View Full Version : Putting Theory into Practise

May 22nd, 2002, 04:50:31 AM
Oriadin had been reading the Jedi archives. Studying hard. Reading about past missions, stories and famous Jedi. He was right in the middle of the Clone wars at the moment. Something that really caught his interest. Especially the whole relationship between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

It was time for a break though. Oriadin was spured on by his reading and decided to take a walk down to the Jedi Acadamy. It was a beautiful day. Very warm and sunny. He felt very relaxed today and the force was particularaly strong with him. He felt very good indeed.

He came to an empty room, he looked around briefly to see if anyone was around but they werent. He entered. The room had little in it. A few tables and chairs but not much else. He took a seat. There were a few objects lying on the table in front of him. A couple of books, a small stone and something he guessed was a cup. He began to try and move the small stone to begin with. His former master Verse Dawnstrider had taught him the basics of this manover and Estelle Russard had taken him that little bit further in a spar. He had also read a lot in books but there was nothing like practising it for real. This was really the only Jedi skill he had learnt since he arrived here so he thought it would be a good idea to become reasonably good at it! He began to release himself. Concentrate on the stone and block everything else out and slowly lift the stone from the table.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 09:39:04 AM
Sejah hated libraries. More accuraltely, he hated librarians. They never seemed to understand what he was askign for, and by the time he ws done getting what he wanted, they wouldn't speak with him.

So was the case with the on-duty librarian in the archives that morning. After a half-hour of explaining and arguing, he was finally handed an audio-reader and a set of headphones. The unit was designed to read what was written in the text out loud and had a built-in scanner to select what volume you wished to read.

Slipping the headphones on, the brown Nehantite wandered through the halls of the massive archives, and aimed the scanner at the sections to find what he was lookign for, eventually narrowing it down to the beginner's section, and selecting a volume on getting to know the Force. Scanning it in, Sejah adjusted the volume and reading speed, and then began a liesurely stroll around as the book was narrated to him.

Yawning unexpectedly, Sejah decided to go find a peaceful place to sit so that eh would not be disturbed, and so no one would see him with the audio device. Wandering down a section of study compartments, he came across one that didn't appear occupied. Opening the door, he stepped in and then saw Oriadin. Pausing, he hit the 'hold' key on his narrator and said, "Oh, excuse me, I-, I didn't think anyone was in here."

Then he saw the small stone move, and his attention was instantly captivated. Taking another step in and removing his headphones, and letting the door close behind himself, Sejah asked, "You, you cn make things move? How do you do that?"

May 23rd, 2002, 10:02:09 AM
Oriadin was somewhat startled as the padawan entered the room. The small stone dropped back onto the table with a thud as he lost his concentration. He turned around to take a look at the being.

--Ah, Sejah. Come in. Yeah, I was just practiseing moving that stone using the force. It was a move my old master, Verse Dawnstrider taught me. He could do it very easily but I struggle. As you can see, I need to concentrate very hard. Any distractions and I lose it. What have you got there?--

Oriadin pointed towards the audio reader and headphones.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 12:40:54 PM
Suddenly Sejah felt embarassed as Oriadin pointed out the narrator, and he pulled the headphones off his neck so they'd be out of view. "Oh, this? I'm trying to study on what the Force is, and all the beginner's stuff. Sometimes I just like listening to things while I do something else." He lied, but it was convincing.

Setting the reader down, Sejah passed over to the table and picked up the stone, lookign at it. "I wonder when we'll cover that in class," He mused aloud, and then set it back down, looking back to his new classmate. "Hopefully I'll even be able to do that trick; my telepathy apparently doesn't work." To cover his embarassment, he chuckled, and then took a seat as if it were amusing that he couldn't send or recieve messages without getting a massive headache.

"I thought you had a master, how come you're in the newbie class?"

May 23rd, 2002, 04:53:21 PM
Oriadin smiled as Sejah chuckled to himself.

--Im sure you'll be able to do it in no time. I decided to join the newbie class as I felt id be behind the people in the higher class. I can always work my way up but I need to know the basics.--

Oriadin glanced again at narrator.

--What a great idea. To use one of them to learn. I wish Id thought of that. Must be better than reading though pages and pages of text on data screens and data pads. There is only so long you can go on before you start seeing double!--

Oriadin smiled at Sejah as he cracked a little joke.

Sejah Haversh
May 25th, 2002, 04:51:52 PM
To humor him, and appear to get the joke, Sejah shook his head as if the joke were pretty old, and then replied, "Yeah, tell me about it."

Pulling up a chair, Sejah sat down and leaned back, letting out a deep sigh of relaxation. "Ahhhh, this feels good. I wish they had libraries like this back home, or even decent public meeting places. The rich did, but not us poor folk..."

Realizing he was breaking subject, Sejah sat back up and looked again at the rock. "I'd like to learn how to do a lot of the things Jedi are supposed to be able to, if I can. I hope they cover a few more physical things in the next class, I'm better with the mucsles than my mnd, if you know what I mean."

May 26th, 2002, 07:17:25 AM
Oriadin knew what he meant. He sat slightly slouched in his chair as he relaxed with his friend in the room.

[i]--I too am probably better with my muscles than my mind but the way I see it is the mind is what needs most training. I hope we concentrate on this more. So, where is it your from?--[i]

Sejah Haversh
May 27th, 2002, 09:57:56 PM
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Sejah admitted as he set the stone back down and pulled his paws back into his lap.

Taking a breath, he looked up at the cieling before settling his gaze back on Oriadin. "I'm from a planet called Nehantish, it's a long way form here, beypnd the outer rim, I think. Everybody looks like me, except for the females, of course, and we come in different fur colors and patterns. It's a plain planet, dry and mostly rocky desert, though there are three small oceans, all very high in salt.

"Some folks call us backwards, or uncivilized because we don't have widespread use of technology. In fact, we just got into space about thirty-five years ago. We don't design much in the way of ships, so we learned how to fix others. If there's one of us in space, odds are we're fixign the engines, but never at the controls." His cheery demeanor was fading, and he had slowly turned to look at the wall instead of his friend. "My dad was a mechanic. It killed him. I stayed on planet, and tried to live there as best as I could. Soem love it there, some hate it. I guess it just matters what House you're part of."

May 28th, 2002, 02:14:59 AM
Oriadin watched as Sejah placed the stone back down and went on to talk about his home and a bit about his past. He could see that things with his Dad still upset him so he decided not to dwell on this point. Oriadin felt for his friend.

--So, how did you end up at the Greater Jedi Order?--

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 02:40:19 AM
"That?" Sejah huffed a humorous sigh, "That was interesting. I had this group of local kids I tutor in fencing, right? Well, I'm giving a lesson one day, and I ask a buddy of mine to fence with me so I can show them some blocking techniques. Lo and behold, a Jedi is passing through town, and catches sight of my little lesson, and somehow feels I'm doing something with the Force. So, after the lesson, he pulls me aside, talks to me for a few minutes, takes some blood, and then tells me I've got this high something-or-other count and I need to go to Yavin IV.

"So, I kind of tell him okay to brush him off, and then go about my own life again for a while. But, circumstances come about that it might be better that I do go and see if I can cut it as a Jedi, so, I pool all my savings, book fourth-class passage, and, here I am." He smiled spreading his arms wide as he leaned back in his chair. "Not that interesting, huh?"

May 28th, 2002, 02:47:40 AM
After listning to Sejah Oriadin laughed a little under his breath. He then closed his eyes for a second as he thought back.

--I always find it interesting as to how people got here. Up until about a month ago I had no idea how I ended up here. After a long chat with Marcus QDunn in the Bar and Grill part of the story became clear but not all. I still dont know exacly how I ended up here.--

Oriadin paused for a moment, thinking then continued.

--To tell you the truth, I cant even remember my home planet. Who my parents were/are or anything really of my life before I came here. I sometimes have flashbacks and I sometimes have dreams but they seem distant. They dont quite make sense. Its like I know all of these things but I cant remember them. It can be a little fustraiting at times.--

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 02:51:12 AM
"Maybe you're lucky." Sejah replied, not mocking him one bit. "I can honsetly say there's things I wish I didn't remember. Look at it this way. For all the happiness you can't remember, there's also pain. Let it rest, it's gone; nothing you can do about it now."

There was a twinge of somethign to his voice that was a litle too firm, as if he wanted to believe it too much himself.

May 28th, 2002, 03:02:34 AM
Oriadin listend to him. He then thought of what he said for a moment before replying.

--I dont regard myself as lucky. Everyone in life goes through pain. Its that pain that makes us who we are though. I look at myself and my whole life has been a waste of time. Up until four/five months ago I have no memories. Its alsmost as if I have been born with the first twenty years cut out of my life. Its a hard thing to swallow but I go on in the hope of discovering myself. Finding out who I was. Sure there will be bad memories and there will be pain but there will be good memories too. Those good memories are what I will think about, they will be what I remember.

Dont focus to much on bad experiences. Learn from them and adapt from them. Concentrate on the better things. Life is what you make it.--

Oriadin got the feeling that his friend had a troubled life. He hoped that his words would help him to see all is not bad and that things happen for a reason. Even if its simply to teach you something.

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:13:00 AM
Pursing his lips, Sejah let a silence hang in the room for a short while. Oriadin made sense, he knew that much, but he didn't want to accept that.

Squeezing one wrist with his other paw, the Nehantite sighed and replied, "And what if that's not quite true? For the sake of argument, what if circumstances did not allow for you to make life what you want to of it? If you were so opressed or ill-provided, that statementy would not be able to hold true, would it? I mean, some folks never get a lucky break."

May 28th, 2002, 03:20:40 AM
Oriadin payed carefull attention to what Sejah had to say. It was a fair comment and a teasing question.

--My master, Helenias QDunn told me a story once. She was in a huge battle and because of the defenses, it seemed an impossible victory for her side. However, she was patient and studied the opposition. Eventually she found a way to break through thier defences and in the end her side won the battle.--

Oriadin paused for a moment so Sejah could have a second to think about that story.

--The point is, she was patient. She waited and worked hard and an answer presented itself. Its true that some people have better starts than others but if you put your mind to something, you can make it happen. You just have to have the patience and the determination. The will to go on where others would give up.--

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:26:14 AM
Good response. Sejah thought, Really good response.

Shifting positions in his seat to lean against the arm of the chair, Sejah nodded in understanding. "I think I see what you're saying. So, in that case, it would be best to get used to dissapointment so that when a reward comes, it will taste even sweeter?"

What he didn't add was, In that case, mine'll be decadent.

May 28th, 2002, 03:31:43 AM
Oriadin shook his head.

--No, dont get used to dissapointment. Just know that if you bide your time things will improve. Be patient and determined to complete your goals.

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:37:58 AM
Another silent pause. Sejah knew he had been a bit testy, and he leaned his head down to rest hs forehead against the tip of his paw, though still looking at Oriadin.

"Where'd you learn all this? Who taught you these things? They can't be just common knowledge, or I would have heard them long ago." His tail flicked nervously beside his leg as he spoke, "What else can you tell me?"

May 28th, 2002, 03:47:35 AM
Oriadin laughed slightly then moved to a smile.

--I dont know really. Some of it is partly down to the Jedi Archives. Ive read a lot on the behaviour of Jedi, morals and Jedi Lore. Some lessons I have learnt from Jedi Knights here. I think I learnt a lot of it before I came here but since I lost my memory its hard to say. If im not training then Im often studying and if im not studying im often walking through the acadamy trying to pick up on other peoples lessons.

As for what else I can tell you I dont know. Mostly everything I know is all theory. Ive had very little experince so I guess you could say its all theory and no practise for me. There is a different between knowing something and using that knowledge.

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:54:11 AM
A thinker and a doer. That's what we are. He's only thought, and I've only done. Sejah ran through his head, completely forgetting that some of the lessons he had questioned Oriadin about had been some he had told some of his own students. The change in homes, lifestyles,a dn cultures was weighing heavily on Sejah, and it was affecting his temper. Realizing that, the grown mongoose took a beep breath and calmed hismelf, sitting back up in his seat again.

"And I guess I could say it's been the school of hard knocks for me. All experience, no theory. Too bad we didn't meet earlier. We could have traded off somehow." He smiled and joked, trying to lighten his own mood.

May 28th, 2002, 04:17:26 AM
Oriadin smiled back to his friend as he joked.

--Looks like we could make a good team!--

Oriadin was pleased he and Sejah were getting on well. They seemed to be able to interact with each other. What with Oriadins theory and Sejahs expeirience it seemed that the two could learn an awful lot from each other. Oriadin had met quite a few people since comming to the GJO, some he liked more than others. Oriadin hoped that Sejah and he could become good friends. Move up through the ranks together and progress to Jedi Knight. The thought of having someone to progress with, rather than going it alone comforted the Padawan.

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:04:00 PM
"Perhaps we could, at that," Sejah replied, "Maybe we'll get sent out on a mission together sometime, even."

He had all but forgotten about his narrator, and was comfortably locked in conversation with Oriadin. It was good to make friends, especially when you knew no one really. "So, um, since you can't remember what you used to do, what do you do nowadays for fun? I mean, to realy unwind."

May 28th, 2002, 03:37:15 PM
--Well I love to read. Mainly old Jedi stories but anything really. I often go for walks which I find soothing and relaxing. Then if I really want to kick back you'll probably find me at the bar and grill. Often with an ice water close to hand!--

It had been a while since Oriadin had been to the bar and grill. Often, he was so caught up in his work that he didnt always have time to kick back and relax.

--How about yourself?--

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 03:53:44 PM
"Me? Um, well..." He traile doff for a moment, actually having to think. He hadn't often had free time, always needign to work at one job or another, or help teach at his master's fencing school.

Flicking at some of the fuzz on his cheek, Sejah arced his eyebrows and replied, "Well, I don't often have much free time. I used to fence a lot, or teach some local kids, but, that took up most of my spare time. Guess I never really thought about it like that."

May 29th, 2002, 02:06:45 AM
Oriadin new exactly what it was like to have very little free time.

--I know what you mean. So much to do and so little time to fit it all in.--

Oriadin looked at Sejah's narrator again with a peering look.

--So, what are you listning too then. Anything interesting?--

Tevit Ramastan
May 29th, 2002, 02:15:10 AM
Still wishing that Oriadin hadn't seen teh device, Sejah looked at it again himself as if looking to check the title of a book. "Oh, um, just some basics on the Force and being a Jedi. Shade taught me a lot of it, and so has Xazor, but I just like to make sure I don't miss the basics. 'If you miss the first rungs, the rest of the ladder is difficult to reach'," Sejah finished smiling, "That's a quote my master used to say. I learned most everything form him."

"But I'll tell you, Garfife bless the man who gave us free cable in our rooms. If not for that, I'd probably be insane by now." He laughed.

May 29th, 2002, 02:28:29 AM
OOC: In case anyones wondering, that was Sejah! He entered in under the wrong character.

IC: Oriadin watched as his friend checked the title of the book. Force basics and being a Jedi.

--Its not a name I recognise. I agree though, if you dont know the basics it will be very hard to progress. I often find that people struggle with things when they do it for the first time. Then they progress onto the next stage and struggle again with that. I find that if I go back and do the previous step again its much easier and helps you to do the next step. Im constantly re-reading anything that doesnt quite make sense.--

Oriadin stopped for a second and looked to the floor as if he were thinking of something to say.

--Im reading about the Clone Wars at the moment. Its only at the very begining but its very interesting. Do you know much about the Clone wars?--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 02:42:34 AM
Sejah shook his head glumly, and then pulled one cheek in a half smile. "Nope, sorry. If it's off-world and not engine-related, it's not taught where I come from. Useful skills, they call them. More like training us to be third-class and not realize it."

Clicking his tongue against his cheeks, Sejah reached up and rubbed his neck. "Sorry, I need to keep a better reign on my words. No, I've heard of the clone Wars, but know little to nothing about them."

May 29th, 2002, 02:50:48 AM
Oriadin nodded and showed a look of 'fair enough'.

--I read a lot about the old stories of the Jedi and past battles, negotiations etc etc. Im on the begining of the clone wars now and its really interesting. I recomend a visit to the archives for a read if you find time. You must of heard of Obi Wan and Anakin Skywalker. They play a big part in the Clone wars.--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 02:58:17 AM
Rubbign hsi neck a bit harder, Sejah's face was one of nervous regret. "Um, no, actually. Like I said, they don't teach you much that won't put a tool in your paw, or food in your mouth, back home."

Garfife! I look like an idiot! These must be important people, especially to the Jedi, and I've never heard of them! Oh, man, this must be like not having hear of N'duk, or Rehnjai back home. He thought feverishly to himself.

Realizing there was no way around it, he just sighed and shook his head.

May 29th, 2002, 03:06:54 AM
Oriadin turned to a face of shock. He stood there in amazement for a few seconds.

--Obi Wan Kenobie and Anakin Skywalker are among the most famous of all Jedi. Im suprised you havent heard at least something about them. Not that it really matters anyway I suppose.

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 03:18:14 AM
"Well, I'm sure I'll learn about them in time. And probably in some of the books, here, as well." Sejah re-assured him.

"But, then again, the extent of my current traing has been the Force class, a few books,a dn a few rounds of spar with Shade and a few otehrs. And Shade did teach me a little, but not much. As much as I'd like to learn about what a Jedi is, and is supposed to do, I'd like to learn how to fight, as well. I mean, I was good with a blade; not to brag, but I was a champion fencer. But the lightsaber behaves differently. I need some more practice with it, as well."

May 29th, 2002, 03:28:51 AM
Oriadins face turned to one of concentration now. He frowned slightly to his friend.

--As important as fighting is I think there are far more important things to learn. Fighting is a last resort and should only be used when absolutly nessesary. I think its far more important to learn about behaviour, past experiences and history before fighting. You need to know when to fight and when not to fight and to do that you need wisdom. I myself have never touched a lightsaber. Ive been involved in one spar since Ive been here. I think everyone should practise thier fighting but it shouldnt be their top priority.--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 03:35:59 AM
Knowing full well waht Oriadin meant, Sejah nodded, but replied in a rather biting tone, "Well, sometimes fighting is a bit more of an importance to those of us who can't read worth-..."

He abruptly came to a halt in his speech, nearly slamming his jaw shut. He had said it. In the back of his mind he was kickign himself, hard. He ahd been able to cover it so far, but, no, he had to go and be stupid and let it out.

Closing his eyes, he huffed and turned his head away form Oriadin, wishing he had just played along instead of having to open his muzzle and mouth off.

May 29th, 2002, 03:43:14 AM
Oriadin was a little suprised at Sejahs reply. He seemed to snap for some reason and Oriadin wasnt sure exactly what he had done. He watched as his friend suddenly stopped talking as if he had said something wrong. Sejah then seemed to huff and turn away from Oriadin.

--Sejah? Is something wrong. Was it something I said? What were you going to say?--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 03:53:41 AM
Sighing, Sejah leaned forward and ran a paw through his headfur. A silence hung in the air of the study room, and he took a deep breath before looking abck up to Oriadin, his pink eyes displaying a depth they had not before.

"Come on, don't play dumb, I know you're smart. The narrator, all the wrong floors I get on elevators, don't tell me you didn't suspect it." He said, his paws hanging down, his forearms resting on his thighs.

May 29th, 2002, 04:01:29 AM
Sejah seemed upset. As he spoke Oriadin thought to himself. He looked deep in thought. Oriadin hadnt put everything together until his friend had said it all at the same time. 'The narrator', 'the wrong floors when using the lifts', seeming a bit up tight when asked what Sejaj was listning to as he tried to read the title. He then thought back to the first time he met Sejah. He asked for a menu with pictures on in the Bar and Grill. Oriadin thought it was strange at the time but didnt pay much attention. It all seemed to make sense now and he felt stupid for not noticing it before.

--You have trouble reading?--

He replied with a soothing tone.

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 04:09:18 AM
Shaking his head slightly, Sejah replied, "No, not trouble. I can't read at all." Closing his eyes as if to keep himself from seeing his own shame, he added, "Not even my own name."

There, it was out and said. No more hiding it. Opening his eyes, the mongoose looked at the narrator, and then back at Oriadin. "Gotta admit, I did have you fooled for a while, didn't I?"

May 29th, 2002, 04:15:57 AM
Oriadin smiled to Sejah.

--You did indeed. There is no shame in not being able to read though. I wouldnt beat yourself up about it. There must be someone here who can help you. How is it that you never learnt to read.

Oriadin spoke with a confident tone and a soothing tone to try and help Sejah feel more comfortable. It was obviously something he was ashamed of and Oriadin wanted to re-assure him it really didnt make much difference to him.

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 04:23:12 AM
Leaning back in his chair, Sejah was relieved that Oriadin didn't react hugely to his statement. "I, I never went to school. After my dad died, and my brother, we couldn't afford it. So, I worked to support us, and kept working. Besides, there's only so much work a guy without a diploma can get, and most of it you don't need to know how to read for."

Picking up the narrator, he looked at it glumly and said, "That's why I use this thing, too. And how do you go about telling someone you can't read when you're twenty-five and have them take you seriously?"

May 29th, 2002, 04:35:22 AM
Oriadin felt for his friend. Indeed this was not an ideal situation for anyone.

--There is no shame in supporting your family. You sacrificed something far greater than most people would to support those who mean most to you. If I were you I wouldnt be ashamed but proud. Im sure no Jedi here cares about what education youve recieved as long as you respect life and you know the difference between right and wrong. People here are very friendly and im sure once you find a master, if you confide in them they will help you to learn to read.--

Having no problem with reading meant that Oriadin had no idea what it was like for Sejah. He wanted to make him feel good for his actions though rather than be ashamed for not being able to read. Oriadin was impressed with him for his actions, putting others before himself. Oriadin thought to himself that his friend would make a very good Jedi.

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 04:44:59 AM
"Thanks, Or, thank you." The Nehantite nodded, "But my supporting my family was a bit more of a necessity than a choice, considering I was a part of the family," He smirked, "But really, thanks."

His paws--seemingly incontent to just lie still, idly popped knuckles as he thought, and reflected on how things would change now that someone knew that he couldn't read. "Now do you understand why I favored the sword over the mind?"

May 29th, 2002, 05:06:45 AM
A good question Oriadin thought to himself. At least Sejah seemed a little more comfortable now. Perhaps he would feel better in himself now, knowing he had someone to talk to over his problem.

--The ability to read does not make one more intelligent. It can give you more knowledge sure but it doesnt give you the ability to think. To use your brain. I can see you are a clever person, Sejah. If you were to ask me, I would say that the best Jedi there could ever be, would have little reason to need a lightsaber.--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 02:04:14 PM
Where he came from there were heroes in legends that had not needed to fight, but the glorious ones were those who fought gallantly in battle, and overcame great odds. Ramadon the Great, Rehjai the Immense, N'duk the Hunter, and many more. The blade was tied to his notion of power, skill, and ability to do right.

"Your point has merit, Oriadin, but, you cannot deny that in some cases, force and strength are necessarry. Some men will not listen to reason, and must be made to in terms they understand. If it comes to force, so be it. But you have to make sure you don't go too far."

May 29th, 2002, 02:15:55 PM
Oriadin could see that Sejah had respect for warrior types. Oriadin did too. He loved stories of the old Jedi who battled the sith and for the good of the galexy. The names of Obi Wan and Mace Windu sprang to mind.

--I agree that in some cases, to battle is the only way to resolve a problem but I also think that there are far greater ways to be victorious. I see no great achievment in fighting if things could have been done some other way.--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 02:23:20 PM
"I guess that's where we differ, on the subject of fighting." Sejah smiled weakly, "I guess my point of view could be stilted, as that it's all I can really do. But, perhaps in time I'll change mine, or you'll change yours. Who knows?"

Leaning back, Sejah propped his arms up on the arms of the char, and let his tail flick on it's own. "But, anyhow, I've still got a long way to go before I'm caught up to you in knowing about the Force, so, I guess maybe I'll change my mind by then. We'll see."

May 29th, 2002, 02:30:58 PM
Oriadin shook his head.

--sure, I know a lot of stories and a lot about the ways of the Jedi but I wouldnt say im that much ahead of you in knowing about the force. What with the force class and all, I don think it will be very long before you catch up with me. Perhaps we will have to have a spar one day. That should be an interesting contest!

Oriadin smiled to Sejah. A look of throwing a challenge!

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 02:42:08 PM
Sejah caught it, and smiled wanly. "An interesting contest indeed. I'll look forward to that."

The smile fading as he continued, Sejah reached down and fingered the handle of his lightsaber. "If you couldn't be a Jedi, what would you do?" He then asked, seemingly out of the blue.

May 29th, 2002, 02:48:47 PM
Oriadin was taken aback by Sejahs question. It was very out of the blue and in no way related to what they were talking about. It caught Oriadin off guard and so he needed a little bit of time to think.

--Hmmm, good question.--

Oriadin looked at the ceiling as he tried to think.

--I really dont know. Id love to be able to help people in one way of another or an ambasador perhaps. Id love to be a historian too. I love readin old stories. How about yourself?--

Sejah Haversh
May 29th, 2002, 03:01:26 PM
Sejah knew full well what he'd do if he ahdn't been discovered. "Me? I'd keep doing what I had been; working two jobs and teaching at my master's school. It's nothing fancy, but it keeps a roof over my head, and food in my stomach."

Most of the time...

May 29th, 2002, 03:14:58 PM
Oriadin liked to hear about Sejah's past. He liked to hear everyones past but Sejah was an interesting character and had obviously been through a lot.

--Tell me about your master school. What was it like? How did you start working there? What was your master like?--

Sejah Haversh
May 30th, 2002, 10:49:01 PM
A smile of fond reminiscince grew on Sejah's face as he remembered. "It wasn't a large school, but we had a fair amout of students; most of them attending area schools for their regular education and using his classes to supplement the lack of skill in their public school fencing instructors." At the mention of that, he noticed the look on Oriadin's face, and Sejah smiled wider and explained. "The sword and kris dagger are taught from the first levels of school to most who choose to take them. Though, there has been little push to learn the old ways, and nowadays kids are lookign to perfect their typing and computer skills rather than their parries and thrusts. But, who can blame them.

"Anyhow, we had classes six days a week and I was First Apprentice to Master Rej, the area Grandmaster in the Rho'istaan sword style. Being the Grandmaster, he could have charged a fair amount for lessons, but valued skilled students over rich ones, and found the pooest seemed to have the most ambition. I was guilty of that, myself," He chuckled, remembering bygone days.

"I met Master Rej by accident. I knew who he was, and all, but not personally until I was twelve. There was a local gang of bullies who enjoyed picking on, and beating up younger, weaker kids in my neighborhood. One day, they chose me. They backed me into a corner in front of the main windows of Master Rej's school, and made plans to beat me up. Well, They tried, but, somehow, I managed to hold them off by myself long enough for the Master to see the commotion and come out brandishing a pair of tulwar, sabers, to you, and scared them off, giving one of them an impromptu haircut while he was at it with a deft swing of one of the blades.
"He took me into the school and gave me a drink of water, and told me he was amazed at the speed and skill I had shown, and when I felt ready, he pressed a trainign sword into my paw and told me to defend myself against his attacks. Now, I had played swordfight before, and I ahd watched matches live and on TV, but, I had never acually held a real blade. I was able to block every one of his advances for fifteen minutes. He was furious, and bewildered at the same time. He said I was a prodigy with teh balde, and that I would have to attend his classes. I told him I couldn't afford it, but he said that I could train for free. Now I believe he feared that another master would find me and do the same, and make Master Rej's school look bad.
"Well, I trained for the next few months, and then went to competition where I defeated every challenger in my age level, but was not allowed to compete against adults. I gave my privze money to my mom, and then continued to train. Master Rej taught me every technique he knew, and sent me to train with otehr masters as well when he could. I also learned empty-pwas fighting, as well, but prefer the balde. So, for the next few years I competed, and won money while workign other jobs, and helping teach at MAster Rej's school. He paid me as much as he could, but it wasn't much. I enjoyed working with the kids, though, most were betweeen ten and seventeen, though we did have a few adults int he classes as well. It was probably the most fun I had back home."

May 31st, 2002, 02:40:21 AM
Oraidin listned intently to Sejah's story. He couldnt help but feel that he landed on his feet the day his master spotted him. A twist of fate to have those people bully him that day. Stories of competitions and training with various masters, it was very inspireing.

--A prodigy huh? Very impressive. I can tell you hold your master in very high regard, and rightly so by the sound of it.--

Oriadin thought for a moment.

--Perhaps we shouldnt spar afterall!--

Oraidin joked as he let of a small laugh.

--I dont know if you heard, but Marcus QDunn had a long chat with me in the bar and grill a few weeks ago. He managed to get me to remember that I was some sort of body guard for an ambassador. My fighting skills were always very good. I had a very strong sense for danger and reflexes that even I couldnt explain. Im not a fighter though, I can hold my own against the best but I prefer to find some other way of resolving a dispute. Still, if I ever get in any trouble in a fight, I know where to come for help!--

A large smile appeared on Oriadins face as he looked at Sejah.

Sejah Haversh
May 31st, 2002, 02:56:57 AM
Sejah couldn't help but laugh, Oraidin had been good medicine for him that day. He had gottne his secret of illiteracy out,a nd now knew of his past, and was willing to speak with him further about it. At last he was making a real friend.

"Thanks, just don't call me telepathically!" He replied, smirking, "Naw, but really, I dor respect Master Rej a lot. He, he sort of acted like a father to me when I needed it sometimes. And he yelled at me when I needed it, too. I'll freely admit, I wasn't a model teen. But, he straightened me out. Garfife watched out for me that day when those bullies accoseted me, that's for sure. And don't worry about the spar, this talk has been good. Thank you, Or, I mean it."

May 31st, 2002, 05:05:41 AM
--Its no problem my friend. I'll always be there if you need a chat or want to get somethng off your chest.--

Oraidin had really enjoyed the chat too. He was begining to feel a bit lonely at the GJO. Everyone was really friendly but on a few occasions he had felt the odd one out. Now he had someone on the same level as him. Someone he could share stories with and talk to when he needed.

--I was only kidding about the spar by the way, a victory every now and then is good for the confidence!--

Oraidin joked as he made out he could beat his friend in a battle when he really knew it would be a very tough fight for him to win.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 1st, 2002, 02:04:13 AM
"Well, I do ahve one other question, and I don't know if you can answer it for me or not." Sejah said, now very confident in his ability to talk to Oriadin. Shifting in his seat, he asked, "Do you know if we're allowed to have visitors while we are in training? I have an old aquaintence, the closest thing I can call to a friend from home, who might be out in this area. Do you know if we'd be able to contact others and invite them here?"

He was about to let it rest at that, but knew he had better voice the other part of his concern, "But there's one other stipulation; he's part of the Night Legion (basically group like the Foreign Legion made up of mercs, scoundrels, lawbreakers, and deserters. Not an exceptionally friendly crew, but one you call in when you need a job done with no care as to what happens to the other side. Oriadin might or might not know of them) so I'm not sure if that would be allowed. Do you have any idea?"

Jun 1st, 2002, 04:36:48 AM
Oriadin was pleased Sejah felt comfortable in talking to him. He had heard tales of the Night Legion but had never come into contact with one as far as he was aware. Oriadin pondered the question for a few seconds.

--Hmmm. To be honest I really dont know. As he is a friend of yours perhaps it would not be a problem. Some Jedi here may not be terribly happy though. Im sorry, I really dont know. Perhaps it would be wise to consult the Jedi Council on this?--

Of the stories Oriadin had heard of the Night Legion the thought of one made Oriadin feel slighlty uncomfortable. He said to himself that everyone deserves a chance though and if he was a friend of Sejah's, then perhaps hes not that bad afterall.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:31:15 AM
Sejah hadn't had anyone to talk to in so long that he was beginning to drop some of the barriers he usually kept up. He liked to think of himself as being able to be independant, and take care of hismelf, but he knew he wanted friends, and right now he felt he had one. Letting himself go, he nodded and continued on.

"His name's Bhen, he lived on my block, and was one of my brother's friends. He's seven years older than I am, but, he's a good guy, well, mostly. You see, the part of town I come from, you don't always even trust your friends unless you know for sure they they're you're friend. I didn't know that about Bhen, but he and my brother got along well.

"Well, we grew up, and Bhen sort of became a surrogate brother to me after mine died. He taught me stuff, and treated me like I was worth something. That means a lot to a skin-flint broke kid, I'll tell you that. Bhen was lucky, he went to school, and graduated, even. I always envied him, his famiily's house was more important than mine, and he got more opportunities. Well, years passed, we lost touch, but a few years back I met him again, and he was in the Night Legion. Still the same Bhen I knew, but a bit colder, a bit rougher. He'd been through a lot, that much I could tell.

"I dunno, I guess I just need an old friend to talk to, someone who understands what I've come from. I mean, you;ve been a good help, but, there's things you know I wouldn't tell you. That's why I asked if you knew if I could invite someone. I just need a friend to talk to to make sure I'm doing the right thing here."

Jun 5th, 2002, 02:36:52 AM
Oriadin could tell Sejah was very fond of this Bhen. Oriadin seemed a bit more comfortable knowing how close Sejah was to him. Perhaps it would do him good to see a friendly face. Perhaps if Oriadin could remember someone, it would be good for him to see a familier face too. Life as a Jedi was certainly not easy. There was a lot to sacrifice but the rewards were very great. The knowledge of the Jedi and their will to help others in need. Thats what interested Oriadin.

--you and him sound very close. I cant see why you wouldnt be allowed visitors. As long as hes on his best behaviour!--

A smile came across Oriadin face as he made the conversation slightly more light hearted.

--Perhaps it would be wise to consult the council on this matter. Certainly a more senior Jedi.--