View Full Version : Twenty-Four

Admiral Lebron
May 21st, 2002, 08:09:08 PM
I didn't know where to post this ...


Lotta spoilers if you haven't seen the last hour

My god! Victor Drazen! Full of lead. That was...quite a moment. The anger and hate I could feel. That whole scene was greats. It was a great gunfight. I think both Drazens got what they deserved. They were evil. Buy immensly loyal to family.

As for Palmer and his wife, I knew it was coming, but I didn't know when. But I'm glad he left that nasty $@%&! She was really bringing him down.

Lastly, I am wondering, as I am sure most of you are, is Terry dead? She was shot in the stomach and it was there for no more than 10 minutes. Guess we have to wait for another 24 to find out.

May 21st, 2002, 08:11:41 PM
Don't worry, you're in the right forum. ;)

Just like Survivor, I managed to not watch a single episode. So I have no clue about this show...

Admiral Lebron
May 21st, 2002, 08:17:33 PM
Not a single episode?!?!? JEEZ! This was one of my favoriate suspense shows on TV ever! Watch the repeats!

Figrin D'an
May 21st, 2002, 08:20:49 PM
I began watching the show when it started last fall out of blatant curiosity... I kept watching it, not so much because I was really intrigued by it, but bascially to find out if my suspicions about the final outcome were accurate.

I bascially saw two possible outcomes:

1) Victor Drezen gets away, and the whole cycle starts over again for Bauer and his family.

2) Jack gets Dressan, but something happens to either Kim or Terry.

As it turned out, my second theory was correct... I guess it helps to make Jack a more human character, and understand that there really are no happy endings, that someone gets hurt no matter what.

Also, I don't know about you, but I saw through Nina about half way through the show. First, the safehouse gets hit just after she leaves, which was way too convienient to be coincidence, and second, she was far too inquisitive about exactly what Jack was doing, when he was doing it and where he was... the first thing she would ask him whenever they talked on the phone was "Where are you?". She constantly pumped him for information before she would "help" him...

Anyway... it was a decent show, and it held my interest, if for nothing else than to see if my guesses were correct...
The soap opera between Sen. Palmer and his wife got old during the last several hours of the show... I would almost zone-out in those segements, waiting for the main plotline to pick up again...

Jedi Master Carr
May 21st, 2002, 10:31:14 PM
I was watching the show for the entire season and overall it was pretty good, I still was upset that Hopper had such anti-climatic part in the final hour, it was worse than seeing Jango get his head chopped off. Also we don't know if Terry is dead yet, I guess its a cliffhanger which will bridge the gap to next season. The bad thing is it looks like there is another party involved, there is somebody who Nina worked for she mentioned Germany but it sounded like it was just a stop over place, it sounded like there was a final destination but that is unknown. I bet she was going for the same place the Drazens was going for that means there was somebody helping them out the question is who? I guess we will have to wait 4 months to even find out and that part sucks

May 22nd, 2002, 12:18:38 AM
Loved the whole 24 hour saga, and it will start again next year with his wife still alive, she was on a late night show talking about signing up for next years Ep.s, it anything she lost her baby

Mu Satach
May 22nd, 2002, 12:29:28 PM
Caught one episode then lost track of it... never managed to catch back up so after a while just forgot about it.