View Full Version : Intense Meditation(Clay)

imported_Lance Stormrider
May 18th, 2002, 06:23:48 AM
:: Lance was resting on his bed when suddenly he got bored of doing nothing. Lance decided to go on with his Strider and Force meditation. He got up from his bed and closed to door and put a lock on it so Clay wouldn't see what he was doing. Lance sit on the floor indian style and deeply closed his eyes. He concentrated on his last attempts with the force to see what went wrong and what went right. He thought of the past, present, futur. After 9 hours of meditation, the young Strider opened his eyes and got up feeling intense energy bursting out of his Aura.::

I should meditate more oftenly...it's lethal for my concentration

:: Lance walked up to his window and looked outside...he was bored once again and truly felt like fighting...he hadn't fought in ages...and he was feeling somehow rusty.::

:: Lance looked over to the box that's on his desk and opened it. He took out his lightsaber Matrix out of the box. He pressed the activation button as a bright blue light came out of the handle, a strange sound impacted the walls and came back to his ears as he moved the lightsaber. The young man was so bored he decided to start moving obejects with the force just for the fun of it.::

:: He looked over at the floor and saw his tv controller and he opened his hand he quickly focused the force as the object flied fastwards towarded him and he grabbed the TV controller.::

Ahh...well I'm getting better.

imported_Lance Stormrider
May 20th, 2002, 07:52:22 PM
:: Lance was bored out of his mind now and felt like fighting he closed his fists and thought of asking Clay if he felt like sparring a bit, of course he wouldn't reveal his Strider form at the moment because he didn't want certain eyes to be fixed on him. Lance went out of his room and knocked at Clay's room.::

Clay! .....I'm bored..feel like sharing a few fists and slashes with me?