View Full Version : A New Friend

imported_Corin Zetith
May 21st, 2002, 09:45:01 PM
Corin walked with his comrade Sejah Haversh into the bar and sat down at a booth in the corner telling the waitress for three people. he ordered a lomin ale and looked at the menu.

"you'll have to tell me whats good Sejah. wow! i haven't eaten in two days. im famished. what about the grilled ryloth? is that any good? how much can you eat? you look like you could hold your own against the best."

"Oh, maam, my pal here would like a drink please."

Sejah Haversh
May 21st, 2002, 10:55:33 PM
Sejah just smiled and shook his head as Corin asked what was good on the menu, having only come into knowledge of such foods in the past few days.

Looking over the pictures on the menu he had been given, the Nehantite called to the waitress, "I'll just have a grape Nehi to drink right now, thanks. Oh, in the bottle, cap on." Nodding to her that he was done, he looked back to the laminated sheet before himself and stroked his chin in mock thought.

"Weeeell, the ryloth isn't bad, but it seemed a bit dry to me. The Porterhouse steak is good, and so is the pizza. Actually, most everything on here is pretty good, though I try and stick to some staple foods." He said as the waitress returned with a glass mug of ale for Corin, and an old-fashioned bottle of Nehi for Sejah, with the cap still on, as he had requested. "Thanks," He nodded to her again before placing the lip of the crimped metal cap against the edge of the table, and then brought his other paw down on the bottle, popping off the small silver crown, and catching it deftly.

A chuckling grin was on hsi face as he saw Corin looking at him. "No Vorce powers necessary, just practice." Tipping the bottle up, he drained some of the purple soda into his mouth and swallowed. "Good stuff, but, as far as reccomendations go, I'd say go with the Porterhouse with potatoes and gravy. It'll fill you up right quick."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 22nd, 2002, 03:32:01 PM
Corin took Sejah's advice and ordered the porterhouse.

"this lomin ale is pretty bland i usually dont drink it but it sounded good."

Corin called the witress back over and ordered a water.

"so how long have you been here sejah?"

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 03:43:24 PM
Scratching the back of his neck where an itch had developed, Sejah replied, "Well, I think this is my sixth day. So, I really haven't been here that long. Some of my stuff from home should be arriving soon, I hope, That should make the room look a bit less, well, empty."

Sipping on his Nehi, Sejah pulled his paw back away from his neck and looked at the menu again, examining the pictures to see what might look good to him that night. Settling on a side of ribs, the mongoose looked back up to Corin.

Though he was nineteen, Corin still had a boyish look to him, though his actions and speech made hism sound much older. In the back of his mind, Sejah wondered what kind of schooling he had, and hoped that his own lack of education wouldn't be a problem. Pushing that out of his mind, he looked to the door and back as the waitress delivered Corin's water.

"So, when's this girlfriend of yours going to show up? You weren't just putting me on, back there, were you?" he teased him, a grin on his face exposed his teeth, and a bit of his fangs, though his pink eyes still sparked with mirth.

Enya Ramelian
May 22nd, 2002, 04:52:39 PM
Enya walked into the Jedi bar. She stopped and scanned the tables for Corin and his new roommate. She had news to tell him about her family and was wanting to meet his new found friend.

Spotting them she made her way through the crowds a small grimace of pain etched her features. There were force users about and it brought her no comfort. Not so long ago he would have felt her enter the bar, she would have called out to him using the force but now she couldn't.

Stepping up behind Corin she placed a finger to her lips at Corin's roommate. She wanted to surprise him. It made her ache to know that he couldn't feel her presence the way he used to because she had closed herself from the force completely but she did not want to make him sad this day.

Slipping her arms around his neck she giggled and planted a small kiss on his cheek. Standing back up after he had jumped at her touch she bowed to Her loves new roomy.

"A pleasure to meet you I'm Enya Ramelian. Hello Corin." She said her smile decidedly wicked at the trick she had played....

Sejah Haversh
May 22nd, 2002, 05:07:07 PM
Sejah played along with her joke, and laughed out loud when she scared Corin, and then let it die down into a chuckle as he took a sip form his bottle of Nehi.

"That's some girl you got yourself there, Corin, " He continued to chuckle, and then nodded to Enya and held out his paw to shake her hand. "I'm Sejah, Corin is my new roomie. Good to meet you, Miss Ramelian." The mongoose said in a kind tone.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 03:29:55 PM
Corin jumped inside, and then quickly relaxed again as he felt the familiar touch of his loves lips on his face.

"Sejah, this is Enya Ramelian. and yes she is really something"

Corin shifted his gaze towards enya emphasizing the words he spoke to reassure her once again that he didnt care how much she had changed. he didnt love her any less. Corin got up and offered her a seat.

"Enya we just ordered before you came. get whatever you want when the waitress gets back. i'm paying tonight."

Corin wanted to know so much about what she was going to do about where she was going to live. he decided he'd wait 'til shhe was ready.

"so, Enya, what have you been doing for the past few days my love. i lasted about 10minutes in the sparring ring with Jedi Knight Shade Magus; it was quite fun!"

the waitress came back requiring what the young lady would like to drink and eat for her evening meal.

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 03:36:09 PM
Sejah was taking a drink of his Nehi when Corin spoke about sparring with Shade. Having to swallow hard to keep himself from sputtering, Sejah wasn't the model of politeness, but he did try.

Coughinh lighty to clear his throat, the mongoose asked, "You sparred with Shade too? He's a good opponent, huh? I've gone a round with hima s well."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 03:52:25 PM
"Yeah he kicked my #$% pretty good. i told him to let me have it, good. and he did."

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 03:56:00 PM
Chuckling slightly, Sejah decided to embarass his new roomate in front of his girlfriend a bit.

"Wiped the floor with you, did he? Heh, we hit a stalemate in our bout." He said with a glimmer of smugness to it.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 04:27:07 PM
"Hey! i told him to go as hard on me as he wopuld a sith! he took me at my word and didn't let up until i was spitting blood. he used the force against me too."

Corin's face turned bright red as he triedto save some face infront of Enya, but it wasn't working. he decided to just laugh and let Sejah have his fun. it was all good fun!

"I did get beat pretty bad though."

Enya Ramelian
May 23rd, 2002, 06:34:47 PM
Enya chuckled lightly at the banter that went back and forth between the two new friends. She should tell that Corin had made a good one and had finally found a place that offered him peace.

After ordering fro the droid she turned back and rested her hand on Corin's sleeve. A small smile on her lips.

"I have been running around and shopping for new cloths, my love and I have another surprise for you. I have found a small place to live not far from here. My mother said that the house is to full at the moment. So I am staying here." She smiled though her eye's had a worried look in them, at the thought he would not want her to stay and the thought of being around so many force users...

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 08:31:24 PM
Corin's eyes grew wide with joy!

"Well...Well thats wonderful! im glad you decided to stay, but will you be all right having to stay around all of us force users? i mean will it hurt you? i dont want you to hurt."

he squeazed her hand tightly in his, and wouldn't let go.

"Well, don't you want anything to eat? or are you just gunna sit here and laugh at us making fun of each other? which by the way Sejah, how did you manage a draw with Magus? you can't even use the force yet."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 23rd, 2002, 08:31:59 PM
Corin's eyes grew wide with joy!

"Well...Well thats wonderful! im glad you decided to stay, but will you be all right having to stay around all of us force users? i mean will it hurt you? i dont want you to hurt."

he squeazed her hand tightly in his, and wouldn't let go.

"Well, don't you want anything to eat? or are you just gunna sit here and laugh at us making fun of each other? which by the way Sejah, how did you manage a draw with Magus? you can't even use the force yet. i fought him hand to hand, no weapons. how did you spar w/him?"

Sejah Haversh
May 23rd, 2002, 11:24:20 PM
A soft smile graced Sejah's face as Corin and Enya spoke to each other; they truly loved each other, and it showed. Sometimes he wished he could find love like that.

But he was jogged back to reality by Corin's question, and he leaned back in his eat, placing hs arm along the top of the back of his bench seat and flexed it a bit. Looking smug, he replied, "What? You think I got noticed for my razor with and dashing good looks?" His smile growing too big to be repressed, he shook his head and also shook with hearty chuckling, "No, fighting's the one thing I can do. Well, I fence better, but I was a champion fighter in local competitons where I come from. Shade and I went at it hand to hand, and we were able to just cancel each other out. I didn't use the Force to my knowledge, but he did to increase his speed. Gave me a black eye, though."

He pointed to his left eye, still slightly swollen from the blow he had recieved a few days before. "But the real fun was after that... He decided to give me a few, well, lessons in the Force. Hoofka, those were bad... But here I am, hogging the conversation."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 24th, 2002, 10:06:53 PM
"How far away will you be from the jedi praxeums Enya?"

"And Sejah, how long do you think it'll be 'til we get a master?"

As Corin asked these questions he took a sip of his water. pleased that it was pure and clean and much better than the lomin ale he had had earlier.

Enya Ramelian
May 24th, 2002, 10:33:22 PM
Enya smiled softly as she looked at Corin. Her heart in her eye's. She truly loved Corin and was very happy to see him where he needed to be.

"I will not be far my love." Enya said as her food arrived. Sipping her water she listened to the banter of the two men and enjoyed the first peaceful moment she had felt in a long time...

Looking up at Sejah she grinned." How long have you been here Sejah?"

Sejah Haversh
May 25th, 2002, 01:52:10 AM
Kids, Sejah thought to himself as he watched them, They both must have had good lives, to still be that happy just with each other.

Though he wished to dismiss their love through their youth, Sejah knew he was actually a bit jealous. He never had someone that close to him, he never coudl afford to have a real girlfriend. But he kept a smile on his face, and his posture relaxed as if nothing were the matter.

Reachign up to scratch behind his large, thin ear, Sejah quickly stopped himself as he was asked a question by Enya. Putting his paw back down, he replied, "Well, this is only my sixth day, actually, noon tomorrow will make it a week. It's a good place, but it can get a bit lonesome at times. I'm quite sure Corin is more glad than even he knows that you won't be far away," He smirked as he teased Corin again, but then shook his head.

"Naw, it's not that bad. But, it can take a while to get a master. Evidently there've been quite a few applicants, so it might take a while. I don't expect to get picked by one for a while, but there's some classes we can take in the meantime. And then there's always sparring sessions with Shade..." he left off, a knowign grin on his face as he lifted his bottle of grape soda to his mouth and took a sip.

"So, what do I get to learn about my new roomie? Feel free to speak up, Enya, Im sure there's things he won't tell me about himself. Like if he snores or not."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 25th, 2002, 06:59:17 PM
Corin smiled sheepishly thinking of all the things she could say about him to his new roomy. and knowing Enya shed do it to. but it was worth it, it put her and sejah in a good mood and him as well they were just havin fun.:)

Enya Ramelian
May 27th, 2002, 09:12:28 PM
Enya's smile grew wider and a glint of mischievous light filled her eye's. She was beginning to like this new roomy of Corin's. He would be good for her sweet lover. Looking over at Corin she raised her eyebrows. A small giggle erupted from her lips at the look on his face.

"Well, Sejah all I can tell you s invest in ear plugs, and hide your snacks Corin gets hungry at night and he tends to eat everything in sight." Enya said as she leaned forward with a serious expression. Throwing back her head she laughed. She had not laughed like that in a long time.

"Corin my sweet you must warn your poor roommate about all of this stuff. He just doesn't know what he is getting into." She said her eye's softening as she looked at Corin. She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"I wish it was I who had the pleasure of hearing you snore again my love." She said into his ear softly before sitting back and sipping her drink the twinkle of laughter still in her eye's.

Sejah Haversh
May 27th, 2002, 09:43:48 PM
Sejah laughed politely at her comments, though not enough to make Corin feel bad. And as she kissed him, he could see that theirs was more than just puppy love.

Pulling a make-believe pad of paper form his pocket, and an invisible pen from his shirt pocket, Sejah pretended to jot a note down as he said, "Corin Zenith: Snores and filches snack foods..." Lookign up like a reporter at an interview, he continued, "Anythine more? You don't leave towels on the floor in the bathroom, do you?"

Though he looked serious, he knew they could tell it was a joke. Sejah was enjoying himself, he hadn't been so light-hearted in some time.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 28th, 2002, 01:26:25 PM
Corin finished his porterhouse and wiped his mouth. then it was his turn to do the teasing. he answered sejah as if he was being interviewed by the daily bugle.

"well, to start sir i would like to first of all take the time out to tell you how lucky you are to not have to have her as your roomy instead of me. she snores like a pig! and second i would like to inform the public that i do not leave my towels on the floor, thank you. (Corin points at Enya) but she does."

Corin laughed and drank some more water.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 28th, 2002, 01:28:19 PM
Corin finished his porterhouse and wiped his mouth. then it was his turn to do the teasing. he answered sejah as if he was being interviewed by the daily bugle.

"well, to start sir i would like to first of all take the time out to tell you how lucky you are to not have to have her as your roomy instead of me. she snores like a pig! and second i would like to inform the public that i do not leave my towels on the floor, thank you. (Corin points at Enya) but she does."

Corin laughed and drank some more water. smiling and looking through the bottom of his glass at Enya Ramelian; "champion snorer and misplacer of towels".

imported_Corin Zetith
May 28th, 2002, 01:30:39 PM
OOC: oops srry bout that wasnt finished with my post!

Enya Ramelian
May 29th, 2002, 06:37:03 PM
Enya's mouth dropped open in mock shock. Holding back a giggle. She put her hands on her hips and sat up straight.

"Corin, You take that back I do not snore. I may leave my towels on the floor but I do not snore. Besides I thought You said I sounded cute when I sleep." She said her eyebrows raised.

Notable to contain herself any longer she broke out with laughter.

"You my dear Corin snore like a X-wing starting up."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 29th, 2002, 07:16:03 PM
Corin's cheeks flushed bright red with embarassment

"I didn't think it was THAT loud, maybe a speeder but not an X-wing! HaHaHa!"

He held his hands in mock of him being offended at her comments. and then he looked over at Sejah. the mongoose looked a little bored with them constantly flirting so he tried to change the subject....

"So Sejah do you have the hots for anybody in particular? is there some lucky girl waiting for you back home?"

Corin nudged him playfully in the side.

Sejah Haversh
May 30th, 2002, 12:34:29 AM
"Me?" Sejah asked, a little dumbfounded. Pulling his cheek, he stalled for time before answering, "Well, um, not really, no."

It was embarassing thing to admit, but he knew better than to lie about it. "I. um, never was too popular with the ladies. Sure, I dated some, but, never got on too well. And I've really been too busy lately to keep up a relationship anyhow, so, maybe that's a good thing."

He could see that wasn't th4e kind of answer Corin was lookign for, but Sejah didn't really know how to sugar-coat it any more than that. He liked girls, and missed them now that he was away from his own species, but, ther had never been any burning urge to be with one all the time for him. What could he say? Sejah was a bachelor, and didn't mind it too terribly at the moment. Though after seeing how happy Corin and Enya were together, he began to long for a female of his own kind for that kind of companionship, though he knew it was hopeless that far from home.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 1st, 2002, 11:33:30 PM
"Man Sejah, we have to fix that. a nice guy like you. come on, you gotta have somebody."

Corin called the waitress back and asked for his check.....

Sejah Haversh
Jun 3rd, 2002, 01:18:48 AM
Having finished his own dinner, Sejah folded one paw over the other on the tabletop and looked glumly embarassed for a moment before replying, "Well, perhaps. But there aren't that many Nehatite females off-planet. And finding one that's go for a broke, plain lookin' guy like me would be even harder to track down. Sorry, Corin, there's other factors you don't know about yet."

He immediately took a drink of his Nehi, and set the bottle down slowly, his good humor having rapidly disappeared.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:16:46 PM
Kack Mebuff walked into the B&G looking for any familiar faces. And did he ever find one. Glancing at a table not far from the entrance Kack saw Corin Zetith with an attractive girl and furry being. Corin was a member of the ruling class back on Naboo. "What's a rich boy like him doing in a dump like this?" Kack thought, "Well, no better time to make friends than now."

Kack wondered if Corin would remember him, they had shared several classes back at the academy, but Corin hung out with a very different crowd, the rich kids. But Kack liked Corin, he was a good hearted guy, not snobbish like the others back on Naboo.

Kack approached the table. "Hey stranger," he said to Corin. "Care if I join ya'?"

Kack Mebuff
Jun 3rd, 2002, 10:17:19 PM
Kack Mebuff walked into the B&G looking for any familiar faces. And did he ever find one. Glancing at a table not far from the entrance Kack saw Corin Zetith with an attractive girl and furry being. Corin was a member of the ruling class back on Naboo. "What's a rich boy like him doing in a dump like this?" Kack thought, "Well, no better time to make friends than now."

Kack wondered if Corin would remember him, they had shared several classes back at the academy, but Corin hung out with a very different crowd, the rich kids. But Kack liked Corin, he was a good hearted guy, not snobbish like the others back on Naboo.

Kack approached the table and tapped Corin on the shoulder. "Hey stranger," he said to the young man. "Care if I join ya'?"

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 13th, 2002, 12:58:02 AM
Corin looked up, and his deep blue eyes widened.

"Kack? Kack Mebuff? You were in my civil economics class. Is that really you?"

Corin remembered all the good times he had with Kack in Mr. Sadars class. most of it was spent seeing who could bonce the most spit balls off his bald head..

"Hey, is that old bum Mr. Sadar still working at the academy or has he found a hobby yet? Wow! i never thought I'd see you here. Whats new with you? Come on have a seat. Get whatever you want its on me tonight."

OOC: hey guys lets wait for Enya she cant really post right now. but Kack your welcome to help with the "infiltration in the night" topic in the jedi living quarters if youd like to. i dont and im sure Sejah doesn't mind.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 14th, 2002, 02:32:33 PM
Kack took a seat at the table. "It's been a long time old friend. I haven't seen you in ages." Kack smiled. "Like the shades? I lost my vision on Umgul. But with the Force I can function just fine." Kack realized that he may have made the table uncomfortable, so he tried to change the subject. "So you're training to be a Jedi too. Not too many come in from Naboo, I imagine. So how long have you been here??"

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 15th, 2002, 06:21:09 AM
"My guess is probably about as long as you have. i got hear about two to three days ago. and Sejah been here only a little longer than that."

OOC:alright until Enya can post again im not gunna post any more, see you two in the other posts.

Enya Ramelian
Jun 19th, 2002, 02:18:30 AM
Enya sat back content to listen to the chatter of Corin and his friends. Scanning the room she watched others come and go, laughter filled the bar. So many had found happiness here, as Corin had. Closing her eyes she sighed softly. Images flashed through her mind.

So much had been taken from her in such a short time. She had Corin back and she knew that it was enough to sustain her for now. Enya knew her dreams would be haunted forever by what had occurred and the need to use the force would never lessen. She wondered how long she could handle the pain when she tried o use it.

"Your mine Enya. He no longer searches for you. He no longer loves you." Her captors voice still rang sharply in her mind. She knew he lied. Wasn't she with Corin now?

"Why do you still torment me?" She thought to herself, trying to push the bitter voice from her mind.

Leaning forward she grasped Corin's hand. He glanced a her and smiled softly. She could see the love in his eye's for her. Enya knew that to him family meant everything. Her captor would come for her once again and this time she would be ready for him as would Corin. She would die before he took her back to the nightmare she had lived through not so long ago...

OOC:Sorry for the wait guys. Thanks for being patient. Huggs Corin thanks for being so kind :)

Kack Mebuff
Jun 19th, 2002, 09:23:47 AM
The whole table errupted into laughter at Enya's anecdotes about Corin.

Kack couldn't remember the last time he had this much fun. Not since the swoop race on Nar Shadda. Even if he had to deal with those vile Hutts. He and Core had made good money there at that race and they had partied like it on that day.

Suddenly, Kack's expression grew grim, the thought of his brother brought back some painful thoughts ... the cantina on Umgul, the thermal detonator, why couldn't Kack have saved him?

Kack felt a tear running down his face, he quickly wiped it away lest anyone see. He didn't want to ruin their fun. Kack took a sip of his Juri Juice as the rest of the table laughed.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 19th, 2002, 08:32:38 PM
Corin saw his friends eyes turn watery and sad for a second and then quickly come back to the jovial happy face that had been there before. something was wrong, it was as if something had penetraded a defensive shielding in his friend and then been quickly iradicated by Kack trying to cover it up. not wanting to embarass him he decided to ask later. he continued as if nothing had happened.

"Oh Kack, put that juice on my tab. its on me tonight buddy."

Kack Mebuff
Jun 19th, 2002, 10:59:14 PM
"Ah, don't worry about it, friend. I got it." Kack smiled one of those sad smiles. Kack exscused himself and walked to the male's room.

He stood there in front of the mirror tears running down his face. Suddenly, he felt a blade of some sort at his back.

"Time to hand over your credits friend," gruff voice said.

Kack figured the thug had snuck the weapon in the cantina considering weapons, with the exception of lightsabers, weren't allowed in the bar.

"Away with you," Kack said with a wave of his hand.

"hahaha! Your mind trick won't work on me Jedi!" the thug pressed the point into Kack's back "Now, you're credits."

Kack did not want to fight this guy, but it was coming down to it. Kack tapped into the Force stealing the blade from the would-be thief. A Rodian. Kack kicked him in the gut then grabbed him and flipped him upside down and slammed him into the wall, leaving the hoodlum unconscious. Kack strolled out of the male's room and walked back to his table.

Six goons ran into the bathroom to see what had happened. As Kack sat down, he said, "This might be a good time to part, friends. Some Rodian tried to mug me in the men's room and I don' think his friends are going to be too happy with what happened to him. Don't worry he's not dead, just unconscious."

Kack looked to his friends as four of the six approached, the other two, carrying the bruised rodian, in tow.

OOC: Didn't mean to make a ruckuss, but thought a little plot twist might liven things up. If you guys want I can fix it.

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 20th, 2002, 07:55:44 PM
Corin looked on cooly, seeing which thug would start the trouble.

Thug: alright, which one of you, messed with my buddy. its time for you to mess with me.

Corin: sir what in blazes of yavin's sun are you talking about.

Thug: dont pull that bull#$%@ with me jedi brat, your a wise guy huh. perhaps one of your buddies would like to find out what pain is all about eh?

Corin's eyes blazed a deep ice blue. it was one thing to threaten himself but completely diff when it concerned his friends.

Corin(dangerously but cool): sir, i suggest you leave. Now1 before somebody gets hurt.

Thug: ah suggest this!

The thug threw a hard right hook fullswing to Corin's head, Corin ducked aside sending the punch straight past him. Corin did a backflipo straight over the thug's head and landed behind him. Corin deliverd a complete roundhouse kick to the back of the mans head sending him crashing into the table. however the backflip sent him too close to his assailants pals. they all leapt for him at once. the three men drove him to the ground sending three punches in for every punch he delivered back.

OCC: Your welcome Enya, anything to help ive had some times like that before, they're tough.

Kack Mebuff
Jun 20th, 2002, 09:58:25 PM
Kack quickly joined the fight, considering he had caused most of the trouble. He levitated one of the thugs and sent him flying through the air.

One of the others looked up and charged Kack. Kack used the thugs momentum against him and sent him soaring. But the grunt returned to his feet and pulled a blaster hidden in his boot. He began taking shots at Kack, who reflected each shot effortlessly with his purple lightsaber.

The thug charged still taking shots as he got in range it got harder to block the shots and they became more erradic and Kack took a swing and accidentally hacked off the attacker's hand.

The thug looked at his wrist and fainted.

OOC: Left some for Sejah and Enya.

Sejah Haversh
Jun 21st, 2002, 02:42:31 AM
A New York strip steak reqires a steak knife, and one lay before Sejah as he watched the fight begin. Though they were his frends, there was still the rule stating no fighting, and he deliberated a moment before just letting his conscience lead him.

The bottle of Nehi found itself baching over one thug's head, and the next to him was quicly grabbed by the hair and had a steak knife put to his throat. Wrenchign him upright, Sejah shouted to get attention, "Security! We need security over here!" Then, a low animalistic growl emintated from his throat as he said, "You all, back off, or I will slit his throat."

Kack Mebuff
Jun 23rd, 2002, 10:31:55 PM
Kack held the rodian at bay with his lightsaber, while Sejah had one by the throat. Another backed off, and the rest lay in pile on the floor.

Security rushed over, blasters ready, and shackled the criminals and marched them all out of the building.

Kack and Sejah stood the table back up and everyone sat back down.

"Sorry, about all the trouble guys. Sometimes my rough edges get the best of me," Kack said with a chuckle, "but, seriously, thanks for getting my back like that. I really appreciate it."

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:01:23 AM
"you better be sorry, and you better hope we dont get in trouble for this. im pretty sure they frown upon fights here."

Corin took a sip of his water and looked at Enya. Actually at her eyes, those same eyes that had captured his love for her the first time they had met. he thought to himself that this beautiful young woman next to him was the most important thing to him in all the universe and he couldn't possibly ever fully express his love for her in ten lifetimes let alone one.

"Well is everyone ready to go back to the living quarters to digest a little?"

"Enya, you're welcome to come although it is getting late as well. you might want to get back home before it gets completely dark my love."

Enya Ramelian
Jun 24th, 2002, 12:14:50 AM
Enya smiled as Corin stared into her eye's. She could feel so much love from him and it was the one thing that kept her sane.

She stood and bowed to Corin's two friends. "It was truly pleasure to meet you both. I hope all works out well." She said with a small smile and a gesture toward the fallen thugs.

"Sejah take care of my Corin please. You have a kind heart and a strong mind. He needs friends now and I hope that you will be one of his best." Enya said as she grasped Sejahs hand. "May the force be with you both."

Turing back to Corin. Walk me to the door my love. I do need to get back before it gets dark and I'm sure I can find an escort to my place, so take the worried look from your eye's." She said softy as she brushed her hand across his cheek.

"I will be back tomorrow. If you have time perhaps we can walk in the garden. Good-bye my love." She whispers as she hugged him and placed a soft kiss on his lips...

imported_Corin Zetith
Jun 24th, 2002, 01:14:40 AM
Corin walked and waited for her transport ation to arrive, he didnt want any unnecessary risks. he kissed her gently and hugged her close as if it was the last time he would see her ever.

"Take care Love"

Corin to transport captain: "here, (gives man a little extra money) make sure she gets back safely or ill have your head."

Cab driver:" Yes Sir!"

when enya had gone he walked back into the grill and sat back down.

"well?! what do you guys sat we go back to the academy?"

Corin paid the tab and a little extra for the waitress who would have to clean up thier mess.