View Full Version : Re: The Princess Returns

The Pride Mother
Oct 18th, 2001, 06:44:24 PM
Rourrsseerri thought this over. It would not only educate her daughter in how to rule over others, but it would also get her out of her hair here on Carshoulis. She smiled.

That jisss an excellent jidea, Keerrrrrrourrrji.

She looked at her daughter.

jIt would be benjifjicjial to have one of ourrr top Cjizerrrack thejirrr on Calan; to rrrule overrr thossse pjitjiful hjyuu-mansss.

I had been thjinkjing and consssjiderrrjing otherrrsss of the Prrrjide, but jyou would be the bessst candidate.

jYou arrre bjy farrr morrre educated than the otherrrsss and hold a much hjigherrr rrrank. Not to mentjion jyou arrre rrrojyaltjy.

She nodded her head.

jYou would be dojing yourrr Prrrjide a grrreat honorrr bjy dojing thjisss.

She had said all this not in a commanding tone, but a tone which indicated that her mind was made up, and that their would be no negotiating around it. She let her smile linger. She would reward her man-servant later for his suggestion.