View Full Version : Re: :: in a dark corner....

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
May 18th, 2001, 11:22:51 PM
Sarrtarroa overhears some of the conversation from his quiet table, and decides to intercede, seeing that his other social arrangements weren't particuarly promising at the moment. He walked over to the table, raising an eyebrow.

Ahh, jif jit jisssn't the jyoung mjixed brrreed frrrom mjy offjice.

Sarrtarroa sat down.

Beljieve me, jI can underrrssstand jyourrr sssearrrch forrr acceptance, but herrre, of all placesss, jit jisss not an easssjy sssearrrch. jYourrr chancesss would be betterrr wjith the Forrda, jI thjink.

Howeverrr, jif jyou arrre lookjing forrr a purrrpossse herrre, as a noble Cjizerrrack...jI am sssurrre dessstjinjy wjill fjind jyou.

The Emissary smiled somewhat.

jYou jussst have to fjind the rjight woman to make jit happen forrr you.

Trrrjyjing to make jit bjy jyourrrssself jisss jimpossssssjible. Malesss cannot do sssuch thjingsss. We need djivjine gujidance

Sarrtarroa chuckled, as he sipped his glass of blood merlot.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 18th, 2001, 11:56:17 PM
laughs slightly at the last of what Keerrorri said. She glances over at Furo briefly, he was a slight bit too young for her, she prefered a slightly older manservant but she didn't say her thoughts aloud since she seemed to have already insulted the halfblood unintentionally once today.

Furo Akai
May 19th, 2001, 09:47:23 AM
:: sighs ::

The Hjyuu-mans djidn't treat me that well ejither....At least not the ones jI met....

:: hears what Keer said and looks at him confused ::

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 19th, 2001, 04:07:45 PM
what he meansss jisss sssomeone wjill fjind jyou eventualljy, jI have a feeljing a mjissstressssss wjill ljike jyou sssoon enough, jI'm not the onljy female arrround herrre that doesssn't have a manssserrrvant.

Furo Akai
May 20th, 2001, 11:22:05 PM
:: still is abit confused ::

OOC- Furo was raised by humans! he knows squat about Cizerack customs, so this is odd to him! :lol:

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
May 21st, 2001, 11:44:09 AM
*smirks at Furo's confused expression* jYou'll underrrssstand sssoon enough.