View Full Version : How many of you KNEW [masked spoilers]

May 18th, 2002, 01:42:59 PM
That Anakin was going to lose his arm/hand? About a week ago, I was going to start a thread asking if Anakin was going to lose his right or left hand. :lol
I was totally expecting it before the movie, but when Dooku cuts Anakin's arm off, I was caught a little off guard. It just happened so fast, and it's such a terrible thing to have happen. Losing a limb could be another factor in Anakin's descent to the dark side. He will definetly want revenge on Dooku for taking his arm.

May 18th, 2002, 01:54:25 PM
Lady De'Ville spoiled it for me by describing the action figure with a detachable arm. :| It lessened the surprise of it for me, but alas... I still enjoyed the movie immensely. I wish the part where Anakin uses two lightsabres was a bit longer.

Jinn Fizz
May 18th, 2002, 01:59:54 PM
I was sssoooo irritated...I was looking at another forum, one which I had never gone to before, and there was a thread about which Ep II action figure did people like the least. A lot of people said they didn't like the Hanger Duel Anakin figure because his arm falls off so easily. :eek Then I heard about the Tonight Show debacle, and how Jay Leno blew a big spoiler, and it had something to do with the Anakin action figure. So at that point, I knew Anakin was due to lose an arm during the lightsaber battle, and I wasn't happy about knowing that ahead of time, since I'd tried so hard to stay as unspoiled as possible. But the moment was still shocking, and very sad. But ultimately it makes great sense, because Anakin definitely took his first steps toward becoming Darth Vader in this movie, both emotionally and physically.

May 18th, 2002, 02:09:59 PM
Geez that bites! Way to go Leno! I'm SOOOO eternally grateful I missed that. And that I haven't seen the detachable arm figure.

May 18th, 2002, 02:16:40 PM
I stayed fairly spoiler free...so I was really shocked when it happened.

May 18th, 2002, 03:08:47 PM
Yeah - I wasn't spoiled about the arm thing, but I did remember reading in a mag ages ago that there was a rumor that Anakin was gonna get his hand chopped off, and would get a mechanical one, thus beginning his road onto becoming 'more man than machine'.

Oh, and who else noticed the prototype sort-of Darth Vader suit complete with twiddly controls and speech thingy.. who/what do u think that was? It was when Dooku was meeting with Jango and the Nute(?) - I'm hoping it was the real Jango, and the other one was a decoy, hence his abrupt anti-climatic demise.. entirely probably due to like, a whole planet of his clones existing (but of course an un-modified one)

May 18th, 2002, 04:30:06 PM
Someone's sig at TF.N spoilt me. Makes me distrustful of anyone who reads spoilers or opens figures :)

May 18th, 2002, 04:53:52 PM
i knew before i saw leno, i have the trading card set that has a card with him losing his arm, then i read the comic book adaption so i saw it there, then i got the action figure and opened it with the detachable arm, then i watched leno and he kept tapping the figure on the table and making the arm fall off

so i knew from 4 different sources

May 18th, 2002, 05:59:25 PM
Anastazius,is the Vader suit you're referring to the one worn by the Techno Union guy when they were meeting on Geonosis?

May 18th, 2002, 06:59:51 PM
I didn't want to know. ANd didn't know the figures Arm came off till i opened it. Then I accidently ruined it for Dara cause she had the figure I thought she knew. :lol I was complaining about being spoiled and Spoiled her. :p

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 07:05:50 PM
I knew when I looked at the back of the fig and saw it said detach arm to react scenes in the battle, and then I saw it on Leno, but Leno was great he acted it really dumb trying to say it was defected or something like that. I hear its the same thing with the latest Jango Figure his head comes off

May 18th, 2002, 07:12:30 PM
I was very fortunate not to have had it spoiled for me. I had only opened the first 8 figures, but I could have easily opened the Hanger Duel Anakin and had the surprise ruined. That's one of the reasons I didn't read ANY of the cardbacks until after I saw the movie. I don't blame Hasbro one bit though. I've heard guys complain that they were giving the movie away. As far as I'm concerned, if you release product the same day that the novel is released, then how can you possibly provide more spoilers than that? But that Leno gaff is inexcusable. Luckily for me, I'm a Letterman fan!

May 18th, 2002, 07:22:59 PM
The figures ARE inexcusable. They haven't released one of the ANakin figures yet. Why not send that one out first?

May 18th, 2002, 07:42:45 PM
Luckily for me, I'm a Letterman fan!

Me too! Kilborn too!


Jinn Fizz
May 18th, 2002, 07:44:49 PM
Hey, Jedi Master Carr...

It's true the Final Battle Jango Fett figure has a detachable head!!! As a matter of fact, that figure is standing on a bookshelf a couple feet away from me, posed together with the brand new Mace Windu figure, reenacting that scene. :D :D :D

Jinn Fizz
May 18th, 2002, 07:48:22 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
But that Leno gaff is inexcusable.

I agree, and he must be getting lots of hate mail for it. Just look at the jokes he told recently, as reported by TF.N:

1. What is the most common thing said by a Star Wars fan? "One Please".
2. Don't forget to watch ER next week on NBC. "The doctors get a Star Wars fan and try to put in a life."
3. What does a Star Wars fan call it when a man marries a woman? "Going to the dark side."

Geez, thanks a lot, Jay. :rolleyes :rolleyes :rolleyes

May 18th, 2002, 07:51:33 PM
Little does he know that half the fans in the crowd are probably Star Wars fans and won't watch his lame show anymore. Make the switch to Letterman! Even though he's probably made a few cracks too.

May 18th, 2002, 08:15:04 PM
After TPM Letteman had a gag where he was at a barbeque and he was roasting a Jar Jar head. It was pretty funny IMO. But those Leno jokes are just cheap shots at SW Fans. C'mon, it's not like we're Trekkies! ;)

The figures ARE inexcusable. They haven't released one of the ANakin figures yet. Why not send that one out first?

I'm not sure why you'd say that. The Hanger Duel Anakin was NOT the first Anakin figure released, the Outland Peasand Disguise was. Many stores didn't even have the Hanger Duel Anakin wave on April 23rd. Also, you had to turn the card around and read the packaging to see the spoiler. I had the figure for weeks and I never learned of the spoiler. If you open something early then you're begging to be spoiled, buyer beware!!!

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 08:15:15 PM
Acutally Leno is a SW fan so I think in a way he is making fun of himself. I wouldn't pay it much attention its no worse than what SNL has done, heck Letterman has pulled a few SW jokes too the same with Conan.

May 18th, 2002, 08:16:22 PM
LOL Jin Fizz....#3 is pretty darn funny. ;)

May 18th, 2002, 08:20:57 PM
IMO, spoilers are everywhere, and people should know that. If you haven't the will power to not read the back of a figure card, don't buy it, don't go into the toy section, don't put yourself into a situation where you can run into a spoiler. If you're hyper sensitive to spoilers, avoid trailers, and avoid the internet. It comes with the territory now, and we should all know that by now a spoiler is around every corner. Here we have the highlight feature for spoilers, if you highlight, you screw yourself. Same for figure cards. As Qui Gon says "Whenver you gamble my friend, eventually you'll lose."

May 18th, 2002, 08:41:30 PM
Most of the movie was "spoiled" for me before I saw it even though I always avoided spoilers. Sometimes it was the critics, other times the action figures (well I didn't even know that Boba Fett was in the movie until I saw his action figure!!!).

HOWEVER, this particular spoiler you mentioned was the only one I really did not know about. I knew about a certain big weapon that Dooku took the plans for, hehe, but I had no idea about Anakin's, ahem, battle scars :)

Admiral Lebron
May 18th, 2002, 10:15:08 PM
I knew about Anakins maiming when I saw the picture in the thread here. I was so angry at myself. So at that point I decided to just spoil myself rotten and got a bit of spoiler into me. Though, there was still so much I didn't even see coming.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 18th, 2002, 10:30:20 PM
The Anakin maiming wasn't really too big of a deal for me - I'd heard about it someplace, not sure where. I just knew it was going to happen. I was really upset to learn about how Zam is a "changling" by the action figures, though.

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 10:39:32 PM
They showed that one on the front, but I learned about it before from the Zam comic.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 18th, 2002, 11:14:29 PM
What annoyed me is that not only does the action figure give it away just by glancing at the front, but EVERYTHING with her on it gives it away. I could have looked at the Lego one and have been spoiled. Though that is really cool, that Lego set with her.


May 19th, 2002, 04:24:59 AM
Originally posted by JMK
Anastazius,is the Vader suit you're referring to the one worn by the Techno Union guy when they were meeting on Geonosis?

Yep, thats the one.. Guess I'm probably just wishing for too much.. :)

I assumed that Anakin was going to get his hand chopped off during the droid factory sequence when it got welded to the conveyor belt.. Nice bit of foreshadowing there (don't you just love that?) - and taking of foreshadowing, who else thought the Episode 1 teaser poster-style 'Anakin casting the shadow of Vader onto his house wall' was just too cool - I was wondering what the odd-looking bobble bit on the back of his head was for, since Obi didn't have it when he was a Padwan in Ep 1..

May 19th, 2002, 05:14:57 AM
I'm not sure why you'd say that

Out in 2 weeks is Tusken attack (Or something like that) ANakin. No major spoilers. His Jedi clothing (No robe IIRC), A sabre and the rack thing. THAT isn't much of a spoiler. If they really cared, they'd have released that first

May 19th, 2002, 03:32:28 PM
Up until the release of the action figure, I didn't know - I had always assumed he lost it against Obi-Wan. Darn action-figure spoilers!!! :mad

Jedi Master Carr
May 19th, 2002, 03:46:23 PM
I really didn't know either Zahn in Heir to the empire mentioned that the Emperor chopped off Vader's hand in defiance of asking Luke to join him. Of course he could have just been choping off his robotic arm it was completely clear.

May 19th, 2002, 08:54:52 PM
Unfortunately I knew about that before I saw the movie. I made the mistake of reading the back of Hasbro's action figure. That totally ruined the surprise for me!!!

At least this time I stayed away from Rodger Ebert's lame review on his t.v. show. For "Phantom Menace" he totally gave away the surprise about Anakin's father.

May 19th, 2002, 09:24:57 PM
Out in 2 weeks is Tusken attack (Or something like that) ANakin. No major spoilers. His Jedi clothing (No robe IIRC), A sabre and the rack thing. THAT isn't much of a spoiler. If they really cared, they'd have released that first

C'mon, these people are not that callous. I met the Hasbro staff at SWCon2. They're great guys who really care about SW and the action figure line. They put a lot of work into this line and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. They care a great deal. But this is a line aimed at not only collectors, but kids. A ten year old isn't going to have the movie spoiled for them because he can see Zam is a changling. And Hanger Duel Anakin is a great core character figure that kids and collectors are sure to love. Again, if you open figures or trading cards, or read cardbacks then you've got no one to blame but yourself. I had them in my basement for weeks and I wasn't spoiled one bit. If people want to be spoiler free then they've got to do their part. Those action figures are nothing compared to the comics and novel that was released the SAME day. So is LFL just evil for releasing product early? Because that's the only thing that could have prevented merchandise oriented spoilers.

May 19th, 2002, 11:25:19 PM
Exactly, if people have no will power, then don't complain about the surprise being ruined. Almost everything I bought, I had my girlfriend read over and tell me if there was anything I didn't want to know. If there was, I avoided it, if there wasn't, I read it. It's that simple. Otherwise, you're ljust looking for a reason to complain. If you really want to stay spoiler free, there are ways to do it. I knew everything about TPM before it was released. I didn't want that to happen this time. But I didn't change anything. I still went to the same sites. I still bought the merchandise, I still watched the trailers. I just made provisions to make sure I wouldn't ruin it this time. As for things like Leno, well that is inexcusable, but the rest is up to each person. It all comes down to willpower and the desire to really stay spoiler free.

Live Wire
May 20th, 2002, 12:42:49 AM
I knew thanks to the tonight show. I was like thanks alot jay, thanks a lot hayden! And then shawn ruined the whole zam arm and changeling thing by taking the action figure out of the package in line when I specifically told them not to open them. I gave them the action figures and instructions not to read the backs or open them. But noooo! No one listens to me!