Kajeela Tarruurri
Feb 3rd, 2002, 05:20:56 AM
The profiles opened one by one on the data screenand the Director reviewed each again in detail.
It was not anything she had not read before, although some of the newer details she had not committed yet to memory. That was tonights task.
She had left her manservant to straighten up the rements of the bedroom in another wing of the Secret Service HeadQuarters. He had pleased her well tonight. Her head was now clear of all distractions and she could focus on her work-as was often her routine.
Scrolling down, she moved to another face, another name, another "subject" whom her spies and operatives were monitoring. Another who's life was under the KAR microscope. Another who's intimate details were laid out for her to review.
....the only sound to be heard.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Feb 18th, 2002, 01:27:34 AM
The Director stopped every so often and made notes in her planner - a Secret Agents "To Do" list.
The first to her attention was Neejaarri, (http://abberition.homestead.com/KARNeejaarriFile.html) her newest addition to the ranks of the K.A.R. and a prize in every sense of the word. A secret smile tugged at her petite mouth and she murmured to herself..."Thjissss prrroject wjill get mjy attenjion laterrr tonjight.."and she purred softly in anticipation. What a stoke of genius and luck to aquire the services of this manservant. Again the thought of him made her purr even louder.
Moving her cursor, she brought up another file and the smile faded immediately. Ambassador Assaurreei (http://abberition.homestead.com/KARAssaurreeiFile.html) "jI mussst ssschedul anotherrrr meetjing wjith jyou..."
Stretching bodily, the Director had two more files she wished to refresh herself with before the night was over. The first was a job that was, so far, incomplete and she needed to track down the educated Monk Jubei Sadherat Vader (http://abberition.homestead.com/KARJubeiFile.html) and seal the deal she had discussed with him. He was to tutor the Pride Heir, Jajanneei- she had arranged this with him some time ago but so far it had not come to fruition. This agreement was bound to please the Pride Mother and Kajeela looked forward to basking in her praise.
And finally...something for future study. She moved her cursor again and brought up a file she had veiwed time and time again. It was almost becoming an obsession, though she would never admit it to herself. The man was an enigma. To hear Sasseeri and Seerrasseei speak of him, one would think him close to a child of the gods. It piqued the Directors curiosity, that was true, but really......a god??
For the umpteenth time she perused the information available and examined the face reflected back to her on the screen. One day she would find out for herself and perhaps make herself a forrda spy in the process, though that would really make his Halfbreed employer go into a flying rage. Which would be inconvenient to be sure.
With the press of a button, the File (http://abberition.homestead.com/KARSanisFile.html) retreated to a small white blip and then vanished from the data screen, Kajeela unconsciously licked her lips and rose from her chair.
"Enough worrrk forrr one day" she said to no one, and left her office for her private rooms, her Kei Ai' Reei Enforcers tagging closely behind her. Perrrrhapssss Neejarrrreeji wjill alrrready be wajiting forrr my arrjival...
The Enforcers said nothing as their Mistress walked ahead of them, her purring loud enough for them to notice even from a distance behind.
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