View Full Version : Closet Monsters (Challenge to a Jedi)

Gitane Van Derveld
May 19th, 2002, 04:56:03 AM
A garrish light was settling over the small town as the sun toyed with the thought of appearing through thick clouds. Gitane sighed boredly, pacing down the main street, her cloak dragging along the dirt road. It was the first time she'd been in public since her...return, and she had come hunting for amusement in the early hours of the morn. While a cluster of people walked the streets, none seemed terribly exciting. Most looked as if they were about to drop dead without her help, and what would be the fun in putting them out of their misery?

A sharp whistle made her flinch as Gitane spun to see the source. She was never found of loud noises, and was greatly anticipating a cantidate for death. A Dug 'stood', grinning at her and murmuring with what seemed his companion. A low growl left her grinning mouth and she set off toward them, the pale amethyst energy blade shooting into view.

In only a matter of seconds, the smoldering bodies fell together in a mingle of four pieces. She kicked the dead face of the Dug and snarled a bit before turning away. An almost involeentary growl rose from her throat as she felt another pressence. A light one..

"Come out, little Jedi.."

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 12:29:14 PM
Shade had seen the horrible action from a distance. He quickened his pace towards the Dark one.

"Why did you do that? They didn't deserve to die like that."

Shade dropped his hand to his side, where his lightsaber was. He didn't gras it just yet, but from the looks of it he would need it.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 19th, 2002, 01:58:13 PM
Gitane sneered coldly, looking down at the charred corpses, then at the Jedi.

"They won't be missing much... Besides, Death's nothing terrible."

With a low *snap*hiss*, the saber lit back into a rush of seering energy. Gitane laughed lowly and paced towards Shade, swinging the glowing blade absently. Suddenly, she let out a sharp battle cry and darted into the air, spinning above the man and slashing towards his back.

"I've missed a good fight...Think you could fulfill that longing?"

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 03:28:45 PM
Shade rolled forward to avoid the blade. He came up and threw off his Jedi robes. He then spun back around to face the Sith and unclipped his lightsaber and ignited it in one deft move.

"I think I can manage."

Shade raised his lightsaber and allowed the Force to flow around him. He felt its warmth. Shade ran forward and thrust his saber at Gitane's chest. His movements' speed had increased to where anyone watching would not noramlly be able to keep up.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 20th, 2002, 01:24:20 PM
Snarling at the saber as it drew near, Gitane bent backwards and brought her own glowing blade up against the Jedi's. Sparks of energy flew into the air as the sabers hissed with meeting. Finally, she shoved Shade away with a strong Force Push and straightened her back. Her ivory eyes closed into glaring slits before she sneered.

"You call that a challenge?"

The woman snapped the tie on her cloak and let it drop back. Her body was clad in next to nothing by the means of clothing,a thin tatter of cloth at her hips and what seemed to be large chains wound around her chest. Other than this, the cloak had been her only clothing; Nothing that seemed suitable for fighting.

Still, she was thirsty for blood. That fact was almost radiating from her very being. Gitane stepped backa few feet, her empty hand opening, rather flinching. Before her could tell what had happened, Shade found himself being pelted with an array of produce that had been set out by one of the locals for sale. Gitane giggled and took the time of the distraction to again charge at him, her saber aimed in a wide swing for his legs.

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 04:05:26 PM
Shade Force somersaulted over Gitane after putting his hand out and stopping the onslaut of fruits. Had it not been for the Force increasing his speed then he would have no legs, but he landed behind her and thrust his hand out. He called on a Force Wall in front of the momentum charged Sith Warrior. It was not the strongest he adever made, but it was the best he could do for now.

"No...but I call this a challenge. I comend you on your creativeness."

He quickly put a mental note to pay more attention t his surroundings,and before she could turn around he used the Force to pull her towards him and then threw her back against the wall. He then brought his left foot up and put all his might into a kick aimed for her head.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 21st, 2002, 03:38:41 AM
Gitane flashed a grin at Shade and crouched down. She waited until he was nearly above her and swirled her saber up, letting it scorch over his hip. Quickly, her other hand pressed against the ground and her body flipped up, kicking his flying leg just enough to have him crash ackwardly into the wall. She stood as soon as her feet came close to the ground and grinned again at the Jedi, bringing her saber up to pierce through his spine.

Shade Magus
May 21st, 2002, 03:59:43 PM
Shade called the Force to increase his speed dramatically. He rolled to the side and stood facing Gitane's side. His hip throb with pain, but managed to put it in the back of his mnd for the moment.

Shade then slashed downwards at the Sith's blade. He knocked it to the ground and he then jerked his lightsaber blade back, the geen blade slicing through air as it flew towards her chest.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 22nd, 2002, 12:11:55 PM
Growling quietly, Gitane shoved herself, rolling, to the side. She glanced down to notice a heavy link of the chain covering her chest had been melted from the saber's touch. She pouted and called her own lightsaber quickly to her hand and leapt up to her feet.

A slow grin formed over her lips as an idea grew in her mind. She stretched her hand out slightly and sent the cloth of the Jedi's robes hurling toward his head before wrapping around it. Wasting no time, she leapt into the air and ignited her saber. The tip of the blade skimmed his arm, not meaning to do any true damage, simply to hurt enough that he would release the metal hilt. She called the shaft into her hand and sent it to life, a glowing blade in each hand. While he was still occupied with removing the robes, she spun around, her arms moving into graceful, sweeping slashes toward his chest and stomach.

Shade Magus
May 22nd, 2002, 02:52:14 PM
Shade could sense what was going on around him. He backed up a few steps as his blade flew from his hand. Shade pulled the robes from his head and threw them to the ground. He Force somersaulted over Gitane just before getting sliced with te two blades. He landed and fell to his knees. his hip had really suffered on that landing, but Shade quickly called a large limb to him and used it to stand up.

Shade held it in a defensive position, waiting on the sith to make a move or mistake.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 23rd, 2002, 01:12:25 PM
"Poor little Jedi... Weaponless, forced to use the limbs of those he so recently scolded me for disposing of as protection..."

Gitane grinned sickly, swinging the sabers at her side absently. She made a slow semi-circle around Shade, sniggering. As soon as she stood behind him, her foot met sharply with his spine, sending him forward. She sneered and tapped into the Dark Side, shoving the Jedi to roll over the ground and crash into the side of a house.

"Poor, poor Mister Jedi..." Gitane cooed mockingly as she walked toward him. Her foot stepped onto his back and she pushed him down hard into the dirt to keep him from getting up. She traced the tip of her saber over his shoulder blades, just enough to burn the skin past the point of pain. She then lifted the second saber and pressed the tip to where the top of his spine would rest. She let the burning blade sink down slowly, making sure he felt every piece of skin scorching.

"Do you give up, Jedi?"

Gitane brought her saber up and struck it fast through his left shoulder blade.

"I could kill you right here... Or I could let others like me play with you..."

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 03:51:28 PM
Shade's anger flashed, but he managed to keep it down. He called on the Force and filled his body with its power.

"I will not give up..."

Shade pushed the pain to the darkest corner of his mind and placed his hands on the ground. The shove he used to jump up, cause gitane to fall on her back. He quickly twisted around and called his saber to his hand.

"Never have...and never will....."

Shade called on the Force and used a Force Wall and placed it on top of the Sith. It wasn't strong, but it would hop him long enough for him to regain some strength.

Gitane Van Derveld
May 26th, 2002, 03:43:23 PM
Gitane growled and snarled savagely as she writhed about, trying to push through the hold he had on her. Anger burned through her veins, sending any humanity she'd possessed hurling into oblivion.


Finally shoving herself up, Gitane reignited her saber and raced forward. She lunged at Shade and tackled him backwards. She knelt on his legs, bringing her saber toward his abdomen.

Shade Magus
May 27th, 2002, 12:32:24 PM
Shade pushed his right hand up and caught Gitane's saber hand just before it hit. The blade seared his outer clothing, but nothing more. The two wrestled on the ground for control of the fight, until Shade just threw the Sith off of him.

He then jumped up and ignited his saber, holding it hight in the air, he brought it down towards the lady's thigh.

Gitane Blesse
May 27th, 2002, 03:49:04 PM
Gitane growled and kicked her legs up quickly before she rolled to the side. Her hands pressed to the ground and she leapt to her feet, drawing her saber quickly to her hand. Her leg was seared with a long burn, however, it was much better than losing the entire leg. Her eyes narrowed and she glanced about before grinning slowly.

"This has gone on long enough, Jedi."

Calling her cloak up, Gitane quickly tied the strings around her neck. It wasn't much, but it was cover for what she was planning. Her own saber was brought down slightly towards her chest, only enough to break the heavy chains. She lifted a link from the chain and let her saber drop. Suddenly, Shade was shoved backwards. Gitane snarled at him in disgust and took the few steps between them before swinging the chains to smash against his head.

"Say good night..."

Zasz Grimm
May 27th, 2002, 03:58:43 PM
He watched on as the Sith moved towards the Jedi to take the kill. She was good, she had put the jedi in his place many times in a row.

Zasz had been watching from the street corner, his signature masked to his liking so that no one could feel him via the force. He moved on the side of the street as an innocent bystander would, or so he seemed like one.

The only thing that stood out was his flaming crimson red hair. He watched on as she was swinging the chain back and forth and he leaned against the wall to stare at her, to seem to annoy. His presence was known to her, but not that of his force signature...

Shade Magus
May 28th, 2002, 07:41:19 PM
Shade smiled.

"Good night..."

Shade brought his hand up and Force pushed the chain back into the Sith's face. Shade's arm flashed from the pain of the seared shoulder, but he paid no heed. He jumped up and pulled his saber into a defensive position.

"Honestly...do really think me so weak? Could you not feel me masking my real power? That is something I learned a long time ago when dealing with Sith..never reveal your true strength unless forced to...and now you have forced me to. I comend you on this."

Shade smiled as he brought his saber up, and threw it at Gitane like a spear.

Gitane Blesse
May 29th, 2002, 03:45:06 AM
Gitane snarled at the sharp, blunt sting from her chain striking her face. She looked forward through squinted eyes and ducked down, calling the hilt of his saber into her own hand. She reached out and caught her saber, as well, and stood to grin at the Jedi.

"Why... Thank you for the lovely present."

The woman charged forward, looking as if she were planning to stab through his chest with the sabers. Just as she neared him, Gitane quickly crouched down, her saber directed towards his stomach, the second moving behind his legs and sweeping forward to slice at his knees.

Shade Magus
May 29th, 2002, 06:19:11 PM
Shade had to time this right. With the help of the Force though he knew exactoly when to move. A split second before either saber hit, Shade jumped back and layed straight in the air. The two blades pass right bybhim, only skimming his outer clothing. He landed with a thud on the ground and quickly got to his feet.

Shade shot his left arm out in an attempt to call his saber, but the pain finaly caught up with him and he dropped it and held it to his side. Instead, he kicked the ground and dust flew into the air. He called on the Force and caused it to spin around and around in a small tornado like funnel around Gitane. It was taking a lot to keep this up and anyone could see the strain on his face.

Gitane Blesse
May 30th, 2002, 01:05:23 PM
Gitane let out a raging scream as her arms twisted through the air. She closed her eyes, thinking of a way to escape the swirling cloud. Without warning, Gitane leapt quickly into the air, reaching roughly 7 feet in height. She moved forward and landed right in front of Shade, her head tilting curiously.

She brought her foot up and smashed it against his chin before spinning around and kicking his chest and side, sending him stumbling backwards. She only moved with him, and while in mid-spin, she ignited the sabers, aiming for his throat and stomach.

Shade Magus
May 30th, 2002, 06:07:01 PM
Shade jumped back, narrowly avoiding the two blades. He fell to the ground, but rolled backwards and onto his feet.

As Gitane came at him again, Shade dropped to the gorund and swung his feet outwards, one foot aimed for her knee cap and the other at her ankle.

Gitane Blesse
May 31st, 2002, 03:38:54 AM
Gitane glanced down as his feet neared her legs. She could make this work the better for her. Just as she began to fall, Gitane pointed the two sabers towards him. The first sliced into the ground, just barely missing his hip, the second was still headed for his chest.

Shade Magus
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:20:46 AM
Shade thrust his hand up and Force pushed the blade out of the way. He rolled to his left, the blade still slicing his shoulder. He got up and held his hand up to his shoudler, putting pressure on the wound.

He looked at his saber in gitanes hand on smiled. He concentrated on the metal hil until it began to glow bright red, while it's form shifted slightly, growing small, sharp spikes out of it.

"Knew those Warp Matter lessons would come in handy......."

Gitane Blesse
Jun 6th, 2002, 02:04:09 PM
(ooc) Sorry it's taken so long to reply!

Gitane felt the spikes digging into her hand and growled deeply, but refused to let go of the saber. She charged forward with a sick grin and shoved him back towards the wall, her hand pushing the prickly hilt into his already heavily wounded shoulder. She leaned her head close, taunting him, her lips hovering from his as she whispered.

"Don't you just love how that feels..? Tearing through your pink, tender skin..."

She jerked her hand around in a circle, blood dripping from her palm as she tightened her grip just to pierce the spikes further into his shoulder.

"I'll tell you a secret... Pain doesn't bother me... Death can't touch me..."

Gitane pulled back, still holding the saber in her hand, giggling rather maniacally.

"I've died and lived to tell about it! Anything you do to me... Means nothing!"

Shade Magus
Jun 8th, 2002, 10:06:55 AM

Shade slammed his head forward into Gitane's just as she pulled away. He brought up his good arm and put it into her stomach. He dropped to a knee as he gained room, but quickly jumped up.

As Shade looked on his vision blurred, but he held steady, ready for anything.

Gitane Blesse
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:08:04 AM
Gitane giggled rather breathlessly for a moment, his kick having knocked the air out of her. She straightened her back and looked at him, tilting her head slightly.

"I'm growing bored of this game, Jedi!"

She took a small step forward and spun, her foot connecting with his cheek, forcing him sideways. Her steps followed him and her bare foot was brought sharply into his stomach. She leaned down, her foot stepping onto his side as she lifted his injured arm, pulling hard at it.

"I wonder how easily this would come off...."