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Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 5th, 2002, 05:17:55 PM
Sorreessa yawned as she typed in the information she had been ordered to find, most of it being more information on the local Cizerack but there was a bit of forrda info as well. Sorreessa was somewhat new to the Kei' Ai Reei but she had no trouble getting the info she wanted, spys were easy to find.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 7th, 2002, 01:18:34 PM
Sorreessa yawned again as she finished one file then moved on to another, but the next was a bit of a question of whether the info should be shared. One of Seerrasseei's other servants, Tshiro had fallen to her ploy and told her a bit of good information about Seerrasseei. But still, Sorressa wasn't quite sure if it should be typed in, the young cub's parentage was not really the Pride's concern and she shouldn't care about it. Yawning again, she decided to skip it for now moving on to other files. A few mundane details really but Saa, Sass and Sanis were interesting to the Pride and the director. She had managed to recruit a hunter to briefly track the trio and occasionally her servant was sent to watch them as well. In her opinion, the trio talked a little too much about their plans at times, her servant said they were easy to pick up info from. At any rate, the extra info on Sanis would please the director whom Sorreessa didn't get along with well since Sorreessa was a half breed.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 7th, 2002, 11:47:30 PM
The large male knocked on Sorreessa's slightly ajar door which lead to the cubicle that was generously referred to as an "office."

As the KAR operative swung about in her seat, the errand boy - a loyal guard of the Director - advised her respectufly that his Mistress wished to speak with her immediately.

As the Enforcer ushered the half-breed spy into her office, Kajeela motioned for Sorreessa to take a seat at her desk, across from her.

Leaning back on her soft leather chair and swivelling a martini glass in her petite hand - the green olive in her Marsheena Double swirling lazily within it.
The Director did not even deighn to look at her guest, but rather gazed into the mesmerising liquor.

It was a well known fact how the Director felt about half-breeds. She put up with them when it served her to do so, Saasseeri was a classic example, and it was a major motivating factor in the new young spy's zeal. Atleast, that was what Kajeela had been counting on when allowing her to enter the elite ranks of the K.A.R.
Someone who needed to prove themselves could be invaulable - and so far, the Director had not been proven wrong once.

Tonight, Kajeela had decided to see what progress Tarrineezi had been making.

Sipping finally of the intoxicating liquid, the Director spoke.

[i]"Ssso, tell me, Sssorrrrrreessssssa, whjy jI keep you emplojyed wjith the Keji Aji' Rrreeji - how have jyou been sssserrrvjing us?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 9th, 2002, 12:56:42 AM
Sorreessa ignored the fact that the director was avoiding looking at her since Sorreessa was long since used to it. Her lack of stripes because of her father's blood had earned her not much respect for most of her life. Her higher set ears were a part of her father's blood as well, the Tano blood always showed through in that little factor of their offspring's looks. But then again, her father still wasn't accepted by any Cizerack other than her mother, his old world warrior looks and attitude didn't sit well with the Cizerack even though he was pretty much the same except for he was almost jet black and lacking in stripes.

Sorreessa's eyes wandered the room for a few seconds but she knew better than to get comfortable at all in the presence of the director. Crossing her legs and tucking one ankle behind the other, Sorreessa considered her answer for a moment before she spoke.

jI've been takjing note of those people ljike you asked and jI thjink jI may have found some thjings you mjight fjind jinterrrestjing.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 9th, 2002, 04:14:27 PM
Kajeela arched an eyebrow in interest. That small gesture spoke volumes. The young halfbreed had been busy, and the Director looked forward to any revelations Sorr may have.

"jI'm ljissstenjing.."

ooc: your sig is SO cute.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 10th, 2002, 01:02:15 AM
Sorr noticed the director's eyebrow raise but acted as she didn't. Still she was a little indecisive about which info the director would want to hear.

whjich would you prrreferrr local Cjizerrrack orrr jinforrrmatjion about Sanjis? jI wouldn't want to borrre wjith what you may not want to hearrr.

In truth, Sorr was sure the director would want to know about what Sanis was doing over the info she had learned about Seerrasseei but she thought she might as well ask rather than annoying the director.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 10th, 2002, 05:46:22 PM
Kajeela's body visibly perked up at the mention of Sanis Prent. Her interest in the human was becoming more than simple proffessional expedience.

"jI wjish to know all that jyou come acrrrrosss, Sssorrrrrr - jimporrrrtant orrr otherrrwjissse. One neverrr knowssss what tjidbjit can be jinvaluable.

Therrreforrre jyou can rrreporrrt to me everrrythjing."

The freindly shortening of Sorreessa's name did not go unnoticed by the younger spy - as was Kajeela's intention.

"But.....let me hearrr what jyou have on the elussssjive Mrrrrr Prrrrent"

The Directors tail lifted in a lazy arc - an outward contradiction of the inwardly stimulated state of her mind.

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 12th, 2002, 04:54:02 PM
The director wanted to hear about Sanis just has she had expected. Sorreessa looked up briefly as she began to remember the info she had collected on the forrda male.

Well Sanis jis begjinnjing to not get along wjith Sasseerrrji lateljy, the data mjy serrrvant collected seemed to have Sasseerrrji angrrjy about somethjing. Ljistenjing furrrtherrr, herrr njiece Saarrrrrreeaa's name jis mentjioned. jI djidn't underrrstand whjy at the tjime but furrrtherrr jinforrrmatjion that came jin laterrr made that clearrr, Sanjis jis takjing overrr a planet called Kessel. And that was when jI learrrned whjy Sasseerrrji spoke of herrr njiece wjith contempt, jit appearrrs the jyoungerrr female and Sanis are gettjing rrratherrr close, my serrrvant brrrought back severrral rrrecorrrdjings that seemed to pojint to that fact especjialljy the last one. jI know thjis jisn't what you would want to hearrr but the jyoung female's attrrractjion to Sanis could be used to the Keji' Aji Rrreeji's advantage, jI bet she would do anythjing to keep that a secrrret........

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 17th, 2002, 11:37:46 PM
The Director was pleased.

Both at the revealing of this information - another confirmation of what she herself had already beleived to be true. And also pleased at the words spoken by Sorreessa - the young spy was already thinking in terms of future use and manipulations. A very good sign that she was of a like mind as the Director when it came to valuing information, for informations sake. Her words showed patience in payoff - which was what spying was all about. The end results to long long hours of watching, waiting.

One just never knew when it would could be useful...

"Verrrjy good, Ssssorrrrrreesssssa. jYou have done well."

Kajeela smiled.

"What of jyourrr jinforrrmatjion on the local Cjizerrrack herrrre...?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Mar 18th, 2002, 01:01:17 AM
Sorreessa made an effort not to smirk back, she knew better than to. She then thought for a moment over the info she knew about Seerrasseei, she knew she had to say it, the director would throw a fit if she found about it later. So Sorreessa decided and began to say what she knew.

Well jin rrresearrrchjing Mjiss Tsseerrrrrra, somethjing about that cub of herrrs neverrr sat well wjith me. jI couldn't help but wonderrr who was the fatherrr sjince she had no close serrrvant at the tjime. Thrrrough one of herrr otherrr serrrvants, Tshjirrro, jI got that answerrr. jIt took a ljittle bjit of barrrgajinjing on my parrrt but jit was a small prrrjice to pay. jI was somewhat surrrprrjised by the answerrr though, the cub was concejived durrrjing Kree-arr and Seerrrrrrrasseeji had been wjith of all people, Cjirrrrrrsseeto Rrraurrrsatta. jIt's jinterrrestjing that my rrreasearrrch subjects arrre so connected and jI bet Seerrrrrrrasseeji would do anythjing to keep that frrom gettjing out sjince Cjirrrrrr's mjistrrress would kjill hjim.

On a sjide note about Seerrrrrrrasseeji though, she has gotten close to herrr serrrvant Kjitssarrrrrji as well and plans on lettjing hjim race jin the pod rrraces. But frrrom what jI've been hearrrjing, therrre wjill be another Tsseerra cub jif thjis keeps up.

Sorreessa knew the director would either find this gossip or good information, and she hoped the news would go over well since it was all she had on the local Cizerack. Other than Rav and herself, the Cizerack who were with Sanis, Seerrasseei and Kitssarri, her only other subjects were Motssumi and her servant but Sorreessa had not yet found the time to get Rav on them yet.

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 26th, 2002, 03:16:46 AM
Kajeela mulled over the information Sorr had provided.

It didnt really concern her who Seer mated and procreated with...as long as she was not spawning more half-breeds. (Her glance slid to Sorr and back again)

But, alot of effort had been expended to gather this data, and Sorreessa was to be commended.

"Cjirr jis not the sssarrrtesst of ourrr Prjide...but he jis good brrreedjing stock. Seerrr hasss good tassste, jif not bad tjimjing"

Kajeela stood, signalling the meeting was over for now.

"jYou...and yourrr networrrk have done well Sssorrrreesssa. jI wjill keep mjy ejye on jyourrr prrrogrrresss."

"jIsss therrre anjythjing elssse jyou wjish to djiscuss?"

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Apr 4th, 2002, 04:51:54 PM
not yet, jI'm stjill worrrkjing on the jinforrrmatjion on some otherrrs so jI don't have anythjing else.