to try and think of that, instead she went to studying the Knights and Masters present amongst her fellow Padawans, nerviously twiddling her thumbs infront of her as something else came into mind.. She was hoping they wouldn't be getting into combat training just yet.. She still had to make her weapon...

May 23rd, 2002, 12:51:51 PM
Anduril nods in greeting to Nyth and leanes over to Euuon.

"Keep your mind on the moment," he whispered. "Think of that later, when you have the time."

He looked up at Xazor.

"The force is, as ex- said. The force is life, and life is the force. Life preserves it, makes it grow. It is not of time however, the present, the future and the past. They are all one with the force. Its power can be used both for good and ill, as it links closely with one's feelings. This is why one should be mindful of their feelings, then, they should never turn their feeling to hate, anger, fear or aggression. For those lead to the dark side."

It was clear to those sround him that he was speaking from the heart. He know not how the words came to him. They seemed to just enter his mind without him thinking. It was as if he was speaking from something long rehearsed.

He noticed that everyone was looking at him.

He coughed.

"Well that is what I think anyway."

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 12:52:13 PM
Sejah had done a little studying in the archives, but knew he didn't know the right answer to Xaxor's question. The Force is everythign, is waht most of what he found in books said, but he didn't know what that meant.

Was it like gravity, and everythign exerts a field of gravity, just some might be different depending on the size? Or was it an energy like electricity or light? If it were caused by microscopic symbiotes, couldn't they be implanted into a non-Force carrier and then he would become one as well?

All those questions ran through his ehad, but he didn't have answers for them, and knew they were silly, and would be covered later if they weren't. So he just sat and listened, not daring to open his mouth and say anything, and praying he wouldn't get called on.

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 12:57:02 PM
Sene thought about answering...but didn't. Te ones around him were much older, and had experienced so much. Their answers would be much more enlightning and thoughtful.

Then again he thoguht he had an answer. Before he could make up his mind the words came spilling out...

"the force is light and love. the force is an emotion in your heart that seems to stick in your throat. Every time I feel it, I feel good and warm. I feel strong and smart. The force is confidence and beauty....in a whole the force is everything."

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:09:02 PM
Xazor looked from face to face waiting for an answer. Finally Anduril spoke up. She nodded in recognition to him and smiled when he finished.

"Your answer is good, young one. Indeed, the Force is as you say...but there is more."

She looked around again until Sene, her own padawan spoke. She smiled his way and nodded.

"Very good Sene...it is not directly an emotion, for in the Jedi Code it says there is no emotion....but it does create a sense of warmth and confidence in one's heart."

She commended him for trying, seeing as though he was quite young and all here seemed older than he. The Knight looked right at Sejah and could tell he was thinking deeply, but would not answer. Laughing slightly to herself, she smiled.

"Is that all? Surely you may wish to even guess!"

She winked at the few who had nervous looks on their faces. It was alright if they were technically wrong...for she did not ask what the Force was...she had asked what they thought it was."

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 01:16:22 PM
Sejah could feel her looking at him, and hung his head a bit so she wouldn't be able to look into his eyes. He felt so stupid, beign afraid to answer a simple question.

His tail flicking nervously beside his leg, the Nehantite finally looked up and said, "Well, um, I'm not really sure. I've heard that the Force is everything, but I don't know what that means. From what I understand, it is more like a battery of power that can be tapped into by those who know how. The better you are, the more energy you can tap, kind of like using different gages of wiring in somethign electronic."

His face was one of nervous dismay at having to resort to a parallel like that, though ti was really the best one he could come up with at the moment. He could almost hear the others laughing at him as he finished.

May 23rd, 2002, 01:22:38 PM
Hy`Narr reached over to gently pat Sejah on the back, not really finding it all that stupid... "People do use it.. don't they.. I've seen the Masters project it.. heard stories of them lifting objects the size of ships up off the ground with it.."

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:34:30 PM
Xazor smiled at Sejah.

"Indeed....your answer was well put, Padawan."

She said with approving eyes. From behind the padawans, Xazor focused on a rock. Lifting it with her mind, she brought it to the front of the group and let it hover before their eyes.

"Yes...one can tap into the Force and use it for good or evil purpose. We are here to learn how to use it for good. The Force flows through everything, binding and connecting the universe to form what it is. It connects you...me, that rock, and the tree. It is everywhere and inside of you. That is how the Jedi get the power to do things like this."

She said, nodding toward the rock that she was levitating with the Force. Smiling, she outstretched her hand and called the rock to it. The mass softly touched down in her palm and she continued looking at it for a moment.

"Sejah was right...you tap into it, like a flowing river you put your hand in. I want you to feel that power...the Force."

She dropped the rock to the ground and stopped it with her mind just before it hit the hard surface. She gently set it down and smiled at the group. Closing her eyes she fell deep into the Force and let it consume her completely.

"Now...close your eyes if you wish, and clear your mind. Focus on nothing, but stretch out your senses to feel what you have all described to me that you have felt...the power..."

She instructed and nodded for all of them to try. She smiled to herself, having confidence that they would be able to do this.

"Once you feel it, gently acknowledge the fact with a quiet "yes"."

The Knight was eager to see the group's response.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 01:38:47 PM
Vanair walked in as the training was starting, he looked charinged to have missed the beginning but it did not look like it was over yet. He sat down in the back and waited for the next set of instructions sinced he had missed the first.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:40:52 PM
Xazor noticed the young man enter the room. Smiling to herself, she motioned for him to join.

You are not too late young Padawan...welcome.

She spoke through the Force and the words entered his mind as though they were his own.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 01:44:10 PM
He is startled at the words that seem to appear in his mind. He quickly gets into a kneeling position and pulls out his blaster looking around for any traces of an intruder........

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 01:46:09 PM
Xazor had to surpress her laugh as she witness his actions.

No no...Vanair, it's me, Xazor...I am the one speaking in your mind.

She said through the Force once again. Smiling, she waited for the Padawans to start responding to her instruction.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 01:47:43 PM
A swell of confidence grew in Sejah's chest as he was re-assured that he got something right. Looking back over his shoulder at Hy Naar, he smiled in thanks, and them looked back to Xaxor as she moved the rock.

Sadly, the first thought that came to his head was thinking of how having that ability would make moving the couch easier. Still, he did as he was told, and closed his eyes.

Sejah found it difficult to clear his mind, as pesky thoughts and questions ran through it. What was the Force supposed to feel like? Did he turn on the dishwasher before he left? Why couldn't he recieve telepathic messages, and other ideas bounced through his skull. As those around him seemed to get it, Sejah tried harder, focusing, but still having difficulty. Once more the shadow of doubt began to spread into his heart, wondering if he could even do this simple task.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 01:51:05 PM
How can this be. Are you saying that you can see into my mind? He thinks in his mind to however is speaking to him, not knowing if they can hear him.
He warily puts the blaster down and gets back into a sitting position still keeping one hand on his blaster.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 02:38:33 PM
Xazor nodded gently and smiled.

Indeed...I can see what you are thinking and I can hear you if you speak to me through your thoughts. Just like you did now...

She spoke through the Force once again. She then picked up on a bit of fear and uncertainty coming from the front row of Padawans. It was coming from the one in the middle...Sejah. She looked at him curiously for a moment and smiled.

"It is alright young Padawan...keep trying until you get it. No one is expected to understand right away. The Force feels like a river of power...let joy consume your heart and then reach out in your mind...reach into the void and find the power. Then grab hold of it and let it flow through you. First, though...you must stop thinking of other things and just do it..."

She advised him gently, hoping her explanation was clear enough to help.

May 23rd, 2002, 02:40:30 PM
Kanji crouched down in one of the rows as Xazor instructed the class to clear their minds and try to broaden their senses. The Drakan closed his eyes and thought of nothing but the force. It was difficult at first, many things filled his mind as he tryed to 'erase' them. He could feel something somewhat like he felt in Xazor’s room looking out of the window into the jungle below, the peacefulness and purity.

But the feeling receded when he thought if that was what the force felt like, he twitched and cleared the question, the feeling returning pleasantly. It was intoxicating and joyful. He left a bit afraid that the feeling would go away if he spoke, so he kept silent, breathing calmly.

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 02:46:27 PM
Sene looked down and closed his eyes. He quickly started to eliminate all thoughts that crempt into his mind. Over and over again he deleted each thought until there was none.

Complete nothingness.

He felt empty and full all at the same time. He felt strong without thinking he felt strong. He was full again. He was full of the force. It touched him completly, a tingling light on his insides. A tickle on the back of his neck. He was suddenly aware of his body. Of every thing happining in it. It was strange yet it did not hurt him. He felt comfort. He felt reassurance.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 02:54:54 PM
Then my thoughts were correct I cannot find redemtion anywhere....
He opens a pouch at his waist and pulls out what appears to be a small bottle. He holds it up before his eyes. Waves of depression, sadness, and final understanding came rolling off of him that could be felt by anyone who had the means to.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 03:03:00 PM
Xazor lofted a brow and eyed Vanair for a moment.

What do you mean? I did not judge you...you have sought your redemption and found it. Just because I know your thoughts sometimes does not mean that I have placed judgment upon you.

She spoke through the Force once again. She could feel around her that some of the Padawans were beginning to understand and feel the Force...

May 23rd, 2002, 03:07:15 PM
As Anduril attempted to settle into a state of calmness, he had a thought. Could he use his gift to do this in entirety. He closed his eyes so none of the others would be distracted. Then he used his gift. He felt all things leave his mind. He know there would be a point where he lost control, but he needed not go that far. He felt the void of his mind approcahing. And he grasped it. He had never tried anything like this before. He felt the feeling come, but it was slowing. It felt as if ice was beeing hammered into every part of his brain. And then. It. Stopped.

There it was. His mind was clear. Then, He grasped hold of waht he was looking for. It filled him. Like a silver liquid flowing through his veins. They were no longer two, as he had always been. He was one. He felt light. As if a great burden had been removed. He felt strong.

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 03:10:01 PM
You may not but there are others who will. If those like you can see my thoughts, especially the others masters, how can I ever have redemption. Those who do not know me will either cast me out or seek to destroy me for the monster that I am. It is the way of the universe Xazor you cannot tell me otherwise. I have lived to long in this life to think otherwise.........and yet it is a chance I must take I must right the wrongs I have committed. So forgive me my lapse in sturdiness. It was merely a passing thought.
With that he focuses inward like everyone else and clears his mind of all thought, it was like one of the old mercs had taught him. Picture a flame and feed all of your emotions into it. Then feed the flame upon itself letting it grow smaller and smaller until there is nothing left but yourself.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 03:19:40 PM
Around him, voices quietly replied, "Yes," as Mastor Xaxor had requested when they found themselves at peace. Still, Sejah tried to focus, finding it even more increasingly difficult.

Concentration had never been a strong suit, always being told he needed to eb able to think about several things at once in order to do some of the jobs he had once worked. That mentality had become engrained on him, and clearing his mind was something almost foreign, except for when he wanted to go to sleep.

That was it! Perhaps if he tried to empty his head as he did before going to bed each night he might be able to somehow tune into the Force. the problem would be not falling asleep where he sat.

Colors and lights reflected inside his closed eyes as they searched for the light and vision they knew were beyond the wall of eyelids that shut them. His ears twictched slightly, adn he found himself relaxing. Step one had been accomplished; the relaxing of the body. But it was the mind that was troubling him. Letting himself float free of interlaced thoughts, Sejah slowly felt his brain calming, and a peace falling upon himself. A warm feeling was beginning to creep up his spine when it all came to a screeching halt.

He lost concentration as a petty thought glared inside his brain; He HAD turned the dishwasher on!

Breaking concentration completely, sejah opened his eyes and scowled, roughly adjusting his position and trying again, though finding it just as difficult the second time.

May 23rd, 2002, 04:11:49 PM
Sejah wasn't the only one having trouble clearing his mind... Hy`Narr allowed her eyes to drift shut, paws finding the floor before her as she tried to purge her thoughts..

As soon as she cleared her mind, a bright flash of light shined behind her eye lids and the vision of her home planet sprawled out into her mind...

~*Her father, dark furred and scarred with a missing eye, stood not far from the major road way that many land speeders sped across daily, whiskers twitching in irritation at the very presence of life around him.. He'd never had much respect for life, and had always been very dark and brooding..

A herder had been driving a pack of Reek, rather large work beasts sometimes used in sport and fighting.. Something happened, something spooked them.. She could feel their fear.. their rage as they stampeded down the road, whipping around buildings and trampling parked transports..

He must have been lost in his own world... or perhaps he'd lost his sense of his surroundings in his old age.. but by the time he'd seen them, it was to late..

She had seen.. she was exiting the Tavern at the time, and had turned the corner at just the right moment..*~

She shook her head vigorously to clear it of the horrid vision.. ~*the look on his face..*~ She dropped her head down into her paws, trying not to tear up.. ~'Oh god.. not here...'~ She'd had these experiences before, seen the dream replayed over and over.. but now.. of all the times it had to come back to haunt her.. perhaps they wouldn't notice.. they'd be watching Xazor

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 04:16:52 PM
Xazor didn't know why Vanair felt the way he did. She sighed to herself and spoke once again.

The people here will not judge you.....remember, I too was once a killer...and I killed more than you. The blood of thousands is upon my hands...and the Masters and Knights here know it. Not only can they see it when I think of those times...but I have learned how to be honest...and I told them....

She spoke through the Force once again and let him get to feeling the Force as the others. The Knight then noticed that Sejah was having a difficult time with it.

"Sejah.....just forget everything! Nothing should bother you at this moment...forget that all other things exist and go from there..."

She said softly to him. Some of the others were getting it.....but she knew it was a difficult process. It was not so easy for her at first...even when she had trained as a Sith. She then felt something....one of them was using emotions to find the Force. Opening her eyes, she spoke loudly....but she did not yell.

"Padawans....do not ever use emotions to focus the Force! Never ever do that. That is the way of the darkside! There is no emotion.....there is peace...."

She said softly and then went back into her meditative state, speaking softer this time.

"You use nothing but faith to find it....it is inside you all.....search, seek...and there it shall be."

Vanair Sharkan
May 23rd, 2002, 04:29:25 PM
From the deeps of his meditation he answers her.
If you can see my thoughts then look if you will and you will see the source of my shame.......
He opened his mind completely to her and let her see all that was within. The battles that he had been in. Entire cities he had destroyed with thermal detonators and TIE bombers. At that last part he brought her to the memories of his service in the Empire. All of the killing he had done. The assasinations that were ordered not just by his commanders, but that he had been commanded by the Emperor himself. And of the comments that the emperor had made about learning his emotions and the last memory of a dieing man dressed in black handing him a double sided lightsaber saying to use it well. With all of that he receded back into his meditation and tried to sense the force.

May 23rd, 2002, 04:30:04 PM
She sighed softly and silently slid back a few paces.. She hadn't intended on it.. it had just come.. Perhaps it was the lingering guilt that brought it on..

She lowered her paws and peered around nerviously to make sure she wasn't being stared at before retreating slightly further back.. Maybe if she was more 'alone' it'd be easier.. it always had been easier not to think about things when one was on their own..

She closed her eyes and tried again, trying to ignore her thoughts.. and calm her nervs...

May 23rd, 2002, 04:41:54 PM
OOC: Sorry im a bit slow to reply, I was off watching attack of the clones for the fourth time! I love that movie!


Oriadin was still meditating in the corner of the room. It seemed he was slightly ahead of his classmates as he already had a master and had covered some of the basics. He could already tap into the force and feel it flow through him. He was doing it now. He was paying attention to Xazor at the same time. He was still pondering the question of what the force actually was. He didnt understand Xazors explination entierly. Oriadin opened his eyes, got up and sat with the rest of the group.

--The force binds us together. Not just people but all living things. The force is the lifeforce in everything. Xazor, am I anywhere close?--

Oriadin spoke with a soft tone so he would not disturb anyone trying to connect to the force.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 04:44:06 PM
Corin walked into the room breathing hard, he had cut his daily run early to arrive for the force class and frowned as he saw class had started already. he checked his name off the datapad and walked over to the crowd of padawans like himself.

"sorry i was late master Xazor, i can leave if i am interupting."

Corin looked around at the many unfamiliar faces, having only been here a little more than a week he didn't really know many people.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 05:42:15 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently to Oriadin.

"Yes...you are correct..."

She too spoke softly as to not distrube the other Padawans. Smiling to herself, she noticed another enter the room and check his name off the list. She bowed her head in greeting and smiled.

"No...do not leave. You are not too late...we have just begun class. Please...sit in one of the two rows."

The Knight instructed Corin. She closed her eyes once again, hoping that all of the Padawans would soon get it. She then thought of something.

"For those of you who are having difficulty....imagine a river of joy washing over you. Let it fill you to the depths of your soul and think about nothing but that. Reach out to that power you feel and hold onto it...for that is the Force."

She instructed softly as to not break their concentration...but to have them listen as well.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 08:24:17 PM
Corin settled down and cleared his mind. he gradually began to feel the river wash over him; renewing his whole body. it put him into a state of complete relaxation.

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi
May 23rd, 2002, 08:38:42 PM
Obi-Wan walked in and immediatly noticed Master Xazor.

He had received the message the day before and was quite anxious to meet the reknown master.

As he entered the room he bowed in a salutation manner towards the master and the other padawans. Quietly, he took a sit in the corner and waited for the instructions to start.

As he started meditating, a ...vision... came to his mind. A flashback would be the correct term. He saw his old master falling to his knees and himself screaming his name. He wasn't able to see what had cause the death since he was in another room as he felt a disturbance in the force. He has yet to figure the death of his old master and this vision came haunting his dreams every day for the past year, since the accident. His training was far from complete and needs a new master.

It is now his vision, his search...his quest.

Navaria Tarkin
May 23rd, 2002, 08:49:52 PM
For the time being, Navaria was letting Xazor conduct the class. She was focusing on sensing the general state of all the Padawans. A few she felt had many personal demons to confront. Trust was an issue with others...


She spoke in her friend's mind.

Considering that many are new and not very trusting of others, sensing the thoughts of others might not be a good idea. Privacy is important remember..

But sometimes, it was overwhelming in feeling certain emotions. Like the newest Padawan that entered. He was searching for answers to a personal matter. That much she picked up on... The connection to a Master was also evident.

Something to ponder later, Navaria thought, and answered Oriadin's question. These were the discussions that she loved most.

"You are right Oriadin. We are one with the Force ... all of us. It weaves an intricate web connecting all of us together. To even imagine how vast its power is ... well ..."

She smiled.

"... not even the greatest Masters understood the potential until they became one with it."

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 23rd, 2002, 10:05:08 PM

HUH?!! Another Obi O_o

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi: First I like to welcome you to the boards. :)

I also would like to mention something to you. There is an Obi here already. And this is frowned upon on the rping boards here. Here;s a link I am just asking you to reconsider your character as its already taken.

http://www.thegjo.com/faq.htm#What%20name%20should%20I%20chose%20for%20m y%20character?

Thank you

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 10:06:23 PM
Sene couldn't get enough of the warmth. The blanket of the cool river known as the force tickled his skin and mind. His feelings of success and happiness overwhelmed him. He couldn't get enough. Over and over again he breathed the force in, taking more and more of it in every breath. He smiled for any other reaction would have felt wrong.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 11:42:17 PM
For all the trouble he was having, Xaxor's suggestion was welcome advice to Sejah. Through other efforts, and mental focusing, he finally was able to clear his mind, and relaxed and tried to focus.

Suddenly he realized it was liek prepping for a fencing duel. He would often focus on serenity, and then find himself refreshed and ready, his mind sharp. But he had never delved oto far into his focus and calm, the moments of it being enough for his needs. This time he went all out, and once he hit the moment of clarity, he remained there.

It was amazing, all the things he could feel. Instead of only feeling focus of himself, he felt things around him, and life itself seemed to flow through his mind as he reahced what had been so elusive. So that was the Force. He had tapped it before in minute quantitites, but never knew it could offer so much realization. Quitetly, he spoke, "I'm there, Master," not wishign to disrupt the others.

Had he delved so deeply into his focus before, he would have truly been unstoppable in his matches. But the fear of something happening accidentally, like the force push he had given Satine, remained as a solemn reminder that he needed to keep control over whatever power he had.

May 24th, 2002, 01:20:02 AM
"Yes." He said quietly.

Then he looked sidelong at Sejah and smiled.

May 24th, 2002, 02:21:58 AM
Oriadin was pleased that Xazor and Navaria were pleased with his answer. He found it difficult to describe what that force was. It seemed his fellow class mates felt the same. They knew it was there but to say what it actually is in words was very difficult. Oriadin was still conected to the force. He sensed a more calm state around him and a feeling of more comfort. Probably because more and more of his classmates felt like there were getting somewhere.

Nyth Galanos
May 24th, 2002, 05:10:44 AM
OOC: Sorry everyone, I'm swamped (finals) at school and last night I went to a Blink 182, Greenday, Saves the Day concert. I'll be posting more oten, though.


Nyth let himself be lost in the Force. He let it flow around him and engulf his senses. It was in ever fiber of his body. Calming, soothing, strengthining. He cleared his mind of all thought and released his soul to the Force.

"That is the Force. It is the all encompasing entity of life. The very essence of it. It can be the greatest ally of the Light; to heal and protect. Or, it can become the object of the utter corruption of the Dark. It is the Jedi's life force."

May 24th, 2002, 05:40:16 AM
... And eventually, the young Displarian creature also finally achieved the clarity of mind, silencing all thoughts.. and without the rush of that horrid vision that had haunted much of her younger years..

She'd felt this sensation before, that feeling of something with a unique yet fimilar power flowing through the very air. There was something very different about it now that she was actually experiencing it.. It had always been a whisper on the wind, some unspoken thing that everyone knew but dare not tale in fear of conjuring something they couldn't control.. or simply refused to understand.. Her father had warned her of things like this.. but surley.. this wasn't that thing..

She could almost feel the hightened aquteness in the air, sense the warm feelings, relief.. excitment.. then something else..

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 07:39:58 AM
Xazor looked at Navaria for a moment and smiled with a nod of her head.

Indeed...I respect their privacy...unless I can feel it through the Force. Their emotions...many here are like me and I don't want them to be so. I want them to calm their emotions and try not to focus on the negative things that happen...or they'll end up making mistakes as I have.

She said in her friend's mind. Looking out over the class, she heard a few quiet "yes's" here and there, and was especially joyed when Sejah finally got it. The Knight smiled and bowed her head when a newcomer entered. She motioned for him to sit in a row as the others had...and he did so. The whole room had a warm feeling about it...all was at peace and she could tell that most had grasped the feel of the Force.

I think all of them have it, Navaria!

She spoke in her mind once again, and even her telepathic voice was laced with excitement.

Nyth Galanos
May 24th, 2002, 08:51:18 AM
Nyth sat in deep euphoria, the Force all about him. His mind wandered, back to things of his past. His heart lurched with pain. The memories came back to him. Things that he did not want to face. Not because of fear, but of anger. Both eqaully deadly things. Alone....alone...alone...His eyes snapped open, and he breathed heavily

May 24th, 2002, 09:23:16 AM
Now that Anduril was confident he could keep hold of the force while he had it. He concentrated on the other things in the room. Then suddenly, he felt it... There it was again. It was a very acute emotion, and rare in a place such as this. He senced anger.

He glanced around the room, searching for who it was coming from. He saw Nyth, soaking in anger.

He looked up at Xazor who hadnt seemed to notice yet and nodded at Nyth.

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 09:32:58 AM
Xazor could feel it and knew that one of the Padawans was consumed in anger. It saddened her heart to feel such a thing. She looked right at Nyth and sent a wave of peace through the Force.

Dear Padawan...rid yourself of that hatred and anger...or you shall begin to follow the wrong path. I don't want you to end up making the same mistakes I have.

She spoke in his mind and went back to her meditation, waiting for Navaria to say something.

ooc: Guys...we should wait for Navaria. She is busy and is not sick like me, so she can't be on all the time. Kinda slow down a bit until she is able to get on. I apologize, my friend, everyone here is very eager. ;)

Vanair Sharkan
May 24th, 2002, 11:39:36 AM
...and yet for some of us Jedi Xazor it is that very anger and hatred that keeps us....alive.

He turns his attention to Navaria...
And you....you are right in saying that some of us have our own demons.....some of us more that others....so that you will understand more clearly I bid you look.....

He opened his mind completely to her and let her see all that was within. The battles that he had been in. Entire cities he had destroyed with thermal detonators and TIE bombers. At that last part he brought her to the memories of his service in the Empire. All of the killing he had done. The assasinations that were ordered not just by his commanders, but that he had been commanded by the Emperor himself. And of the comments that the emperor had made about learning his emotions and the last memory of a dieing man dressed in black handing him a double sided lightsaber saying to use it well. With all of that he receded back into his meditation of the Force.

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi
May 24th, 2002, 03:04:18 PM
Obi-wan noticed the other padawans' actions and did the same.
He then found himself in the same position as the others, not being able to describe the feeling of everything around him.
He was quite satified and it was shown on his facial expression by an small grin/smile.

OOC: Im going to see AOTC tonight for the 7th times!
oh and the link to "what name should I choose for my character" doesnt work, cuz I think I should really change it but I have no idea.

Navaria Tarkin
May 24th, 2002, 04:08:17 PM

She said solemnly as Navaria walked up to him. The Knight looked down at this Padawan with more understanding then probably anyone here. Xazor of course had some insight but she did not serve in the Empire.

"I understand the legacy that taints a person from being part of the Empire. My family has caused numerous crimes against many beings ... the most devasting of course... Alderaan.

I myself have also been the cause, personally, of countless deaths .. much suffering and pain because I was too weak to think otherwise..."

Navaria made sure to locked her eyes with him... mediation can come after discussion.

"But ... if our entire being is described by acts of the past... we cannot move forward and you will be lost and consumed in anger... grief... and hatred. I've walked that path, Vanair... and I promise you... defining yourself like that will be your destruction."

She stepped back and addressed everyone.

"It will be the destruction of you all. Remember ... the Force aids a Jedi through a clear mind when we are at peace. Clouded minds lead us astray ..."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 24th, 2002, 09:24:53 PM
Corin took in Navaria's words and wished he had a real master to teach him one on one about the ways of the force. yet he knew they were busy and decided it was best to just bide his time. he tried to focus on the force river flowing in the room. it washed over him like a tidal wave. ridding him of all grief, fear, and hatred, of his whole past, for the time being. he wanted so much to forget it forever and just to focus entirely on his studies but he knew he could not and most likely wouldnt for a long time if ever.

Nyth Galanos
May 25th, 2002, 10:20:37 AM
"Friends, I am not consumed with rage. Rather, its an infinite saddness. Though I could turn to anger and hatred, i resist, though my path may not be any better. I hope that I will find peace here."

Nyth stood up and gazed aorund, taking in everything. Reflecting upon his thoughts.

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 10:28:57 AM
Xazor listened as Navaria spoke. Her words were wise as well, and Xazor took them in for her own benifit. She looked out over the class and then caught eye of Nyth standing.

"You will find peace here....and your sadness will go away. One cannot forget their past, for it is part of you...but if you continue living it, your future will not be any better."

She said softly, with great understanding.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 25th, 2002, 11:38:13 AM
"How can we not live our past when all it does is come back in our dreams, visions, and everyday life to haunt us?"

Corin's thoughts went out to his family and how they had been brutally murdered by Darth Uhlen. he also thought about the fact that they didn't have to die, if he had just gotten there sooner...

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 11:53:31 AM
Xazor sighed and looked down, turning to look at her friend Navaria.

Help me here friend....my past is terrible and I don't know how to explain it to them...they can move on...I have, though Corin is correct, it still haunts me from time to time. Not as much as it used to, though...

She spoke to Navaria through the Force.

ooc:Okay guys...let's wait again for Nav...I hate going on without her, she is in this thread too.

Jedi Obi Wan Kenobi
May 26th, 2002, 07:54:47 AM
OOC:I found a new name so I will be back using my new character name.:angel

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 26th, 2002, 02:11:58 PM
OOC: Thank you!! I know Obi thanks you too!! :)

Nyth Galanos
May 26th, 2002, 05:42:11 PM
ooc: Where is Nav?

Navaria Tarkin
May 26th, 2002, 06:14:19 PM
It is all right Xazor. This is why we are both here.

Navaria leaned on the side of the desk and looked to those with questions.

"Meditation and trust in the Force. It will serve as your guide as well as any of us here at the Order. One does not need to be your Master to help you through troubled times of your past.

Compassion and understanding. Trust in others and be willing to talk about what it is that bothers you.... That ... my Padawans, that will sever the spiral of continuos dreams that haunt you.

If you let it fester and boil inside you without opening up and being honest about your feelings, then those feelings .. the fear you feel or the hatred that you feel ... It will consume you.

To control ones feelings is to understand them first. And with all things ... it takes time and patience."

Ek'nar Ardosis
May 26th, 2002, 08:03:23 PM
I really hope this is the right one.. Ek'nar thought as he pushed his fourth choice of buttons on the turbolift, his previous three being the wrong ones.

As the door slid open with a 'hiss' sound, he saw a group of people of many races, and Xazor, along with a few other Knights and Msters.

Thank god, He thought as he stepped into the room, and looked around, a little embarrassed that he was late.

"Um, hi. This is the basic training class.. right?" He asked sheepishly.

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 08:28:15 PM
Xazor listened to Navaria's wise words....but the moment was interrupted by the arrival of another newcomer. She smiled at his welcome presence, remembering him from the Recruitment Center.

"Greetings Ek'nar.....yes, you're in the right place...."

She said softly and motioned for him to take a place among the other Padawans.

Zen ZoKu
May 26th, 2002, 09:31:21 PM
Walking slowly down the hall, taking in the beautiy of the Academy, Zen comes to a door and opens it.

"Greetings I am Zen ZoKu, I am sorry for the interupting your lessons but I was sent here to learn. I'm I correct?"

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:01:15 PM
Xazor looked up from the floor and smiled as the newcomer entered.

"Yes...you are in the right place."

She said with a friendly smile. She was glad that everyone was finding the class alright...and it wouldn't take long for them to catch up.

Ek'nar Ardosis
May 26th, 2002, 10:22:01 PM
Ek'nar nodded and sat down at the end of the back row, still a little nervious, although mainly from being late.

Not knowing what had happened beforehand, he just sat there quietly until instructed..

Neo Quickbeam
May 27th, 2002, 06:45:39 AM
As he steps into the room, he sees the tremendous number of people and knows that is very good..........
* I am extremely sorry for being absent. (I was at the beach)

Neo Quickbeam
May 27th, 2002, 06:50:54 AM
By the way, how do you get a good sig?

May 27th, 2002, 07:06:10 AM
OOC: As a tip us 'IC' when your talking playing the part of Neo and use 'OOC' when your talking as yourself. They stand for In Character and Out Of Character.

If you post at the Roleplaying Helpdesk and ask for someone to make you one. After a couple of days somone usually has one for you. Have an idea for a person in your signature and what youd like it to say.

Neo Quickbeam
May 27th, 2002, 07:24:02 AM
OCC: *Thank you very much Oriadin........*

Neo Quickbeam
May 27th, 2002, 07:32:18 AM
OCC: so, is everyone gone or just not talking........ I also sent this reply to see if my picture worked........

May 27th, 2002, 07:40:25 AM
OOC: Due to different time zones, you have to give people time.

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 11:24:53 AM
ooc: No more OOC guys.....use PMs please. Everyone has to learn some patience around here. This training isn't going to go fast, it isn't supposed to! Just wait for the others to post, there are still people who come to the RC who I'm sending here! Thanks bunches.... :)

Nyth Galanos
May 27th, 2002, 01:16:50 PM
Nyth stood and walked to a more deserted corner of the room, since there were still absent members and they wouldn't be starting for a while he decided to practice the new training method Master Xazor had taught him. He thanked the Force again for letting it be that he had become her Padawan. He shut his eyes and breathed deeply for a moment. Then he rose slowly off the ground, only about two feet. He ehaled and drew another deep beath. He reached out with the Force and let it tell him of the surroundings.

Ek'nar Ardosis
May 27th, 2002, 05:44:22 PM
Ek'nar watched, a little in awe, at Nyth, as he slowly levitaed himself in the air.

Wow... Was all he could think, and took a deep breath, waiting to begin.

Vanair Sharkan
May 28th, 2002, 10:37:36 AM
...and yet the past is all I have. It has made me what I am. If I deny my past I deny myself and then I have nothing. Can you answer me this. If I deny myself and become nothing what will become of me?

Nyth Galanos
May 28th, 2002, 07:55:44 PM
Nyth heard Vanair. He did not open his eyes but replied evenly.

"Friend, I too am haunted by my past....But we must trust the the Force to guide us. But never forget the past...never...for if we forget the past than we invite the same horrors and mistakes to re-enter our lives."

Navaria Tarkin
May 28th, 2002, 09:14:35 PM
First Navaria looked over at Ek'nar, smiling inwardly at his amazement.

"You can do much then same when you put faith in the Force and let it envelope you. It teaches you without speaking. More leads you by instinct.

And Nyth is right Vanair."

She looked at the troubled Padawan.

"I never said to deny your past. You need to come to terms with the past and move on... learn from the mistakes you have done... the pain that was caused. Only then can you be mindful of your present and future.... To be consumed by the past... forever will you be lost in it."

May 29th, 2002, 03:13:42 AM
Oriadin was still sat down. Feeling the force around him. There were obviously people having a few problems in connecting to the force and that was understandable. It seemed a few of the Padawans had personal problems too. The lesson was going slowly but Oriadin was patient and awaited Xazor or Navaria to give out their next instructions.

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 08:21:08 PM
Navaria's words hit home in Xazor's heart. Looking up to her friend, she listened closely. Her words were extremely riviting...and made Xazor think about how she was living. It was time for a change....a major one. A spark lit in her heart and she smiled...it was a strange smile though... it was "real". Before, she had always been trying to impress everyone else...trying to hide in her past, or hide her past from others. It was time to let go.

Never did I imagine that I would learn such a lesson in this class...and I am not even in this class!

She exclaimed in her friend's mind. It was truly a pure moment of joy in the Knight's heart. She could let go and never worry about it again! It was amazing and she wished to share this new discovery with everyone...but it was a little difficult to explain...

May 30th, 2002, 09:21:44 AM
Anduril looked suddenly at Xazor, and he smiled. Her past of remorse and anger was no longer at the back of her emotional mind. She was free.

May 30th, 2002, 10:32:58 AM
Hy`Narr pulled herself out of her almost meditative state and gazed over at Xazor... tilting her head.. She'd somewhat heard all the talk of the past in the back of her mind but it had made no sense.. To let go of ones past was to let go of ones self..

She shifted slightly and gazed around at the others as well, longish ears flicking this way and that..

Owen Veer
May 30th, 2002, 10:54:11 AM
Owen Veer steped in to the large training room. He noticed the many students just like himself. This would finally be his start down the long road to becoming a jedi.
"Excuse me Master Dawnstrider," Owen said, "I was told to come here to learn the ways of the force. Where do I begin?"

Tomak Ohara
May 30th, 2002, 01:21:55 PM
Tomak entered the room and and looked around. Many things he saw. He loved it. He was ready to begin his force training. He felt odd though.Almost as if someone was watching him intently. He shrugged off the feeling and just carried on. He awaited for someone to tell him what to do or for someone to introduce themselves. His thoughts came fast. What excitement he felt, what wonderful feelings. He continued into the room and waited....
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

Kack Mebuff
May 30th, 2002, 02:16:34 PM
Kack slowly walked into the Jedi training facility. He signed in on the date pad. Kack noticed several eyes watching the blind man walk around as though he could see. He saw several padawans just like himself, yearning to become one of the venerable Jedi Knights. Kack personally wanted to become a warrior. Not that he enjoyed excitement, but he wanted the ability to protect people and defend those in need.

He glanced around the room and saw Jedi Master Dawnstrider, the first Jedi he had met at the Temple. He walked up to her and sensed that she was busy so he bowed and backed away.

Kack sat himself against the wall and began to meditate. He could feel the random emotions around him ... excitement, anxiousness, nervousness. Kack just sat there clearing his mind, trying to connect himself with the Force.

While sitting there Kack saw the bar scene play over in his head yet again, like it had so many times before. Why hadn't he been able to save his brother? He had even foreseen the future, but he couldn't stop it. Just as that awful thermal detonator exploded Kack jumped to his feet. Suddenly, he felt many eyes upon him, and felt his face turning red as he returned to his mediatation position and waited for class to begin.

May 30th, 2002, 05:42:47 PM
Terin walks into the room ready to start his Jedi training. He awaits someone to tell him what to do. He can't wait to be a Jedi.

Xazor Elessar
May 30th, 2002, 07:59:07 PM
Xazor looked up at Owen and smiled.

"Welcome Owen.....take a seat at the end of that row and then begin to meditate. All you have to do is forget all that is happening around you and calm your mind. Quiet your heart and feel the river of power run all over you. Bathe yourself in that warm light, and then grab onto it. That is the first step....that is feeling the Force."

She instructed with a gentle smile. She then noticed a few others enter and she repeated her directions to them and motioned for them to sit at the ends of the rows. The class was growing, but that mattered not. She and Navaria could handle it...and it would be a good learning experience for all there...

Kack Mebuff
May 30th, 2002, 08:20:36 PM
Kack sat silently, clearing his mind of all preoccupations, of all the clutter of what had happened recently. Breathing at a steady rate, he began to feel as though he was slipping to another place. He was no longer in the Jedi Temple, but inside his own heart and mind. He felt at peace, as though he was with a close friend who could make everything better. And he was, that friend was the Force.

The Force felt warm and comforting, then suddenly Kack felt an extreme cold, so cold that he began to shiver. The questions began to clutter his mind again: Why couldn't I save Core? Why couldn't I prevent all this? The scene kept repeating over and over, and with each time Kack felt more and more helpless.

Kack suddenly came out of his meditation, sweating profusely, he searched deep inside himself and inside the hearts of the others and felt the calm within their own hearts. He in turn used that to calm his own nerves and went back into his meditation. Once again he felt the warmth of the Force.

Navaria Tarkin
May 30th, 2002, 08:21:30 PM
I'm glad that you feel that way, Xazor. And you must remember how you feel right now when once again those negative emotions surface... because they do eventually... they always do.

Navaria's words rang out of truth from her own personal experience.... She hoped that Xazor would continue on this path that she had found herself on.

"I think it is time to move on ... still slower for the newcomers that have arrived."

She smiled to them.

"Greetings... I am Navaria Tarkin, a Jedi Knight of the Order. Listen to what Xazor has said .... Focus and meditate on the Force. Let it be all that you sense and follow Nyth's lead and find yourself completely enveloped in its power and see what it does for you."

She pointed out the Padawan that was floating up in the air.

"Do what comes natural."

Kack Mebuff
May 30th, 2002, 08:37:15 PM
Kack continued his meditation, peace had come over him. The warmth of the Force completely consumed him, he could even see the light of the Force. As Kack sat meditating he saw the silhouette of a Jedi walking toward him in his mind. As the Jedi approached Kack could see that it was Qui-Gon Jinn, Kack's great ancestor.

Qui-Gon spoke "Do not let your remorse for your brother taint you. For if you let your sadness consume you it WILL lead you down the path of the Dark Side. Someday you will be reunited with him, I promise you that."

Qui-Gon's words finally put Kack's fears to rest, and he could feel his brother's love for him come over him. Finally, Kack would know peace. He could feel Core's life force, somewhere out there among the stars. Take care, Core. Kack thought as he felt the Force consume him.

Sene Unty
May 30th, 2002, 09:28:27 PM
Sene's breath became shallow as he drifted further into the force. He had been simply watching and listening to the other padawans as they felt the force for the first time. Sene smiled. The class, Sene realized, was full of potential. Everywhere one turned they could see a learner on the brink of self-discovery. On the brink of enlightnment. It was beautiful.

Sene himself had begun to see things through different eyes. He had begun to look without seeing. To feel without touching. To love without knowing. The force to Sene was more than just a way to read minds or to float. It was so much more. It was the way he thought. The way he felt. The way he lived. It was like standing within some God. Like being apart of it. He felt has if his past was nothing but a memory. As if it was too far behind to be important.

He would never forget.

But he would not allow it to become who he was. He would not allow the past to dominate. That much was certain.

Kack Mebuff
May 30th, 2002, 09:33:20 PM
Kack could feel someone probing his heart and mind. He searched around the room using the Force. Ah, the one called Sene Unty.

Hello, friend. Kack thought to the more experienced Jedi.

Kack continued his meditation, trying to slip back to the Force.

Alor Seerdon
May 30th, 2002, 10:13:23 PM
Alor Seerdon entered the large classroom. Master Dawnstrider had failed to tell him just how many students were in attendance.
Alor sat down next to the other students. The force was indeed strong in this room.
"Hello," a voice said from behind. "My name is Owen Veer. I too am seeking to become a Jedi."
"My name is Alor Seerdon. Nice to meet you. How long have you..."
Both students stoped their conversation. Something was happening in the room. Perhaps the class was about to start.

May 31st, 2002, 03:36:43 PM
Andúril felt without seeing. Each person enter the room, each with thier own emotions. Many of remorse, sadness, some very strong. He stopped thinking about it, putting it at the back of his mind.

Something to talk to Xazor about later, he thought.

Tomak Ohara
May 31st, 2002, 05:51:41 PM
Tomak walked to the end of the row and instead of sitting cross legged he stood straight up ad flew into the air with his wings. He stood there hovering for some time and he felt a certain warmth around him, enveloping him. He knew this was the force. He reached out for it and grabbed it feeling its warmth and power. This was true power. The power he had longed for. He would master this power. He would return to the past and save his people. He knew what he had to do, and he would do anything to acheive it. Suddenly he felt his body relax and go limp. He knew he had found it. Now that he had seen it he would learn to control it. Tomak came out of his dreamlike state and began to wonder how to use the power of the Force.

Kack Mebuff
May 31st, 2002, 08:44:47 PM
Kack sat completely consumed by the Force. He could feel it penetrate his whole body, his whole mind, his whole soul, every extension of Kack's being was saturated with the Force.

He could feel the presence of every being in the room. So many good souls in one room, it was refreshing to Kack. So often he was used to the shady characters at Swoop Races and in cantinas and such places. Sure there were always good honest people there, but most of them were scum, looking to swindel someone, or pirates, or some bounty hunter looking for their prey. Those were the people Kack was accustomed to.

But now Kack was somewhere, where the past mattered not, only the present and the future. And Kack looked forward to the future, a future as a Jedi Padawan and eventually as a Knight. But as Kack looked to the future he could sense conflict. He had to consult Jedi Master Dawnstrider.

Kack got up and approached the Jedi Master. "Master Dawnstrider, I hate to interrupt you ..." suddenly Kack felt emberassed. "I have felt a disturbance, there will be conflict soon won't there? I have felt it. What do you feel Master Jedi?"

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 08:59:06 PM
Xazor opened her eyes and looked at the Padawan who had approached her. Smiling gently, she lowered her head.

"Many conflicts will dot our futures.....but we must stay focused on the here and now. Do not dwell on the past..or worry about the future. It will come soon enough...but yes, I too have felt many things. I try to focus on now, though...as best as I can..."

She said gently. Looking up to meet his eyes with her own, she smiled once again and bowed her head. He had not bothered her at all...it was always good for Padawans to ask questions and speak their own opinions....that too was a learning experience in itself.....

Kack Mebuff
May 31st, 2002, 09:30:17 PM
Kack bowed. "Thank you, Master." Jedi Master Dawnstrider was quite possibly the wisest person he had ever met, Kack felt grateful that he was able to have contact with such a wise Jedi, let alone be partly trained by her.

He returned to his spot on the floor, and once again let the Force consume him.

Xazor Elessar
May 31st, 2002, 09:36:29 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded gently.

"You are quite welcome, Kack...."

The woman resumed her meditation, listening....feeling all things happening around her.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 1st, 2002, 07:42:26 PM
After a couple of hours of meditation Kack thought to himself, I should find out some exercises that I can do on my own. With that Kack stood up and walked over to Master Dawnstrider and bowed. "Master, I hate to bother you yet again, but are there any exercises you could give me to practice on my own? I would like to be able to strengthen my powers while not in class." Kack patiently waited for a reply ...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 1st, 2002, 09:53:26 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled. Looking to the whole class she motioned for the young Padawan to sit once again.

"Kack just asked a very good question. While out of class, yes...there are many exercises that you may do to advance in your quest for knowledge. One thing to do is as Nyth has demonstrated. While in meditation...continue to focus on nothing but be aware of your body...then imagine yourself rising from the ground. You cannot have any doubt in this, or it will not work...trust fully in the Force and you shall be able to levitate yourself."

She said with a gentle smile. The Knight motioned for the group to go ahead and try the exercise. While they fell back into meditation, Xazor did so also and began to hover above the boulder she had been sitting on. Smiling, she watched and waited for others to try.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 2nd, 2002, 01:32:54 AM
Kack sat there listening to Master Dawnstrider. He patiently waited for her to finish. After she explained the exercise to him and the rest of the class he let himself slip back into meditation.

Feeling the Force flow through his very being once again Kack cleared his mind of all clutter, and focused solely on his person. He imagined himself floating, he knew it was possible, for anything was possible with the help of the Force, Kack knew that much.

Kack carefully concentrated on his new assignment. Envisioning himself wasn't that difficult, but believing it was a different story. Once the mind learns something, it finds it difficult to let go. But that is exactly what Kack did, he let go of himself and let the Force guide him. Suddenly, Kack felt a sense of weightlessness. He felt beneath himself and found it to be true. He was a good 3 meters in the air! He almost couldn't believe it. Then all of a sudden he began to plummet to the floor. He had lost his concentration. Kack quickly struggled to regain the power he had lost and just before he impacted Kack stopped in mid air. With a sigh of relief Kack just hovered a meter or so above the floor.

Kack could sense that the other Padawans were experimenting with their new found ability as well, hearing occasional shrieks from around the room as several Jedi hit the floor. But most seemed to have a good grasp on it. Kack smiled and focused on honing this new ability.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:31:59 PM
Navaria was the quiet observer in all of this now. Mostly she was trying to feel out the students and get a sense of what they were feeling and experiencing as she walked past them.

Most, as she was happy to notice, were amazed by what the Force could accomplish. Others were excited and also wary of such ability. Those were natural reactions in the beginning ... Reations which will become focused later on.

A powerful sense of urgency and purpose did catch her as she walked by Tomak. His own reasons for learning of the Force were not pure.

"What you want to do I understand..."

Navaria said to the Padawan while Tomak was meditating...

"... I wish I could change the past as well but to play with such things and to be wishful of such things will only impede your training. The Force is not to be used in a selfish manner.... eventhough it might not be selfish to us. Remember that...

All of you must understand that. The Force is our guide... our mentor... power given to us that we must channel properly without any hidden motives."

She straightened up and walked back towards Xazor.

"To the Dark Side that it leads."

Sejah Haversh
Jun 2nd, 2002, 08:14:57 PM
The level of meditation in the Force Sejah ahd reached was not very deep, but he had not go so far before, so he did not realize how shallowly he was truly in contact with it. The mongoose kept his eyes closed as he took in the new instructions, and focused his attentions of feelign weightless.

But he found himself feeling as if he weighed a ton instead. In focusing on floating, he thought abotu gravity, and all the constraints he had grown to know as fact. They were in his head holding large signs and picketting against his urge to levitate and break the laws of physics. Every fiber of his being wished to float like he could feel some of the others were, but he couldn't force his mind to clear and let himself do so. Behind his closed euyelids, his normally pink irises began to shift to red as he grew frustrated, and he finally just gave up an a snarl and rested his forehead against a paw.

It had been much easier to learn new things when he was younger, and far more impressionable. Now he was twenty-five, and Sejah wondered if he was going to be too old for this.

Jun 3rd, 2002, 07:57:21 AM
Oriadin listened as Xazor gave out the instructions for the next step. A few of the Padawans in the room picked it up straight away. Others, like his friend Sejah seemed to be struggling a bit. Oriadin decided to give it a try. He was able to move small objects about using the force. Things like small stones and pebbles but never anything as big as himself. He was still in meditation and could feel the force running through him. He made sure he was focused and his mind was clear. He concentrated on himself. He tried to lift himslef off the ground. He rocked slightly back and forth as he felt he had to use his muscles to help him. It didnt help at all. In the back of his mind he felt he wasnt good enough to lift something this big off the ground. Sure, he could lift little things but surly something this big was completely different. As he wasnt the only one struggling he kept trying and trying. Giving up was never something Oriadin was good at.

Neo Quickbeam
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:30:49 AM
As he steps into the room, he sees the room with a tremendous amount of people........... He look over the heads of the crowd to try to find Xazor. As he gets a glint of her face, he quickly rushes to her.
*I am truly sorry for my absence. I am now currently in Virginia....... Grr. I may be cut off any minute. Well, have you found a master for me?*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:17:34 PM
Xazor listened as Navaria spoke and when she came toward her speaking such powerful words of truth, the Knight opened one eye and then both, looking at her friend. How she was learning so much in this class when she was supposed to be teaching also.

"The truth Navaria speaks. To the darkside unpure motives will lead. Emotions you feel due to things in your past will also lead you down the dark path. Trust the Force as she has said....it will guide you..."

The woman said softly, smiling at her friend and showing in her eyes that she had learned another new lesson.....

Kack Mebuff
Jun 3rd, 2002, 08:46:06 PM
Kack opened listened intently to his Jedi Masters. He smiled. He knew that they were right. Any alterior motives WOULD lead them down the path to the Dark Side.

Kack knew that one must wish to become a Jedi for the right reasons otherwise they would be willing to take short-cuts which would ultimately lead to the path of the Dark Side, a path from which there is no returning.

Kack nodded his understanding and returned to his meditation.

Jun 4th, 2002, 04:38:08 AM
Anduril tried to concentrate on this new found power. He listened to Xazor and nodded. He knew that it was possible, he had seen it done before. He concentrated on being able to fly, like a bird and felt him slowly lift off the ground.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 4th, 2002, 10:00:02 PM
"There are some of you that are trying too hard... Relax and let the Force flow freely into you. Let your feelings go ... Listen to the rhythm of your heart beating and feel each intake of air that you breathe..."

Navaria's words were spoken slowly and causally as she began walking around the Padawans again... Trying to coax the ones having trouble into believing in the Force.... And putting faith in her words.

Jun 5th, 2002, 06:01:55 AM
(Ooc: Ignore this name.. I got one to many of 'em)

Hy`narr tilted her head slightly in listening as they instructed how to levitate.. that sounded easily enough, after all.. She'd hardly ever let gravity hold much influence over her.. She loved to fly, in any way possible..

She almost closed her eyes to give it a try, until she heard Sejah's snarl... She silently scooted over towards him and leaned over to whisper softly in his ear.. "Pretend you're flying.." It sounded stupid.. But she'd used that nice little trick for ages at times to get away from the world.. To see oneself fly..

She sat herself back and closed her eyes to concentrate. That had always been her easiest field to connect with.. it didn't take her long to clear her mind.. and focus in on the sensation of flight, for she knew it well... She to soon felt herself lifting up off of the ground..

Jun 5th, 2002, 09:02:09 AM
Oriadin continued to try to levitate. He just couldnt get it. He lost his concentration and opened his eyes. The majority it seemed were able to do it without much problem. Oriadin was trying to focus but he was also trying to rush. He didnt want to seem behind the class. The more he tried the more he failed. He kept at it though but wasnt getting anywhere fast.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 5th, 2002, 10:10:38 AM
Tomak tried something different this time. He sat down and began to concentrate. He could feel the force flowing through him and he could feel its warmth. It was a feeling he had never felt before. It were as though his soul was being twice inhabited. It was a great feeling. It made him feel safe. He tried to get himself to hover for a moment and so he concentrated on flying. He tried to put all the force flowing through him beneath him so that its energy would push him up. He wrapped his wings around his body so they did not flap. He could feel himself leaving the floor, but this moment was shortlived as his confidence made him lose concentration and he fell to the ground. He sat back down and tried it again...

Zen Dracon
Jun 8th, 2002, 02:26:33 PM
Since Zen had experience in meditation because of his long years of travel and learning from different techniques, he thought it would be easy and began to free his mind from the world and was in deep concentration. After a couple of minutes he began to rise from the ground.

Jun 8th, 2002, 07:08:58 PM
Maximas had been searching for the Force class for some time. Xazor had told him about it when she met him in the recruitment center. Hed gone exploring and wanted to join the class. Finding it was not as easy as hed hoped though. Although Maximas wasnt all that impressed with the design of the buildings and the feel of his surroundings he was impressed by the size. Force sensitives everywhere he looked. He was too proud to ask someone for directions, a few people asked if he was lost and he simply told them he was exploring.

Finally he came to the Force Class. He peered inside the window to see a number of students already working away. He took a deep breath and walked in. He didnt say a word to anyone. He say on an old wooden chair and put his feet up on a table in front of him. He appeard to be chewing some kind of gum. There he awaited someone to speak to him. To tell him what to do.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 8th, 2002, 09:10:42 PM
Tomak came up to Maximas, "Cocky aren't we? We dont put our feet up here. I've read about you. A prince, because he can barely use the force. You dont know what to do. Go home. I can sense your here for the wrong reasons. Although I don't know much I would like to challenge you to a lightsaber duel. Do you accept boy, or are you afraid to fight someone who is 300 years old?" Tomak stood waiting for his answer. "By the way if you accept go to my room. The room of the vampire. I shall see you there, or at least I hope so. If you can find your way that is." Tomak said and walked off towards his room.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 09:19:41 PM
Xazor heard the words of Tomak and rose from her place...then walked over to stand in his way so he could not leave.

"No anger.....due to any reason....shall be in my classroom! Do you understand, Padawan Ohara? Sit down where you were and meditate on your actions. Though Maximas may have a bit of a cocky attitude, he is not the only one....."

She said the last words more announced than the rest as she looked right into the eyes of Tomak. He was acting very brashly....and she would not have any attitudes in the Force class. Turning around, she walked back to her place and sat on the boulder once again, taking a deep breath.

"Anger...fear....agression, these lead to the darkside and bring suffering for you and the galaxy! If you only learn one lesson from here...let that be the one. I apologize for sounding harsh, Tomak...but I am not sorry for reprimanding you on a just cause."

She said gently, looking to Navaria to make sure she was not out of place by her "ruiling". She did not intend to sound so harsh...but she had to make her point clear...it was extremely vital to the "newborn" Jedi...

Tomak Ohara
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:33:00 PM
Tomak looked at Master Xazor,"I am very sorry. It must be my blood. It needs the fight. Plus I just have a bad feeling about him, but I assure you it will never happen again. I am deeply sorry. Thank you for the advice. I shall return and meditate, but master I feel so very tired and weak. I feel as though my body has been drained. I....don't......know.....whats....wrong....withhhh hhhhh." And as Tomak spoke he passed out at Master Dawnstriders feet. He knew what he needed. He thought he would never have to feed. What he meant was he never wanted to, but his body craved the substance recently. He needed a blood pack from his room. He awoke for a moment and looked at Xazor and said," Blood....Pack... They are in my room. Beside my saber. Please retreive one. I am sorry again Master Dawnstrider." Tomak closed his eyes and felt his body drain itself for every last bit of energy it had. He needed that blood pack and quickly.......

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:39:33 PM
Xazor lited Tomak's body from the floor. She was very strong, despite the fact that she was a woman. Her muscular body could handle a lot of weight, and the fact that she was Garou added support. She slung him over her shoulder and turned to Navaria and the rest of the class.

"I apologize my friends....but there is a slight emergency. I shall return when I can...."

With that, the Knight rushed out of the doors of the Academy and made her way to the turbolift that would take him to the Living Quarters. Once there, she rushed down the hall...in search of his room. Finally she found it and placed her hand on the door. Seeing as though she was a Knight, it gave her access and she stepped inside. Setting him down on the bed, she looked for his saber and found it....along with blood packs beside.

"These? So this is how you get away with it...."

She said softly, recalling how there had been some controversy about having a Jedi Vampire. Taking the blood pack, she rushed over to him and placed it in his hands.

"There.....you'll be fine now....I know what it is like to need something to survive...."

She needed a good deal of meat every weak because she was Garou....a werewolf. Living as they were was not easy, and now they had something else in common. She smiled gently, exposing her own elongated canines as they gleamed in the light of his room. She hoped that he would be alright now...

Tomak Ohara
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:47:39 PM
Tomak lookes at Xazor and smiled," Thank you Master you can return yo class. All I need is some rest. Thank you very much. I owe you my life. Thank you....very....much." Tomak said as he pulled himself up to his pillow and fell to sleep. He would only sleep for a little while a day or so. He had not had any sleep since he had arrived, because he had been worrying about his clan. He dreamt about how they were doing right now.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:55:30 PM
Xazor smiled and rose to her feet.

"Sleep well and may the Force be with you..."

She whispered and then left to return to her Force class. After a little while of walking, she was down the turbolift and back in the classroom.

"Once again, I apologize for leaving....Tomak is alright and just needs to rest..."

She said gently and made her way to the front of the class, and sat upon the boulder beside Navaria.

"Now.....it appears as though most of you have gotten the gist of levetating yourself....now focus on something else and levitate that, such as rocks and such things."

She said gently and then turned to Navaria. She smiled, hoping once again that she was not out of line for having to leave for a few minutes...

Sejah Haversh
Jun 9th, 2002, 01:10:06 AM
Sejah had just sat with his eyes closed through Tomak's outburst and collapse. Normally he would have been upset, but, he was too frustrated at his own inability to do wahat seemed so simple to most of the others.

As Xaxor returned and suggested lifting a rock, he leaned forward and picked up a small stine that fit int he palm of his paw and set it before himself. It was a small thing, far easier to concentrate on than attempting to lift himself. Perhaps, if he started small, he could work his way up to larger items.

Inhaling a deep breath, the Nehantite tranquilized his antsy nerves, and exhaling, he closed his eyes. Images and familiar sounds came to his mind once mroe, but he swept them aside to try and connect with the Force again. It took less time, but he finally did, though still quite shallow in the pool of energy that was the Force. His tail flicked idly beside himself, an unconsious sign that his mind wasn't fully gone, but he didn't notice it. Fom those around him who had succeeded in levitationg themselves, Sejah could feel a stronger, mor positive energy, like a physical confidence. However, there was also despair and frustration in the room, and he could guess who else it was coming from.

Channeling his toughts, Sejah reached out with his mind to feel the stone before himself and attempted to lift it, but to no avail. Re-focusing, he tried again with similar results. Opening his eyes, he stared at the stone, and bent all his will to trying to see it move, hoping that somehow optics would assist him. Once more he failed miserably.

After a day of other misfortunes and embarassments, and repetitive failures in the class, Sejah was frustrated and short-tempered with himself. He wasn't representing himself, or his species well at all, unable to do supposedly simple tasks with the Force. Leanign over, he rubbed his temple with his left paw and pushed the stone around slightly with a fingertip form his other paw. Concentration had always been his poor suit, and this wasn't helping. So he sat there, trying to think of what he could be doing wrong, his tail still flicking.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 9th, 2002, 02:18:13 AM
Kack sensed the hostility between Tomak and the new Jedi that had entered the room. But when the vibes in the room calmed again. he felt a new sensation ... Tomak collapsed and Master Dawnstrider quickly carried him out. Navari had instructed them to wait for Dawnstrider to return. She did so soon after.

Kack looked at the rock he had picked up. "Not very large," Kack thought, but it would do.

Kack let himself slip to that far far away place that was the Force. He could feel its warmth overcome him and it put him into a state of serenity.

As Kack sat there deep in meditation, he formed the image of the rock rising up into the air. Kack knew that he could make the rock rise, no, not he, the Force. The Force's power was infinite. Kack continued to concentrate with all his might and sensed that the rock was moving. He lifted the stone and moved it about throughout the air. Kack smirked and gently attempted to lay it down, that didn't work so well, as his concentration slipped and the rock crashed down on his foot.

"Blast!" he said aloud as he grabbed his foot. Now he was glad the rock was smaller than he had wanted. Kack chuckled to himself and tried again to lift and lower the rock.

Jun 9th, 2002, 04:29:45 AM
Maximas sat completely silent as Tomak proceded to lecture him. He never looked him in the face and simply ignored him. In his thoughts however he felt the outspoken Padawan had no patience for anyone and as bad as it seemed he felt Tomak's collapse was justice. Afterall, Maximas had only just entered the room and already people were making opinions of him. He was greatfull to Master Xazor for getting Tomak to stop his rantings.

After Xazor returned to the classshe instructed them to move an object using the force. Great, Maximas thought. Back on his home plannet he could do this. This was the the main skill hed already got the hang of. He looked around the room for something to lift. On the side lay an old dusty book. That should do he thought to himself. He concentrated on the book and after a couple of seconds the book lifted in the air. Easy. He smirked and then looked around the room. Some people could do it and others were struggling. Maximas still hadnt said a word to anyone.

Jun 9th, 2002, 04:40:43 AM
Oriadin was still not happy that he hadnt mastered lifting himself off the ground. He was a perfectionist so he felt he had let himself down. Xazor had given the Padawans something else to try now however. To lift a small object with the force. Oriadin could do this. Verse Dawnstrider had taught him how and Oriadin had practised it a number of times. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small packet of food.

--This is as good as anything I suppose!--

He tried to lift the packet. Nothing. Oriadins face went a deep red colour through embaresment. He hoped someone wasnt watching. He could do this before, he didnt understand it. He was now feeling rather nervous and tried to do it again. Nothing.

--Hang on a moment--

Oriadin shook his head slightly as he realised what he was doing wrong. His mind was not focused. Hed been paying to much attention to the events which just occured between Tomak and Maximas. He closed his eys and proceeded to clear his mind. It didnt take long. He opened his eyes and focused on the packet of food. Oriadins face was one of concentration. Shorty after, the small packet of food lifted from the floor. A smile overcame Oriadins face as this helped ease the failure earlier.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 9th, 2002, 07:28:11 AM
Lion El' Jonson stepped through the door into the training room. He had just settled into his room when he remembered what Mistress Jedi Dawnstrider had told him, about the training academy. After visiting his ship to check up on it, he made his way down to the training academy. Or at least, he tried to. After taking three wrong turns, he went to ask what he thought was a protocol droid for directions. Unfortunately, it turned out to be a sanitation droid which squealed loudly at him before continuing on its way.

He decided to swallow his pride and ask for directions. After asking a fairly short creature with massive ears for directions, he proceeded to the academy. As he entered, he noticed many other padawan learners meditating inside...

(ooc: im trying to make one of those funky sig things, but photoshop elements is acting up on me...and, do I need to wait for a master to get a lightsaber? If so, i will wait...a jedi must learn patience^_^; )

Tomak Ohara
Jun 9th, 2002, 10:10:03 AM
Tomak staggered down the hallway. His strength still depleted he continued to the force class. A jedi could never give up even if he was weak. Tomak thoght to himself,"I can't give up. My peoples future depends on me. I wont give up no matter how weak I am." Tomak enetered the force class, and heads turned to see Tomak walking in the class so soon. He saw some students get up to take him back to his room. Tomak just put up his hand and pushed them away. His determenation exceeded everything right now. He knew he had to make amends. He came up to Maximas and extended a hand in friendship. "I am sorry. We got off on the wrong foot. My name is Tomak Ohara. I know yours Maximas. The renowed king. You are very popular." Tomak returned to his stone and sat down with some trouble. And then he began to meditate.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 9th, 2002, 11:12:08 AM
"Hmmm.........it seems.....very quiet" Lion El' Jonson thought to himself...

He thought he saw something move in the corner...

"Hello?!" he called out. "Is anybody there?"

Jun 9th, 2002, 12:35:52 PM
Maximas shook Tomaks hand when he offered to make the peace. He nodded to him. It was a friendly nod. He did not wish to make enemys here. In his mind though he got a pleasing feeling that it was Tomak that came to him and not the other way around. He didnt let it show though.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 9th, 2002, 02:46:36 PM
Tomak looked at the strange man who just called out to him. "Yes someone is here my friend. Is something wrong?" Tomak staggered from the shadows and showed his whole body."I am Tomak Ohara. I may look odd, but I just had an accident. Is there anything I can do for you my friend?" Tomak said as he showed his elongated teeth.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:35:48 PM
"Oh, hello" replied the young man. "I'm sorry to disturb you, I was just looking for a place to train. It seemed empty to me..."

He moved over to a nearby wall, unsure of what to do...

"All of these Trainees have no master?" he asked..."Oh, I'm sorry, my name is Lion El'Jonson. I assume your accident had something to do with Mistress Jedi Knight Dawnstrider rushing down the hall a while ago?"

Jun 9th, 2002, 06:06:40 PM
She set herself back down and listened in silence as the others talked.. and then began to bicker.. She peered over at the source and tilted her head.. then slowly shook it.. This wasn't her argument.. She was simply going to leave it be..

Again.. she could feel Sejah's frustrations.. She glanced over at him and watched his struggle with the stone, leveling her ears back slightly.. "You're trying a little to hard.. Relax.." She reached over to snatch the stone up as he pawed it around.. gazing at him intently..

"You focus to much on rules.. You live by the law of gravity.." She held it between her claws.. "This stone.. lives by thoes same laws.. Smooth, cold, and weighted by its own physical mass.. but that never stopped it.. It is still a thing of the Earth.. Just like you.. And according to to gravities law.. this rock can't fly.. but when I throw it.. it does fly.. until the planets pull can catch it again.." She paused.. "Convence this rock that gravity does not exist.."

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:13:36 PM
Navaria was quite happy with what she was seeing. Not only was this day to teach some fundamental aspects of the Force... This was an opportunity to meet fellow Padawans and help each other learn. And that was happening before her very eyes.

Today was a good day.


She leaned over and whispered into her friend's ear.

"Watch over things for me and encourage the Padawans to help one another. It is a wonderful trait to nourish. I'll be back shortly with things needed for the next part of today's teachings."

The Knight stepped back and nodded to Xazor and stole a quick glance back at her classroom before heading back towards the Academy.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:25:12 PM
Kack listened to Master Tarkin telling them to help the others in the class. Kack noticed the furry creature he had passed in the halls, his name was Sejah, Kack thought.

The padawan was working feverishly to perform the task, Kack noticed Sejah's tail flickering in the air. But he just couldn't raise the small stine.

Kack stood up and walked over to Sejah. Kack bowed and spoke, "Master Tarkin has asked us to help others in the class, need a hand?" Kack smiled warmly as he waited for Sejah to reply.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:30:24 AM
Looking up, Sejah tried to smile, but it came out glumly. "Hi, yeah, I, um, I can't seem to get this right." He said, though he still felt stupid for not having been able to do what many of the younger padawans could.

Sitting up straighter, he pulled his tail around to his other side, and then cleared his throat. "Well, I guess my question is, how do you do it? I mean, I can get into the Force, and then feel the stone, but I can't do anything more than that. Do you imagine it going up, or do you just will it to, or, well, I just don't get it..." He trailed off, feeling even more foolish for not even understanding how it was supposed to be done.

At least Oriadin had gotten it again, if only at the moment. Sejah remembered having accidentally interrupted him while he was practicing once before, and his mind smiled at the sight of him being abe to do it again.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:58:19 AM
Xazor listened to Navaria's words and nodded gently with a smile.

"I will do as you have asked...."

She said softly as her friend left the Academy for some things to aid the class. The Knight then looked out over the class and watched as the students helped one another. It was a good day, and a wonderful to see them all working together. That is how the Jedi should be....

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:48:09 AM
He had felt the force class before he saw it; the padawan in various states of frustration or euphoric joy were making a lot of emotional background noise, it was only when Kakita rounded a corner and stood on the threshold did he see how many attendees the class had; it took him by surprise.

A quick glance found the Jedi who had met him in the Recruitment Centre, he cleared his mind and strove to find at least a little of his unremembered power; tentatively he attempted to connect with Xazor.

Milady Jedi, I have arrived; a little late it seems, but I am here nonetheless.

He smiled and bowed, hopeing that it had worked.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:48:42 PM
Kack sat down next to Sejah. "Well, what I do is ... well, I guess I have an advantage, being blind, I don't actually see the stone at all. But I just invision it lifting from the ground. Since I can't see it sitting in front of me I suppose it's easier but, just close your eyes. But remember you must be completely in touch with the Force. You gotta feel the warmth of it surround you. Oh, and by the way, I'm Kack, you're Sejah, right?" Kack said as he smiled warmly.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:21:31 PM
Xazor looked up, meeting eyes with the old man she had met in the Recruitment Center. Kakita Yoshi, the walking fossil and trove of history. She heard him speak in her mind and smiled with a gentle nod.

It is quite alright that you are a bit lit, most everyone here was late....

She spoke in his mind. Smiling once again, the Knight looked out over the class in anticipation of when Navaria would arrive with the things she had gone to retrieve...knowing very well what it was that she went to get.....

Sejah Haversh
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:37:00 PM
Kack was blind? Sejah hadn't known. Then again, he guessed that he just hadn't been paying that much attention to things outside of what he was trying to do. Even though he couldn't see it, Sejah smiled back at Kack anyway and straightened his posture.

"Good to meet you, Kack, I am Sejah, as you said," GHe replied in a slightly cheeful tone before straighening the position of the stone and then closing his eyes. "So just concentrate, and fall into the Force, and that should let me do it, right? He asked, and then continued on for he allready knew the answer, "Well, here goes nothing..."

Clearing his mind of all distractions and thoughts, sejah focused it on the flow of energy around himself, and all things outside of his body as well. There was the stone, and before it was Kack. Being that close, his aura was unmistakable. Closing his perceptions down to the stone, Sejah imagined it lifting up, and then became testy when it wouldn't rise. Calming himself, he tried once more, and fet it jiggle a bit, and slide to the right not even a half centimeter. Taking a deep breath, the mongoose ppoured all his thoughts into lifting it, and for a split second, it raised form the ground, only to fall a back again, refusing to go up anymore.

But that was good enough for him; he knew that he could in fact move things now, even if it were just ever so slightly. Opening his eyes, he looked back at Kack and said, "Thanks. I got it, a little, but man, I'm starting to get a headache."

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 10th, 2002, 03:12:49 PM
Moving to the back of the class and feeling a little out of place amongst the host of youthfull padawan, Kakita sat down.

The others seemed to be in various states of meditation, so, with a little quieting of his mind he began to invert himself and find his centre.

Quietness did not so much descend, more push sound out of his head, It was a cocoon inside which serious work could be done.

With silence achieved, all that remained was to completely divorce the myriad thoughts that buzzed constantly inside his head. That would be a challenge.

Jun 10th, 2002, 04:32:06 PM
Maximas watched as some of his fellow class mates struggled. He watched as some decided to help others. He was not so keen to help the others around him. He found it hard to understand why some found such a simple task difficult. Maximas huffed slightly, folded his arms and looked out of the window. He was getting bored waiting for everyone to catch up.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:54:10 PM
Lion El' Jonson settled into place in one of the corners of the training room with a rock. He looked around, then thought to himself "lifting rocks...that should be easy enough..."

He placed the rock on the floor and tried to lift it with the force. The key word there was that he tried...his mind kept flashing with images and thoughts..he must look stupid, trying lift a rock without touching it. Maximus, another trainee lifted a rock into the air with casual ease and set it back down...LE'J fought down a wave of embarrasment

"Don't worry about the others...think about the rock..." he thought.

Where had he heard that before? Shaking off that last thought, he cleared his find and focused only on the rock and moving it with the force. He heard someone say "close your eyes", so he did. After turning his mind to lifting the rock, he closed his eyes and waited...20 seconds went by, and his eyes flickered open..to see the rock in mid-air. He yelled out a scream of "Yesssssss!", which promptly turned to an "Owwww....." as the rock fell onto his foot.

"Oh well, at least it got into the air", he thought to himself, trying to ignore the laughter of a few trainees behind him and trying to get rid of the throbbing pain in his foot...

Jun 10th, 2002, 05:08:03 PM
Oriadin had been casting an eye over the group. He was ahead of many in using this skill. Maximas it seemed was very skilled at this and seemed to alienate himself from the group. Oriadin watched as Lion made his attempt. It didnt take to long for him to get it. It didnt take him long to lose it either!

Oriadin moved to sit next to him.

--Not bad! Not to bad at all. As a bit of advice, next time try to keep hold of your emotions. Try to stay calm at all times and focus. You got excited about performing the task. The same as I did. You need to learn to focus and concentrate and then you will have it.--

Oriadin smiled at the padawan and hoped his advice would help.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:51:26 PM
Lion listened to the man's advice. He seemed very friendly and willing to help.

He concentrated, letting the emotions flow out of him. He opened his eyes quickly, noticing that the rock was hovering in mid-air again. He was about to celebrate again, and the word's were forming on his tongue, but then he remembered the pain in his foot. The rock wobbled dangerously as he fought to regain his calm. Slowly, he managed to put the rock back dawn, and exhaled. He'd been holding his breath.

He held out his hand as he sat there, inhaling.

"Thank you. Your advice is very wise. My name is Lion El' Jonson. What is yours?"

Kack Mebuff
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:59:32 PM
Kack chuckled at his new friend. "You did great, the lifting for the first is the hard part, once you get past that it gets easier. Once you believe that you can lift the stone, you will be able to without hesitation. It gets easier, I promise."

Kack demonstrated with a wave of his hand lifting the stone up to eye level and making it move in circles. Kack stopped the stone, and took Sejah's wrist and placed his paw palm up. "Hold your hand there," Kack instructed. Sejah did, and Kack with the stone still in the air slowly and gently placed the stone in Sejah's paw using the Force.

"Now you try. You CAN do it. You just have to believe you can."

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:09:16 PM
ooc between me, oriadin, kack, sejah, and all the other trainees, this board is getting as confusing as a [insert word here], lol

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:09:43 PM
OOC~ Yes I know but considering the lack of trainers :( gotta do what you gotta do.

Also, keep OOC posts to a minimum. Clutters the thread and we don't want that. I'll post tomorrow so that way people can catch up and also get to know one another by rping with each other. Besides Xazor can keep you all in line :p

Sejah Haversh
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:34:53 PM
OOC- Lion, please watch your language.


Smilign and nodding, Sejah replied, "You make it look so easy. Well, perhaps it is." Setting the stone down for a moment, the mongoose unfastened the straps holding his gloves on, and then pulled them off, setting them to his side.

"There, feel a little freer this way," He commented while popping his knuckles and stretching out his fingers. Closign his eyes, Sejah fell back into the Froce as if stepping into a wading pool from the shore. Slipstreams of other Force augmentations passed through the air around him as some lifted thier various objects, but he was able to find his own track, and the stone through the busy connection.

Placing his paws beside the stone with his palms facing it, Sejah let himslef relax instead of concentrating, and imagined the stone rising between his palms. For a minute or two, it didn't work, but fdinally, the stone began to tremble, and then lift slightly. Fallign back, it bounced off the floor as he caught it up in the Force once more. As he raised his paws, the small stone floated up with them.

A smile of contentment crossed his features as he opened his eyes and saw it floating there. Pullign his right paw back, he cupped his left beneath the levitating rock, and watched it. Suddenly it began to fall, and Sejah panicked, concentrating hard on maintaining its height. But something went wrong.

In a violent -BANG- the stone that had fit int he palm of his paw exploded, sending bits of shrapnel flying dangerously around, though mostly at himslef.

"Gah-ouch!" he snarled as shards of stone bit into his left paw, forearm, upper body, and thighs. Two small fragments even stung his face. Gritting his teeth, the mongoose worked hard to keep his left paw from closign and digging the chunks of rock deeper. His eyes were a pale shade of pink and were quickly welling with a rim of tear fluid. Allready spots of blood were beginnign to show on his clothing, though he was not seriously injured. Swallowing hard, he muttered, "I think I did that wrong..." then looked up to Xazor as he stood, a drop of blood fallign to the floor from his paw, "Master Xazor, I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me."

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:21:55 AM
ooc: (I promise this is the last!) sry, I'm slightly, err, angry today...but anger is the way of the dark side...anyway, i changed it...won't happen again

"I wonder where Mistress Jedi Dawnstrider is?" he thought to himself..."I haven't seen her since I got here, which is odd, considering she teaches the class...oh, wait, there she is." He sighs and goes back to his work, with Oriadin helping him...after about 30 minutes, he can lift a rock with little trouble...it's still, hard, but it doesn't seem impossible anymore...

Jun 11th, 2002, 02:35:39 AM
--My name is Oriadin. Pleased to meet you.--

Oriadin was very pleased that he had managed to help a fellow padawan. He was more pleased at the fact that more and more people were getting the hang of it. Just as a smile came accross Oriadins face, Sejah managed to drop the stone he was using and small bits scattered everywhere. Oriadin ducked although no bits came anywhere near him. Sejah, it seemed wasnt so lucky. He had injured himself but lukily it didnt look that bad. He hoped he would be ok.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:50:38 AM
LE'J had just managed to get the rock into the air when he heard a shattering noise and looked up to see Sejah's rock smash against the floor, scattering bits everywhere...Lion stood up quickly and rushed across the room, nearly running into his own rock as it settled onto the floor.

He was almost to Sejah when he realised that the furry creature was getting up, bleeding a bit. He hoped that Sejah would be okay. He returned to his own rock, thinking that he had been lucky to have not been hit by the shards of stone.

"Oriadin, do you think that he'll be okay?" he asked.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:47:09 AM
Kakita soon found that silence was as noisy as the gentle hum of the class around him; thoughts buzzed like gnats inside his shell, their whispers that usually accompanied him whilst he was in a normal frame of mind were amplified, thousands of voices screamed at once; faces unremembered and others seen that very day in a corridor, all were open mouthed and screaming.

As unsettling as the noise was, Kakita still attempted to quiet his mind, but the harder he tried the more intrusive the noise became; working for what seemed for an age a cool breeze stirred his hair, not remembering an open window when he entered the class he opened his eyes to look around and was stunned by what he beheld:

Where the class and other padawan had been there was a riverbank; a cool breeze had, in fact been blowing, the borrowed robes he wore were rippling in the gentle air and the perspiration of concentration (what had felt like hard labour) now cooled him.
Momentarily lost in sensation, Kakita was drawn back to his work, even in the idyllic location he inhabited now, he could hear the noises...wailing, conversation long forgotten and some going on as he meditated, he even heard a bang and a yelp of pain; whichever way he turned they were always behind him, but there was another sound present, the gurgling of the river, unseen only a few paces away.

Stepping forward he beheld the source of the pleasant sounds, what had seemed to be a stream was a huge gulf, filled with liquid silver; stepping from the bank and onto the sandy shore the other noises redoubled their frantic jabbering, seeming to move in closer, unperturbed, Kakita stepped again and placed his feet in the shining shallows.

Wading ever deeper the noise grew, but a draw from the strangely calm (although apparently rushing) waters beckoned Kakita deeper and deeper. Standing waist deep, the noise ringing in his ears, all suddenly became quiet; the noise ceased, seemingly carried through his body and into the river itself, peace descended and at last Kakita opened his eyes.

The room was still bustling, but a sense of calm like nothing else was upon him; staring down, he saw he was hovering just off the floor.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 11th, 2002, 01:20:08 PM
Xazor noticed the blood drip on the floor when Sejah stood up. Getting down from the boulder, she walked over to the mongoose. He seemed to tower over her in hight, but her "stature" was tall as well. She smiled and gently placed her hands over his wounds....healing them through the Force. She was quite good at it, and in a matter of a minute, he did not even have any scars.

"There, I am sure you will be fine, Sejah..."

She said softly and began to walk around the class, watching as the Padawans helped one another. The Knight smiled as she watched some of them get it right away....while others struggled. It was satisfying to know that all of them would understand in time.

"If any of you have questions or need help, do not be afraid to ask eachother...or me."

She informed them gently as she began to walk back toward the front of the class.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 11th, 2002, 03:47:08 PM
Kac quickly dove out of the way, not evening thinking, the Force already had him one step ahead. A bit of shrapnel caught him in the upper thigh. Kack landed with a hard thud. "Blast," he said aloud as he examined the cut.

Kack pulled the piece of stone out of his thigh and quickly covered the wound with a small bandage from his belt. Kack didn't have Force healing powers yet, but he would in time, so this would do for now.

Kack stood himself up and quickly ran over to Sejah to check on his friend. Sejah had several mild cuts from the explosion, but nothing serious. He sighed with relief.

Sejah looked at Kack looking a little emberassed. "Hey you got it float didn't you?" Kack said trying to lighten the mood. "Don't worry about it, friend, no one was seriously hurt, it'll be alright."

"Let's try something new. How about trying to levitating youself?"
Kack could feel that Sejah wasn't very confident after this little setback.
"Don't worry, it's just like moving the rock, only you won't explode, hopefully." Kack said reassuringly.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 11th, 2002, 05:07:50 PM
As Xazor healed him, Sejah felt better than he had ina long time, at least physically, though he was embarassed for having messed up so badly. "Thank you," He nodded as she turned to go away, and then he looked at his paw, flexing it to test how well it actually felt.

Nothing was left of his injuries but the blood stains on his clothing, and it was an interesting feeling. Sitting back down, he looked to Kack as he spoke to him, and shook his head. "Um, I didn't think the rock would explode, Kack, I think I'll wait a bit on trying to lift myself, if you don't mind." He said, his voice nervously joking.

Sighing, the mongoose reached out and pulled his gloves back on, lest something else happen while he wasn't wearing them. Bits of the rock lay before him, and he absent-mindedly swept them into a small pile. Hopefully whatever was next would go better. He didn't quite know how it could go worse...

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 11th, 2002, 07:49:14 PM
Navaria came back, a hoversled trailing behind her. It was being pushed by a mechanical driod and had three crates resting upon it. She noticed the relative point at which each Padawan was. Some were working by themselves still, others were helping each other. It didn't surprise her that a few were having difficulties as well as some Padawans were wrought with arrogance and boredom.

She pointed to a clear spot on the ground for the droid to set the sled down and called out to Xazor.

"Start getting them ready."

Was all that needed to be said and the Knight went through opening the equipment.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:01:02 AM
From his comfortable position, a couple of inches in the air, Kakita saw the second of the two trainers, one Lady Tarkin, enter the class. Interest in her quickly changed to interest in her luggage, the crates trailing behind her sparked interest, the enigmatic order to Xazor also intregued him, but as ideas took up residence inside Kakitas empty and calm head his controll over his height and stability in the air faltered.

Flailing about to maintain balance, Kakita managed to lower himself to the ground and recover some lost dignity.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:32:31 AM
LE'J looked around trying to figure out what to do now. Sejah was completely okay, thanks to Mistrees Jedi Dawnstrider's healing abilities. He hoped that he would be able to do that, someday. But for now, Lion was just trying to figure out what to do. Staring around, he noticed a man that was named Kakita as well as a few other trainees levitating themselves.

"Looks easy enough" he thought aloud

As he was ending his sentence, Kakita flailed about, trying to regain his balance...the man managed to settle onto the floor, and Lion started to have second thoughts.

Oh well...he sat on the floor, in a meditating position, trying to levitate himself as he had done to the rock. He strained as hard as he could and managed to get a couple of inches into the air before coming back down to the floor with a large thump...he sat there, trying to figure out how to get into the ir and stay there, noticing that Mistress Tarkin had arrived, with a considerable amount of cargo with her...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:22:34 AM
Xazor lofted a brow at Navaria's words and she smiled as she brought out the crates.

"Alright everyone...split into two even numbered groups. This should not be hard. Sejah, Lion, you two can be "group leaders" if you will, just keep a count while I help Navaria."

The Knight instructed and then moved over to her friend. She helped her offload the crates and she looked to her for some guidance.

Is that what you wanted me to do?

She questioned in her mind as they continued readying the crates...

Jun 12th, 2002, 10:35:15 AM
ooc: sorry, i aint bin positin for a while so i gotta backtrack a bit.


Anduril had mastered levitating himself and was fairly confident with the rocks. He picked a rounded one in frount of him and, closing his eyes, concentrated on the force. He felt the rock as he concentrated on it he opened his eyes and lifted his hand slightly. The rock rocked onto its side. Then lifted from the ground. As he was concentrating, he felt Sejah's emotions beside him. As the rock smashed onto the ground he anticipated it. Letting his rock fall he put out his hand. Looking at the floor, he saw fragments of rock hovering in frount of his face in mid air. He smiled and scooped the fragments into his hands. He put them on the floor and saw Sejah.

"Dont worry friend, you'll be ok."

He then turned his intrest to Navaria and her cargo.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 12th, 2002, 12:53:32 PM
(OOC- Everyone, Sejah's rock did not shatter when it hit the floor; it blew up in midair as he tried to keep it from falling. Just needed to clear that up.)

As Xazor assigned him the new position, Sejah's eyes went a little wide. After having fared so miserably at the previous excersises, he hadn't expected to be given any authority in further training.

But, he also knew it would not be wise to refuse; if Xazor thought he could handle it, he would do his best. Standing up, the Nehantite straightened his clothing, and craned his neck to see what might be in the crates, though it was to no avail for he couldn't maake out the writing on the sides of them. So he stood, waiting for further instruction, and occasionally glancing back at 'his' group to make sure they didn't stray.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:44:48 PM
Content to allow things to wash around him Kakita re-floated himself and forced all thoughts from his mind.

He was happy to let the group leaders make his choice of group for him, meanwhile, he decided to attempt a little multi-tasking.

Whilst maintaining a gentle hover, he focused on one of the rocks provided for training purposes; gentle manipulation brought the stone sailing infront of his face, it seemed happy to hover at Kakitas gentle persuasive request and Kakita was happy with the power he could (without much effort) command.

Hankering after a more difficult challenge, Kakita turned to the larger rocks and whilst maintaining his own flight and the smaller stones he excerted his will over yet another object.

Tomak Ohara
Jun 12th, 2002, 03:59:57 PM
Tomak split into Sejahs group. He thought that he had done excellent, but he knew better than to question a jedi. He was still searching for a master. He had to save his people. He glanced over at Sejah, and saw that he seemed depressed. Tomak thought that after training he would have a little suprise for Sejah waiting at his room. He also thought about Azhure. Would she respond to his request? He took his mind off of it, and thought about the task at hand.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 12th, 2002, 07:04:40 PM
"Place both of these over there. After that you can power down until you are required again."

The droid bowed and began carrying the two crates to be set on the ground where Navaria indicated.

Upon hearing Xazor, she had to close her eyes briefly. Her fellow Knight's lack of confidence wasn't strong but it was apparent.


She began, kneeling down by one of the crates.

"If you do what you feel is best, then of course it is all right. If I didn't trust, I wouldn't have asked you to break them into groups."

Navaria added with a wink.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 07:22:03 PM
Xazor grinned to herself and knelt down beside Navaria to help her take things out of the crates. She looked back to watch the Padawans put themselves in group....a good exercise for quick organization, for they would need that in future missions.

"They're doing so well.....I am very pleased...."

She said softly as they continued pulling equipment from the crates..

Jun 13th, 2002, 02:15:07 AM
Oriadin decided to go into Sejahs group. He had got on pretty well with the Mongoose and felt it would be a good idea to work with a friend. Oriadin was very curious to know what was in the crates. He was patient though and deicded that he would find out soon enough.

Jun 13th, 2002, 02:20:57 AM
Maximas was still messing with his stone which was floating in mid air. It was swaying from side to side slightly. He placed the stone back down as Xazor told them to get into groups. He took a quick look at the two leaders. Sejah to him looked pretty lacking as a leader. His previous attempt at lifting his stone with the force was less than impressive. If the team leader cant even do the tasks, this could be very slow, he thought to himself. Therefore he joined Lion's group. He was a bit mystified as to why he didnt get the opertunity to be a team leader. Arrogance surrounded him as he thought he was better than everyone in the class, except the teachers of course.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 13th, 2002, 03:42:37 AM
Mistress Jedi Dawnstrider had instructed him and Sejah to be group leaders, so he kept count as people moved into his group...surprisingly, Maximas joined him, and even his extremely limited force powers could sense the arrogance surrounding him...

"Hey, Maximas, I think that you should have been group leader, you're much better than me, but Jedi Dawnstrider told me to, for some reason...I don't question what she says, she's very wise"

Actually, Lion was pretty sure he knew why Maximas hadn't been assigned group leader, and he was equally sure that Maximas must have taken that as a personal blow, no matter how small the role.

So far, most of the trainees had gone over to Sejah's group, which was fine...

(ooc: Sorry, Sejah, I'm a bit lazy when it comes to reading other threads...and Xazor, any reason you assigned me as group leader? Not that I'm complaining or anything! :p lol)

Jun 13th, 2002, 09:50:43 AM
Anduril looks at the size of both groups and walks over to Lion.

-He has less people for some reason, i'd better even them up a little- he thought.

He looked at Maximus as he walked over.

"You have distain for Sejah? This is not necessary. He wasn't chosen for his abilities for lifting rocks."

Nevertheless, he wasn't entirely happy with the people he had chosen with. He smiled to himself as lion did not speak his own feelings when complementing Maximus, he was sure on that.

Turning to Xazor he said "Do the groups need to be even, or any particular size? If we knew this it might be easier to choose our groups."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:26:01 PM
Xazor watched as people fell into groups. She smiled and rose to her feet as questions popped up.

"I need two even groups....unless there is an odd number of you. Sejah and Lion, if you two could keep it organized, I would be most happy. Keep working together....."

She knelt down once again but felt some feelings of distain in the room. It seemed as though someone was having a particular difficulty accepting the way things were being run. It was time to teach a lesson to the whole class. She told Navaria that she would be right back...and then she made it to the front of the group.

"Listen everyone! Pride comes before the fall. Those who are humble shall be exalted, and those who are exalted...shall be humbled. Do to others as you would have done unto yourself...and do not let personal feelings get in the way of achieving dreams...."

She said softly as she looked from face to face. It caught the ears of a few and made some of them stop and think, exactly what she had set out to do. They needed to ponder these words and think about them as they broke into groups.

Slowly the Knight made her way back to Navaria, and sat down to help her unload the equipment once again. Her words had been thought out....and they were things that the Padawans had to learn now, or they would have problems further down the road....

ooc: I just answered your question Lion. :D

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 13th, 2002, 02:38:17 PM
The master's words cut close to the bone, Kakita felt momentarily guilty about letting others get on with things and settled all his 'juggling balls' down on the floor once again.

Once he regained his seat on solid ground he studied the two selected leaders, the padawan Sejah seemed a popular choice, the offers of help he had accepted from the other padawan had certainly endeared him to them, but, unwilling to base his discision wholly on personality Kakita turned his attention to the second candidate, Lion El' Jonson; this padawan seemed to have the correct mix of modesty and focus, and these things coupled with his slightly stronger personality spurred Kakita over to his group.

As he passed Lion he placed a hand upon his shoulder and whispered in his ear;

"Do not discount yourself, the one called Maximas was not chosen for a reason, you understand this as well as I do; it is because of your lack of 'attitude' that you will make a good leader, it is because of your strength of character and not your hardness of head that will lead you ,and us, to success."

Zen Dracon
Jun 13th, 2002, 04:43:53 PM
OOC: Sorry, my internet has been down so i dont understand what you guys are doing. Can anyone put me up to date?:huh

Jun 13th, 2002, 05:00:19 PM
Maximas listend to Xazors words as she did her bit of preaching. He didnt really see the point of what she had to say so was less than impressed. As he stood behind Lion waiting for the next part of the lesson to begin he overheard Kakita mention his name. He couldnt really make out what he was saying though. He gave him an evil glare before shouting out

**If youve got something to say about me, why not say it to me? Afraid are you?**

Maximas had a very displeased look on his face. He was begining to get the impression a couple in the class were ganging up on him. There was a short pause before Maximas spoke to himself under his breath

**Silly old fool!**

Xazor Elessar
Jun 13th, 2002, 05:43:38 PM
Xazor's very sensitive Garou ears perked up at the words he intended no one else to hear. Rising to her feet, she walked over to the front of the group once again.

"It has come to my attention that there is some great dissension in this group. I will not have this kind of behavior in my classroom! Now, we are going to do this process a bit differently. Maximas, you will be partners with Kakita....and you will hold his hand as the groups get situated. If I hear one word from you....I will be likely to give you a private spar. I want all of you to do the same....find a partner, hold hands and join a group until two even groups are formed and I approve. One way or another....those of you who do not know humility will learn it! Now, move!"

Her voice was strong and powerful....the Force aiding it to hit their ear drums a bit harder than normal words. She turned away from the group and walked back to Navaria to continue helping her...

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 13th, 2002, 09:37:16 PM
OOC~ Zen, we had the Padwans sit and learn to meditate, channeling the Force and try to lift objects or themselves.

Now we are breaking up into groups and then well ... you'll see

IC~ "Xazor ... I have a better idea ... and if it doesn't work, them we shall resort to your plan B as they say."

Her eyes betrayed no humor or any signs of approval as the once soft blue eyes turned hard fast, glaring at Maximus.

"I want you right here next to the sled and droid. Sitting. Meditating. Clearing your mind until there is nothing but your body and the Force in harmony."

Navaria's eyes narrowed further.

"And I mean harmony, Padawan. No trace of any emotions especially the arrogance in your heart. Only until then shall you be permitted to learn the ways of the Force any further. And besides ..."

A grin spread across her lips.

"... if you are so much better then anyone here ... this should be easy."

She turned to Xazor, the displeasure already melting away.

"See if anyone else is having difficulties in finding a group to be a part of."

I would like to avoid an actual spar if at all possible. Hence it being plan b

Jun 14th, 2002, 02:29:13 AM
Maximas had a face like thunder at the thought of having to work with Kakita. He didnt want to work with him but as it seemed the tutors in the group were also singleing him out for reasons Maximas couldnt understand he decided to keep his mouth shut. Just then Navaria spoke up with an alternative. Maximas thought this was much better than Xazors suggestion. She continued to speak. Meditate...No emotion...especially the arrogance...

Maximas switched off at this point. Arrogant? he thought to himself. He couldnt see how arragant he was being but decided hed better do as the Jedi had asked. We walked up to the front of the class and sat next to the droid. He took a quick glance around at the other Padawans who all seemed to be stareing right at him now. He closed his eyes and began to meditate. He was trying to clear his mind but the thoughts of Kakita talking about him behind his back and being singled out by people kept springing back in his mind. Slowly, Maximas let go of everything until he was sat there in what seemed like a trance.

**There Master**

Xazor Elessar
Jun 14th, 2002, 06:52:52 AM
Xazor looked at Navaria and smiled.

I did not wish for them to spar....I only had them partnered for finding a group and working together like that...

She said softly in her friend's mind. Indeed, Navaria's plan was a bit better than her own...but she had wanted to put an end to his arrogance. It was ruining the feel in the classroom...and something had to be done. Now he sat in meditation saying that he was done. She felt the aura around him and there was nothing. Sighing to herself, she went to help others find their groups and she let Navaria deal with "Mr. Arrogance"....

Jun 14th, 2002, 09:12:27 AM
Anduril listened carefully to Xazor's words, acknowledged that they were not entirely for his benefit, he tought for a while and then stood by Lion, waiting to be instrcted.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:42:42 PM
Kack walked over to Sejah, and smirked. "Need a partner, friend? I sure do."

Sejah Haversh
Jun 15th, 2002, 03:32:40 AM
Sejah didn't complain when he was made a leader, but he wasn't quite sure why he had been picked, either, He had truly done the worst on all the other assignments.

Luckily, when Kack asked him to partner up, it took his mind off that subject. "Um, okay, sure." The mongoose said, then takign a seat as Xazor had told them to. As he closed his eyes to drop into Force meditation again, Sejah joked, "Just don't ask me to lift you, I'm not sure you'll like the results..."

With that, he began to free his mind and focus on the peace that the Force brought him, though he couldn't help but wonder what their next assignment was.

Jun 15th, 2002, 04:27:04 AM
Anduril turned to Kakita.

"I see you don't have a partner yet. I would go with you, if you will?"

Kack Mebuff
Jun 15th, 2002, 08:34:45 AM
Kack chuckled, "Okay, no lifting." Kack sat down next to Sejah and began to meditate as well, letting the Force run through his body. Kack knew the next task would be very difficult so he must completely connect himself with the Force.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 15th, 2002, 01:49:39 PM
Allowing the storm of Maximas wounded pride to pass him by he smiled as the arrogance came up against the wall of authority and infinite calm broke it all to pieces.

From behind him he heard a gentle inqury.

"I see you have no parter yet. I would go with you, if you will?"

Turning to face the padawan who asked, he smiled.

"Yes, of course, come and sit by me young one, I was wondering if I would have to hold his hand, " he gestured sublty in Maximas direction, "throuought this entire excersise."

Sitting down with a good view of the 'luggage' he waited for the young Anduri to join him.

Jun 15th, 2002, 04:10:30 PM
Anduril went and sat by Kakita and began to meditate again, as instructed.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2002, 04:05:04 AM
Lion listened to Mistress Jedi's Dawnstrider and Tarkin as they "dealed" with Maximas. He didn't know how they had kept Maximas from jumping Kakita. He thought there was going to be a brawl for sure...

Turning to his side, he noticed that Anduri and Kakita had sat down next to each other and were meditating. He didn't know what to do, so he sat down next to them, trying as carefully as possible not to disturb the two trainees. He looked around a bit and noticed that most of the class had been split up into groups, so that the four who made up his group were probably it.

He heard Sejah and the one called Kack joke with each other off to the other side of the room. Sejah seemed to doubt his abilities, but Lion knew that the Mongoose had all the potential to be a great jedi. He wasn't self-centered, Lion could tell that just from the way that Sejah acted. Settling into his seating position, Lion tried to lift himself off the floor again, and managed to get about all of 2 centimeters off of the floor before he crashed back to the ground, maybe startling the two padawans beside him.

"I wonder what Maximas is going to do, now that Kakita has joined Anduri." he thought.

He also noticed that another trainee, Zen, was off to the side, without a group. Zen had been extremely quiet for a very long time (ooc: lol), and had only spoken recently.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 16th, 2002, 04:25:59 AM
Lion joined the pair makeing it into another little informal group and opening his eyes to see just who was joining them, Kakita saw the newest additions eyes flick to the lonely looking Zen.

Projecting his thoughts again, Kakita formed an invitation:

Zen, come, sit with us...its a shame to see anyone alone...

Closing his eyes and lifting himself into the air again he waited for a response.

Jun 16th, 2002, 09:07:27 AM
Anduril senced a change in the level of conciousness between Kakita and Zen. He had learned recently that this was a sign of telepathic conversation. Leaning over to Kakita he wispered;

"Kakita, I would not use such methods of conversation with some of the newer padawans. It may put them off. I would advise you use more simple forms of conversation."

Catching Zan's eye, he gestured for him to join the group.

Zen Dracon
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:16:25 PM
Seeing his new found friends gestured him to join there groups. Zen, happy to be accepted by others went to their group.

"I am honored to be accepted into your group. Sorry for not responding to your conversations but I'm use to being alone on my journeys so I do not talk much but listen and absorbed the knowledge given here."

Then sits down to join them.

Kakita Yoshi
Jun 16th, 2002, 01:44:36 PM
"You are right, but I am an old man, walking over would just have tired me out."

Keeping his face a perfect mask he did not show the amusement that his own white lies gave him.

Settling himself in the little group of padawan and, feeling particularly tuned to the force in his good company he lifted into the air and remained there, in the silence of his mind; but with an ear open to any events that may concern him.

Lion El' Jonson
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:24:51 PM
Lion chuckes at Kakita's joke, then says:

"Hey, nice to see you here" he says to Zen

Then, he goes back into his meditation position, just like Kakita and Anduri.

(ooc: is it Anduri or Anduril?)

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 16th, 2002, 06:47:55 PM
I meant having to threaten him with a physical confrontation with you, Xazor.

Navaria popped open the crates. Inside were devices that Xazor had seen before and knew what her friend was planning.

"Hand out the helmets and the sabres, if you don't mind."

These weren't actual lightsabres. To be trained in the elegant art of sabre combat was difficult and tricky. There was no way that Navaria was going to have green students pick up the weapon and possibly get hurt. The sabres that she requested were in a sense, 'force sabres'. They emitted a force field that would be harmless if hit by.

After that, Navaria knelt down besides Maximus, very pleased that he was able to complete his task.

Very good.

She spoke into his mind gently. It felt like a small brush of a hand that barely touched his hair.

I felt your confusion about why I spoke about your arrogance. Sometimes it is difficult to see how we affect others and we do no wrong.

You are strong in the Force and flaunting it that knowledge is impolite and discourages the other students. Being a Jedi is more then just power. It is insight within the Force. It is working together for a common purpose. It is about compassion and respect.

Navaria paused for a moment, looking at Maximus through a unique sight that she picked up awhile ago.... She was reading his aura.

Do you understand what I am trying to say.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:48:10 PM
As he sat, Sejah overheard "helmets and sabers", and his interest was piqued. Focus ont eh Force was lost, and he opened his eyes to look up as a trainign saver and helmet were passed to him. Looking the "wiffle saber" over, he raised his paw to gain Xazor's attention while pullign his own saber form his belt.

"Excuse me, Master Xazor, may I use my own saber? I know how to turn down the power level, and I would be far mroe comfortable using my own, for I have done moderate training with it allready." His voice was hopeful and earnest, even though he had no idea what he was going to be doing with the saber and helmet.

Glancing over at Navaria when he was done, his eyes still held his question, as if he was asking her as well.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 16th, 2002, 10:28:15 PM
Kack was also handed a "wiffle saber," as Sejah called it. He examined the fake weapon in his hands. He too would much rather use his own saber.

Kack turned the Force saber over in his hands and really did not feel comfortable with it, but it would have to do. He wasn't going to speak out against the masters. Kack knew what was in store. The helmets would be placed over their heads to block their vision and they would be forced to defend themselves against droids or each other.

Kack knew he was proficient enough with a saber to not hurt someone else but he didn't know how good the other padawans were. He knew Sejah was good, he had heard that Sejah was one of the best swordsmen on his planet, and quite possibly one of the best in the galaxy.

Jun 17th, 2002, 02:29:48 AM
Oriadin had stayed fairly quiet during the arguments with Maximas. He felt it best to leave the masters to deal with his arogance. Oriadin could see he was strong in the force but he had to be taught when to control his feelings and his thoughts. Finally the crates were opened and Oriadin peered inside. Some lightsaber type things and some helmets. A couple had been given out to his fellow students already. A couple looked like they knew what was comming. Oriadin wasnt sure though. He had read up on various different Jedi training techniques and so he had a good guess. He was pretty sure what was comming but not 100%.

Jun 17th, 2002, 02:37:07 AM
Maximas was still meditating when Navaria knelt beside him. She seemed more positive towards him now and this gave him a more soothing feeling. She decided to speak in his mind, not something hed ever experienced before but he knew what was going on right away.

Maximas realised that he had probably been arogant without realising it. He was just being himself. Its hard to change someone personality after they have been like it for so many years. Navasia asked if he understood. He opened his eyes slowly and looked at Navaria. He nodded with a look of sorry on his face.

Jun 17th, 2002, 11:45:02 AM
(ooc= Its ANDURIL :) )

Anduril becomes again one with the force. He then looks into the crate expectantly. The sabres looked very crude.

"Training one's" he thought.

He hadn't had much parctise for a while, no - one liked people who were good all the time...

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 12:00:47 PM
Xazor understood what her friend was saying. It was a mistake on her part and she felt badly for it.

I apologize, then....I did not mean it that way, it was more of a threat than anything. I did not actually plan....never mind.

She did as she was told, feeling a bit underrank now that she had been nearly reprimanded herself. She understood how Maximas felt when she had spoken to him that way. Passing out the "Force sabers" and helemts, she came to Sejah and smiled when he questioned her. She had seen him in action with weapons, especially his saber, and she knew that he was good with it already.

"It is fine by me Sejah...I am guessing, but I hope that Navaria approves as well. I have seen you wield the saber and I am impressed, to say the least....."

She said with a smile as she handed him a helmet and passed out the rest of the training equipment. Once finished, she returned to Navaria's side and looked out over their class as the students prepared for the next exercises.....

Jun 17th, 2002, 12:42:20 PM
Anduril held his sabre, weighing it in his hands.

"Hmm," he said to himself.

Checking that no-one was near him, he did a few swings to feel its balance.

"This is ok," he thought, "better than what I expected."

Then he had a thought. He lowered his sabre and placed it on the ground. Then he straightened himself and put on his helmet. He stood silently and totally still for a few seconds, then, he moved his hand, palm facing downwards, then, as he felt the sabre touch his hand, he grasped it.

Taking off his helmet, he smiled thoghtfully to himself.

Jun 17th, 2002, 01:38:50 PM
Throwing the lightsabre in the air thoughtfully, and catching it in the left hand he looked at his empty right hand mournfully. He was almost afraid to ask, but he needed to get back all he had learned from his father. His father was ambidexterous, and the gift was passed to him as well. He had loved to spar with his father when he was younger, and he had tought him a lot. He had learned to wield a lightsabre as well in his left hand as he could in his right. But he left his sabres in Trinity. He probably should have brought them with him. Well it was too late now. He would have to get another when he had the time.

Remembering that a Jedi should always be confident he looked up at Xazor and swallowed.

"Master Xazor? I have had some training before in lightsabre techniques and, well, I learned to wield one in both hands, and then two together. Would it be convienient for the task if I had another? I would just feel more at home withought one of my hands empty. It would make me more confident. I assure you it would not hamper my ability. So..."

He looked down, slightly embarresed.

Darius Van-Derveld
Jun 17th, 2002, 02:48:28 PM
Rising on protesting knees Kakita crossed to the crates and took out some of the equiptment.

Examining the kit carefully he tentatively ignited the traning sabre and practiced a few controlled swipes in the air.
Shutting it down and crossing to Anduril he whispered;

"You will have to keep me strait with this excersise my young friend, I have absolutely no idea how to handle one of these."

(ooc: Sorry sorry sorry)

Jun 17th, 2002, 02:59:27 PM
Anduril smiles at Kakita and says.

"Many of the padawan's here are trainees in the art of the lightsabre. Do not be discouraged. I will help you if you get into any trouble."

Anduril thinks for a second and looks at the lightsabre in his hand.

"Of course!" he exclaims. "Ithil and Anor! I knew I forgot something. Please forgive me Xazor. I have just remembered. I purchased two lightsabres two nights ago. It totally slipped my mind! I believe that I would be much more sucessful in this exersize if I was able to get them. Please excuse me, I will not be longer than a few minutes."

Anduril walks out out of the room, gets into the nearest turbolift and walks out of the academy as soon as he gets to the bottom. Striding into the Living Quarters and then to his room he picks up Ithil and Arnor and puts them in his belt.

"I should never have left you here!" he says to himself.

He then turns and begins to stride back to the Academy.

(ooc. I am aloud to leave the Academy as long as its in topic arn't I? It wont happen again but I needed to do so. Sorry all!)

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 04:46:03 PM
Xazor smiles at Anduril's confidence. Nodding slightly, she looked back to Navaria.

"It is fine by me, young Padawan.....as long as it does not hamper your ability or concentration. I have seen you in action as well, but do not become arrogant because you have such abilities....."

She said softly as he ran off to retrieve his sabers....