View Full Version : Journey to Faraway Lands (Open to Jedi)

Daegal Murdoch
May 21st, 2002, 05:34:55 PM
Daegal boarded the flagship of his personal fleet, the Eagle's Wing, a Liquidator Class Cruiser. He was getting ready for an important trip, one that he would need to complete without fail. Daegal smiled at his wife, who was sitting next to him on the bridge of the cruiser.

The naviagtion officer approached Daegal.

"Sir, we are ready for takeoff. Destination Ossus."

Daegal nodded and the officer hurried back, giving the order for takeoff. Soon, the ship lifted and they made their way out into space.

After a while, the ship lurched forward, and the stars turned into lines as they jumped into hyperspace. It was only a matter of time before they reached their destination, and Daegal could get what he was going for.

Lana Westbrooke
May 21st, 2002, 05:38:28 PM
She smiled as the ship came to life, her eyes glittering with wonder. The disiple then turned to face her husband, replying with a gentle smile of her own.

"Of all the planets I've been to, I've never felt so childish. I have butterflies."

Lana laughed quietly and cantered her head.

"...Is that odd, or no?"

Daegal Murdoch
May 21st, 2002, 05:48:11 PM
Daegal smiled and nodded his head negatively.

"Not childish at all. I doubt that many of the planets that you've been to have had as much potential danger as there is where we are going."

Once again, the navigation officer approached Daegal and spoke quickly.

"Sir, we have arrived at Ossus. We are preparing to descend to the surface."

Daegal nodded.


Slowly, land came into view from the ports located on the bridge. After several minutes of descending, the ship set down gracefully onto hardened ground. The couple made their way to the lifts down to the surface. As they neared, Daegal smiled at his beloved bride.

"Here we go, love."

The Sith Knight quickly checked his weapons. He was carrying both his gold and blue sabers, as well as the Fang dagger crafted by Tempist on his belt. On the small of his back was a sheath containing the Sith Dagger that his Master had just recently given him upon his ascension to the rank of Knight.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:45:21 AM
Xazor walked through the space port of Ossus, a planet she had never been to before. For some reason, she felt called there by the Force and though that she would do some benevolent deeds if she could not find what it called her for. She looked around at the people who stared at her as she passed, and they had a good reason to. She was dressed in a fine suit of armour, one given to her by Helenias Q'Dunn herself. It clanged a bit as she walked, and the deep colored cape waved behind her as it caught the wind.

A single sword was strapped to her back and it bore the name "Chase". She smiled to herself as she checked her other weapons. On her weapons belt were three throwing knives, two crystal daggers, a rail gun given to her by Helenias, and her duel-phased saber, "Love" given to her by Sage Hazzard. On her left thigh in a black leather holster, was her prized blaster named "No Chance" and on her right in a matching holster, was "Fear".

Her waist length blonde hair hung in Garou Warrior braids with pretty gold coins interwoven into the hair. She was a true warrior with the touch of a lady. The Knight continued walking as she rounded a corner and viewed another ship ascending to the ground. She thought nothing of it for a moment and continued on, walking past it as she eyed a heavily armed man stepping out of it with a woman.

Sighing to herself, she looked ahead and continued on. People hid in the shadows of the spaceport, ready to jump her until they saw that she was a walking armoury. Laughing slightly, she threw some credits to one of these people and walked on, her pace slowing a bit as she looked around, taking in everything she could.

Daegal Murdoch
May 22nd, 2002, 03:35:17 PM
As Daegal stepped off of the ship and walked into the spaceport with his beautiful bride at his side, he smiled. The two continued walking in the spaceport when suddenly Daegal stopped. His gaze fell to the woman in the armor that had just walked past them. His hand went instinctively to his saber, though he did not draw it. He smiled sadistically as he spoke to his wife.

"She's a Jedi. Perhaps we should cause some comotion to get her attention."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 04:15:30 PM
Xazor's ultra-sensitive ears immediatly perked up at his words. Though he was a ways back, she heard them as if he was right next to her. She growled deeply and placed her hand on her saber, holding it in a firm grip in case something happened....

Daegal Murdoch
May 23rd, 2002, 05:41:48 PM
Daegal looked to his new bride and shook his head. He knew the woman had heard him and he knew that this spaceport was far too public for a battle. Where there is one Jedi, there is usually more.

"Discretion is the better part of valor, love. Let us make our way toward our target."

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:18:00 PM
This guy is such an idiot! Xazor thought to herself. She grinned slightly as she had heard him say that they were going to follow her. She did not quicken her pace, but instead, slowed it even more. Now she was walking softly and seemed to be without a care as she made her way through the crowd. She then slipped off into the shadows and seemed to disappear. She had cloaked herself in the Force to keep her signature hidden, as well as her face. She know walked in the shadows, keeping her eyes watching those around her....

Lana Westbrooke
May 23rd, 2002, 08:07:19 PM
"Very well."

She slipped a thick and shadowy hood from her head and let it fall neatly upon her shoulders. To Daegal's request, she pondered silently to herself, taking in the newest information given.
A Jedi? Oh, how she loathed those who beared light, but she silently reminded herself to behave. Whatever the job was that Daegal had come here for did not include her kicking lightbringers asses. Lana looked to her husband and offered a devious grin in return.

"..Then let us make our way, dearest. Time is of the essence."
