View Full Version : A thought on boba fett (spoilers)
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 01:23:42 PM
As I was watching AOTC for the third time and jango fetts head once again was lopped off from his body I began to think about how boba fett died. Someone had told me they felt that Jango Fett death was rather anti climactic
So now that we know all this great history on boba fett and have an insight to his character isnt the way he dies in RotJ kinda lame. Here's this great character and one accidental swipe of a pole sends him rolling to his doom. Damn that sucks! Before it was just a character who was cool but you didn't know anything about. Now he has a personality and motivation and I like him a whole lot more after AOTC. So to have him killed so easilly, quickly, and by accident really sucks for someone who I now see as a main character rather then a supporting character.
Anyone else feel that way or disagree with me or anything?
(whether or not you think boba survived the sarlacc or not the movie makes it look like he died so Im going on that basis only.)
May 20th, 2002, 01:52:10 PM
Going by the movie isn't a bad way to go. The only reason he was brought back to life was to sell books and comics. It certainly wasn't what Lucas had in mind during the filming of Jedi. It's pretty clear he meant for Fett to die right then and there. Yes, having him get smacked in the back and then scream like a girl was rather anti-climatic. I would have liked to see him knocked unconscious and then follow the heroes to Endor. There, either Han or Luke takes him out in a final showdown. I would have liked to have seen Han outduel him in a classic quickdraw contest, but after seeing just how powerful Jango was, I'm not sure Han could have taken Boba. At least not a prequel CGI friendly version of the character.
Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 01:56:05 PM
Heh, the last little bit in that reminded me of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark where Ford just shoots the Arab with the sword in the marketplace.
That was supposed to be a huge fight scene, but Harrison Ford was sick as a dog, so they opted for that, instead.
And it is rather amusing to thingk that the best bounty hunter int he galaxy was brought down by a blind guy with a stick...
May 20th, 2002, 02:59:27 PM
I get the impression that Boba Fett always got the better of Solo, except Solo always barely got away. Boba chased and terrorized Solo for years, so the only way Han could et rid of him was by a fluke.
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 03:00:07 PM
I think it would have been cool to have han get in a fight with him, lose and then have luke come and save him. Cause while having him get hit the way he did is amusing, any other character could have died that way. Why boba fett? Why this uber (omg did I just say uber? guh!) cool bounty hunter who now has all this depth instead of being the unknown guy in the cool armor.
May 20th, 2002, 03:06:35 PM
They should have had Luke chop his head off!:lol
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 03:07:29 PM
lol!!! Yeah well hindsight is 20-20. But yeah that would have rocked. That will be the special, special edition with all CGI characters lol.
May 20th, 2002, 05:13:00 PM
Boba Fett is gay in AOTC.
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 05:17:16 PM
oh look a troll
Should we kill him now or tie him up to a log and roast him later.
Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 05:19:00 PM
Let's sit on him and squash him into jelly!
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 05:21:36 PM
You squash. I'll fry!
*electricty crackles from her fingertips*
May 20th, 2002, 05:33:29 PM
I say we go with JMK's Boba's ROTJ demise suggestion!:cool
Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 05:39:29 PM
*gets out lightsaber*
Admiral Lebron
May 20th, 2002, 06:15:50 PM
Yes'm. It just shows how repetitive the OT and NT(NEW trilogy) are alike.
May 20th, 2002, 06:19:38 PM
Let him stay and make an idiot of himself a while longer!
Quay Desada
May 20th, 2002, 08:13:55 PM
(For the record, I am a huge fan of both Fetts of the films. I do not bother following the Boba of comics and novel because K.W. Jeter thoroughly trashed this character in his trilogy "The Mandalorian Armor Wars". And the comics aren't much better. Therefore, I do not recognize post ROTJ Boba adventures as official SW canon.)
I agree... Boba did suffer abit of cheesy death in ROTJ after being knocked unconscious by the blast of a cannon aboard Hutt's caravel. Only to quickly come through and get his jetpack unintentionally activated by a stick in the grasp of a blind and unknowing Han Solo. Here was a hunter whom personified the perfect hunter, bumbling around on a skiff. He deserved a better death and more screentime pursuing Han.
I think keeping Boba Fett as a mere support character was GL's way of keeping focus on Vader, the storyline, and Luke along with his gang. But I am pleased Lucas gave us Boba fans a real treat in EP.II.
Jedi Master Carr
May 20th, 2002, 10:06:17 PM
I always thought Boba escaped but that is a different issue, look at this way Boba's last moment in the the SW movies was anticlimatic and I would have prefered if he had left under different circumstances. Well one thing is for sure there is no way they can bring Jango back
May 20th, 2002, 10:26:41 PM
Of course there is, JMC! That's why they invented clones. ;)
Jedi Master Carr
May 20th, 2002, 10:34:53 PM
Well in that case Boba is basically Jango so they have already brought him back :p
Quay Desada
May 20th, 2002, 10:46:28 PM
Yes, it could be accepted that Boba escaped the sarlacc pit. He did not "die" onscreen so anything goes and it leads to much speculation. According to novels and comics he is indeed alive. Only if those mediums would have portrayed him more correctly. To tell you the truth, I thought Jango's death was also anti-climatic. The last moments of his life were very weak... he takes like what four or five shots at Mace before being run down and decapitated. Makes wonder if Jango's death was truly necessary. Why not maim severely him instead, so as he has to go into semi-retirement... no longer fit for the job, despite SW's advanced cybernetic technology... and complete Boba's training. Jango of course can still pilot Slave-1 but it is like his and Boba's roles are reversed. Boba is now the strong one and the guardian.
Also, Jango has learned a thing or two about fighting Jedi since the Genosian arena battle. And applies it to Boba's Jedi-hunting tactics. Sorry for the long rant but I see another version that would be so intriguing and so realistic. Plus, Jango can be killed off in EP.III but already left his mark with his son Boba. Just to let ya all know... I am Dark Jodo Kast using an alternate nic for now.
Jedi Master Carr
May 20th, 2002, 10:57:13 PM
yeah but I think his death sets up Boba better, it gives a revenge motive in EP III, I really think he will be killing some Jedi, maybe just padawans, might go a long way to explaining those braids of his.
May 21st, 2002, 12:35:46 AM
Yes, the death of Jango will provide the volatile fuel for Boba's vengaence. I think it is quite a revelation that the wookie braids may not be wookie afterall but Jedi padawan. That represents Boba as contributing to the extinction of the Jedi right at their root-core... striking down the next generation before the Order can regroup from the tremendous blows it was dealt in EP2. McCallum was recently very verbal about Boba Fett, speaking of the hunter's return in the next film and was quite animate about the hidden mandalorian weapons. The bottom is GL has written off the Jango Fett character as he did Darth Maul. Now the question is whether Boba is going to be diminished to just a cameo appearance or not? Personally I hope for one really great action sequence involving Boba if not more!
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 12:38:52 AM
I'd be very upset if boba is reduced to a cameo. They have deepened his character immensely by having him as a child in ep2 so to just throw all that away would suck. Theres got to be so much more to him. I'd love to find out the braids are padawan braids. It would all make sense.
May 21st, 2002, 12:55:50 AM
So true, so true! I hope Boba has alot of screentime much like Jango did. But many things have to happen in this film such as Anakin's turning and subsequent transformation into Darth Vader. Also Anakin, Dooku, and Sidious working on the destruction all but two Jedi. The formal creation and introduction of the Empire. Let's hope GL finds plenty of room for little Boba! ;)
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 12:58:45 AM
Anyone else think episode three should be done as a trillogy in and of itself...say maybe about 6 hours long? j/k. BUt really I dunno how hes gonna get everything in 2 and a half hours without having something suffer.
May 21st, 2002, 01:24:12 AM
Yeah, he made sacrifices in EP2 that I wish he wasn't forced to do. At least with the DVD release of the movie we will get all the deleted scenes. Oh well, meanwhile I will content myself to watching for EP3 news at TF.N! This time around I am not going to allow myself to be so spoiled as with ATOC.
May 21st, 2002, 07:17:07 AM
I guess a 3 hour episode 3 isn't out of the question! j/k!
George certainly has his work cut out for him though. And I totally agree about Boba, to build him up just to put him on the backburner would make zero sense at all. He needs to have more of his past explained.
Jedi Master Carr
May 21st, 2002, 10:20:39 AM
I agree I think he needs to have at least the same amount of screen time Jango or at least more than he had in the OT.
May 21st, 2002, 10:43:08 AM
I must agree as well. Before Ep. II, I was definitely NOT a fan of Boba Fett. Not so much his character - because he was cool, but because of the pedestal that fans put him up on. He had hardly any screen time, yet people loved him more than any of the other characters.
When I heard that he would be in Ep. II, I was really nervous that George Lucas was caving in to the demands of the fans, that since they all loved Boba Fett, put him in.
That said, though, I really like how they have integrated him with the story. I think they will have to continue with his character at least a little bit in the next movie - there was too much setup in Ep. II to just be thrown away. And for the record, I think they really casted Daniel Logan well - I thought he made an awesome kid Boba...
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 12:07:37 PM
oh yeah the casting on both young boba and jango was superb. They didn't have the screen time say that padme or obi or anakin had but I'd say they acted very well. You could see the evil nature in young boba and the arrogance of jango. I love the scene on kamino when young boba answers the door and he looks at obi like who in the hell are you. And the dialogue between jango and obi.
May 21st, 2002, 01:27:07 PM
Yes, they really made the tension there seem real. I'm really pleasantly surprised by the acting if this movie.
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 02:02:08 PM
The acting was much better then episode 1
May 21st, 2002, 02:23:54 PM
Infinitely better. :D
May 21st, 2002, 02:44:14 PM
Daniel Logan and Temuera Morrison were both perfectly cast for the role. The movie does acknowledge Jango as being born on Concord Dawn or is it the novel? Not sure. The acting was superior in this episode than that of TPM with better performances by Christopher Lee, Ian McDiarmid, Ewan McGregor, Samuel L Jackson, Hayden Christensen, and Natalie Portman.. it was pleasant to see Padme break out of that formal gravity and mannerisms demanded by the Naboo's Royal Court proper ... and just be human again.
Another thing I enjoyed was that GL completely ignored all EU material written about Boba... HAHA! He is no longer Jaster Mereel... Journeyman Protector turned Bounty Hunter. He is the perfect untampered clone of and child of the galaxy's most feared hunter.. Jango Fett. Now that sounds much better but alot of people are going to be forced to rewrite their Boba biographies. :D
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 02:47:18 PM
yeah I think the movie boba is infinately better then the EU verision of Boba.
May 21st, 2002, 02:56:12 PM
Yes LW, the novel and comic version of Boba Fett has a heart and displays compassion. Don't want that sugar-coated, watered-down Boba... give me the movie Boba anytime.
Doc Milo
May 21st, 2002, 02:56:35 PM
I'm not an EU loyalist, or anything. The movies are canon, and can contradict anything. But, if it's true that Jango Fett was born on Concord Dawn, isn't it possible that a merging of the movie version of Boba Fett, and the EU version can take place? I mean, isn't it possible that Boba Fett, at some point has to go into hiding, and thus moves back to his father's homeplanet of Concord Dawn, takes the name Jaster Mereel, and becomes a Journeyman Protector... ?
I mean, this movie version really doesn't necessarily contradict the EU version -- yet. I mean, I hope it does eventually. Not too fond of the EU version of Fett... but... even the version where it's said that he was once a stormtrooper can be explained by the stormtroopers being clones of Jango...
May 21st, 2002, 03:06:24 PM
Hmm... it is possible Milo. I would have to check up on some Boba resources whether or not they state he was born on Concord Dawn or not. But Boba is going to pursue the profession of his father and make a name of himself that even Darth Vader will have respect for. But you see Jango Fett is the last of the mandalorian mercs according to the ATOC visual dictionary. While in the Marvel Comics it contained a few Journeyman Protectors wearing the _armor_ such as Fenn Shysa and some others I can not recall.. going on adventures right beside Boba Fett. So I seriously doubt it.
Doc Milo
May 21st, 2002, 03:13:37 PM
I don't actually read the comics, so I was only going by what I know -- which would be the short story in one of the "Tales of" short story collections...
May 21st, 2002, 03:26:22 PM
In a way, I hope GL goes out of his way to contradict the EU. Not to screw the fans, but to reclaim his story and put his stamp on SW once and for all.
Marcus Telcontar
May 21st, 2002, 03:36:39 PM
The EU and comics can go kiss a hutt as far as I am concerned. Most of it is pure crap. I am always glad when another bit if EU BS is knocked away :)
To me, Ep II sets Boba up perfectly for EPIII. I really hope he's in! BTW, the guy who plays Jango, being a New Zealander - there are a lot more Kiwis that look like him. A LOT.
AIEEEEE, I'm in a country filled with clones!
May 21st, 2002, 04:12:12 PM
Funny - I heard he looks like a Mexican. ;)
In then new Essential Guide to characters, it explains that most of the supposed stories about Boba Fett's origins were just that - stories. So basically, if the movie contradicts any EU, it's because the EU wasn't what really happened.
Jedi Master Carr
May 21st, 2002, 04:55:25 PM
Hey I like the EU most of it at least (I mostly mean the books I don't really read the comics) I think it would be hard to conflict most of it since the majority of it takes places after ROTJ and that stuff is pretty safe for the most part.
Live Wire
May 21st, 2002, 11:42:10 PM
I dont hate the eu. I mean the EU gave us mara jade! I just dont like some of the wierd EU stuff. Of course I think Tim Zahn is da man. But if lucas contradicts it then oh is his story.
Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 22nd, 2002, 12:45:45 AM
Yeah, I hate the EU "explanations" of Boba's past as well. I must agree that I hope George puts those people who stupidified Boba's story in their place during Episode III.
That place being the Sarlacc, preferrably.
May 22nd, 2002, 12:54:52 AM
The only things I think like about EU is Mara Jade, Thrawn, the Noghri, and Exar Kun. Hell with the rest of it. Darkhorse did the Sith Era and it sucked. GL please redeem Boba and your story from these infidels.. toss'em in the sarlacc pit. lol
May 22nd, 2002, 01:09:02 AM
I have to agree: That Sith era stuff was horribly boring. The post Episode 1 comic books are generally pretty good.
May 22nd, 2002, 01:37:37 AM
Oh yeah ... and there is Jodo Kast created exclusively by Wizards of the Coast in which Darkhorse Comics dedicated a book to his tale in "Twin Engines of Destruction". Within Boba and Dengar lay a trap for Boba's despised doppleganger... eventually terminating him. I RP as a hunter that has recovered Kast's infamous armor while taking the deceased hunter's name as well.
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