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May 20th, 2002, 08:45:33 PM
Where do you stand on the Aing-Tii??? They're not exactly Jedi, in that their system of beliefs differs to a degree, but, they are practitioners of the Light Side of the Force. Therein, I wanted to ask if they're "accepted" here, & if one should post on this board or another, in regards to them? Thanks:angel

May 20th, 2002, 09:54:41 PM
I think they're generally frowned upon. People aren't very receptive to the idea of Jedi that can teleport about as they please, from what I can tell.

May 20th, 2002, 11:20:25 PM
Wellllll, from what I know of Teleportation isn't easy & is quite a bit draining. Also, the Aing-Tii seem to be a bit more introverted than to randomly pop up on people like that (other than slavers, of course) but ok

Marcus Telcontar
May 21st, 2002, 03:21:09 AM
Wel,, we did have this discussion and we agreed Teleportation is for a Jedi Master and only very limited. There is a Jedi Master here who has IC studied the Aing Tii, so I would seek out Figrin D'An. He is the only one who IC knows how to teleport and what the problems and difficulties are.

What we were worried about was someone using Aing Tii to create an unfair play mode. However Figrin has been here for years and is a very, very accomplised RPer and how he would apply the teachings of the Aing Tii is more than fair and even handed. If you wanted to do the Aing Tii thing, you could not do better than to seek him out.

May 21st, 2002, 08:49:21 AM
Who are the Aing-Tii??

Figrin D'an
May 21st, 2002, 08:54:09 PM
I will try to be as helpful and informative on this as I can...

For anyone curious about the Aing-Ti, there is a fair amount of EU material available discussing them. In a quick synopsis, they are bascially a group of Force-using monks... they are practitioners of the Light Side of the Force, as has been mentioned, although they see the Force a bit differently than the Jedi (or the Sith, for that matter).

They are essentially isolationists... they do not involve themselves in the greater affairs of the galaxy with one notable exception... slave traders. They have a very defined sense of right and wrong, and will do anything to stop slave traders from operating and/or freeing those in slave bondage.

Their most noted ability is teleportation, of themselves and objects. Rather than using hyperdrive to traverse great sections of space, for example, they will use their collective abilities to teleport their ships to the desired loaction.

Okay... basically, I had my character train with the Aing-Ti for a certain period of time. Figrin has the ability to teleport, but there are limitations to exactly what he can do. He can teleport himself, and/or a moderately-sized object (about the size of a person) over a distance of several kilometers. No teleportation half-way across the galaxy, no moving fleets of ships to provide instant reinforcements or the like... Also, teleportation is places a high amount of strain on the user. It takes 2-3 RP turns to set up and execute, and it leaves the user somewhat drained and possibly momentarily disoriented. Figrin rarely uses the ability, and in most cases, it is used to remove himself or an injured comrade from a dangerous battle area.

I hope that helps... a lot of it is really just using common sense and gauging the fairness of the manuever in the context of the situation. For example, constantly teleporting away from attacks, then reappearing to hit your opponent in the back is going to be tagged as God-moding... also, keep in mind what you want a character's strengths to be, and how long it make take that character to learn those expertises... for example, Figrin is an excellent swordsman, but he struggles at times with some aspects of the Living Force, like mind-reading. Even a Jedi Master can't be great at everything...

Anyway... if you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)