View Full Version : Meditation of peace....

Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 08:22:06 PM
Xazor sat on a platform near the large bay window in her room. From that spot, one could see the great jungles below, and every river system that ran through them. It was a breathtaking sight, especially at sunset, which it was.

The Knight took a deep breath in and then exhaled, holding her hands palm out in front of her chest. She closed her eyes and fell into the Force, seeking in its depths the knowledge and understanding that she yearned for. Her soul filled with the power of the Force and opened her eyes to many things she had been missing.

She sat in the quiet of her room and searched through the Force, listening to its every call, seeing things she had missed along the path she had been treking.....in hopes to put herself back on the right track. Light seemed to fill the room as she began to restructure her soul....the very person she was. Acceptance of herself seemed to be the first lesson it spoke to her heart....