View Full Version : Help me to find the light.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 08:42:36 AM
He stepped slowly into the courtyard and looked around. It was a beautiful morning.

"I am searching for a Master. One who can teach me the ways of the force. ", he called out softly.

Not hearing a reply, he decided to sit down and wait.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:03:24 AM
Xazor stepped out of the shadows and approached the newcomer. She pulled the hood of her cloak from her head, and her waist length blonde hair spilled out. She was decorated with Garou Warrior braids that had brilliant gold coins interwoven into them. When she stopped in front of the young one, her red robes gathered at her feet like a pile of sand.

"Greetings to you...I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek to learn the ways of the Jedi?"

She questioned gently, smiling to expose her elongated canines. The silver specks in the Garou's deep blue eyes caught the light and reflected it like pieces of broken glass. Intrigue and wondernment shown through her eyes as she examined the newcomer...wondering what would become of his future.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 09:19:44 AM
"Greetings Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider, I am indeed here to learn the ways of the light side of the force. If you would teach me, I would be most happy to learn. In this way I may become a geat Jedi Knight like you your self must have. If you would teach me I will learn."

The words seemed to come out all at once. Excitement coursed through Sene Unty, and he could not believe that he was in the midst of a jedi knight. This was not the first time he had come in contact with someone so well known. Coming from a high class family, it was common that he rub his elbows with the "elite". However, this Jedi was different. She had apresence, an aura about her that shown brighter than any politician. He just hoped that she would say yes.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:25:36 AM
Xazor sighed to herself, thinking of the many padawans she had already. A few seemed uninterested to learn, though. She smiled and looked up at Sene.

"Perhaps I can train you...but I must tell you, I already have six padawans! Some of them do not seem as willing to learn, though. I was thinking of a way that I could train all of my padawans together, but I must bring this before the council. For now, though...I shall take you as my padawan."

She smiled, though she felt like her life was filling up so quickly. With a wedding to plan and other padawans to train, she didn't know if she was coming or going. None the less, it brought joy to her to see a new one happy.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 09:31:55 AM
I thank you so much Xazor Leo Dawnstar. I am most certainly happy to learn, for my knowledge of the force his limited. I know I have force abilities, but wheter or not they are strong is a question i must present to you. Would it be possible to have you sense my force power?

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:37:54 AM
Xazor walked over to her new Padawan and nodded. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she closed her eyes and probed his aura...his soul...his mind. A wave of excitement ran through the Force, and she smiled to herself, backing away a bit.

"You have strong potential, my young apprentice. How you use it, though, will determine your Force power. It is simple...one who has Force potential, but does not use it...is just like that rock on the ground, unmoved. But one who has Force potential and decides to put it to use...who knows what they may accomplish!"

She said this as she rose the rock out of the ground with her mind, and brought it to hover in the air in front of Sene.

Sene Unty
May 22nd, 2002, 09:42:54 AM
Sene stared in amazement at the rock as it floated in space. How could this happen? The force was indeed a strange thing. Its potential unrealized by the young boy.

"Master, I would like to learn how to do that."

He realized quickly that there was no way he would be able to do that now. Instead he tried to focus on what to do next. Where did he go now?

"Master where to we proceed to now?"

He waited quietly for her answer.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:58:37 AM
Xazor grinned and kept the rock in levitation.

"We shall go to the Jedi Academy to begin your training. I must wait to hear word from the Council on a certain issue first, and then we shall start."

She said with a gentle smile.

"You shall learn how to do this in time..."

The Knight said softly.