View Full Version : Kanji

May 22nd, 2002, 11:03:39 AM
Full Name: Kanji (No surname)
Nickname: Kanji
Species: Draconian
Sex: Male
Age: 27 standard years
Height: 11' 2.3"
Weight: 293.221slbs (Standard Pounds)
Homeworld: Yeqilis
Weapons: A one-hand feild battleaxe
Ships: Nearly unfunctional modified Naboo Starfighter.


Birthed on the exotic half tropical, half desert planet of Yeqilis, previously uncharted in the databases, this supossibly young half-dragon festered in a world of strife and war. Taught from a young age the basics of any combat situation, Kanji began to realise his own mistakes and that of his own race.

Silently vowing to hisself, he fled from the planet on a private cruiser who had stopped on the planet for a breif sojourn during the crew's lengthy travel through the galaxy. Cramped and uncomfortable, the draco rode through the vast space for several years under the awareness of the crew. A breif stop on one of the better-civilized planetoids left Kanji without their aid, once again on his own.

More years wained into time, Kanji had proved himself useful to the biggiest city of the planetoid as labor-force. Given his height, strength, and capabilites Kanji soon had enough savings for a cheap, unmaintained Naboo starcraft. During his work-time, the draco had heard ramblings of a city-world, dancing lights filling until the darkest moment was still a bright supernova: Coruscant.

Thus, after quite another span of time, the gentle draco had been enlisted into the Jedi ranks as a Padawan. And this is where he continues on.

Defects & Abilities
-Due to his structure and height, Kanji is unable to access some average-terran height buildings unless he goes in on all fours. This poses several problems, expecially when his quarry flees to such.
-Kanji is fanatical about death and the fact behind dying, basically, it angers him if he's witness to homocide, genocide, massacres, self-multilation, and ecetera.
-His species has the ability to shapeshift, the drawback is that Kanji is unable to hold the form he shifts into for very long and usually there is some sort of defect in the transformation.
-Again referring to his structure, Kanji is unable to be agile in combat as terran-based creatures are usually able to. Behind his swordarm lies power blows and arial strikes, leaving much to be desired for defence.
- Flight - Kanji's ability to fly gives him a slightly advanced advantage to most ground-based opponents and/or interactible characters. Usually when in public, his wings are either wrapped in bandages or covered by a robe for his and other's safety.
- Kanji's appearance lowers his initial ability to interact with NPC's.
-Kanji DID NOT have a hand in the Coruscant Fire of Do-blah-Date :)


<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/sig/kanji/kanji-sig.jpg>

Thanks s'Il! My first siggy here at GJO! :D
<img src=http://www.boomspeed.com/sagehazzard/kanji.gif>
Thank's Sage! :)
<img src=http://www.thegjo.com/sig/kanjisig1.jpg>
Danke' Marcus :) </center>