View Full Version : The Comedic Appearence of the so Called Jedi Honor...

May 20th, 2002, 11:45:19 PM
An Open Challenge to Any Jedi Who Dear.

:: Phantom awake that morning with the taste of Carnage in his mouth and mind, only one thing would quench his thirst .... Death! Death of the so called innocent, though he hardly belived anyone to be truely innocent.

Phantom dressed his best and prepared for Battle, something he longed for. His pitch black cloak engulfed his body entirely, the only things that could be seen on his cloak were the three red symbols he had placed there, on his right sleeve sat the sign of Omega, on his left that of his family crest and the largest of them all sat on his back the symbol of The Sith Empire. As he placed his hood on his head, his face sunk into the utter Darkness of the hood and his face became unseen ::


:: The center of the Market place is swallowed in a tidal wave of fire, killing hundreds as they shopped ... Across town the Space Port is damaged heavily as several of the main supports are shattered. At the Market Place people are being killed left and right as they run for cover. In the center stands the Sith Lord Darth Phantom!::

Xazor Elessar
May 21st, 2002, 02:01:52 PM
Xazor had heard the explosion a mile away, and it was extremely loud to her very sensitive ears. She cringed and suddenly felt a wave go through the Force and engulf her soul. Pain...anguish...people were dying. It was like the sound of a thousand screams and then suddenly they were gone. It wrenched at her heart and she quickly rushed around her room.

She would have normally worn her armour...but did not think this was the right time to. She checked all of her weapons, making sure she had each one. On her back was strapped her sword named "Chase" along with two others, "Guidance" and "Justice". On her weapons belt she had three throwing knives, two daggers, and her duel-phased saber, "Love". On her right thigh, in its holster, was a blaster named "Fear", and on her left thigh was her most prized blaster, "No Chance".

Without much thought, she rushed out of her room and ran.....ran with the power of the Force in the direction of the distress. When she reached it, she gasped in horror and covered her open mouth. It was a terrible sight, one that stirred many emotions in her......emotions she would not succumb to. Clenching her fists, she stepped over a small hill to see a single man standing in the middle of what used to be a Market Place. She closed her eyes and felt out his aura....indeed, he was of the Dark Side...a Sith.

The Garou opened her eyes and stared right through the man as she crossed her arms over her chest and growled deeply, her elongated canines quite visible to him. She stepped closer and continued staring right through his evil soul.

"You are the one responsible for this?"

She called out loudly, powering her words with the Force. She eyed him for a moment, taking in every dark detail about him. He seemed almost one with the Darkness....and it brought back memories of her past. She shook the thoughts off and spoke again.

"I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider...and I stand for justice. Today...that is what shall be bestowed upon you."

She growled quite audibly, letting it be known that she was not here to play games. It was most difficult to calm the anger she was feeling, but by will of the Force...she did. She surpressed it and a wave of calm flooded over her body. Her aura became so bright, that it was actually visible to the eye. This was one fight she was not about to loose.....

May 21st, 2002, 03:21:06 PM
" Indeed I am. Ah, a Dawnstrider. I haven't battled a Garou since ... your father ... I must say Miss Xazor I am a bit disappointed the Council sends one Jedi when I have killed hundreds ... "

:: An Evil and Sinister grin sweeps across his face as he looks upon the single Jedi Knight, deactivating his saber he begins to walk slowly closer ::

" Why do you insiste on protecting these sheep, do you think they'd do the same for you? They are weak and a waste of space, they are inconsequential .. "

:: The Sith Lord now stands within a few feet of the Jedi ::

" I am Darth Phantom, Sith Lord of The Sith Empire. Though you may call me Cale, my true name. "

:: A smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks upon the Jedi Knight, he bows slightly not lowering his eyes or removing his hand from his saber ::

" Justice ... justice will never prevale, the hearts of men are to dark and corupted for it ... You will not stop me Miss sheep ... "

Xazor Elessar
May 21st, 2002, 06:36:19 PM
Xazor growled deeply, not standing down from her ground. She too bowed, despite his words. Her hand did not rest on any weapon, for this was a lesson that she would not fail....quick she was to pull her saber and reluctant to put it away, but not this time. She smiled gently and spoke.

"Well, honorable Sith Lord....even if they would not do the same for me, that changes nothing. I would because I am a Jedi, and my heart is grounded in the Light."

She paused a moment, looking upon the dark one before her. His sinister smile sent chills down her spine, reminding her of another dark one in her past. She forced the thoughts out of her mind and sighed to herself.

"Miss Sheep......as you call me....is this because you lack intellect and cannot bring yourself up to the level to call me by my real name? The name of Dawnstrider is one of honor....now how about yours?"

She smiled, surpressing a slight laugh. She then recalled why she was there in the first place. She looked around and could not help but feel the death of those over and over again. She had to focus and did so, bathing in the Force for mental strength and discipline.

"No....the Council sent none...I came on my own."

She said softly, crossing her arms over her chest as she examined the Sith. How she hated people like him deep within her heart...but as a Jedi, her duty was to love all despite who they were...

Nyth Galanos
May 21st, 2002, 07:48:42 PM
As the blast had ripped through the market Nyth's heart was singed and beaten. Though he had no formal training in The Force he knew enough through his past....his past. His hand went instinctively to his scar. He felt a struggle of light and dark. Without any further hesitation, he raced towards the market. He rounded the last corner and saw Xazor. He had met Xazor in his first visit to the Jedi Temple. Though he barely knew her, he trusted her and it soothed his mind to see her standing there. And then he saw thesith. The object of his nightmares. The vehement eyes stared at Xazor with utmost hatred. He caressed his scar once again and then sprinted towards her.

"Xazor, what will you have me do?"

He turned to the Sith Lord and clasped hs hands together behind his back

May 21st, 2002, 08:42:25 PM
:: Phantom tilted his head to the side and let out a small laugh, taking another step forward he stands within a foot of her face ::

" You say such hurtful things, one could hardly belive your a Jedi and a Jedi Knight at that. I can feel much hate and anger in you, it might do you some good to release it ... "

:: Phantom shook his head as his smug grin faded, his eyes grew red with anger and hate ::

" I don't doubt that dawnstrider is a name of honor, infact I have seen it first hand. As for my name, I would think so, but then again it is the first of my family. "

:: Phantom grins once again as she tells him she came on her own ::

" Then you are a bigger fool then I had imagined, how do you know this isn't a trap? You know good will truely never win. "

:: He laughed as he heard the others voice ::

" Run, if you stay you will not survive. "

Nyth Galanos
May 22nd, 2002, 04:36:12 AM
"Run? I think not! I am no coward and I would die rather than see you kill more beings. And, I would rather die than see you strike down Xazor. Give me anything you have evil one, but you cannot defeat the light!"

He firmly planted his feet and looked the Sith in the eyes, so much hatred and anger flowed thorugh his mind and body. Darkness had saturated his soul and its stench permeated from his body. Nyth pushed all other thoughts away and let the Force flow through his veins and through his mind.

May 22nd, 2002, 05:16:08 AM
Oriadin was in his room meditating. Suddenly his eyes opened. A feeling he had not felt before. He felt pain, suffering. This was very new to him but he knew he had to do something. He stood up and pulled over his cloak. He rushed from his room and found a small transport outside. He looked around and saw no one there. He felt guilty but the need of many outweigh the need of the few. He jumped in the transport and headed in the unknown. This was the first time he had left the greater Jedi Order since he arrived several months ago. He had no idea where he was going or what he would find when he got there. He even doubted what he was doing. But a gut feeling told him he had to go. The force led him.

He arrived to a scene of destruction. A familier face stood out to the young Padawan. Xazor. Opposite her a figure stood, one he did not recognise. He recieved many negative feelings jut by looking at him. He sensed hatered, fear and anger. He looked over the surrounding area as he looked for a place to land. People scatterd all over and buildings completly destroyed. The Transport touched down on the surface and Oriadin got out. He saw Xazor exchanging words with the Sith and another light sider not too far away either. Oriadin being very inexperienced new this wasnt something he should get involved in. He was force sensitive but had recieved little training. He turned his attentions instead to the surrounding injured and went about making the comfortable and trying to help as best as he could.

It was not a pretty sight.

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 07:57:26 AM
Xazor growled as the Sith spoke.

"I am a Jedi! Who are you to judge, Sith? You know nothing about me...and my words are not consumed with hurt. I speak the truth as a Jedi should, and I am not ashamed to do so."

She paused a moment at the feeling of others in the Light. Suddenly a new Padawan was at her side, proclaiming how the Light shall win. She nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Indeed....the Light shall prevail because the darkness is nothing...."

She said deeply. She then spotted Oriadin helping the injured and she smiled his way before returning her attention back to Cale.

"I am a Warrior of the Light and Nyth is right. We will not back down and watch you and your kind take the lives of the innocent!"

The Knight looked deeply into the eyes of the one who was filled with hatred. She despised the Sith and to hear words of darkness come from him to ensnare her made her shudder.

"I will never use anger and rage to power myself...for it does not really make one powerful. The Light makes me powerful and despite how I feel right now, I will NEVER release anger!"

The zealous adrenaline flowed through her blood as she felt herself becoming more powerful in the Force. She glanced at Nyth for a moment and spoke in his mind.

Young Padawan...I commend you for coming here, but I warn you to stay back. You will not be able to defeat a Sith Lord yet...you have no training and he has much. If you really want to join me....I'll take full responsiblity to anything that happens to you...but you must understand what could happen to you.

She kept a tight lid on the message so the Sith could not hear it. With a smile on her face, her aura seemed to grow and become even brighter than before.

"I am a Jedi...and I would rather die than become like you..."

She said softly, looking up at the sky for a moment before her eyes fell to the Sith once again.

Nyth Galanos
May 22nd, 2002, 12:35:28 PM
"Noble Jedi, i know what I have done in coming here, and I know what can happen to me. And while I cannot yet use the Force in the way of a Jedi, I have courage and honor. I will help you Xazor, I am not afraid of death..."

He reached out to her with his mind and turned again to look at the Sith. His eyes glinted of burning desire and envy and hatred and greed. Nyth stood uproght and faced his foe, not just his foe, but an enemy of the people and of his family and of all those who were not consumed with evil

"I am not afraid, Sith, nor angry at your slaughter....For those things are only paths to a single destination. Evil...The Dark Side."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 04:19:33 PM
Xazor smiled at Nyth's courage. She nodded at his non-verbal words and turned to face the Sith.

"We fear nothing....for fear is the path to the Dark Side...unltimate destruction it brings. We hate no one...nothing, for that leads to evil and damnation. We are the Jedi...we are strong and justice will prevail..."

She said firmly, facing the Sith Lord who's name was Cale...he did not deserve a name for the soul he had. He was nothing but pure evil....darkness was his soul. She pitied him for all that he could have had...but he had to be a Sith and have nothing...

May 23rd, 2002, 02:27:30 AM
" Like cattle to their Death ... Truely a pathetic sight. "

:: The Sith Lord once again had a demonic smile upon his face as he looked about at his handy work. The brightness in his eye's faded and was replaced by a dark crimson color ::

" No one is truely innocent, I would think even a Jedi Knight would know that, but I do suppose they have been dumbing you down to keep you under their thumb. Never the less you will die today, take a deep breath for it is your last. "

:: Phantom let the Dark Side and his Rage sweep over his entire body as he prepared for his assult and as fast as lightning he struck, driving his fist into Xazor's mid section, as she buckles over he uses the strength of the Dark Side and knees her in the face drawing the first blood. The impact of the knee sent Xazor flying head over heels and down the side of the hill. Phantom ducked just avoiding a blow from Nyth, and returned with a single powerful shove Nyth flew several yards out and slammed into the side of one of the burning buildings. Phantom slowly shock his head and laughed::

" Ha! Ha! Ha! What a waste. "

May 23rd, 2002, 03:14:36 AM
Oriadin was busy helping the innocent people scattered around the area. He kept an eye on the other Jedi there too though. He was there if either of them needed him but he felt he wouldnt stand a chance over the more powerfull sith. He moved from person to person, helping all that he could. A few died in his arms as he tried to comfort them. Blood, dispair and chaos all around. Oriadins heart was pounding. He felt anger towards the sith for causing such distruction but he kept control over his emotions. He would not act upon them. Instead he continued to help the injured.

Nyth Galanos
May 23rd, 2002, 05:01:49 AM
The blow had sent Nyth sprawling into a building and for a moment his shoulder stung, but he opened up his mind and focused not on the pain but on the light. As he got up he saw that Xazor was already sprinting ahead of him. He raced after her while she engaged the Sith. She aimed a punch a his had but he blocked that and returned with a ruthless roundhouse. But the force guided Xazor and she ducked in time sweeping his legs from underneath him. She tried again but he jumped into the air. He had forgotten the young padawan Nyth as the Sith jumped, Nyth launched into the air and his knee connected with Phantom's head. But Phantom did not wait, he flung Nyth into another building.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 08:30:09 AM
ooc: Wow...everyone is controlling me today! ;)


Xazor got up from her place on the ground and shook off the pain. She walked up the hill and crossed her arms, staring right through the Sith. With her mind, she called on the Force to empower her. Suddenly, she lifted a large group of 2x4's and sent them flying at the Sith from behind. By the time he turned around, they slammed into his body, sending him flying backwards and landing hard on his back. The wood fell on top of him and a crunching sound was heard. Still, the Knight did not draw her lightsaber...or any weapon. The best weapon she had was her mind, despite the ridiculous tauntings he used. She eyed the young Padawan who was holding his own quite well for the lack of training he had.

Be mindful of all around you and watch me.

She spoke in his mind as she stood, watching the Sith struggle beneath the boards.

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 09:07:25 AM
Sene Unty felt the explosion more than he heard it. A wave of screams rippled through the force, carried by the tides of death. MAny people were dead. Many more would die. Sene Unty was scared. Scared of the thought of death. Then he felt his master enter the courtyard. She was to fight the evil hand behind the destruction. He wanted to help. But could he?

Without thinking he lept from his bed and made his way to the scene as quickly has his legs could carry him.

Jun 6th, 2002, 07:03:54 PM
:: A small smile graced his lips as he lay under the boards, but the smile quickly faded and was replaced by utter hatred. He clinched his fists and the boards shot into the sky, he rose from the ground like a Vampire from his coffin. Releasing his fist the boards raced towards their mark in an attack pattern, racing through the sky one slammed full force into Nyth's stomach hurling through the sky and through the side of one of the burning buildings. The others flew towards Dawnstrider most were easily dodged, but the second to the last just nicked her right leg drawing blood.

As she looked to her foe he now stands right in front of her, that little amount of time was all he needed. Using his saber as a fist pack he slammed his fist into her face in a downward motion sending her to the ground. Landing a solid kick to her stomach he sends her down the hill ::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 7th, 2002, 04:04:34 PM
Xazor growled deeply and exposed her elongated canines. Rising to her feet, she placed her hand over the wound on her leg and healed it with the Force. It was not too deep and only left a small scar. Her stomach ached a bit from the kick, and she attempted to block the pain from her mind. It helped just enough for her to concentrate once again.

Running at Cale, she jumped over his head and slammed her foot into his spin. It would send him falling forward and as he did, Xazor set a Force wall just in front of him....and his face slammed into it, giving him a bloody nose. She removed the "wall" and stood with her saber in front of her in a defensive position, ready for his next attack...

Jun 9th, 2002, 12:30:31 AM
:: A Jedi Knight fighting a Sith Lord, while two Padawans engaged in the fight intermitantly. And then another Sith, a Disciple, arrived. That was when AB entered the scene, amethyst blade ignited, humming softly. ::

:: Though Xazor had the Sith Lord pinned against a wall, his attack never reached her as AB raised a hand, grabbing the man in a vice Force grip, and hurling him halfway across the ruined courtyard. ::

:: After that she immediately turned to where the other Sith had entered, her presence just discovered by the woman, and stretched out her hand and raised it in a swift motion. Below the Disciples feet, a rumble emitted, just before several thick, green vines shot forth from the cracked and blackened stone walkway, ensnaring the Sith in a tomb of greenery. ::

:: AB looked to Xazor with a friendly wink. ::

Am I too late to join the party?

Xazor Elessar
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:46:04 AM
Xazor grinned, very relieved that Jedi Master Mystt had decided to join in on the "party". Though the Jedi Knight was going a good job at holding off the Sith Lord....she knew that it was impossible for her to do forever.

"Thank you Master AB....you're help is most appreciated!"

She said with a bright smile, her elongated canines gleaming in the light that the fire cast off.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 9th, 2002, 03:54:36 AM
:: Sith Master Dara Shadowtide had been finishing up the last of her training sessions and had just arrived in her personal chamber when she had received a transmission from Sith Disciple Nikka DarkStorm that Sith Lord Darth Phantom was out on a little personal journey to spread evil and chaos among the Jedi.

As she sat at her ebony desk in headquarters, she paused deep in thought at the last time she had travelled to face a jedi. Her council duties had kept her busy as of late, but nothing would keep her from quenching the thirst of battle that she had longed to rekindle. Deciding it had been far too long, Dara changed into her black leather battle gear and grabbed her weapons. Two silver hilts swung back and forth rhythmically from a belt on her hip as she made her way to the coordinates provided by Nikka.

Sensing a strong presence of light, Dara's attention was focused on woman with flaming red hair as the Sith Master approached the scene. Giving a slight gesture of her hand, Dara force pushed the red haired woman to get her attention and then smiled ::

"The name's Shadowtide, Dara Shadowtide. Shall we?"

:: Her hands moved swiftly to her waist where she retrieved her twin lightsabers. With a quick flip of her thumbs the pale blue and turquoise blades sprung forth as a low hum resounded in the area ::

<table width=380 height=200 background="http://darkholocron.clanpages.com/Sigs/darasigb.jpg" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><center>
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Dara Shadowtide

Rank: Sith Master

Affiliation: The Sith Empire, Council Member

Apprentice to: Lady Dia, Darth Havok

Sister to: Athena Lady Darknss, Lyra Darkstar,
Dalethria Mal Pannis

Master to: Raine Sarin, Darth Varlon, Vega Van Derveld,
Dyne Darkforce, Athena Lady Darknss, Bi0 Hazzard,
Daegal Murdoch, Lady Callista, Lord Sabre, Alisa Sha,
Lyra Darkstar, Kekoa Alkarin, Rothmar Dujek,
Dark Jedi Kitano, Lana Westbrooke, Michin Troval,
Abydos Nighthawk, Anubis Lockheart

Mentor to: Nikka DarkStorm

Wields: A pale blue lightsaber, a turquoise lightsaber,
Staff of the Tides

"Do not talk about what you have done
or what you are going to do...
do it, and let it speak for itself."

Bio (AIM:GoIM?ScreenName=SithMasterDara>AIM</a>) <a href=http://pub88.ezboard.com/bthetidesofdarkness>Tides of Darkness (http://pub59.ezboard.com/bthesempire>The)


Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 9th, 2002, 04:04:18 AM
Moments after the arrival of Master Shadowtide's ship, another craft came in tow. Bright cyan back burners cut off as the TIE Phantom Praetor Fenix touched down on the edge of the market place. The exit ramp flipped open and a figure emmerged, striding down the metal gang-plank with a sickening aura of arrogance surrounding him. The man stood, his arms folded over his chest, looking towards Lord Phantom and the others engaged in a battle.

"Looks like the fun started without me, shame."

A fanged grin passed over the Sith Lord's lips as he leapt down from where he stood. In an instant Seraphim, his saber, was drawn from his belt and the brilliant yellow beam was released into the air. Starting off at a brisk walk, he slowly picked up into a run, sprinting towards the fighting.

At Force speed he was a mere blur as he passed the townsfolk, decapitating the misfortunate soul who stood in his way. It was then that he was on them - leaping into the air with an animal like ferocity, clearing straight over his own Masters head to land straight infront of the Jedi Padawan known as Oriadin. His grin widened and he extended his left hand, thrusting it outwards to send the Jedi backwards with a hard push.


Malice Draclau
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:20:16 AM
Behind one of the burning buildings, the bar to be exact stood yet another figure. Though he was clad in white and looked angelic, evil filled his very being. Walking out from behind the bar the sith took a last swig of the liquor bottle he was holding and threw it to the ground shattering it.

*Pity, i hadent finished my afternoon drink. Ohh well, there will be a time for that later*

Looking forwards he saw the fight between the jedi and sith go on. He noticed Lord Phantom toss a jedi padawan through a burning building. Grinning he started walking towards this one. For this jedi was the only one now without a partner.....but no longer. Now he would have to deal with the demon sith knight Malice Draclau.

*Here i come jedi.....hope your ready*

Malice spoke out with an evil chuckle. He had not yet ignited his saber, he would make this jedi suffer before finishing him.

Jun 10th, 2002, 04:20:41 AM
Oriadin spotted him just as the sith sent him backwards. It hurt. Oriadin shook his head as he got back up. He was weaponless and practically defensless. Not a great situation to be in the young padawan thought. He made sure he kept control of his emotion. Fear was not likely to help him. He stayed calm and focused. He stared at the Sith, then looked at the surrounding area. Oriadin was looking for inspiration. He looked back at the sith.

--My name is Oriadin, I know you. Ive heard about you many times, Vega Van Derveld. Take a look around. The battle is not taking place here. Im not here to get involved in the fight between good and evil. Im here to help the innocent people injured here. Leave me to my work.--

Oriadin spoke with a stern confident tone. He knew he was no match for a Sith as strong as the one stood before him. He didnt think for a second that he would leave him be but it was worth a try.

--It makes no sense for you to attack me, where is the glory in attacking a defenseless man. Where is your strength?--

Just as Oriadin spoke things went from bad to much worse. Another sith Oriadin was not familiar with entered the scene. Oriadin took slow deep breaths in order to help him stay calm.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:30:45 AM
Xazor was a bit taken a back when she saw how many Sith had arrived. Her fight was with Phantom, though. She held her defensive stance amoung the Sith. The fight was a bit uneven between some of the people here....Oriadin could not take on Vega for sure...but he would do fine...she hoped. She looked back at Phantom and waited for him to attack....

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:33:00 AM
"I need no glory," the Sith scoffed, bringing his saber up into an offensive position.

"Your death is payment enough ... "

With this said, the Lupine Sith swung his saber down, thrusting it against the ground beneath his feet. Sparks flew up into the air in a blinding flare of white ... through which Vega advanced, swinging his saber in a strong arc at the Padawan Oriadin's head.

Ethan Stryder
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:35:02 AM
As if premeditated, Vega's arched swing was met by a vivid crimson hue darting out from the shadows--it seemed another had intervened, keeping the Sith Lord's blade at bay with a firm horizontal position of his own lightsaber. As the two pillars of wavering energy hummed upon contact, the illuminated face of the defender was evident; Ethan Stryder, a stranger to most in these parts, but it would appear he would be noticed now. A lone Jedi, favoring the dark arts, his voice cackled into a faint growl.

"I think your business is done 'ere, Sith."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:36:30 AM
:: Vega's blade halted in mid-transit, held fast by an unseen force. On the ground, a shadow of a man stood against the shadow of a nearby rooftop. Detatching, the shadow slowly descended to earth, heralding the arrival of a new combatant. ::

Kelt Simoson
Jun 10th, 2002, 11:53:01 AM
The Crusader Kelt Simoson had traveled with Jedi Master Hicchoru to the location of the fight. looking around himself he viewed the horror of what had happened, charred and burnt bodies littered the streets and town market or at least what was left of it.

Kelt was clad in his normal black Armour, green cloak and the sword Juran strapped in a sheath across his back quite clearly prepared for a fight with the Sith and although a Padawan at with the force, he was a great fighter and very strong willed. He stopped a few feet from the Lord named Vega noticing that they knew eathcother from the bar.

Kelt reached for the hilt the the sword across his back and slowly pulled it from its home and held it defensibly in front of him as if trying to arrest the Sith rather than strike at them. The sword glinted in the flame boosting his confidence slightly in some strange way.

'Kelt Simoson, Jedi Crusader...nice to have met you all' He lied bracing himself.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:07:58 PM
Gritting his teeth, Vega sent out a Force push to the first arrived defender of the Jedi.

"Hold your tongue fool, you have no comprehension who you are dealing with," he barked, watching Ethan fall backwards.

Carrying on with his swing, he was blocked was more, only this time by a stronger force, one which was unseen. His eyes met with those of the Jedi Anbira as the lightsider moved down towards him.

Another stepped in at the side, but the Lupine Sith ignored him - he was childs play for the Lord; the real competition would come from Hicchoru.

"I knew it wouldn't be long before I met up with you again," he said, canting his head somewhat.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:24:03 PM
:: Anbira landed slowly, hands clasped in front of him, with his lightsaber hanging free on his belt. He glanced to Kelt ::

Kelt, take Ethan against Malice. Defeat him soundly, young Padawan.

:: The Jedi's eyes met Vega's with a piercing lock ::

Vega Van Derveld. We meet again.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:35:41 PM
"I was hoping you'd be dead by now."

He lowered his saber to his side, gripping it firmly in his right hand. Vega's sight fixed on the glare his opponent gave him, and a smirk came over him.

"Though it pleases me that I might finally get the luxury of delivering you to that fate."

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:45:49 PM
:: Anbira smiled, spreading his arms wide ::

Are you so insecure as to fear an old man? Then strike me down, and be rid of me. The Dark Side of the Force commands you, of course.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 12:52:29 PM
"I fear nothing, fool," Vega snorted, striding forward confident.

Swinging Seraphim up so that it guarded across his body.

"It is good to see that you are so accepting of your fate where others were not, Anbira," he sneered, drawing closer before lashing out with a swipe, the saber swinging straight out at the Jedi's chest.

Kelt Simoson
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:01:07 PM
Kelt shook his head at the time waisting that the Jedi Master and Sith Lord did standing around talking, but never the less did what Master Hicchoru had request. And with a quick run and a leap the Jedi Crusader fliped into the air his sword tucked into chest, and with a half twist landed directly infront of the Sith named Malice Draclau.

'Ethan stand aside young friend'

Kelt gave a quirky smile, Waisting little time Kelt raised the sword to swipe like a base ball bat at the Sith Knight, and with a quick hard swipe Juran headed towards the Siths head.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:01:43 PM
:: Anbira's face took on a look of pity as he faintly smiled, and gestured with his right hand. Vega's blade slowed, then halted, inches from his body. He shook his head. ::

Why is it you now hesitate, Lord Van Derveld? I can feel your anger. Yet you relent, and your impotent fury is wasted.

:: Anbira's smile widened as Vega pressed against the immovable ::

Don't insult my reputation, young one. Don't quibble with me, or ask me to parley with you in such insignificant things. You already know that to do battle against me, there can be no victory.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:06:21 PM
"If that is so then how is it that I am still standing here today? Granted you are too, but that is by mere fluke and luck on your part,"

A defiant smile remained on his lips as he watched Anbira, physically masking the irritation this sudden freeze was causing.

"Perhaps if you stayed your hold from my blade then I could show you a little of my anger, hmm?"

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:15:29 PM
No games, my friend.

:: The smile disappeared from Anbira's face, and Vega's blade began to slowly turn back to its owner. ::

It can only be this way. At our best. Only then, will your victory have any meaning. Your physical prowess is impressive, Vega. But you fight in my realm. You cannot hope to triumph here.

:: Anbira released Vega from his hold with a force push, putting distance between himself and the Sith. ::

Jun 10th, 2002, 01:17:58 PM
:: AB stumbled, but caught her self by widening her stance. She looked up to the woman that had pushed her using the Force. It wasn't an attack of sorts, but it certainly had gotten her attention. ::

:: The Jedi Master held her amethyst lightsaber in a double-handed high guard position as the Sith ignited two lightsabers. ::

Shadowtide... Shadowtide... Yes, I have heard reports about you, and the Sith Empire.

:: She circled slowly as the other woman did likewise, each one keeping the other in clear view. ::

If you do not already know who I am, then there is no need for you to know.

:: Silence overtook the area between them, their lightsabers humming softly, their breathing almost inaudible. It was during this silence that five vines shot forth from the cracked ground around the Sith woman. In the blink of an eye, four of them wrapped around her limbs several times, squeezing the circulation from foot and hands alike. The fifth vine, thinner than the others, though much longer, snaked about the woman's slender waist several times, squeezing as it went about wrapping itself securely around the woman. ::

:: AB raised an eyebrow as her green eyes twinkled. ::

It seems those vines have a crush on you.

:: As if on cue, the vines tightened even more as AB said the word "crush". Something popped in the Sith's left wrist, though whether it was tendon or bone was yet to be seen, causing the lightsaber in that hand to drop. ::

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:25:38 PM
Vega landed with a soft thud, catching his balance almost instantly. Automatically he brought his saber up into its former guard and held it tightly within two hands.

"Your realm? You are delusional, friend. This plain is under the grip of the darksiders, you and your moronic comrades cannot hope to be the victors in a universe engulfed within such a darkness."

His guard became lowered, as he touched the tip of his saber against the ground a foot infront of him, his posture lowering as he set himself up ready to defend.

"Show me what you've got..."

Ethan Stryder
Jun 10th, 2002, 02:39:56 PM
Stumbling back, Ethan regained his balance from the forceful shove of the Sith, lofting a crooked grin towards Vega before turning his attention to the speaking Kelt.

"No, my friend, I think it is you who should take to the sidelines."

With that he extended his left hand forward, his wrist canted at a slight angle, a jolting push overwhelming Kelt as he felt himself tumble back. Though Ethan wasn't too keen with the Force, the Dark Jedi had harnessed enough knowledge to prove effective. Bringing his hand back down to his side, his right hand still clutched the crimson-bladed lightsaber with a firm grasp, eyeing the Padawan attentively if he decided to try anything worthwhile.

Jun 10th, 2002, 04:23:05 PM
Oriadin, it seemed had been saved. At least for the time being. He looked around the area as more and more Jedi joined the cause. Oriadin knew of Anbira but had not come into contact with him before. Now he had saved his life and was truly thankfull. We wasnt sure what to do, he wanted to stay and fight but with the little training he had and the fact that he had no weapons he decided to make a run for it. He headed back towards his transport to which he came. Oriadin wasnt the fastest but when a situation like this occurs, one doesnt want to stick around.

Malice Draclau
Jun 10th, 2002, 04:36:36 PM
As Malice continued on his way towards the fallen jedi, Yet another jedi seemed to appear. Landing infront of the demon sith he made a swing at him with a sword. But surprising enough Malice didn't have to block as hte other jedi did it for him.

Grinning he held out his hand and with the darkside at his bidding began to force choke the padawan.

*You fool, you dare try and attack me. You are like a helpless child to me jedi. Why waste your time trying to be a jedi, they fill you with lies and make you weak. The darkside holds only truth and can grant you unlimited power. Just look around you, every sith here is powerful. These jedi don't stand a chance, now join us*

Kelt felt himself lift a few feet off the ground as his air tube was being cut off from the oxygen which his body needs to live. The sith knight coud only grin as he watched the jedi struggle. Malice then glanced over at Ethan Stryder. Why had this jedi helped him?....Malice could sense some darkness around the man, but some light as well. He sent him a quick message through the force.

*Ethan.....which side do you stand on?. The light....or the dark?*

The sith asked, while still keeping an eye on the jedi Kelt.

Ethan Stryder
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:07:19 PM
Fact was, Ethan had no intention of helping the Sith at all. Neither of these men he considered allies, but then again, neither of them adversaries. It was just a niche he had for fighting, Sith or Jedi, if they were packing a weapon he dared them to challenge him. The rubicund lightsaber still burning ardently in his right hand, as a perusing glance shifted from Kelt to Malice, back and forth. The message was clearly heard throughout Ethan's mind, but he justified it with no response. He considered himself sideless in the matter, it was evident he had a darkness kindling inside of him, but he was hardly a Sith. Perhaps a shade of gray? Though it didn't matter to him, power and knowledge were the only fulfillments he had. Still canting a gaze from the Sith to the Jedi, he anticipated a move from either of them, it was apparent in his eyes he was thirsty for a battle.

"What does it matter to you, Sith? I am nor ally or foe, but still a danger you may want to keep an eye for."

Kelt Simoson
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:13:24 PM
Kelt was by this time quite close to the dark sith who had lifted him of the ground with a force choke. Kelt was not trying to break free of the force choke that much atall actually, his sword still clutched in his hand Kelt had one more glimmer of hope left that may work.

Kelt was one with nature, a ranger of sorts. He kept thinking of the life that was lost today in the burnt market, the trees, birds and plants everything destroyed for no reason, Kelt sliped his eyes open and raised one hand, and as if all his thoughts and feelings shot out of his mind like a pump, a force push was sent hurterling towards the Sith Knight and sent im flying back towards a market stall burning with fire.

Kelts sword came back up and like a back elbow move Kelt with so much speed even he was surprised smashed the hilt of the sword strait into the mouth of Ethan who seemd to fall back, his mouth bleeding quite badly.

OOC: sorry it was a quick one..bed time :)

Ethan Stryder
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:26:38 PM
Caught somewhat off guard by the attack, Ethan accepted the hilt to the mouth, the metal busting his lip open slightly. Small rivulets of crimson fluid drizzling down from his opened wound and down his chin, though this seemed only to enrage the Dark Jedi; as the attack left Kelt in a bad position, with his back turned towards Ethan, he conveniently took advantage of this lack of experience and darted off his left foot. His body propelling into a forward lunge, and his hands firmly clutched on the hilt of his lightsaber, he brought an arching slash down across the Padawan's exposed back, which in this occasion was practically defenseless. The vermillion coated blade wavered with energy as it sped down towards the Jedi's backside, blood still trickling from Ethan's mouth.

"Foolish Jedi, your inexperience will be the death of you!"

Malice Draclau
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:33:28 PM
Falling backwards Malice turned the top part of his body a bit and used a small force push against the ground to slow himself. The sith landed jst out of reach of the burning market. Standing he turned to the jedi and saw that he had decided to attack the neutral jedi.

*Well now how cute.....two jedi fighting. Time to break it up*

Malice pointed one hand at Ethan, sending a strong force push at him knocking him away from the other jedi. An unorthodox move for the sith, but Malice had is own plans for Kelt. One which did not include Ethan.

Grinning Malice drove his hands into the ground. Muttering a few words he le the darkside seep through his hands and into the ground beneath. From beneath the jedi Kelt thick roost shot up and wrapped themselves around his arms and legs. Two more, one thicker then the rest wrapped it's self around his waist, while one smaller then the rest wrapped it's self around his neck. They began to squeeze, tightening theri grip on the jedi.

Picking his hands back to his side the sith unclipped his saber and ignited both sides of it. Two white blades of death shot out. The demon sith now walked towards both of the jedi.

*I shall give you one chance Ethan......become one with the darkness. Or i shall make you become one with the force*

Malice now stood, his saber held horizontaly in a deffensive stance.

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 10th, 2002, 06:07:00 PM
:: Dara sure didn't know this red haired woman but she quickly ascertained one thing about her.. she was powerful. Calling upon the darkness within herself, the Sith Master levitated her dropped saber into the air and ignited it by moving the switch via a force push. Guiding the airborne saber around her own body, Dara freed herself from her jungle-like prison as the aroma of burnt foliage filled the area.

The Sith Master's wrists and ankles ached and her abdomen was bruised from the cunning attack from the lightsider. Keeping a keen gaze on the woman, Dara rotated her left wrist, the tendon popping back into place as she recalled the saber to her grip. With a flash of crimson in her eyes and her lips curled in rage, Dara rushed forward and sliced at the woman's right arm with her left turqoise saber and stabbed at her abdomen with her right pale blue blade extended lethally ::

Jun 10th, 2002, 11:40:28 PM
:: AB quickly side stepped the stabbing lightsaber with a quick hop to her right, bringing her own saber up to block and bat the turqoise saber away, leaving the Sith open in the center. She took the opportunity to bring her foot out and kick the already bruised middle hard, making the Sith stumble backwards. ::

:: As the Sith stumbled, AB regained her own footing, and charged at the Sith, flipping up and over to land behind the Sith and swing her own blade to intersect at the woman's flailing elbow, intent on severing her right arm. ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 11th, 2002, 12:38:19 AM
:: A groan of anguish escapes Dara's lips as the pain in her midsection is compounded by the additional kick, however she turns this pain into power as it continues to fuel the darkness within. The petite Sith Master regains her balance quickly being low to the ground in a reflexive crouch after the stumble.

Her Dark Side senses heighted and attuned for battle, Dara instinctively spins with lightning reflexes to parry the oncoming attack to her elbow. Without hesitation she then delivers a force enhanced punch to the flaming haired syren's unprotected jaw with her other saber hilt ::

Kelt Simoson
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:29:54 AM
OOC: Malice and Ethan yout both attacking me at the same time here, i got ethan slashing my back and then malice sending roots at me..im going to have to deal with one thing at a time here.

IC: Inexperienced? the dark jedi quite frankly did not do his research on Crusaders very well then as Kelt was one of the best fighters on his home world Shazmack.

Kelt glanced at Malice who at this stage was just getting up. Then from out of the blue Ethan had dived at the Crusader. "Foolish Jedi, your inexperience will be......." Kelt didn't listen to the rest he couldn't be bothered with the mans words he was more interested in stopping the horror of the Sith.

In one fluid motion Kelt span around quite quickly, sending the Dark Jedi off gaurd for a few moments, Kelt had already dodged the incoming attack by shifting sidewards along with the spin, again Kelt back elbowed his sword sending another crushing blow this time with enough force that it could have broken his jaw, right into the nose of Ethan sending more blood and flesh spurting from his nose, and with one hard kick from Kelts boot to the Dark Jedis face Ethan slumped to the floor in quite some pain.

' And you say im inexperienced?....read up on some Crusader history and come back to me when you have grown up...i have more important things to deal with...like saving life ' Kelt said not happy about hurting another at all..but it was for the best.

Kelt turned towards Malice again just as the roots burst out of the ground.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 11th, 2002, 08:41:10 AM
Very well then.

:: Anbira raised a hand to Vega, a chill wind surging to a focal point in front of the Jedi, as he drew the air around them into a tight locus of immense pressure and heat. A sphere of green began to grow in his hand, flashing brightly as the compressed air ignited into plasma ::

Jun 11th, 2002, 09:21:48 AM
Oriadin was about to board his transport. He took a last look over the mess at which the sith had created. This was a sad day. Many Jedi had come together to fight back against the sith, it was a show of unity Oriadin thought. He wished he could have done more to help, he felt kinda useless. Oriadin walked into his transport and took off, back to the Greater Jedi Order.

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 11th, 2002, 10:04:48 AM
This trick he had seen before, and wasn't about to fall for again. A hyper, force enhanced, speed he moved off from his stationary position towards Anbira. Hooking Seraphim upwards as he launched up into a flip, the Sith Lord landed with a barely audible thud behind Anbira, drawing the Jedi in with a pull before thrusting Seraphim out towards his back.

Tempist Opps
Jun 11th, 2002, 02:34:12 PM
As Oradin's transport started to rise off of the ground, he heard a loud crack, and tearing sound. Within the underbelly of the craft stood a man with a saber, slicing into the intricate wiring and tearing it out. The transport fell back to the ground, and a deep voice filled the jedi's head.

Come out and play, little one... your not running away that easily.

Jun 11th, 2002, 03:05:08 PM
:: The Force warned her of the impending punch, but still holding off the other saber, all she could do was slide her head slightly to one side, lessening the initial impact. In either case, the punch stunned her as pain errupted at her jawline. ::

:: Gritting her teeth to add preasure to the jaw to keep the pain from distracting her, she pushed mightly with her saber against the Sith's saber, and then extended her hand and Force pushed her against a nearby crumbled wall. As the Sith woman hit the wall, it buckled, caving in, laserating the woman on her exposed skin. ::

:: AB brought a hand to her jaw to rub it, working the muscles. The pain was subsiding though it still throbbed, but there would no doubt be a welt there in an hour with a color to match her amythest blade. ::

:: She began to move in on the Sith again when her ears popped, the air preassure altering slightly in the area. She looked up momentarily to see Anbira gathering the air and preasurizing it into a sphere. A deadly sphere. She'd seen it only once or twice before, but she knew full well what it's power was capable of. And then she saw what the Sith Anbira was fighting flip up and over, intent on impaling the Jedi. ::

:: Thinking quickly, she clipped her saber to her belt, and with both hands gestured towards the Sith woman, now rising from the rubble about her feet, and moving towards her. Gathering the Force in a massive wave, AB lifted the Sith woman, catching some of the chunks of wall around her feet, and threw her to where Vega stood, both Sith and chunks of concrete tumbling into each other, end over end, away from both Jedi. ::

:: Lowering her slightly shaking hands, she breathed in deeply and let it out slowly, willing the Force to calm her. ::

Jun 11th, 2002, 03:36:56 PM
OOC: It would seem so, oh well the more the marrier I suppose.

:: A sinister grin appears on the Sith Lord's face as he is hurrled backwards through battle torn market place. Flipping in mid air he lands on his feet with no more then a thud, the foolish Jedi Master had released him from the grip of the Jedi Knight, one who battled often could tell the rusty Jedi Master hadn't been in battle for quite some time ::

" What a Fool! "

:: He said a loud. Phantom raised himself above the ground and slowly hovered towards the Jedi Knight, turning his head he watches as his two dear friends collide. With a wicked grin upon his face he moves in quickly, reaching out his hand two of the boards lift from the ground while one of them flys towards Xazor from the rear, the board cuts deep into her side as it makes contact. Using the de version the second board positions itself behind her head, with lightning speed Phantom is upon the Jedi Knight and slams his fist into her face using his saber hilt as a fist pack, her face almost immediately bruises and begins to bleed. As Xazor falls to the ground from the severe blow to the face she is torn from the ground and hurled into the Jedi Master Amazonbabe ::

Jun 11th, 2002, 04:42:58 PM
:: AB reacted instantly, whirling to meet the hurling body of Xazor. She raised a hand and slowed the Knights flight a few feet in front of her, and lowered her gently to the ground. The Knight coughed slightly from the hit her face took. AB helped the Knight to stand. ::

You alright?

:: She got a nod from the Knight, who took up her saber again. AB already had her own saber in hand, igniting it. ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 11th, 2002, 04:56:44 PM
:: Dara flew through the air and slammed into the wall next to her own apprentice. With a grimace on her face she nodded to Vega and rose back to her feet slowly. Recalling her sabers to her hands, she ignited them in an instant as she began to call upon the Dark Side which dwelled within her.

The warmth of her own blood trickled slowly down the Sith Master's back from the scrapes and gashes as she gazed across the area at the red haired woman, her own teeth covered in blood as well. Pure dark electricity crackled in the air as tendrils of bluish white light spiralled down her arms as she spit out blood on the ground before her.

As she focused and drew upon the injuries incurred to her, Dara pointed one of her sabers at the woman and a large bolt of force lightning travelled down her saber and propelled itself across the grounds to explode at her feet. Earth and debris flew everywhere as the ground opened up, throwing the woman and the young girl next to her back violently from the dark shockwave of evil energy ::

Jun 11th, 2002, 05:10:30 PM
:: AB flew back, using the Force to help her into a back hand spring, traveling the shockwave the attack had sent. After the flip, she found her feet, skidding to a halt. A smile spread across her lips. Little did this Sith know that the ground of any planet was her ally, and a powerful one at that. ::

:: Closing her eyes, she conentrated, "seeing" what lay beneath the surface on which she stood. An almost inaudible rumble began at the center of the small crator the Sith's attack had just caused. The rumble grew, making pebbles rattle atop the broken stone. The rumble traveled from the center of the crator, creating a large crack straight for the two Sith. Then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the crack stopped about 3 or 4 meters from the Sith, and the rumble subsided. ::

:: AB opened her eyes and saw the Sith woman watching her, the attack looking like it had fizzled out. AB's smiled turned into a grin. At the same instant, an eruption of water sprang forth from the end of the crack, shooting straight up into the air several meters high. The water rained down in a torrent, drenching both Sith. Any ignited saber caught in the downpour would short out and be rendered useless for the moment. ::

:: AB walked past Xazor as she brushed herself off, coming to stand a couple of meters to Anbiras right. ::

imported_Dara Shadowtide
Jun 11th, 2002, 05:48:45 PM
:: A battle savvy warrior of the Dark Side, Dara knew better than to underestimate a wielder of the light, and her instincts held true as she force leapt forward above the burst of water just seconds before the full impact would take heed, her back becoming drenched as the coagulated blood washed away and her wounds stung once again in the open air.

As she landed to one side of the opening in the ground, the Sith Master tightened the grip on her saber hilts and felt the darkness surging within her veins. With a wry smile, she raised both of her blades into the air and a section of the large rocks and boulders from the cement wall slowly rose into the air. Pointing her sabers directly at the three lightsiders, she propelled the airborne debris on a deadly kamikaze course to impact them mercilessly ::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 08:51:32 AM
Xazor growled deeply within herself, remembering to keep her anger undercontrol. She was grateful for Master AB's help as she was brought to her feet. Xazor smiled and focused on a broken waterpipe behind Phantom. Without him knowing it, she quickly constructed five Force Walls around him in a cube-like fasion. With her mind she lifted a great deal of water and dumped it all over the cube. The Knight ran over and touched the cube, using her talent to control the element of cold, to freeze it. In nearly a half a minute, there was a four inch thick icecube surrounding the Sith Lord. She smiled, but quickly stopped due to the pain in her face. She forced as much of it as she could from her mind and stepped back to watch what he would do. The temperature in the cube was at a dangerous low, now, and he would have to act fast in order to prevent to much internal damage....

Malice Draclau
Jun 12th, 2002, 12:44:39 PM
Malice watched with much interest a the roots shot out from under Kelt. The jedi tried to jump up and out of the way, but the two roots that had come up quickly wrapped around his legs, pulling him back to the ground. A third very thick root came up and wrapped tightly around his waist.

With an evil gleam in his eyes, Malice unclipped his saber and ignited both sides. Two white blades of death shooting out of both ends. The sith began to slowly walk towards Kelt, feeling the need to play with his victims before killing them.

*You jedi should have just stayed home. You cannot help those here, why bother even trying*

Kelt Simoson
Jun 12th, 2002, 02:00:44 PM
Kelt was no fool, the roots were not unbreakable. Kelt flipped his sword inverted cutting free the one around his waist, then flipped it again up right and slashed down with the sword, by this time the Sith Knight had charged at the jedi, but with one final slash the roots were broken free, Kelt with the last of this barrage of swipes Kelt sliced upwards in a upper cut motions, the blade slicing deep within the Siths leg.

Kelt connect back into a hard defense position

Malice Draclau
Jun 12th, 2002, 05:44:43 PM
Malice stops abruptly in his charge as the sword had cut into his left leg, Malice bent down and applied some pressure using his hand, while letting the darkside do it's magic in healing the wound.

*Your a quick one jedi. But do not get your hopes too high, for this battle is ar from over*

Bringing his saber down Malice burned the wound, making it so no blood would leak out. Looking back up at Kelt Malice again charged, this time a little slower due to the wound. The sith did a quick jump and landed behind Kelt, slicing low with his saber making a small gash across his lower back. He then kicked him in the back sending him flying forwards. Malice now stood saber up in front ready for the jedi's attack.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 13th, 2002, 01:32:09 PM
:: Anbira was wrenched backward as he delivered the pressure sphere in a forward release. The energy detonated far enough away from both fighters as to not cause any real harm, though the shockwave knocked both off their feet. The Jedi's instincts served him well, as he twisted his body out of the perilous path that led him toward Vega's blade. However, the lightsaber managed to graze his side, leaving a trace line of cauterized skin. Anbira fell backwards atop the Sith, and as the shockwave diminished, Anbira planted an elbow strike into Vega's sternum, using that applied force as an added leverage to help spring him to his feet. ::

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 15th, 2002, 01:29:25 AM
Whipping back against the ground from the recoil of Anbira hitting him, Vega found himself thudded once more to the floor beneath him as a blow was delivered. He grit his teeth and shook his head. Then, pushing one palm against the floor he swung his left leg outwards to catch the Jedi's shins from underneath him.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 17th, 2002, 09:46:14 PM
:: The sweep caught Anbira off-balanced, sending him sprawling to the ground ::

Tempist Opps
Jun 18th, 2002, 06:22:07 AM
After a few moments passed by, the hatch for the transport slowly opened, and a man steped onboard the shuttle. His long hair fell over his eyes, yet they could still be seen through the shadows. They were interly dark blue, no pupils, just the eerie glow. In his hands were two sabers; one was his own, and one wasn't. A fallen jedi had left it, and it was simply an extra now. Oraidin heard the voice again, but this time it wasn't in his head, it was coming from the man.

"Hello little one. I've a gift for you."

The shadowy man tossed the extra lightsaber to Oraidin, and gave a small, feral smile.

"My name is Tempist Opps, Warrior to the Sith Empire. Who are you, and why do you run from battle so quickly?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 18th, 2002, 01:10:24 PM
Whipping around from the kick, Vega twisted Seraphim from one hand into the other and rose it above Anbiras waist. The Sith dove forward in an attempt to cleave into the Jedi's body with the tip of the beam, a manic grin spreading over his face.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:06:42 PM
:: With a gesture from the old Jedi, Vega found himself completing the swing of his coup d'etat, but about three stories too high. The time it took the Sith to plummet to the ground was enough for Anbira to regain his feet ::

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 26th, 2002, 01:10:12 PM
Landing with a thud-thud on his back, Vega cringed and rolled to the side before pushing himself back up to his feet. Turning around to face Anbira, he swept Seraphim back upwards. Whilst staring into the face of the Jedi the sense of deja vu rose once more - though it was just him imagining this had happened before, it had, numerous times.

"You're always on the defence, Hicchoru. Let's see you attack for once," he barked, gesturing for the lightsider to advance.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jun 27th, 2002, 06:09:45 AM
:: Anbira arched an eyebrow ::

What do you possibly hope to achieve?

Vega Van-Derveld
Jun 27th, 2002, 11:15:05 AM
A deep smirk etched on the Sith's lips.

"I'll take you down, all I need is one moment of weakness and you're mine."