View Full Version : In seach of guidence

May 21st, 2002, 12:09:45 PM
As the sand batered ex-'s face as he walked along the dusty path from his dwelling, he did not flinch, he just stood there, thinking, wondering. Until he finally he opened his lips.

"My life needs purpose, forfilment and guidence."

As the wind picked up he tighened the cord on his robe and headed back in, picked up his laser blaster and put it in to his robe pocket.

"My quest has just begun..."

OOC: I need a Jedi knight willing to teach me the arts

May 21st, 2002, 12:41:31 PM
"Seaker of forfilment, you are adept in the will of the force are you not? Yet you still choose a clumsy blaster?"

The stray drew his custom light saber...

"Its name is the retributer"

He said holding weapon by the shortend grip

"You do not trust the sabers of light? Though inexpirienced in the arts of the force this weapon has hung by my side since I was young."

He paused... removing the hood from his head and puting the retributer on the small wooden table infront of ex-

"Can you use one of these?"

May 21st, 2002, 12:51:01 PM
ex- puts has blaster back into his pocket and turns to face the shutter behind him.

"i don't know, what do you think?"

With a blink of an eye ex- turns towards the table and brings the light saber to him using the force. Before Euuon could say any thing ex- draws the saber leaps over the table and points the saber at Euuons head.

After a second ex- puts the saber back on the table.

"i'm still inexperienced with the light saber, but i have no difficluty using the force. I do not choose my weapon, me weapons choose me."

ex- shows Euuon a chair and sits down.

"Are you ready?"

Xazor Elessar
May 21st, 2002, 12:56:56 PM
ooc: Have you guys planned this out or something? Personally...most newbies here should not be able to use the Force and a saber that good yet.


Xazor stepped up behind the young men and cleared her throat.

"Excuse me...I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. Do either or both of you wish to join the Jedi?"

She questioned with a toothy grin, exposing her elongated canines. The Garou crossed her arms over her chest and examined the newcomers...

May 21st, 2002, 01:08:01 PM
"You have not changed much ex-... not even here"

Euuon takes a seat, takes the retributer and conceals the weapon once more in his sandy robes

"I am ready... though who shal guide us on our journey? I have spent most of my days roaming this world without meaning..."

For once every thing went silent, the wind had stoped and the shuters had stoped groaning...

May 21st, 2002, 01:09:35 PM
"You have not changed much ex-... not even here"

Euuon takes a seat, takes the retributer and conceals the weapon once more in his sandy robes

"I am ready... though who shal guide us on our journey? I have spent most of my days roaming this world without meaning..."

For once every thing went silent, the wind had stoped and the shuters had stoped groaning...

OOC: I am also looking for a Jedi Knight willing to teach me the arts along side ex- as we are both (Identical) twins and have been togther since birth

Xazor Elessar
May 21st, 2002, 01:38:06 PM
ooc: Okay...I will add you guys to the looong list of padawans needing Masters. :)


Xazor noticed that the men seemed to ignore her, so clearing her throat once again, she stepped into the light. Her waist length blonde hair shimmered, along with the gold coins that were interwoven into her Garou Warrior braids. She bowed gently and spoke.

"Greetings.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. I am also one of those in charge of this very recruitment center....do you seek to become Jedi, as I have heard you talking about?"

She questioned with a curious smile. The silver specks in her deep blue eyes caught the light and reflected it like broken pieces of glass. They showed the intrigue she had for these to who seemed to look quite identical......

May 21st, 2002, 01:49:11 PM
Anduril silently steps out of the shadows and walks up to the trio bows to Xazor and gives a quick glance at the twins ans smiles.

"Hmmm. Do not be fooled by these two Xazor, I know them well. They were the first people I met when I first came to Coruscant. Illusionists they are, for they use not the force, but a mind trick that works only when they are together. It allows the movement of objects over a short distance, and only small ones then; such as this lightsabre here."

Anduril brushes past Euuon. Then, turning produces the Retributer from his robe.

"Hmm, this is good workmanship my friend. You constructed it yourself?"

He glances at Euuon and smiles.

"Ah, you need more practise my friend; you are getting out of touch."

Anduril throws the lightsabre back to Euuon.

"You wish to become Jedi now? Hmmm, I can see why you wish to stay together, I know how much more powerful you are when you are. Yet, you may have some trouble with this I am afraid. Correct me if I am wrong Xazor. But I believe that there are a great shortage of Masters to train. I myself, though I am a padawan, do not have a master of my own as yet."

He turns to Xazor.

"Why is this, do you think?"

May 21st, 2002, 11:13:29 PM
ex- broke the silence between him and Xazor

"Greetings Jedi knight, yes we do wish to become jedi."

After saying ex- gave a reserved smile across the room to Anduri.

"It's good to see you after such a long while, It seems like our paths have crossed yet again"

ex- takes the blaster out of his robe pocket and puts it down on the table...

OOC: I was going to explan how i could use the light saber like that but seems that Anduri knew what we were trying to do, we were not ignoring Xazor, the forum fluffed up.

May 21st, 2002, 11:29:05 PM
Taking The Retributer Euuon returned it to his robes once again, and with a short sigh stood up to face Anduri1.

"The light saber was given to me by a merchant, one of my fathers friends. It was how we lived back on our home world, he gave us food, water and we gave him a roof over his head....
He was the one who helped us with our powers, techinacally they are not of the force but with enough training they could be used in much the same way. ex-'s aerobic display moments earlier was his limit. We also have had the problem of becoming separated, apart we know little of the force which is why we whish to become a Jedi"

Finally Euuon turned to face Xazor and bowed as a mark of respect.

"I myself and my brother apeared rude earlier I apologize..."

May 22nd, 2002, 06:23:52 AM
Anduril smiles.

"Do not worry about it my friend. But i advise you not to use such deception again. It may not be welcomed around here. I myself can easyly read your emotions. And others here are better. But I am sure that Xazor does not look down upon you for your eagarness to impress."

He looks at Xazor thoughtfully.

May 22nd, 2002, 06:32:44 AM
"Say what you will, i am in no hurry to impress. just to find the answers of my questions. I believe that the force will guide me towards those anwsers i seek and more."

ex- bowes to Xazor and Anduril, and takes alook around the grand hall of the Jedi recrutment center. The rows of staues lined the edge of the room seemed to almost be life like, but ex- dismissed the chance of being alive. Then he started to walk down the hall the the great jedi symbol printed on the floor. Looking at such image filled ex- with even more questions.

"I...I can feel a great presence of the force here, to you it seem like much, but this is the first time I have experienced these feelings in such a high quantity... Interesting..."

May 22nd, 2002, 06:39:36 AM
Anduril smiles again.

"Yes you will feel that here. You will get used to it after a while. It will seem very empty to you when you leave this place. But you will learn to live with that to. I have only been here a few days; and I know that this is the place where I wish to stay."

He turns to Xazor.

"Do you too feel the emptyness of the great presence of the force when you leave here Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:09:34 AM
Xazor bowed to the small group once again.

"Indeed....there are many masters who wish to train but are unable, such as myself. If I could, I would take all of you on as my padawans...but I already have six!"

She paused a moment and then suddenly got an idea.

"I just thought of something, which I think is a good idea and I shall present it to the Council, but for now...all of you, I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order!"

She smiled for a moment and looked at the young men. She thought about what Anduril said, and nodded slightly.

"Indeed, I do feel emptyness out in the galaxy after being here...but the Force is deep within my soul and consumes my whole being...so I am never alone, never away from it."

She then turned to the brothers and grinned slightly.

"I am a mentalist...I use illusions for many things, and I find it most beneficial. Do not be ashamed for possesing a gift of such...for that is what it is, a gift."

Sighing slightly to herself, she smiled and thought of when her father had taught her the first illusion she had ever used. She hoped to pass this teaching on to her padawans someday...

May 22nd, 2002, 09:50:16 AM
He smiles again.

"Six is too many padawans to have. Why is it that the Council allows such a thing. Does not the code say that it is impossible for Master to have another padawan once one has already been assigned to them?

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 09:58:26 AM
OOC~ Just for the record, some can't train because of time limitations and for other reasons. I mean, most Jedi don't have finals etc... :)

IC~ "The Jedi are few unfortunately and here at the Order, there are only so many individuals that can train."

She nodded to Xazor as she approached and looked to those gathered.

"We are still trying to get used to having so many Padawans joining the Order... as with anything, there is a period of adjustment. I do promise that myself and the rest of the Council will do what we can to accommodate all of you.

Starting with myself."

Navaria looked at Xazor.

"Considering that my duties as Council Member and Master will not conflict now, I can help you once again with the new arrivals."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:01:07 AM
ooc: Even I am busy right now...but today I am sick so I have nothing better to do! :lol

Xazor bowed to her friend, Navaria.

"Yes...indeed, many have responsibilities that hold them from training padawans at this moment. I thank you for your willingness to help me."

She said with a smile.

May 22nd, 2002, 10:06:10 AM
"yes, i agree 6 padawans is too much for knight to take on, but if each panawan becomes a jedi knight, then there will be more jedi to combat the powers of the dark side."

ex- thinks for a moment

"but that is not my primary reason for becoming a jedi knight, my reason is to harness the power of the force and use it to answer some of my many questions."

ex- takes one final look at the symble of the jedi and turns away to face Xazor and Navaria.

"If you will take us on to become jedi knights that i will very greatful, and i'll do the bidding of the jedi to the best of abillities."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:11:17 AM
Xazor smiles and looks at Navaria.

"Perhaps with so many, we should start a Force class together?"

She questioned with a smile.

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 10:21:00 AM
She laughed.

"Yes... probably a good idea. There are probably more then just these new recruits. How many are there?"

Then Navaria looked at ex-

"We are hoping that as time goes on, more will become Knights so new Padawans will not have to wait. But, becoming a Knight is not easy."

Navaria frowned, adverting her eyes briefly.

"If that was the case, many would not choose the easy path of following the path of Darkness."

She said quietly underneath her breath but quickly regained her composure.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:24:55 AM
Xazor could hear Navaria's words, and gently placed a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Indeed...it is not easy, but I sense that all of you are willing. Yes, Navaria...there are so many. Last time I checked, we had about twelve on the list in the Temple...and now these new recruits. A combined class would be a good idea."

She said with a gentle smile.

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 10:30:22 AM
She smiled, though it was a thin one.

"Yes... since you know all the Padawans that are waiting... contact them and set up a time at the Academy to meet."

Navaria turned to look at the three present here.

"I think the best option right now for you all is to find a place at the living quarters and meet your fellow Jedi at the Bar and Grill. Sometimes the best way to learn is to just be. Plus, it is a good way to settle in to your new homes."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:35:23 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled.

"Shall these newcomers also be in the class? It will be large...but I think that we can do it."

She said with a smile.

May 22nd, 2002, 12:53:05 PM
Anduril nods in respect to Narvaria.

"Would it be possible for me to join this clas that you speak of. I am also very eagar to learn"

May 22nd, 2002, 12:54:37 PM
"Yes, a class is the only way of performing such a task without making pandawans to be waiting."

ex- crossed his arms and closed his eye's for a moment and began to think, the great hall was covered in silence. After a minute he spoke.

"Now i cannot think of an apropreate time for a class, Euuon can you thnik of a time that would be most suitable?"

May 22nd, 2002, 12:58:57 PM
"How about the times when we are least troubled? Make it the afternoon of Saturday. Say, 2 pm GMT? What do you think Xazor?"

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 01:01:37 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"I am still deciding on a time to begin the class, but your suggestion is well taken, Anduil. I must send out a message to all of the masterless padawans, and then they shall report to the academy. Yes, ex-, you shall be in this class also."

She said with a gentle smile.

May 22nd, 2002, 11:27:06 PM
OOC: You could start the class then but i wouldn't be able to be there straight away. The class would need to go over a period of days rather than hours.

Euuon still standing with his eyes shut, deep in thought took a small globe from his pocket. Concentrating hard he managed to twist the dial and remove the top

"This is my memory minder, it keeps my thoughts safe and secret, only I can use it... just name the time of class and I shall be there"

Opening his eyes he turned to face Xazor holing out the globe...


May 23rd, 2002, 06:37:58 AM
"Ah, you've brought your memory minder."

ex- puts his hands in his pockets and mumbles,

"Mine should be in here some where..."

He emptys the contence of his pockets on to the floor:
His laser blaster
100 republic credits
A spare button
And a scrap of paper with a diagram of a light saber on it...

"Nope, looks like miss placed mine on the way here."

Blushing a bit, ex- quickly picked up the objects off the floor and put them back in his pockets.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 07:48:16 AM
Xazor looks curiously at the little globe and smiles.

"Class starts in ten minutes..."

She said softly, and fell into the shadows once again to make her way to the Academy.

ooc: The class will go over a period of days...but in IC time, it will only be hours. That is how Role playing works. You are not expected to be on at the same time we are or anything. Just reply whenever...and remember, Real Life always comes first! :)