View Full Version : Re: It's that time of year again.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:19:30 AM
Seer smirked at that, her own thoughts drifting back to other days, if it hadn't been for her pregnancy, she never would have met Kit, meeting him and having him now was a greatest thing in her mind. She remembered how he had tried everything he could to look good in her eyes, how he had worried when she started to have Morrouw and many other instances. Over time, she let herself let him in and eventually let him into her heart, a decision she would never regret since he made her feel happier than she had ever been. Something about him made her feel as she had never had before.
jI neverrr felt ljike thjisss ejitherrr but jI defjinjitely ljike thjisss feeljing.....and jyourrr welcome, mjy lljife wouldn't be the sssame wjithout jyou herrre.......
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:34:28 AM
Hearing her words brought a big smile to his face. Sure they hadn't known each other for a long time, but that didn't matter. Sometimes people clicked, and this was one of those cases.
"Have jyou mentjioned anjy of thjisss to jyourrr motherrr?"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:44:00 AM
No, jI haven't talked to herrr sssjince that otherrr tjime but jI wasss thjinkjing of vjisssjitjing home sssome tjime sssoon sssjince Morrrrrrouw jisss old enough to trrravel so jI was thjinkjing of telljing herrr then......
She said quietly as she reached up and ran her fingers through his hair while smiling back at him.
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:48:07 AM
"Ji wasss jussst currrjiousss asss to what ssshe thought about the whole ssssjituatjion. That jisss all"
He brought a hand to her cheek, caressing it lightly, as he gazed deeply into her eyes. He could get lost in her beauty so easily it seemed, but with good reason. She was just that beautiful to him.
"Ji wonderrr what sssshe wjill thjink of jit all"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 26th, 2002, 04:07:06 AM
Seer purred quietly while looking back at him while her tail twitched at the tip behind her as she thought about how her mother could react, there was either really positivelly or very negatively. Despite that, Seer continued to run her fingers lightly through Kit's hair as she spoke.
doesssn't rrrealljy matterrr to me what ssshe majy thjink, what jI do jisss mjy decjisssjion alone and not herrrsss.....ssshe majy not ljike jit but that won't ssstop me frrrom feeljing the wajy jI do......
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 27th, 2002, 01:40:43 PM
"That jisss what ji wasss hopjing that hjyou would sssajy"
He hugged her tightly before kissing her lips lightly. Kitssarri pullled back to look into her eyes, a twinkle in his own.
"Wjith that bejing ssssajid, we sssstjill have the prrroblem of what to do todajy...."
His hand slid up and down her back lightly, his claw scratching lightly up and down her spine.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:11:46 AM
Seer purred softly as she looked back at him, smiling widely again, he had a way of keeping a constant smile on her face.
Well we could alwajysss jussst go todajy, all jI would have to do jisss call herrr ssso ssshe knowsss we'rrre comjing overrr......
She said quietly as her tail swept up and down his back.
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:39:17 AM
Nervousness suddenly went righ through Kitssarri's body. It couldn't be helped though, it had been a while since he had seen Seer's mother. Once upon a time, he had been her servant, mind you only for a couple of days, but they still would have that bond no matter how small.
"Uh, jyeah we could do that todajy. No tjime ljike the prrresssent, rjight?"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 01:49:13 AM
Seer felt Kitssarri tense slightly she kissed him quickly before hugging him.
Therrre'sss nothjing to worrrrrrjy about, dearrr, mjy motherrr ljikesss to sssee me happjy.....even jif ssshe hated the jidea, ssshe would make no move agajinssst jit and jI wouldn't let herrr even jif ssshe trrrjied......besssjidesss jI want herrr to know how happjy jyou've made me and how jI feel about jyou....
She looked into his eyes as she spoke, she didn't want him to be nervous about all of this.
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:18:08 AM
Her words did a lot to reassure her, however he would still be nervous. Would this manservant live up to what her mother would like? He had his doubts, but they were quickly erased when he looked back into her eyes and could easily see the happiness there.
The feline reached out, grabbing her hand. He wanted to be in her arms at this moment. He wrapped her arms around him, then followed suit., wrapping his around her. He pulled her close and kissed her softly, longing to be hers forever.
"Worrrdsss cannot exprrrresssss what jyou mean to me. Ji want jyou to know that"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:41:27 AM
Seer purred softly as she kissed him a few times before looking into his eyes again.
jI know and jI'll love jyou 'tjill the dajy jI djie.....
She said with a soft purr in her voice before she kissed him again.
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:57:23 AM
They hugged once more, kissing passionately. Two souls had come together, and were binding together as one, as each moment passed. Kitssarri blossomed with her by his side, and for that he was grateful. She had captured his heart and his soul. HIs hand ran up and down her back, kepping her body close to his, purring loudly all the while.
"Mjy hearrrt and mjy ssssoul are jyourrrrsssss."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:13:53 AM
Seer closed her eyes and purred a bit louder as she kissed him back, she was glad that he had come into her life, honestly she couldn't see life without him now, he had gotten to her heart that much.
and mjine arrre jyourrrsss.....
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:24:23 AM
He quickly kissed her once more, before pulling away.
"Well then, jif we arrre gojing to ssse jyourrr motherrr, we ssshould prrrrobabljy get up, don't jyou thjink?"
His index finger traced around on her back lightly.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:36:16 AM
jI guessssss.....we'll have to tell Jowarrrrr though sssjince ssshe prrrobabljy want to vjisssjit home forrr a bjit....
Seer's eyes wandered briefly over to the older female's door before she looked back at Kit.
Ssshall we then?
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 03:47:59 AM
"We ssshall. Ji can tell herrr jif jyou ljike, ssso that jyou can go ssseee Morrrrrrow (sp?). "
One more kiss was given by Kitssarri, and then he rolled out of bed, moving to the direction of the door.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Mar 28th, 2002, 04:03:59 AM
Actualljy we'll both go, Morrrrrouw jisss wjith herrr, rrrememberrr?
Morrrouw had been staying somewhat in Jowarr's room because of the pair's recent activity. Getting out of bed herself, she walked over and brushed her tail over his back before she opened the door to Jowarr's room. Jowarr yawned as she heard the door open.
What do jyou need thjisss earrrljy?-Jowarr
Sssorrrrrjy jI wasss gojing to tell jyou that jI wasss plannjing on gojing home forrr a bjit jif jyou wanted to go asss well-Seer
Jowarr nodded Gojing home forrr a bjit would be njice, jI'll go-Jowarr
Good, be rrreadjy jin about an hourrr orrr ssso.-Seer
Jowarr nodded again before yawning again. Seer's attention had already turned to her son though as she picked him up. Morrouw mewed as she picked him up but soon cuddled up to her. Seer smirked at this before looking up at Kitssarri again. Purring softly, she then ran her tail down Kit's back before ushering him out of Jowarr's room and back into their own.
Kitssarri Reetissa
Mar 28th, 2002, 02:51:35 PM
As always,when Seer had her son in her arms, both had immense smiles on their faces. Kitssarri had said it before, and he would say it again. When they were together, it was easily apparent to see the love between them, as only a mother and son could share. It made Kitssarri smile just watching the scene unfold.
WHen she ran her tail down his back, it brough him back to the real world. Giving his head a quick shake, he followed her out of the room, and into theirs
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