View Full Version : OOC Question about how to join..

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 2nd, 2002, 09:39:16 PM
I'm sorry if it's inappropriate to put this here, but I didn't know where to ask LOL. I've been very curious about how to be a Ciz since I started RPing on SWFans. It looks like a welcome challenge to my RPing skills, and lately I've been very bored with my normal human characters since nothing different has been going on with them to challenge me. But it looks like being a Ciz would make for an excellent challenge to get me thinking since I have not seen any Ciz before I joined SWFans. Hopefully you'll allow me to because it looks like loads of fun on top of very interesting! :) My AIM in LordessHeaven if you need to talk to me about it. I'm sorry if I may have bothered anyone by putting this here along with it being OOC, but I have no idea what I am doing since this is very different than the boards I am used to. I'm a fast learner though. :) Thanks and have a nice day! :)

Kajeela Tarruurri
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:19:12 PM
welcome to the board HaeLari :)

Keerrourri/LL will be by sometime soon to answer your questions. He and Delirion created the Cizeracks (which explains why you wouldnt have seen them before coming to SWForums).

Nice to meet you and hope to rp with you sometime soon.

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 2nd, 2002, 10:32:34 PM
Thank you so much. :) I'm a bit shy, so that's why I apologize a lot and seem a bit overly hyper when I posted at first. I just was afraid I had made a horrible mistake with making a Ciz nick on SWFans without checking to see if I needed to ask. I wasn't too sure, since I'm new there as well. Hopefully, I didn't annoy anyone with that. I just really find it interesting. :)

Sanis Prent
Mar 4th, 2002, 03:59:24 PM
Its perfectly alright. Membership is open for all, although it is nice of you to ask. If you have any questions, refer to the FAQ, or if its not there yet (since it is incomplete) you can ask me :)

HaeLari Draevyn
Mar 4th, 2002, 06:41:44 PM
Will do. :) Thanks again! *jumps into the FAQ to read it over*

Meomorrra Taasseera
Mar 5th, 2002, 06:09:54 PM
Okay, I've got it now. :) I'm working on a sig, well, a character drawing. So far I only have the avatar done for SWFans, but I suck when it comes to hosting things LOL.