View Full Version : What do your friends, family think?

May 18th, 2002, 01:32:54 AM
I am really happy this time around, wow. I cannot quite explain how cool it feels being a SW fan right now.

I mean, last time around, yes all of my friends did enjoy TPM, in fact most, right after seeing it at least, thought it was really cool. But they weren't huge fans. I mean, yes most of them were iffy on Jar Jar, they were not saying he sucked, but they just were not big fans, you know.

This time, I practically blush when people start talking about AOTC, because I feel like in some small way Star Wars is mine, as I am sure you all feel too, I mean just like we are the true keepers of the faith and it's our series. I often feel like I am a representative of a group of people, and that is true, when people want to know about SW, they ask me. In the last few days, I got a ton of messages from people who don't normally write me (on AIM) and they were all asking how it is, so my opinion very much matters because if I strongly disliked it I think that would discourage at least a few from seeing it, but the fact that word of mouth has been so good so far is really helping, trust me.

Julie, yes a girl my age (we need the girls!!!), is rewatching TPM right now, literally, and she said she's getting all ready for seeing AOTC Saturday.

My friend Houston had this to say (AIM messages, screenname withheld):

"Man, that movie kicked so much ass!!
Definately one of the top three greatest movies that I have ever seen
The graphics were absolutly amazing"

He is not a SW fan, doesn't hardly understand the saga, liked TPM but wasn't wild about it. There you have it. He was BLOWN away.


"The thing I really admire about Lucas is that he doesn't advertise
He doesn't need to sell the film
It sells itself"

"I have no idea how they made that movie
It was incredibly realistic"

MOST importantly (!!!!!!!):

"Yeah, I am definately going to see it again in the theatres
And that will be the first movie that I have seen twice in the theatres"

He has never seen a movie two times in a theater, yet AOTC has made him want to do it. I mean, how cool is that?! This could be a really huge film, I wouldn't be too worried about the opening weekend grosses at all... it's going to be around a long while.

How about this from my friend Ryan (more of a friend of my best friend):

"I was never too much into the star wars thing before but now i am kinda getting into it."

This after seeing AOTC. He said that to me over AIM.

I cannot believe how enthusiastic people have been, because seriously I found myself defending certain aspects of TPM quite a bit even to people who liked the movie, but this time around it's like I swear people were more amazed than even I was (I have much faith in Lucas, hehe).

I think it is a great time to be a SW fan, of course. My mom loved the movie, the house manager had never seen a Star Wars film before and she really liked it (first SW movie for her! Wow!). The maintenance guy we have, Darren, actually was a big fan from when ANH came out. He was I think just 5 or so, saw it 7 times in theaters. He wasn't big into TPM, I don't think he disliked it, but he didn't really like it (too bad...), but he loved AOTC. I gave my mom the tickets to that screening, because I was too tired (10 a.m. Thursday) and she invited Darren. Well after the movie, Darren was like, "Thank you so much for letting me go! That was awesome!"

I am just happy to see all of the fans, basically, besides like 5% maybe (at most...!?), uniting behind this movie so strongly. As much as I love TPM and as many people as I think actually loved it too, and the polls were all great, I still think it did polarize audiences more so than AOTC is. I mean, as one person said and I'm sorry I must agree, if you don't like AOTC, you're not a fan. I mean seriously, Yoda kicking butt, Anakin turning slightly to the Dark Side (or significantly more like it), massive, epic final duel, this is just a great film.

My friend Ben, oh I forgot his story.

He saw it on opening day towards the beginning, I believe he saw a noon showing, but he loved it so much he had to go back again the same night. He thinks it has the best story of the entire saga and when we were talking about the movie, he said of course he enjoyed Yoda, but none of the action, to him, was what mattered. He just loved the plot. Of course he appreciates the fun aspect of having so many sweet action sequences, but Ben is a very smart guy and he was most into the entire plot and how it ties into the saga.

Repeat viewings for AOTC among the teenage group, my age group, will annihilate TPM extremely badly. Kids may not see it as much as TPM, though, like the under 12 crowd. I don't know. I think the girls are going to be there en masse, though. Man I cannot tell you how many girls I know who keep saying, "Hayden is such a hunk!" Well sweet, because he's a good actor too, so if he brings in a lot more people then that's awesome. Hayden is the frickin' man.

How about you all? Your friends digging it as much as mine or what?

Live Wire
May 18th, 2002, 01:37:21 AM
well I made a friend who enjoys star wars but isnt a die hard fan show up to the midnight showing with me and after the movie her face was all lit up and she was like woah that was one of the coolest things Ive ever seen. I was so proud. I know what you mean about feeling like sw is in some way yours. I think every swfan feels a little like that cause of the connection we have with the story and the characters and the other fans. Nothing else gives you that real feeling. SW has a lot of depth that draws you in and everyone sees it a little bit differently and everyone can find something in it that they can relate to. Its fantasy but its very human.

May 18th, 2002, 01:55:41 AM
I have made so many SW fan friends just standing in line! It's so cool, like we all share such an important bond, just because we are fans, it's wonderful. I don't see how anyone could call that a bad thing. I liked the experience of being in line for the midnight showing (for 24 hours) a bit more than I liked the actual first showing. I was simply too tired and my second showing was fantastic, so that was like my really awe-struck screening. I loved the movie the first time, it's just I felt bad because I wasn't able to appreciate it fully given how tired I was. Whoops :(

I actually saw one guy today at my 4:20 showing that was there at the midnight screening too, so I bet I see a lot of people multiple times. I mean, lol, we all know how much I am at the theater when a SW film is out, it's like inevitable here :)

I know the SW movies are not "mine" and I don't get money from them and whatnot, but I feel like they are all of ours and like we have a good community of people who support the films.

I'm going to a Portland, Oregon FAN FORCE meeting this next Saturday at Broadway Metroplex, downtown! It's the first ever Fan Force meeting here in the city and we want to establish our own chapter. I'm taking my other SW fan friend in the city, so that should be really sweet.

May 18th, 2002, 10:19:47 AM
Sadly, no one I know has seen it yet. Except for my girlfriend who enjoyed it, though I get the feeling not as much as she said she did, she liked it mostly for my sake I think. She definetly prefers the lighter tone and lightness of TPM, but Jedi is still her favorite.

Darth Lynch
May 18th, 2002, 10:41:37 AM
People around here?

My family are finally figuring out that yes do like such stuff as Star Wars and those pieces of plactic with lightsabers on my comp are there for a reason instead of a lack of growing up from child hood. It only took tons of books, figures, games, posters etc for it to sink in.

As for people around here. Very small place. I'm sure there are some people who wouldn't mind see Star Wars but none that are on a scale like myself in this area.

One of the thing I do like about the whole SW thing is how people do intereact and become friends and the like. Take for instance reading many of the post here tends to leave me with a absurd grin on my face because its amusing to see so many people no matter how old talking about one thing we all know and enjoy taking part in some way.

I can only imagine how it must be to stand in line during the opening and hear the cheers and excited chatter of many who
may be different in some ways but all share that one similarity that brings them all together.

Hey if it could make me travel half a county before I know it must be something good:)

May 18th, 2002, 08:53:18 PM
I took my wife to see it last night and she liked it. What I found interesting is that she didn't understand some of what was going on. This from a woman who's married to ME for over 7 years! We take for granted that everyone knows Sidious' identity, the phrophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force, etc.. To alot of people, this is the first time they've seen a Star Wars movie since they sat in a theater for TPM. They don't go over the details the way we do for a host of reasons.

My wife is one of those people. A casual movie goer who will treat AOTC like just another movie. The bottom line is she LIKED it. She thought the movie looked great and the acting was pretty good. She was impressed by the anger that Hayden was able to portray and she thought that the death of Shmi was quite moving and well done. And yes, she was a bit embarrased when her husband clapped and cheered wildly when Yoda made his dramatic entrance at the end. To her it was a good looking action sequence, but she doesn't quite understand why her husband thought it was one of the best things he's ever seen on the big screen.

Funny note, after the movie she asked me; "Why does Yoda need a cane?" I thought that was a great question. 3 minutes into my explanation she begged me to stop talking. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
May 18th, 2002, 09:01:20 PM
about the cane, I just tell people he was worn out that seemed like a good reason as any, heck he is over 800 years old I I would imagine that he wouldn't be able to keep that up for too long. as far as my family my nephew saw it and he loved it of coursed he has been brainwashed by me. My Parents saw it and they liked it, I have talked to a few friends who saw it and liked it as well.

May 18th, 2002, 09:02:59 PM
I asked the very same question. I wondered how Yoda could do everything he did, then still need his cane to walk. The only explanation offered to me was "He was in the zone".

May 18th, 2002, 09:07:08 PM
I'm heading off to bed now so I don't have time to talk about it. I wanted to start a whole thread about the cane issue. I have some ideas about it that I want to bounce around. Oh, well, I've got a couple of minutes....

May 19th, 2002, 03:29:19 AM
"He was in the zone!"

NICE, LOL, I gotta remember that.