View Full Version : Racism in AOTC

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 07:47:02 PM
Well it was bound to happen and now some even more moronic people are saying there is racisim in AOTC
here is the story

First off how in the hell do they think that Jango is Hispanic, he looks like he is from the pacific to me and then they can't even get the sterotypes right with some arab guys saying oh he looks like an Arab terroist, ok whatever. And I have no clue about this thing about the Clones that just doesn't make any since. As far as Jackson and Smits, Jackson had a lot of screen time and twice the amount of lines Smits had a small part but he is suppose to have a huge role in the sequel, these guys are morons they need to be shipped off to some island and live there and try to find racism under a rock they be more successful.

May 18th, 2002, 07:49:40 PM
Well I can't say that I'm surprised by this. It was absurd the first time for TPM, and it's even more absurd this time. Who gives the green light to print this trash, I don't know, but they're absolute morons.

Jinn Fizz
May 18th, 2002, 07:54:13 PM
I read about this story at TF.N, and I was absolutely appalled. I knew it wouldn't be long before someone raised the alleged racism issue, since it was such a popular criticism of TPM, but come on, people, this is ridiculous.

When I first saw Temeura Morrison, I had a hunch he was from somewhere in the South Pacific. So when I heard he's from New Zealand, I wasn't surprised.

So many people love to use the old "get a life" line in reference to us SW fans, but it's actually people like the ones quoted in this article that truly need to get a life. :(

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 08:00:22 PM
I know it and when you can't even agree which stereotype the character is then you know you have problems, they say oh Jango is hispanic no is arab then how is it a stereotype. I am surprised nobody brought up the Tuskens since they could be compared to the Native Americans or the Genosians who could be compared to the Bushman tribes in South Africa because of their talk. Still neither one of them are stereotypes IMO either because they don't have enough in common with either group.

May 18th, 2002, 08:05:24 PM
You know, the only merit that the racism comments about TPM were that Best really did sound like Stephen Fetchit. They did sound a bit familiar, but I still saw it as nothing more than a coincidence. But this whole Temura attack really pisses me off. First of all, I'M HISPANIC. I did think that Temura looked a bit Hispanic. SO WHAT!!!!!!!! How the hell does that make him a racist character?! If Jango is a racist character, then should elderly white male British citizens be camped outside of Skywalker Ranch with protest signs? OLD PASTY FACED BRITISH WHITE GUYS ARE THE BIGGEST VILLIANS IN THE ENTIRE SAGA!!!!!!

As a Hispanic I've felt a few racial slights in my life. But because I speak English without an accent and because I don't have typically strong Hispanic facial features (Temura looks more Hispanic than I do.) I've kind of been sheltered from many of the racial slights others in my family have endured. Regardless, even if I did have my father's strong Hispanic features, I know I'd never have to go through the racial indignities that Blacks do. There ARE serious problems that African Americans and Hispanics have to deal with in the U.S. But Jango clones in AOTC IS NOT ONE OF THEM! The people in that article are embarrassing themselves and focusing their energies in the wrong place. They actually do more damage than good. How the hell can they expect to be taken seriously about serious Hispanic issues after they bitch and moan about clones in the latest Star Wars movie? Freakin' MORONS!!!!

May 18th, 2002, 08:06:30 PM
To try and slander someone like they're doing to Lucas is totally unethical for their profession. These clowns should be forced to work in something else as they're clearly unfit for journalism. Sure there's freedom of expression, but IMO, this is more defamation of character.

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 08:20:02 PM
I agree Jedieb, there are places they can focus their energies on and do more good, but heck they are just dumb idiots who probably don't want to solve the problems of the real world.

Figrin D'an
May 18th, 2002, 08:20:41 PM
You know... the very fact that these people say that characters in the films are racists, then can't even decided what groups of people should be offended, shows very clearly, IMO, where the real sentiments of racism are rooted... in the very people that make the accusations. They stereotype groups of people by directly comparing them to characters in a fictional film... pretty sad, if you ask me.

Maybe they should tell Temeura Morrison to his face that he "totally looks Hispanic" and see what his reaction is... if anyone has a right to be offended, maybe it should be him for people assuming his ethnicity based on his physical appearance...

May 18th, 2002, 08:26:02 PM
I wouldn't say they're racist, just sadly misguided. You have to understand, they've experienced REAL racism in their lives. But that doesn't excuse them for these ridiculous observations. In fact, they should feel EMBARRASED. They KNOW what legitimate racism is. Derogatory comments, discriminatory practices in the work place, etc. But Temura clones DON'T FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 08:28:42 PM
One other thing when did Boba ever call Jango Baba?? I figure they probably heard Jango say Boba and mixed the two characters up, well that shows how stupid they are if they can't even keep the characters straight.

Figrin D'an
May 18th, 2002, 08:56:12 PM
Yeah, you are probably right, Jedieb... I guess I'm just sick of people looking for racism in such ridiculous places when there are more important racism issues to focus on and deal with...

May 18th, 2002, 08:59:10 PM
I do not have time right now BUT DAMN!!!!!!!!! I'm going to give you guy's an ear full about this F___ CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

May 18th, 2002, 09:04:36 PM
Exactly Figrin, they're MORE important things to worry about. Some PC freaks don't know when to use some common sense. And Jango NEVER said 'baba', what the hell is that guy talking about? Again, I go back to my "OLD PASTY FACED BRITISH WHITE GUYS" joke. Where's the outrage over Lee, Cushing, and Ian? Idiots.:mad

May 18th, 2002, 09:10:13 PM
No one is complaining this time about Jar Jar either now that he is a senator.

Admiral Lebron
May 18th, 2002, 10:05:34 PM
And yet, if you made Jango a white man, they'd complain about not enough racial diversity. Makes me so...mad! GRR!

May 18th, 2002, 10:11:56 PM
Something as big as Star Wars just can't win.

May 18th, 2002, 11:10:00 PM
At times like this I wish I was a better writer.
I'm going to LAY it all out hereNOT just STARWARS racism BUT ALL Of it.So if I'm misunderstood PLEASE forgive me.

I'll begin here.

I still to this day (atleast where I live) am forever hearing about slavary. Slavary was WRONG/AWLFUL and SICK!!. But the FACT is I was NOWHERE around at that time. Fact two The white men did NOT just go over in a boat capture the slaves and bring them back.What WE /I never hear about is HOW rival tribes SOLD and CAPTURED the other TRIBES and SOLD them to the white men.

Another thing we er hear about (when SLAVARY is brought up) Is the FACT that WHITE MEN set the slaves free.Oh I know it was not Just about slavary being wrong BUT the fact still remains WHITE MEN set them free ,They DID NOT set themselves free.

Another thing is When I was growing up,if you DARED to mention to a black person that there forefathers were from AFRICA you had BETTER be ready for a fight. NOW they (or should I say the NAACP) wants the Black population to be known as AFRICAN AMERICAN.

WELL let me tell you something. IF you are born in america , YOU ARE AN AMERICAN,PERIOD!!!If You are Born In another country and you come to america and BECOME a CITIZAN YOU ARE AN AMERICAN, PERIOD there is no African american/ There is NO Asian AMERICAN etc...

How STUPID would it be for me To DEMAND to be called

WHite african Italian American.

Why am I brining this UP well let me fill EVEYONE in on a little secret. The Most RACIST group in america IS NOT WHITE AMERICA it's BLACK AMERICA.OH yes you heard me right.

The NAACP Is ALL MOST as bad as the KKK, except they Dress better and you can't say anything about them without being RACSIST.The KKK you can Kick around and noone cares(As they SHOULD BE!!!they SUCK! bunch of piece's of SHI_)

ANyway LOOK at how the BLACK america Like to SEPERATE themselves from WHITE AMERICA /AND THE REST.

WE WHite america (although I am MIXED I look and am called WHITE) CANNOT HAVE a WHITE MS.AMERICA BUT Black AMERICA can.



White AMERICA cannot Have Ivory Mag.


which leads me to and artical in EBONY , a few years back they did a spread on the DREAM TEAM(BASKETBALL) they had a picture of The whole team. Below they had the name's of all the players BUT they did NOT list the names Of the WHITE Players. Hell LARRY bird is atleast the 3rd GREATEST player ever (behind Jabbar,and WILT) But NOT even his name was brought up:(


I'll put it this way.I'm Scared to death to say anything out of the way (Not Racist talk ) ANYTHING !! to a black person , NOT due to getting beat up (don't care if your blue That ain't going to happen) But for the fear I'll be called a RACIST>

BUT YET BLACKS can DOG a WHITE Person anytime (and DO , ALOT) From what I have seen in MY life time.

You know come to think of it I have only seen 1 racsist thing towards a black person in the past 5 yrs(In person) And That was AN IDIOT cousin of mine just a few weeks ago. But I have SEEN MANY acts Of racism towards white's In just the past few weeks.AND I LIve in the FORMER KKK CAPITAL of the world (NO Joke)

You know I love everyone equally I try and get along with EVERYONE No Matter WHAT there Race/CREED/Or religon/

I just Can't understand ALL of THIS HATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!On both sides we are ALL together in this country ,GOD (yes JON_ there is a GOD. He CREATED US ALL equal Lets ALL be EQUAL!!!!!

NOT finished Starting another page......................NOW I sart in on the WHITES!!!!!!!!Although It's Mostly Past>>

May 18th, 2002, 11:40:12 PM

For years the white man HAS kept the Black man down NO if ands or but's about it . I really have to say the UPPERCRUST of White AMerica. There was SLAVARY, The WHITE RICH LAZY AMericans wanted someone else to do there work for them So they Went and TOOK PEOPLE for Christ sakes and treated them like DOGS!!!!!! TORE FAMILY"S Apart JUST for the sake Of MONEY and EGO'S !!!!I hope they all GOT( EVEN MY GREAT GREAT GREAT GRAND FATHER)WHAT they Deserved when they Died!!!!

AND YOU KKK . YOu think you are so SELF rightous , You feel you are doing GODS work?????? The Bible states LOVE THY NIEGHBOR as Thy self. That MEANS EVERYONE YOU BACKWARDS <NO TEETH INBREAD >DOG HUMPING piece's of COW CRAP!!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU HANG SOMEone because they are Black. HOW -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-___ DARE YOU FOR Kill an INNOCENT CHILD FOR BEING A Different Color than YOU!!!!

Dudes sorry I got carried away this stuff just makes My blood BOIL!!!!!!!!!!!

So What I am trying to say We all are different . we all have things in our culture that makes us unique.JUST GET ALONG AND THE WORLD WOULD BE SO PIECEFULL, Just how GOD MEnt it to be.

Now to the Issue of STARWARS Racism.

Give me a break!!!!!!!

THNK ABOUT THIS. Is this Racsist??Or JUST art immitating life here is my example.

YOu are watching a movie about a Redneck trailer park trash family. They are poor , and the Father Does Nothing But Deer hunt and Drink beer. he Beats his kids and live's on welfare.

The Mom SMOKEs and swares all the time , and StAY"S pregnant all the time.

OK now keep in mind that the writer and DIRECTOR is Black.
ARE they being RACSIST??????



Because there are people that are like that!!!!

WANT TO KNOW WHO something like that would OFFEND????
I'll TELL YOU>>>>>>>>>>

SOMEONE WHO IS LIKE THAT!!! That's ALL that it would offend!! PRIOD!!!!!!!!!!

SO IF you are Offended that means you are LIKE that .And If you are like that, It's NOT Racsim IT"S THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 18th, 2002, 11:51:04 PM
Why does every thing have to be BLACK or white. CAN someone PLEASE answer me that . I get SO sick of the whole thing.Not only from blacks calling whites racsit but from whites calling blacks racsist ( which I am quilty of) calling blacks racist But only when I have seen enough)

Now it's just EVERYONE calling EVERYONE else RAScist. One day there will be LAWS on how you talk to one another.

I'm really sorry for going on and on about this but I'm just sick and tired of the whole freaking thing!!!!White Men hug you brother the Black man, Black man Hug your brother thr white man.Asian man hug your brother the Hispanic man. WE are the world we ARE GODS CHILDREN!!!

May 19th, 2002, 02:11:44 AM
Oh my god! That article is preposterous. Temuera Morrison is of maori descent and from New Zealand. He is not hispanic nor palestinian. Lucas is not putting subversive racist images into his awesome fantasy epic. Jimmy Smits is hispanic and portrayed as a very intelligent, diplomatic human being whom is peace loving. There is no stereotypes. If anything us white people (I am caucasian BTW) should have a grief as we have some really messed up white dudes in these movies .. Palpatine, Dooku, and Anakin.

Palpatine (please forgive me guys for the severity of the comparision) resembles Hitler and the Empire.. the white man's imperialism of the 17-19th century. Count Dooku could be comparable to that of an stereotypical evil white corporate america. These are just examples of how a white dude such as myself can twist things into being racist.

i.e. ...Why ain't any of the villians in Star Wars hispanic or black or indian? How come the white man is portrayed to be more often evil than he is good in SW? What is Lucas trying to tell the world about the white man, eh? SHEESH! Get a life, you people who misconstrue Star Wars and turn it into an ugly racist issue.

Guys, I hate touching this racism thing. It is a very dangerous firebrand that some wield very foolishly. Star Wars is a magnificent fantasy epic. Let's leave it at that and if anything Star Wars creates racial unity among it's legions of fans. Peace out, folks!

Marcus Telcontar
May 19th, 2002, 02:44:21 AM
I finally bothered to read the article.

Oh, I'm sure the Kiwi bros are going to love hearing Jango Fett being claimed as hispanic! What an utter POS article. Did they even BOTHER to watch the movie?

Aricle writer is what I would call a Troll.

May 19th, 2002, 03:14:10 AM
It's too funny even to address.

I think AOTC is racist trash, I won't be seeing it again now. LOL, yeah right.

For TPM I bothered defending the movie, even in my book, but this time around it's incredibly silly and I don't think it's worth more than a few giggles. lol.

Darth Viscera
May 19th, 2002, 03:43:53 AM
I concur with Marcus. It's all so unbelievably preposterous and befuddling that I wouldn't know where to start in a paper that denounced that article.

It's a publicity scam, really. Newspapers need money. Money means webpage hits and newspaper purchases. Unfounded inflammatory articles, which are easier to come across than a justified inflammatory article, bring in the money. That place is, in my mind, now a simple tabloid. If that.

It's like Mr. Jameson from Spider-Man. He reckons that bad news about Spider-Man (aka he runs from the police, he must be fleeing the crime scene because he's a criminal) will sell more than good news, like how Spider-Man saved X individual from certain death. The owner of that paper has dollar signs on the brain, rather than journalistic integrity.

May 19th, 2002, 07:33:09 AM
Back to my oldest saying; "any press is good press" if you're a journalist...

Jinn Fizz
May 19th, 2002, 08:32:18 AM
:thumbup to Dark Jodo Kast, I couldn't agree with you more

:headbash to the people involved in the article, they're not problem-solvers, they're problem-makers

May 19th, 2002, 12:34:50 PM
Absolutely, Jinn. Bad press is concerned only with sensationalism and the money it generates. Neverminding the circulation of this article and what it may incite. Very, very irresponsible. However, I have faith in the general public not to swallow that trash!

May 19th, 2002, 12:45:07 PM
As a puertorican latino I am more insulted of what this critics are saying that I am about Boba and the mexican clone army!!!

Stereotyping latinos as dark skinned non-english speaking individual is as bad as any movie director casting an all blonde blue eyed cast.

In fact latinos are a bond of three races, the spanish, the native indians and the african slaves. In Puerto Rico you will not find many indian looking individuals because the conquistadors whiped out most of the population, but 60% of puertoricans have taino genes. In countries like Mexico and Peru where the native population was in the millions the spanish did not need to import as many slaves as in the islands for there was plenty of slave work. In Argentina you will find a lot of blond blue eyes individuals because of a modern day inmigration of german and austrians. In conclusion, latinos is just a name, but we are not an homegenous ethnicity. If Temuera was a mexican/southamerinca/puertorican/ or even spanish there could be some base for this 'racist' argument...but c'mon he is from NEW ZEALAND!!! This just shows that the one stereotyping are this 'experts'.

In fact I am glad for movies like SW and LOTR that have shown the world the wonders of these countries and injected a lot of resources to the local economy of New Zealand and Australia.

Get a life please.

May 19th, 2002, 03:30:44 PM
Whenever I hear this argument, I always come back to the quote:

"What's in there?"
>> "Only what you take with you..."

If people want to see racism in SW (or any movie for that matter), they'll find a way to see it.