View Full Version : A New Beginning: The Wedding of Shade Magus and Xazor Dawnstrider

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 09:37:36 PM
Xazor ran around her room in the Jedi Living Quarters, searching for anything that she missed. "I have everything and I'll be right there!" She called to a group of women who were gathered at the door. Grasping the extra length of her robes in her hands, she hurried to join the group. The door hissed shut behind them as they scuttled noisily down the hallway, much to the dismay of a few residents who were busy studying....or sleeping. Xazor's heart raced as the group seemed to fly down the stairs and hopped into a speeder.

The vehicle took off and sped the group of eight, quickly toward the Temple...but they were not going there. Instead, they flew past the large building and stopped on the outskirts of the jungle. It was about mid-day now, and the suns shown brightly down on them, creating a heat that would be most unbearable...but not this day. Today was different, and heat would not interfere with it.

The speeder dropped the group of women off at a beautiful sight. Four large white tents had been set up in a square shaped fasion, setting off a large mass of land. Inside the square was yet another, comprised of several rows of chairs...with an aisle in the middle. On the ground inbetween the two groups of available seating, was a long satine blue carpet which led up to a set of stairs and an alter at the very top. The satine carpet shimmered in the light and accented the area nicely. There were beautiful wooden posts marking the perimeter of the seating, and they were joined together with long pieces of white silk and lace. From each post, six in total, hung boquets of baby's breath and white flowers.

The sight was stunning and it took Xazor's breath away. She smiled and let a tear slip from her eye as she was quickly ushured into the first white tent. The curtains were drawn on it so no one else would enter. Golden ropes tied the curtains shut, but enough light was let in through the top of the tent, which was nearly transparent for viewing stars. The group of seven women surrounded her as suggestions and comments drounded out any thought she had tried to think.

"First we should do your hair!"
"No, the makeup comes first."
"What about the dress?"
"No, your nails!"

Soon a bit of arguing from the women broke out and Xazor raised her hands in the air, to greet silence. She smiled gently and lowered her arms to her side, eyeing each and every woman there.

"Now...my hair is basically done...all we need to do is arrange it so that my veil will fit right. Indeed, my makeup should come first...and it is going to take a while to do. Perhaps nails should be done while hair and make up is taken care of. Does everyone agree on this?"

She questioned with a smile. The group nodded their heads in unison and hurriedly got to work by pulling up a chair for the bride to be. Sitting down, she smiled as someone told her to get comfortable. She could not have been more happy, even if the chair had been uncomfortable...it wouldn't have mattered. The bride's maids swarmed Xazor with make up, nailpolish, hair spray, clips, and anything else they saw necessary. Someone rushed into the tent, much to the surprise of the women who all protectivly gathered around Xazor, until they realized it was an organizer. The bride to be smiled and greeted the woman.

"Oh yes....you are the caterer, are you not?"

The woman nodded and filled the Jedi Knight in about everything that had been arranged. It all sounded so wonderful, until there was an enormous crash next door. Xazor felt a twinge of panic and rose to investigate, but was shoved back into the chair.

"I'll take care of that, Ms. Dawnstrider...everything will be perfect, I promise."

The woman assured her and scurried out of the tent to investigate the happenings outside the tent. This would prove to be a very interesting day, and Xazor hoped that nothing would wreck it. As the women got back to work, she couldn't help but wonder what Shade was up to...what he was doing to prepare. She knew he was gathering with a group of men from the order, but she didn't know where they were going to start out. He did not need as much preparation as her, and it would be interesting to see what he had done....

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2002, 02:24:04 AM
He was well away from where they were setting up from the wedding, but, he had a good view anyway. He was sitting on a stump near the crest of a hill, looking down on the preparations. Unlike usual, his hood of his cloak was not obsuring his face, but as per normal, he was smking his pipe. Next to him was his travelling pack, while at his side was his sword. Unlike his normal practice, he was dressed in something nearing neat and tidy, a dark blue ensemble that barely his the chainlink armour shirt. A thoughly out of date but also somehow formal attire. It really marked him as out of placce however, a man whom it seemed the Galaxy had left trapped in an bygone era, so far back in time that no one could count the years. None of the modern clothing or weapory he had, not even the lightsabre that was the marking of a Jedi as he was. even more so, a Jedi Master, one of the strongest and learned of the current generation. Of a time when he was open about what he was, it was said Turbogeek had no match in the Jedi. But he was not Turbogeek, not anymore.

Instead, He was a man a long way from home. A man seekign to hide from destiny, a man with many burdens and troubles. Hardly anyone now knew he even existed - only a handful knew whom he was and it was by the Force's will that the woman to be married today was one of them. They had never spoken of this day, but he knew anyway - he could feel her thoughts like they were his own. In some ways, that was the truth, as they shared what was called a "Life Bond", an unbreakable mental link. He could feel her joy and her anxiousness that the day would be perfect.

May it be so for her. But for me, therre is something else I wish to observe today.

For he was to do something of his own today. In the travelling pack was another sword, one of a make that was foreign in the galaxy except for the planet Arda, from where one of the bridemaid's for Xazor came from. A special sword, a memento and reminder of a home so far away, not just for him, but for her as well.

"AHem, excuse me!"

The Jedi Master Marcus Q'Dunn broke out of his thoughts with some surprise, to observe a new comer, someone he didn't know about was approching, and even now was right before him. Now if Marcus was a low tech and luddite as you could get, this.... something was hi tech to the extreme. He seemed to be in some sort of space getup, like a personal space suit with a rocket pack and plas-steel outer shell. "Yes? What can I do for you?"

"Hello, I seem to be lost"

"Lost? You should consult a datapad my friend."

"Datapad? What is that? I only have a GPS system and that seems to be curiously malfunctioning as is most of the rest of my equipment. I have tried to raise Star Command, but they dont seem to be replying. Can you help me?"

Marcus raised an eyebrow. "Star Command? Never heard of them"

The man in the space suit gasped. "Never... heard of Star Command? Surely you know of the Sector Ranges!"


"How about Buzz Lightyear?"

"Nope. Is that who you are?"

Buzz Lightyear
May 18th, 2002, 02:39:44 AM
"Yes, that is me! I protect the Galaxy from evil of the Emperor Zurg... you surely have heard of Zurg???"

The oddly dressed man shook his head. "Nope. Heard of all sorts of evil beings, but never heard of Zurg before. Not sure if I can help you, Buzz Lightyear. You speak of things I know not of - and thinking of that, if you are lsot, how did you get here?"

Buzz raised his hands in a dramtic posture. "My ship crashlanded here and I came out of hypersleep!I was on my way to Sector 4, Gamma Quadrant!"

"And how long were you in this Hypersleep, Lightyear?"

Buzz frowned. "I.. I dont know. Most of my ships instruments were damaged in the crash, so i have no real way to know. And might I ask, who you are?"

The other man puffed at his pipe (Hasnt a medic told him smoking was bad for you health? wondered Buzz) before speaking in his odd accent. "The name's Marcus Q'Dunn. Well met Master Lightyear. Why dont you sit down with me?"

Buzz considered this, before sitting on the turf next to Q'Dunn. "So can you help me?"

"Maybe. Not until after the wedding is over."


Q'Dunn looked at Buzz. "Surely you know of weddings. A union between two beings who love each other.... Ahhh, I see in your expression, you dont. A strange place you must come from Lightyear. Would you stay a while and see for yourself and afterwards, I will help you?"

"Why thank you Marcus!" Buzz leaned back, looking at the prepartions below. "A strange setup this is. Is this wedding like a party?"

"You could say that"

Shade Magus
May 18th, 2002, 10:04:03 AM
Shade walked round and round in his room.

"Where is that fool? Where the hell could he be?!"

Shade asked these questions of a mirror that he was looking in. There he was dressed in the best tuxedo (http://www.classictuxedo.com/html/120pe.html) he ould find and he had sent his best man to pick up the rings from the Jedi Temple. He paced frantically around.

"I am going to kill this guy if he doesn't hurry and make it back!"

Shade stopped in the mirrior and took a deep breath. He calmed himself with the Force. he then thought about his best man and laughed. Everyone would be shocked when they found out who is best man was. He was going to surprise everyone with the best man and the rings that he had gotten. He had bought the best rings that he could afford.

"Ok Shade....calm down. You can do this...afterall we still got awhile before the wedding starts."

He started pacing back and forth again, until he heard a knock on the door. He opened it and there was a guy standing there.

Guy-"Sir....are you ok? We heard some yelling."

Shade-"Yeah I am fine, just a little nervous."

Guy-"Don't worry, it is natural we all have these feelings."

Shade thanked the man for his words and the guy wnt on his way. When he turned around he walked over to a chair and sat down. It'll be ok, it'll be ok..., Shade kept saying to himself as he looked out a window and saw the placebeing decorated below.

"Come on...."

Shade mubled under his breath as he walked back to the chair. He reached out with the Force to sense the presence of him. He felt it ad it was coming nearer. He let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Good, good....everything is falling into place now."

edit: fixing the tux link.

Xazor Elessar
May 18th, 2002, 06:42:22 PM
It was nearly three o'clock and the women were still working on Xazor. Her make up had just been finished, and now they were working on hair and nails. Two weeks ago, Xazor and her father had put Garou warrior braids into her hair, with pretty gold coins interwoven into them. Now her bride's maids pulled several of the braids back and wrapped them around the top of her head, creating a circle. Pins were gathered to be slipped into the hair to hold it in place when the head dress and veil was put on. Indeed, that was a sight in itself: a diamond studded tiara with a long silk train that matched the color of the dress itself.

Finally after some time of small hassles and chattering females, Xazor's hair was complete, and her nails were close to it. The women gathered around her and smiled as they exchanged comments and compliments. Everyone had worked so well together, and the Knight was very pleased. Now came the moment of truth...she would turn around to see herself in the large mirror. No one would let her look until now. Her heart raced in her chest as she turned around in the chair to take the first glimpse of herself.

"Oh dear me..."

Was all she could say as she nearly picked her jaw up from the floor. A huge grin spread across her face as she examined herself more closely. She had to be careful of her make up as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. Turning back to the gathered group, she outstretched her arms to all of them.

"Words can not express how I feel right now. I look fantastic and it is all because of you..."

She said tenderly as she looked from face to face. A few of them nodded and smiled before the whole group embraced one another and Xazor. She laughed a bit to herself and couldn't stop smiling. Again, her thoughts drifted to Shade. It wouldn't be too long now until she got to see him. Her heart jumped into her throat as those thoughts crossed her mind. Suddenly, she was lifted out of her chair from under her arms and pushed over to a small platform where the women pulled her up onto it.

"Now...it's time for your dress."

They all seemed to say in unison. Xazor turned a bright shade of crimson when this was mentioned. She swallowed hard and tried to speak but someone was already lifting off her first set of robes. She grabbed them back in protest for a moment and looked at everyone.

"Might it be a possibility for me to get undressed without everyone watching? I am sure I can do that, and put my dress on without wrecking anything. All I'll need help with is zipping it up in the back."

The women looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Helenias Q'Dunn walked over to a wrack and took the dress from the hanger. She walked over to Xazor and gently placed it in her arms. The Knight bowed her head in respect to her friend and mentor, then slipped away to a sub-room to change. It was nothing more than an area set aside by another curtain, but it would do. Once inside, Xazor removed her regular robes and clothing....then stepped into the dress. She grinned as she pulled it over her body and eyed herself in a hanging mirror. Quickly she gathered her other clothes in her arms and rushed out toward the women. Halfway there, though, she tripped over the dress and nearly fell on her face. Arms were there to miraculously catch her, though. She sighed in relief and laid her clothes over the back of a chair, then took her place on the platform. A few hands quickly zipped her up in the back and began adjusting the silk and lace train.

"This is such a pretty dress Xazor...I can't wait to see Shade's face."

Some of them said with gentle laughs. She smiled to herself and thought about him again. It was such torture to wonder what he was up to at this time of the day. She brushed the thoughts aside and focused on herself at the moment. It was getting later and several hours had passed. It was nearing six o'clock and would be getting quite dark soon. That is when the show would begin. It would be a full moon this very night and millions of stars would dance across the span of the velvet sky. Their reflections would be seen in the gentle lake of water that the falls drained into, and their futures would be written in the night. Indeed, it would be a beautiful time of love and romance....

Marcus Telcontar
May 18th, 2002, 06:47:36 PM
He studied the strange sutied man, before replying further.

"A wedding is where two people who are deeply in love with each other are joined to become one. The two shall be one, one mind, one body and one presence."

"I dont understand" replied Lightyear

"It's hard to explain my friend. Well..... let me say this. Are you devoted to a cause, yes?"

"I am fro Space Command, committed to the ..."

"Yes, yes, no need to do the speil again. Imagine however if you were that committed to a person, not a cause. What would you want to do, do you think?"

Lightyear seemed to think "I'm not certain. I would want to.... be with them all the time?"

"Yes and more. When you are wed, it is a commitment not to be broken. they will even share names...."

"Ohh, I understand! This is a Bonding! I've heard about this before!"

Marcus smiled. "Good. Most cultures have something like this... some stronger than others. Humans wed for life, which is why it is not to be taken lightly. Once you wed, you can not undo what has been placed together.... not until death do they part" The Jedi puffed on his pipe, now thinking of a time past.

"Tell me," asked Buzz a minute later "You seem to know much of this wedding. Are you...?"

"Tis not mine, but a good friend of mine who weds today. She is a noble woman, who deserves this happiness"

"No, I was goign to ask, have you wed yourself?"

Marcus turned his head slowly to regard the space suited being. "Yes"

"Where is the one you wed to then?"

"I'm not sure, Master Lightyear. I hope to find out today"

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 08:36:44 AM
Shde paced back and forth for the umptenth time in the hour. He had just sat down, when his door busted open. It was his best man with a huge grin on his face. The first reaction he had was to get up and hug the man.

When Shade pulled back though, he put his hands around the man's neck and started to shake him violently.

Shade-"Where the hell have you been?! Do yo knw what you did to me??"

The man started t speak, but his words came out shaken.

Best Man-"It wasn't my fault.....you didn't give me a key.....your door was lo..lo..locked."

Shade-"Oh......ok then. Sorry...you got the rings?"

The guy nodded and pulled them out of his pocket.

BM-"Here they are."


Shade sighed a breath of relief and sat down once again.

Shade-"Now it is time for us to wait."

OOC: sorry for not saying this earlier, but my best man is kinda a surprise and he will be revealed at the wedding ceremony.

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 02:40:13 PM
The time was drawing nearer and nearer. The women finished fixing her dress and now all gathered around her to marvel at the transformation. Xazor couldn't help but smile at all of them. She then turned to Helenias and spoke.

"Please...you have been the greatest friend to me, and now you take a part in my wedding. I wish for you to be my maid of honor...and I have a gift for you and all of the women."

She hopped off of the platform and walked over to the corner of the tent. She then pulled out a bag with gifts inside, wrapped in silver paper and tied up with pretty blue ribbon. She handed one to each of her bride's maids and then handed the last one to Helenias. It was slightly larger than the rest, but for a reason. In each of the other boxes, were beautiful holo frames made from crystals that Xazor had gathered when she visited the planet Llum. Each one was unique in its own way, and on each one was a small plack that read:

You are my friend, a gift from above
And now you share with me, this special time of love
It brings joy to my heart, and a tear to my eye
And you'll always be dear to me, even if we say good-bye...

Then it was signed:

Love, Xazor....

The date of the wedding followed, and in the holo frame was an image of all of the girls together on the day of the engagement party. Someone had taken the holo image without Xazor knowing it, but she was so glad. Helenias had one too, but there was something else. Xazor had been working on it for a long time, and it was finally finished.

Wrapped in fine scarlet silk was a hand crafted dagger. The blade was made from pure white crystals with a hint of amythyst. The hilt was made from pure silver, and was engraved with letters from a foreign language, familiar, she hoped, to Helenias. It had taken her a great long while to craft it, but the end result was breath taking. She had also encrypted a message on it that read:

My great friend...you have given me a chance that no one else would. I am honored to have you as my mentor...and fight with you as a fellow Warrior.

The message was tiny but ledgible when one held it close to their eyes. It was a beautiful weapon, and very powerful. Inside the hilt, Xazor had carved out a piece, large enough to slip some wiring and other crystals inside. There was an almost unnoticable button on the hilt, and when pushed, it powered the crystal core and sent energy coiling around the blade. It would cut through anything and had the power of a lightsaber. She was proud of her work, and hoped that Helenias would enjoy it also. Once the women had the boxes in their hands, Xazor beckoned them to open up their gifts. She couldn't wait to see their reactions....

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 04:21:41 PM
Shade turned to his best man and smiled.

Shade-"Thank you...I really appreciate this."

BM-"Don't sweat it."

Shade looked out the window and saw that it was time. He took a deep breath and looked at his freind and nodded. They both walked out and got Sage who was acting as the priest. Shade waked over to his spot, just like he had in the practice and smiled as his knees wobbled.

There was about an hour left before the ceromony would begin, but he decided that he would sit and wait with two of his freinds. He turned to his best man and made sure he had the rings. Then he turned back around and closed his eyes and went into a small meditation trance. He wanted all his energy for this night.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 20th, 2002, 09:12:30 PM
::Leia bowed graciously at Xazor for the gift she bestowed on her. The Jedi Master gingerly opened the silver wrapped present. A look of awe slowly appeared, as she looked on to the beautiful frame. Leia gave her friend an small, yet sincere embrace::

Why Xazor this is so beautiful. Thank you. The inscription and sentiments are truly special. I will cherish it always, as I do your friendship and the honor of being chosen as one of your bridesmaids.

::The Jedi Master glanced around at her fellow bridesmaids noting that they shared her exact sentiments::

Sage Hazzard
May 20th, 2002, 11:40:09 PM
The Jedi Master was wearing something quite different than his normal attire. He usually went casual for informal events. This, however, called for an elaborate piece of work. He wore what appeared to be traditional Jedi robes, except they were brand new and completely white. A small head dress gave the impression to all that he was the acting priest for the proceedings. Standing in front of the arch, he looked at his chronometer. Figeting, he eyed his speech, which was writen on a durasheet. Shoving it back inside his cloak, he looked to Shade.

"Are you prepared for today's proceedings, Knight Magus?"

Shade Magus
May 21st, 2002, 07:24:06 AM
"As prepared as I possibly can be."

Navaria Tarkin
May 22nd, 2002, 09:36:00 AM
She traced a finger around the frame as Navaria remembered that day fondly. The engagement party was the first time that Navaria truly felt that she was part of the Jedi family. Being trusted as a leader of the Jedi and having friends amongst them were two different things. In Xazor, she had found a friend and that had opened the door in meeting the other Jedi.

As she looked up, her face mirrored that of Leia's as she spoke to the bride to be.

"Thank you again for letting me be part of your special day. The gift is beautiful."

The Knight smiled, taking in the sight of Xazor in her dress.

"Much like you are on your special day. Shade will be very happy to see you as you walk down the aisle."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 09:48:10 AM
Xazor hugged Leia and smiled when she spoke.

"I am so glad you like it!"

She said with excitement. Then she turned to Navaria who mirrored Leia's words and expression.

"I am honored to have you a part of my special day."

A color of crimson washed over Xazor's face as she thought about Shade seeing her. She smiled and nodded, hugging her friend warmly.

"Thank you, Navaria...I hope he is happy!"

She said brightly, a smile seemed to consume her whole aura and it was not about to disappear.

Maia Tharrinn
May 22nd, 2002, 10:11:15 AM
Maia opened the gift herd and roommate had given her. The picture of all of them together brought a tear to Maia's eye. She had found a family in the Jedi women and it was something she never thought she would have.

"Xazor I will miss having you as my roommate." Maia said as she hugged her fried carefully.

"Thank you for all of your kindness and always being there for me. It is truly an honor to be in your wedding and to be counted as a friend. I will treasure this memory always" Maia smiled at Xazor, she was truly a beautiful sight. She would shine this day...

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 10:21:29 AM
Xazor sighed to herself and a tear fell from her eye, though she promised herself she wouldn't cry. She hugged Maia and smiled.

"I will come and visit you all the time, though! I am not moving very far...just across the hall!"

She said with a bright smile. When she and Shade had started dating, he had moved closer to her, and it was a nice thing that he did. Now she really didn't have to leave her friends afterall!

Helenias Evenstar
May 22nd, 2002, 04:47:11 PM
Long ago, I too had a wedding. Then however, it had been simple, where I gave myself to Marcus and he to me. There had been no more needed for the two of us – there had been no family and there was no witness. It also had been the happiest day of my life.

But he had been taken from me for so long – I could not help feeling sad that we had missed so much time, 10 years apart thinking the other had died on the day the destruction of the bridge we were on split us apart. Now, I knew otherwise, I knew Marcus had in fact lived. I also knew he was near and I had sighted him with my own eyes. I knew others had seen him as well and I knew he loved me still. But why had he not come to me? I did not understand – could not understand. Ever since Xa Fel, I had been waiting him, dreamed of him and how he would greet me. I dreamed of his details, familiar and yet from what Xazor had told me, not so. He had changed, even in appearance and he had reverted to his native accent of an Ranger of Arda or so I was told. I longed to find out for myself.

Even in my own sadness, I could find joy that a good friend of mine and one I looked upon almost as a daughter was wedding her love. This was a day to rejoice and I would not let my private feeling come into play and dent anything. ON this day, I was dressed in a off white coloured dress – in I had made a request that what I was to wear was long sleeved, with differed from the other bridesmaids. It was more of a dress preference I had, but other than that, it was the same. I had a tiara with flowers twined into it, my hair brushed and styled so it was draped down my back. It was rare I dressed in a manner to accentuate my own beauty, being as I was a Warrior my nature. I had to admit, it bought pleasure to see that I was still the Evenstar as my own race called me.

It reminded me of happier times.

While others fussed over the bride, I tended to be a bit standoffish. By my side, dressed in a laced fringed dress with her blazing red hair in sharp contrast was Jina. She held a flower basket, from which she would cast petals in front of the wedding party. I could tell she was nearly bursting with excitement however.

After helping the young woman to dress, Xazor presented gifts to the ladies in waiting. I was last and I was almost embarrassed to see that mine was different to the others. Inside the present box was a holo of the women involved, in a group at the Jedi Bar and Grill. It was wonderfully presented in a magnificent frame and inscribed with the date of the wedding as well as the inscription –

You are my friend, a gift from above
And now you share with me, this special time of love
It brings joy to my heart, and a tear to my eye[/i]
And you'll always be dear to me, even if we say good-bye...

Then it was signed:

Love, Xazor....

Also inside was a dagger. A truly wonderful weapon!

“Why… this is wonderous!”

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 05:16:20 PM
Xazor turned around quickly as Helenias spoke. She blushed when the woman...one who was like a mother to her...exclaimed the the weapon was wonderous. Smiling brightly and bowed her head.

"I hope you find joy in it...I crafted it by hand, and it has taken me so long...since the day that I met you a few months ago. I have worked on it nearly every night since that time...and it is finished now. It truly is wonderous...just like you."

She said with a shy smile. The Knight felt another tear coming to her eye and she quickly held it back, trying not to cry or it would ruin her makeup. She smiled and brushed the moisture away as she looked at Helenias.

"Thank you for being part of my special day...it truly is an honor to have you here."

The words were heart-felt, for she knew the feelings that her friend must be having...thinking back to the day when she wed Marcus. Xazor smiled to herself, though, knowing that he was here, at this very moment....just beyond the tent on the hill, speaking to another. She hoped that he would speak to her soon...and tonight might be the perfect night. It would make everything just right if he did, but she wouldn't press her luck. Soon it would be time for the women to "crown" her with the tiara and veil. She nervously looked around for her own daughter, Natia...who was pretty in her white dress with basket of flowers in hand. She was sitting down, not having to fight her crutches to stand. It would be a beautiful thing when Keshia walked she and Jina down the aisle with them on her back. She thought of the moment at hand, but then reverted her attention back to Helenias who had not said anything yet. She looked into the Warrior's eyes and smiled gently.

I know it must be difficult...but this means so much to me...you have no idea!

She said to her through the Force.

Helenias Evenstar
May 23rd, 2002, 05:07:33 AM
I took my eyes off the weapon at the unspoken comment, raising a face where the barest shimmer of tears could be seen in my eyes.

"I miss him desperatly. But.... "

I took a deep breath, composing myself.

"Myabe he will come today. Maybe he's nearby now. I can only hope. I give thanks he lived and not died like I had thought for so long. But... " I reached out and touched the younger woman on the cheek with my hand "Thank you this honour Xazor. I dont begrudge your future happiness in the slightest. I wish joy and long life to you and Shade. Now let me look at you... "

I took hold of a brush for mascara.

"Let me touch up the makeup a bit. You want to look your best, dont you?"

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 09:10:05 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"He'll be here...."

He is here now....

She spoke verbally first and then in her friend's mind. She smiled gently as Helenias fixed her mascara. She couldn't help but laugh slightly, and when she giggled, the brush moved all over.

"I'm sorry...yes, I do want to look my best...thank you."

She said softly. She tried to glance at the veil and tiara, but the Knight had to look foreward or the mascara would be all over her face. Smiling to herself, she thought of how everything would go...and she only hoped deeply in her heart that perhaps Marcus would step forth for her friend....

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 03:38:42 PM
Shade opened his eyes as the last rays of sunlight went down. He turned to his best man, Alpha.

"You ready?"

May 23rd, 2002, 03:59:59 PM
Satine smiled. He looked pretty good if he did say so himself.

"I think so. Though why are you asking me? You're the one that should be asked that. ARE you ready?"

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 04:02:59 PM
Shade nodded.

"I guess I am just nervous....but I'll be ok."

May 23rd, 2002, 04:16:42 PM
"Don't worry about it. You'll do fine. Yoiu have me to help you out of any ditch you fall into."

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 04:35:03 PM
Shade turned to Satine and put his hand on his shoulder and smiled.

"Thanks man."

May 23rd, 2002, 04:42:14 PM
:: Though AB was a brides maid, she had insisted on helping with the flower arrangments, it being her specialty. She was in the brides chambers, helping by placing small rosettes into Xazor's hair in random places, while at the same time talking to the flourist. ::

No, no! The Ithorian tulips go around the alter. The Corellian lillies go along the stone walls!

:: An Ithorian's voice came over the comm, speaking rapidly and giving oders to those around him. ::

And make sure the ferns from Dagobah line the fountains and water fronts. Don't over due it. I want the place looking natural, not like a flower museum.

:: She placed another rosette into Xazor's hair, letting a few curls fall about it to conceal it's stem. ::

:: Once she was finished with Xazor's hair decorations, she moved to the opposite side of the room to make sure the bride's grand bouquet and the maids smaller flower arrangements were in proper order. She was still giving orders to the flourist at the same time. ::

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:32:13 PM
Xazor grinned as Master AB ran around and told the flourist what to do and how to do it. The flowers in her hair were beautiful and it was about time to put the remaining piece on her...the veil and tiara. She eyed it from afar as butterflies seemed to converge in her stomach all at once. She desperatly wished to see Shade...but she knew that she would have to wait. She was getting quite nervous now, as she could see the sun was almost down and the stars were beginning to appear. It was nearly time and she felt like a princess.

The wedding was going to be a spectacular display all in itself, with beautiful flowers and dresses. Everything was perfect and Xazor knew it.

"I just want to thank all of you for doing this for me. You don't know how special it makes me feel to have friends as great as all of you."

She said gently as a warm smile embraced her lips. It was a glorious time to be spending with her good friends...and she was so proud to share this moment with them.

Ryla Relvinian
May 23rd, 2002, 09:34:58 PM
I moved from the side of the room towards the table, having just wiggled and jumped my way into my bridesmaid's dress. I looked at the flury of white-robed women, and assumed that Xazor must be somewhere in the middle of the commotion. Suddenly, there was a break, each woman seeming to retreat back to their specialty, fretting so Xazor wouldn't have to. Unfortunately, from the look on her face, she was starting to.

I gently picked up the tiara and veil and strode over to the bride-to-be and sat down next to her. "Have I told you yet how glad I am you chose white for our dresses?" I asked with a slight smile on my face. "Hot pink just clashes something terrible!

Sene Unty
May 23rd, 2002, 10:47:54 PM
Sene Unty entered the room quietly. He was nervous. Very, very nervous. This was not his place and it seemed as if everyones eyes were on him. Hoping to get what he felt he needed to do quickly done, he approached Xazor, a small box nestled in his hands.

"I know that I have not known you long, but I felt as if I should bring you something. I have very little money so don't expect too much."

With that he handed the small box to Xazor to open.

"You are my master and I am your padawan and my heart aches with happiness for you on this very special day."

With these words he stepped back slowly and allowed Xazor to open the package."

OOC: I don't have any idea of what to give you, so you can fill in the blank here.

Marcus Telcontar
May 24th, 2002, 05:58:06 AM
For a bit of time the strange space man and the Jedi sat quietly, observing the final preparations as the sun began to change from noon to afternoon. They did talk, but not of the coming wedding - Marcus was more interested where Light year had come from for now - and finding out more about him. Lightyear was similarly curious, which basically meant they both missed the shadow that moved through the trees, around unseen and undetected to the place where the chairs for the guests were being set up. The figure puased, looked about and seemed to move without stepping, gliding away into the shadows before anyone detected it's presence.

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 08:19:01 AM
Xazor nodded and smiled at Ryla.

"I don't really like pink much anyway. I love the white gowns...they are beautiful and everyone looks absolutely lovely! This is going to be the greatest wedding I have ever seen...well, it's mine!"

She laughed to herself as she eyed the tiara and veil. Her heart was stuck in her throat now and suddenly a male entered the tent. Everyone's eyes were on him...and then Xazor recognized who it was. She rose from her seat and wrapped her arms around the young boy. He handed her a box then, and she took it gratefully. Opening it with gentle hands, she smiled brightly as she took out a wooden figurine of a Jedi with a saber. It was beautifully crafted and Xazor knew just the place to put it in her room.

"Thank you so much Sene...it means a lot to me."

She then turned to everyone as they continued looking at them. She had neglected to say who he was, and she also had neglected to put a sign out on the tent that no one else but the wedding planners and the women were allowed in this tent. It did not matter, though...she was glad he had so bravely come in.

"Everyone, this is one of my Padawans...his name is Sene."

She said to the women. This day was so wonderful, and the people that ment so much to her were there. It was a glorious day...

May 24th, 2002, 08:23:37 AM
Satine looks to Shade, his eyes glittering with mischief.

"Ya know buddy, I have the urge to get in trouble here. Should I?"

Shade Magus
May 24th, 2002, 09:28:26 AM
"I would say yes...cause I am feeling a little restless also, but I don't want to see the wrath of Xazor......but....I have an idea waited until a few of the guests start to arrive.....then..we could knock a few chairs around...just harmless stuff...."

May 24th, 2002, 10:18:00 AM
Satine nods.

"Sounds good. I really don't want to see Xazor mad either...If she did get mad, you probably wouldn't survive your own wedding."

Vanair Sharkan
May 24th, 2002, 01:02:39 PM
Vanair walked out into one of the many courtyards. It looked the same as the others, except for the 150 Jedi and Padawans standing around. He walked to the front of the group and turned around.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are here to practice our entrance and the forming of the sword arch for the wedding. Now i want a platoon formation for the entrance. We are going to have the best military precision that this Order has ever seen. Is that understood? Ok we well break into two platoons and work on drill and formation. FALL IN!!!!"

Maia Tharrinn
May 25th, 2002, 09:04:10 AM
Maia looked at herself in the mirror. The dress she had been given to wear was beautiful. Her hair hung down her back in soft curls, it brought a tears to her eye's. She had never thought to make such a wonderful friend.

Fiddling with her hair Maia saw Ari enter the tent and make a beeline for her. Quickly holding out her wrist so he could land. She had left him with a droid so he would not try to perch on her shoulder and tear the delicate material.

"Ari what are you doing here," Maia said in confusion. She spotted it coming through the doors and made her way over to it. Her eyes widened at the sight o one of the droids eye's hanging out.

"I'm ever so sorry miss but he seemed quiet upset and I had to bring him to you." The droid said in proper tones.

"It's all right I will take him." She dismissed the droid with a sigh.

"Ari you cannot go plucking the eye's out of droids. Just because they are shiny doesn't mean they belong to you." She scolded. Rubbing her cheek against the top of her pets head. He cooed back to her softly.
"You had better be good and not do anything I will regret Ari." She said with a stern look." Ari gazed back at her, his head tilted to the side as if to say don't be silly why would I do that. Placing him on the back of the chair she finished her hair.

"Hope Xazor doesn't mind you being here."

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 11:24:31 AM
Xazor was a bit shocked when a hawk came swooping into the large tent. She laughed to herself when she realized who it was. Smiling, she got up and walked over to Maia and her beloved pet.

"Hi Ari! I'm so glad you and Maia are here..."

She said softly. It then seemed as though Ari wasn't the only pet that wanted to join in the wedding. Into the tent strode Kaukauna, Xazor's wolf companion. She smiled and signed something to him. He obeyed by coming over and sitting down next to the Jedi Knight.

You can walk down the aisle too, Kau...

She spoke in his mind for he too was Force sensitive. Smiling to herself, she looked up at the crono that had been affixed to a place on the tent wall. It was nearly time to begin.

"Has anyone seen Keshia? She needs to be here too!"

The bride to be called out to the tent. Kesh appeared to be no where, and Xazor began to get anxious. It was almost time to put the veil on and that meant that it was almost time for the girls to sit on Kesh's back to prepare to go down the aisle. Xazor peeked out of a small window flap in the tent and saw that hundreds of people were sitting in the chairs talking together. Her heart lept into her throat as she turned around to get her eyes off of the nervewracking sight. Taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down a bit and walked back to her seat, Kaukauna following close behind.

Marcus Telcontar
May 28th, 2002, 05:17:28 AM
The time was getting late and he noted the guests were arriving. Now, he was being drawn closer, right ot the edges of where the area had been prepared, but still not making himself too obvious. Lightyear stuck out like a sore thumb, but that was almost to be expected.

While all around was good cheer, with people rollinginto the seats, Marcus felt anything other than cheerful. He could feel it in the Force something was wrong. Not a danger to the wedding itself... but there was something. Dark. Mysterious. Powerful....

He blocked his thoughts from reaching Xazor, so as she would not feel his troubled mind, before turning away and beckoning Lightyear to follow.

Darth Turbogeek
May 28th, 2002, 05:40:07 AM
When was the last time he had been on this misreble planet?

The youngish looking man, clean shaven, square jawed, with a glint in his eye that spoke of the simmering anger he had in him these days, stood on a tree stump, marcobinoculars trained on the tent where he suspected she was. Not many knew it, but his man was a clone, a clone of a Jedi. He knew that quite well now. In fact, he almost wore it as a badge of honour. He had the bastard's memories, every single one and he knew all the Jedi felt and thought of, right up to a period of three years prior. That was the time he presumed he was "sampled". Who did that, he could guess, there was a Sith Lordess who was the last memory he could browse through of the Jedi. Now, the bitch was dead, that he had found out. But more than that, he had found out that the Jedi had a daughter. The Jedi was also dead. It almost made them brother and sister. He did not think of the Jedi as anything else other than a proxy father, which he supposed was the only good thing that moron had ever done.

Well, today Darth Turbogeek, the shadowy head of Assasins Inc was going to find out for certain if this girl was the one. He knew the girl was in the care of a woman whom he had heard was a formidible warrior. Hearing and seeing however were two different things. What he saw was a match for antoher of the Jedi's memories, one that seemed illogical, but was nethertheless, open to see. This Jedi he was a clone of, had been wed. The Jedi had thought the wife had died, but in his spying, Turbogeek had realised that she had not.

It amused him in some respects - what would she say if a perfect copy of her lamented d ick of a Jedi husband existed? He hoped one day he would find out, right before he cut her in half with the new lightsabre on his belt. Or even better, the slug thrower he also had holtered under his coat.

She was a fine woman, not like Arya, but still, he would feel some sorrow as he executed her. And take the young girl to bring her up as a proper Dark Jedi, not some weakling Light Side retard. Today was not the day to try such a thing, today was to merely observe and to stay hidden.

Thinking of hidden....

He stepped off the stump and went into some bushes. It would do well to make sure he was not seen. While he knew he was good, not even he would dare distrupt 100 odd Jedi gathered together. That was suicide. And Turbogeek thought suicide was a waste. Instead, he drew The Dark Side around him, to keep from hidden eyes and minds. To stay unseen for now.

Until the time was right. Maybe not today.... but soon.

Loki Ahmrah
Jun 6th, 2002, 08:38:04 AM
Throwing back a small glass of milk, Loki couldn't help but think about how worried he was feeling prior to the ceremony. He had been briefed about his role as the ring-bearer, but suffice to say it was a brief briefing and he wanted to make sure that although hisjob wasn't overly important, he still wanted it to be perfect for the wedding. He wanted to give a good impression to all the guests in attendance, so naturally he had ventured off to Estelle's quarters to get help with this hair of his.

Seven months into his training as a Padawan, he has had to leave his hair to grow so that he cpould have the short pony tail and braid common amongst padawans. Nowadays it wasn't essential, but he wanted to do things by the book; although he hadn't had his hair trimmed yet so it was thick, wavey and long. Long black locks winded down to the base of his neck and dangled about the sides of his face.

"To make this mop look presentable requires a woman's touch!" He convinced himself, not being courageous enough to tackle the growth on his head himself.

Estelle being the loving, gentle surrogate sister of his was glad to help and now he looked rather smart indeed. The hair that dangled down the back of his neck was tied up into a short pony tail at the centre of the back of his head whilst the short padawan braid starting at the side of his head dangled just below the back of his ear. As for the rest, it was neatly organised so that is was clean, brushed and neatly hung down either side of his brow with the occasional strand of hair falling out of place, easily remedied by a quick brush aside.

"I can't wait till most of this is shaved short." He thought as he avoided messing it up whilst getting changed for the ceremony.

He was going to be wearing a traditional, formal outfit for the wedding, still Jedi attire but much more suited to the occasion. A brand new Jedi tunic was in order, composed of <FONT COLOR="#FFFFFF">white</FONT> and elegantly layered fabric. The front of the tunic hung particularly low beneath a <FONT COLOR="#F5F5DC">beige</FONT> leather belt, unconventionally reaching knee-length. Over this rested a rather heavy surcoat made from matching beige, synthetic leather which matched his tall leather boots.

Removing his glasses, which he never did need, he looked at himself in the mirror and liked what he saw. Why he wears glasses is an unconcious defense mechanism after being bullied at school he'd like to feel he could hide behind them. The lenses were only made from glass anyway. One thing was missing, a lightsaber, but he hadn't constructed himself his own weapon yet and therefore refused to bear one as a matter of principle. He smiled with a nod at himself in the mirror then left his quarters.

Suddenly the door slid open and he rushed back in, picked up the box containing the pillow upon which the rings will be set.

"I wonder what the rings will look like." He thought to himself as he rushed out.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 6th, 2002, 11:01:30 AM
*Natia, careful of the dress she is wearing, hobbles around the tents, trying to find her Mother, knowing this is a special day for her. She soon finds her in one of the tents. She silently slips inside it and watches the goings on around her Mother. Frowning slightly, she hopes she doesn't get into trouble about not being here earlier*

I'm here Mother.

*Natia says this single sentence with a cheerful smile on her face for two reasons. The first is it is her Mother's special day, the second is only important to her*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 6th, 2002, 11:52:45 AM
Xazor grins as she sees her daughter enter the tent. Rising from her seat she walks over to the little girl and wraps her arms around her.

"It is almost time! I am so glad that you're here. You look beautiful Natia...."

She said softly. The little one was a sight to see in the pretty white dress. Her hair was done up wonderfully and matched that of Jina. Taking the little one in her arms, she walked over to Keshia who had arrived (ooc: I'll play her as NPC) and was in her large cat form. Setting Natia down on her back, she looked to Helenias where Jina was sitting by her. The Knight motioned for the little girl to join Natia on the large cat's back. She handed both girls the baskets of red and white petals. They had glitter on them and were beautiful.

"Now....you both know what to do with these...so now it's time for me to finish up..."

She said with a cheery smile. The woman moved back over to her place among the others. The veil and tiara would be put on her head now.....and they would begin soon.

"I have to wear it now....."

She said softly, her voice a bit shaken with nervousness. This day had turned out to be wonderful already and she was so excited to walk out and see Shade. She waited for one of the women to place the head piece on her so they could begin.....

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jun 7th, 2002, 07:54:38 AM
*Natia smiles at her Mother as she compliments her on the way she looks. As her Mother scoops her up into her arms, she switches her crutches to just one hand so as not to hit anybody or anything with them. She is then placed on Keshia and handed a basket of red and white flower petals. She continues to look at her Mother, having a slightly hard time at how beautiful she looks all dressed up for her wedding*

Xazor Elessar
Jun 8th, 2002, 11:26:40 PM

Finally it was time, everyone was set and ready, and all of the guests had arrived. The veil had been placed atop Xazor's head, and she was carrying a beautiful boquet of white roses. All was perfect, and the full moon had just taken command of the night sky. Stars dotted every piece of black velvet eve that the naked eye could see, and seemed to dance to their own music and create some for this special occasion.

The curtain of the bride's tent fell open and the front of the processional began its way down the aisle to a beautiful arrangement of music. Xazor's nerves had picked up immensely as she watched Keshia take Jina and Natia down to the alter. The girls were adorable as they tossed flower petals from their delicate baskets. Loki Amrah was not too far behind with the rings on a velvet pillow. His smile was as bright as ever. Soon it would be the bride's turn. She avoided looking at Shade, for she knew it would break any and all traditions set about the bride and groom seeing one another before the wedding.

The young Knight looked at her friends and said a silent prayer in her mind that all would go well and that she wouldn't cry in the middle of her vows. Now she needed to find her Father.....or he needed to find her. Of course, he had to take her down the aisle himself and give he hand to Shade. It would be tough for him, but it was something he had to do....and she loved him so much for understanding her feelings for the one she was so ready to marry this eve....

ooc: Sorry if I am rushing this, but Verse and Shade are leaving for basics very soon!

Jun 9th, 2002, 02:37:09 AM
:: AB made a quick glance about the area, making sure all the flower arrangements were in order. Satisfied that the Ithorian had done his job well, she settled into her place in the prosession, along with the other bride's maids, waiting for the music to cue them to proceed down the aisle. ::

Jun 9th, 2002, 12:19:14 PM
Satine stands beside Shade, as his friend awaits his new bride, tugging at his collar. He didn't like these monkey suits, but he could stand it for this occassion. As the ceremony begins, Satine stands a little straighter, the fourteen year old proud to be the best man for this thing...

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 9th, 2002, 12:50:58 PM
Navaria fell in line besides Rie, waiting for the cue as well. She leaned over to her and whispered...

"Quit worrying about the flowers. They are beautiful and arranged perfectly as only you can do."

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 9th, 2002, 09:55:57 PM
:;Azhure arrived and seeing people seated, slipped in silently near the back. Xazor would look beautiful, the arrangement of the area was beautiful. This would be the first wedding she had ever attended. Wearing a chocolate browndress, simple design and sleek with her hair done up Azhure felt akeward. Looking at the box in her hand was the present she would give;.
She awaited for the music, having read up on what happened::

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:55:27 AM
::Verse walked up behind his Daughter. Most would not have thought him to be this. If anythign he looked like an older brother. Thus the slow way Garou age. Verse was dressed in his best Jedi robes. Dark Blue with white trim. His hair was in long Garou Braids. He took his daughters arm.::

"I am ready.....I think. I dread this day, but it is one you must walk. It also a choice I can't make for you. I am happy for you though."

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:01:52 AM
A tear nearly fell from Xazor's eye as Verse took her arm in his. It was the best feeling to be so close to him once again...but it was sad to know that in just a walk together...he would be handing her over. She gently rubbed his arm with her hand and looked up at him, her eyes sparkling from excitement....and possible tears.

"I know how you feel about this....but I thank you for being strong despite that. This means the universe to me Father...I love you."

Suddenly the music cued them to being their walk. It was Xazor and Verse.....then the bride's maids. A lump formed in her throat as they remained hidden, but suddenly stepped from being the makeshift white wall. It was time...the moment had come and there was not stopping now, no matter who was ready, or not. She smiled brigghtly at the sight of Shade...and her heart skipped a few beats.

"Father, I am so nervous...how do I look?"

It was not really what she wished to ask, and he knew it. This would change her life forever, and suddenly she was unsure if she was ready or not. When it came down to it...she wondered if everyone felt the same as her, or if she was alone...

Jun 10th, 2002, 09:29:14 AM
Satine digs his elbow into Shade's side to get his attention, and then subtely motions to Xazor.

"there she is...There goes your bachlorhood, eh, buddy?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Jun 10th, 2002, 05:58:14 PM
::Verse smiled at his daughter .::

"You know you look stunning. I am sure the rest of the men here hate Shade for taking someone as pretty as you away from them."

::Verse laughed softly.::

"Lets get this going before I change my mind."

::Xazor smiled hearing her fathers joke. With that Verse started to walk his daughter down the walkway.::

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 10th, 2002, 07:36:11 PM
Marcus had gotten Lightyear to sit with the rest the guests and out of the way. He himself had been walking the perimeter, trying to find out what had put him at such unease. But he had found nothing.... and the darkness had drifted away. He didnt like not knowing what the threat seemed to be - but he was not going to run off and tilt at windmills and shadows.

So instead, he was on the verge of the forest, watching the wedding begin. Arms folded, leaning on a tree, partially obsurced by branches and undergrowth. How many Jedi were here?!!? Must have been a hundred, with other guests. Quite a turnout to see the young lady get married. She had touched a lot of lives in her time in the Jedi and Marcus knew she was liked - nay even loved. It made him, a natural utsider and loner, uncomfortable thinking about it.

The music came on, breaking Marcus out of his musings. The Bridegroom (I have not seen Shade Magus since he was a Padawan!) was waiting for the bridal party.... and first, to Marcus' delight was Jina and another young child, sitting on the back of a large wolf. Jina was done up so pretty and she seemed so full of energy and importance, as a child would when placed in a position of visibility. Next was the bride herself.

My oh my.... Xazor you truly are a vision. Shade is one lucky man....

But then he caught a glimpse of who was following and almost forgot the Jedi Knight. Marcus had known she was the Maid of Honour, but seeing his wife dressed as she was, tall and stately, with the tiara crowning her head... she looked every centimeter the princess he knew she was. Fighting an urge to rush out, he instead turned away and hid behind the tree.

It was one thing to be told she was alive. It was another to see her standing there, in the flesh. Up to now there had been doubt. Now.....

Im going to have to wait and try to get her to one side quietly. These Jedi apart from Xazor have no idea who I am.... I will not also detract from Xazor's day..... hidden for a bit longer I will be....

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:09:53 PM
Xazor laughed and a tear fell from her eye. It was not too big of a deal, and would not ruin anything about her. She looked right at Shade and their eyes locked. In that moment, her heart nearly stopped, but she continued walking with her Father. Marcus was thinking and aweful lot....and his thoughts about her sang in her mind. Her heart nearly burst with joy that so many people had thought so highly of her. This day, was truly, the best in her life. She could feel the presence of the other women....her bride's maids....behind her, and one of her greatest friends...Helenias, was leading them. The whole group proceeded down the aisle...walking under an arch of lightsabers held by the members of the Greater Jedi Order. It was fantastic....and breathtaking....

She knew that Marcus had saw his wife...she had felt his heart skip a beat. Smiling to herself, the Knight continued the walk until she and Verse reached the alter. She looked up at him and grinned.

I love you Father....

She spoke in his mind. He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes for a moment.........and then he gave her hand to Shade. She was torn, at the same time....not wishing to "grow up" and leave her Father....but wishing to be with Shade all at the same time. She knew that it was time, and she was ready. Smiling brightly, her deep blue eyes looked into her fiance's.....the silver specks in them sparkled and a smile danced upon her beautiful face. She seemed to glow in that very moment.....and now the ceremony would begin.....

Jedi Master Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2002, 09:16:31 PM
::Leia ran up to Rie and Nav, like an excited school girl and fell into her place in line. Adjusting her gown quickly, she smiled at the other two Jedi women::

I have to agree with Nav on this one Rie. Only you have such away with flowers.

Helenias Evenstar
Jun 11th, 2002, 08:34:19 AM
At that point, where I was walking behind Xazor as she went with her father down the asile between the wedding guests, something stirred in my mind. Slightly puzzled, I took a slower and more careful step as I looked around without being noticed. Not allowing a frown to crease my face, I kept walking until I was slightly behind the younger woman as she stepped to her new life partner.

Jina herself slipped off the back of the wolf, and with a hand signal, I beckoned her to stay near me. The last thing I wanted to do was to be chasing her around in the middle of the ceremony!

Sene Unty
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:22:11 AM
It was all happening so fast. Sene had only come with the intention of giving his master a present. Now he was walking in the precession. Sene was absolutely terrified. What was he thinking?

Sene's turn to walk came and he slowly took his steps, trying desperately to not walk into the person in front of him. However as he finally looked up at the arrangements, all of Sene's fear was quickly replaced by astonishment. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Over the center aisle on which he was walking on, an array of lightsabers shined brightly down. The myriad of colors dazzled Sene's eyes, causing him to lose focus on where he was walking. Chills ran up and down his spine as excitement blazed through him. It was more beautiful than any of the weddings that he had ever been to, and he had been to quite a few. Some of the most extravagant and costly weddings ever known in the galaxy. The ones for princes and princesses. For the rich and powerful. None could hold a candle to the beauty of the one he was in now.

It was breathtaking.

Sene finally reached the end of the aisle and he turned and took his place next to Satine. A smile played across his face as he looked down on the beauty. He was here and it was glorious.

Jun 11th, 2002, 04:56:06 PM
:: AB smiled at both Navaria and Leia. ::

I do-- ::She paused slightly about to say "try" when she remembered Yoghurt's words:: --my best.

:: She winked to both ladies and fell into step as the procession began, making her way down the aisle to the spot where the bride's maids were to stand for the wedding. ::

OOC: I'm confused. I thought brides went last in the line... you know... flower girl/ring boy, brides maids/groom's men, and then the bride has the aisle to herself with her father until handed over to the groom. Am I totally off quilter here??
LOL! Ya know, I guess it doesn't really matter. :: Reminds herself this is a RP. :: Carry on. =)

Sage Hazzard
Jun 11th, 2002, 09:50:54 PM
Sage kept his face somber, wanting to have an air of sophistication about him. With all the gitters and butterflies in the room, they needed a rock to calm them down.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the bonding of two halfs. Together, they are whole. Xazor Dawnstrider and Shade Magus, disciples of the Force and forever encrested in the Light Side of the Force. They regonise the sheer beauty of oneness. All things in this universe are techniclly bonded by the Force. It ties all loose ends and bonds us all. However, what these two share, is something much deeper. From this day forward, they will forever be regonised as one. In body, in heart, in soul, and... in the Force. Love gives life to the Force and to the Jedi. It is only fitting that these two Knights of the Republic would find love in each other, forever and for all time. This wedding, this reception, this ceremony, is only a materialistic sign of what they already know. That they are one. Now, through this ritual bonding of man and woman, we know it too."

Sage motioned to the two.

"It has come to my attention that the couple have prepared there own vows. Let us hear their words now and share in the fondness in their hearts."

<font size=1>OOC - That's how it works traditonally. But I think Xazor was wanting to speed things up because Shade leaving soon. That way, if one of you don't post for a while, you can just say later that you had fallen in line. I don't know, my guess. :)</font>

Xazor Elessar
Jun 12th, 2002, 07:07:56 AM
Xazor looked at Sage and listened closely. His words were beautiful and nearly made her cry. Her eyes then drifted to meet those of Shade. Taking a deep breath, she began.

"Shade...since the moment I saw you, I knew we had something. When I came to the Jedi Order so alone and feeling forgotton...you helped me to my feet and taught me how to walk again. I have been through so much, but you have always been there for me...no matter what. I give that same devotion to you...you are mine and I am yours and together we are one. We will be together forever, the way it should be...not only bound by marriage, but by the Force...by our love for each other. I have given my trust to you, and you hold my heart in your hands. I promise never to break yours, just as you have taken care of mine. Though these words I am speaking disappear in the air as soon as they leave my lips....the promise of love in them will never go away, it will be here forever. I love you...."

It was all heartfelt and not planned out. All was spoken the way she felt it, no matter if it made sense or not...it was real. She smiled and a tear fell from her eye. She couldn't help it though, for this moment was truly amazing. Now she waited to hear his words....

Ryla Relvinian
Jun 17th, 2002, 01:59:58 AM
As Xazor stood there, her deepest emotions pouring out for her future husband, and indeed all of us to hear, I could only stare at her radiance. A bride should be glowing, I thought to myself, And she certainly is. I focused on her smiling face, not allowing my own painful memories to shove their way into my mind. This is their day... her day. I could only silently ask the Force to guide and protect them, and relax in the fact that so much more was certain for them in their new lives together.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 17th, 2002, 03:58:51 PM
ooc: Since Shade is gone, now....I'll just fill in his part as I think he would speak.


Xazor finished saying her piece and looked to Shade. Winking slightly, he took a deep breath and spoke.

"I owe you so much more than I can ever give you. You're my life and soul, Xazor.....you mean everything to me and more. From the moment I saw you, I knew that we would be together forever, and I could not deny those feelings. I do not even deserve to have you...after the stunt I pulled when I left without telling you why. And then you left someone who treated you better...may the Force be with Thanatos....to come back to me. Xazor.....I love you, and I will never let our love be broken. I will fight and die to preserve your honor...and our love...."

His words were beautiful and a tear finally escaped from Xazor's eye. Smiling with only the joy that this day could bring, the couple turned their attention back to Sage for the rest of the ceremony.....

Sage Hazzard
Jun 24th, 2002, 10:58:46 PM
Sage nodded without emotion, playing the solid base today, as he continued.

"As I speak these words, listen closely. Courtship is not a falacy of motions. Let the answer ring true in your hearts."

"Xazor Leo Dawnstrider, do you take Shade Magus to be your lawfully wedded husband? In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health? Do you promise to cherish and love him 'till death do you part?"

The young Knight on her most important day, thoughtfully smiled. As she spoke it brought a twinkling tear to her husband to be's eyes.

"I do."

Sage bowed his head in recognition. As he turned to Shade he could see the enthusiasm in his heart, through his face. The yearning to start their lives together as one. The acknowledgement of the two word statement would be a small symbol of his commitment.

"Shade Magus, do you take Xazor Leo Dawnstrider to be your lawfully wedded wife? In good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. Do you promise to cherish and love her 'till death do you part?"

Without hesitation he proclaimed. "I do."

Of course, even in death their immortal souls would forever be intertwined.

"In that case, I have the honor of announcing you as husband and wife. As partners through all peril and plight, through all glory and life. What the force binds, no man can break."

Sage, ashamed of his absent mindedness quickly added.

"You may kiss the bride."

As passionately as he had ever seen a lip lock, Shade pressed his lips onto hers. Sage, always being one for the small theatics, dwelved deep into the Force. He caused a small light display of fireworks to appear over the couple's heads as the onlookers roared their words of encouragement to the two Knights.

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 25th, 2002, 02:46:39 AM
It was evening.

The sun had long gone down and the coolness of the evening had begun to take over. For the Jedi and their guests, it was a rare time to let the hair down and party. Well, maybe very sedate for a gathering of beings, but defiantly a party for the Jedi. It mainly consisted of talking and relaxing in groups. As the centre of attention, Shade Magus and his bride, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider sat at a flower wreathed table, complete with ribbon decorations and white lace. Other Jedi milled about, with the younjg children, Natia and Jina finally able to run about , chasing the large wolf Xaxor had. The canine was playfully playing hide and waiting for the girls to find him, before darting off to start the process all over again. Some of the staff of the Bar and Grill had also been put to service, the normal bouncers Oracius and Lochabre being oversized waiters, while the crazed chef did his thing in an open aired kitchen. How anything edible came out of that disaster zone was beyond anyone’s guess, but that it did and was some of the best food in the Galaxy was more cause for wonder. The normal band played a more romantic style of music for the couples that were dancing, like Leia and her beau Obiwan. Some of the Master were grouped together, the likes of Amazon Babe and Anbira, stately overseeing proceedings. The main Master himself, Yoghurtwaddled about, leaning in his glimmer stick and approving of all he saw.

It was a scene of contentment and happiness, a rare and notable highlight in the life of the Jedi Council, usually burdened by the troubles of a Galaxy at war. Speeches had been done, the formalities were over. Even the most uptight and stern were winding down for this night.

Except for one. She sat, tall, proud and incredibly beautiful, looking every bit the princess she was on the planet she had been born on. Dressed in an offwhite full length gown, with a tiara threaded into her long dark hair, she was a picture of regal beauty. If it were possible, the Matron of Honour outshone the Bride and it was perhaps the sadness that was evident in her eyes that stopped it from being so. Sadness that she could remember her own wedding day and remembered her own husband. Wondering why he had not come. After so many years apart, thinking the other dead, why had he not come? He shared a unique bond with Xazor, surely he would have been drawn out on this day?


The gentle voice at Helenias Q’Dunn’s side broke her out of her gloomy thoughts. “Hello, yes?”

“He’ll come, I know he will” said Xazor, lightly touching the older woman’s arm.

“I hope so. It’s been so long… “

“Marcus missed you too. I think…. He just is waiting for a quieter time. Maybe if you went for a walk by yourself?”

“How do I know he’s even here?” Helenias asked

“How can you know if you don’t look?”

The older and taller woman smiled at her friend. “How indeed. But I’m afraid to look in case he is not there. I cou;dn’t take that disappointment Xazor, not after all these years and thinking I had lost him twice”

“Go for a walk of you want. Maybe that will help you”

To Helenias that sounded like a good idea. She could do with one and to be by herself for a while. “I think I will. Would you excuse me for a while? Don’t go without calling me back”

“I won’t. I’ll be right here”

Helenias got up and took her leave of the table, leaving the gift Xazor had given her behind. Xazor watched her walk into the forest, before turning to her new husband. “Hey Shade…”

“Yes my darling?”

“Did you ever know of a Jedi named Darth Turbogeek?”

“Yes… doesn’t everyone? He’s dead now, a great Jedi he was. Why?”

“Well….” Xazor leaned forward and whispered in his ear, his eyes initially narrowing, then suddenly going wide, his face a study of surprise.

“Your joking right?”

Xazor had a distinctly mischievous grin on her face. “No, I’m not. Now shhh and don’t tell anyone.”


A lone being sat on the ground, his back against a tree, high up on a hill. Below could be faintly heard the sounds of the party below, the lights lighting up the clearing clearly. If he was facing that way, he could see individual beings and even almost tell them apart. But he wasn’t. He instead was facing away, hood over his head, smoking a long stem pipe. Curls of smoke drifted around him, smelling strongly of fresh cut burnt leaf. Another puff curled out from under the hood to join the haze. It was a strange habit he had picked up in a land of Halflings, but one he found soothing and relaxing. In times gone past, he had hidden the habit , but these days with the many alias’s being wound down, he felt freer to smoke. Not Death Sticks or their variants, but something called Pipeweed. Very rare it was and normally almost impossible to find. However a Cizerack trader he knew had a decent store and sold it at a good price.

He removed the pipe from his lips, thinking to tap out the ashes in the bowl and reload – when he heard something.


It was high and clear, slow and beautiful. It was also of a language he had rarely heard, the High Language of Arda. Only the First Born used it and only in formal occasions or in song. Mesmerized, he listened, the pipe now in his hand forgotten. The singer was getting closer and he could now make out the words properly. The song itself was of lost hope and lost love, a legend of Tuvienel and Berogold. It was a song of long telling and only had he heard it so long ago he could hardly remember the words anymore. It reminded him of a planet so far away that even in the days of hyperdrive, it was still hopelessly remote.

The song touched something in his soul, the sadness and the sense of loss. An unwanted tear came down his cheek, and he sobbed. Breaking down, he began to cry, not noticing the singing had stopped and that the singer was walking softly closer. Too self absorbed, he diddn’t notice until the singer herself was about 5 meters away and spoke.

“What ails you?” she said gently

“Your song. It reminds me too much of my own life and what I have lost”

“Do you wish for me to sing something soothing instead My Lord?”

“No.. no. It’s just… I had not realised that song had ever been heard outside of my home. And nor The High Tongue. I thought I would never hear something so beautiful again”

There was a pause and then the singer spoke. But not in basic, she spoke in Arda’s Common Tongue. “Then take your hood off my Lord so I can see your face and I will sing it again for you”

Marcus opened his eyes and glanced up – and his stare was locked at the image before him. Only in painting and etchings had he seen the image of Tivenel, said to be the most beautiful to have lived in Arda. Said to be tall, hair as dark as a raven and so beautiful she seemed to shimmer with her own light. But it was not possible that his eyes beheld the same image, live and standing before him.

“Tivenel??!??! How is this possible???

The woman smiled slightly. “Far from it my Lord, although she is an ancestor of mine. Tell me, where have you heard of Tivenel before?”

Marcus mentally gave his mind a shake, clearing it…. And knowing now he was not asleep and dreaming. He was awake and there stood before him not Tivenel… but…. A woman he believed dead and lost. For years he had mourned. For years sunk himself into other lives to forget his loss – had done things in the name of a memory. Had denied the chance of love for that memory, had stood firm and true to it, even with all the pain it caused. He reached up and slowly removed the hood of his cloak, revealing his weather beaten face, long hair and unshaven face. It was a face that was different to what had once been, but it was his true face, his real identity. Dead was Turbogeek, Venom, Hunter and Tohmahawk. All were now in the past. Now he was Marcus Q’Dunn only, a name only a few knew. “I heard the name years ago my Lady. It was told to me by yourself when you were telling me of why you are called Nightingale in the tongue of your people and why you were named Evenstar. I remember that well”

The woman waited while Marcus still, before speaking. “Do you remember when we fist met?”

“I thought I had strayed into a dream, much like I had thought I had done so now”

“Long years have passed Marcus. You did not carry the burdens then that I see that you carry now. Do you remember what I told you? Do you remember what I said to you?”

Marcus seemed to move like he was entranced, walking forward without real control over his legs and body. Like metal to a magnet, he was drawn forth until he was within touching distance of her. Reaching out slowly, he allowed his fingers to touch her exposed neck. “You said you would bind yourself to me, forsaking all others. Even if I died you said you would hold yourself to that” His fingers traced a line around to the base of her throat, touching and caressing a necklace she wore.

“And to that I hold Marcus. I held to it when I thought you were alive and I held to that when I thought you were dead. I cried many bitter tears at the thought of never touching you, embracing you – ever being able to love you in person again. I despaired and I wanted my life to be over so many times…” Her voice was cracking with emotion, her eyes misting over as tears began to roll from her eyes.. “I… Oh God, Marcus my Husband! Please, do you feel the same about me??? Why when you knew I was alive, did you not come for me???”

His face was impassive – but the slight twitch was a giveaway on how much he was now holding his emotions back. “I dreamed of you. I kept your name close to my heart and I forsaken all others for the memory of what we had – and I’ve had the chance, many times. To you, I have always been true and to you I always will be true”

“But why didn’t you come?” she quailed.

“I did not know how you would think!” he replied with heated passion. “I did not know if you still loved me after these years and I would not have blamed you if you did not! And….. you are one of The First Born. My blood has already been proven to be weaker, my line and others who have been taken from those veins have been shown weak”. He hung his head, looking at the ground, afraid to look into her startlingly blue eyes.

“You are Marcus Q’Dunn, not Turbogeek himself. You are not bound to his fate. Your time will come, you will face the same fear and enemy he did, but you will not fail. The Shadow does not hold sway yet – not over you… not over me” Her voice was becoming gentle, soothing… caressing. She reached out to touch his face, his forehead, he responded by uncertainly looking up and meeting her gaze. “Do you remember what else I said?”

His expression now sad and wistful, his hand came up and touched the pendant she wore on the necklace – a symbol of what she was, of her family “You said you would forsake the First Born”

“And to that I hold as well. I would rather spend one life time with you than eternity alone. Do you not remember what was inscribed on our rings?”

“I do. I remember. There was not a day that went by where it did not remind me Forever Together. How short Forever turned out to be”

“But it need not be short…” Helenias seemed to place something in the hand of Marcus, who looked down at this palm – to see it was the pendant, the symbol of her race, her people. Her real father. And he knew exactly what that meant. “I choose to share my with you” she finished as he looked up into her eyes, deathly shocked.

“No! You can not give me this! I am of The Second Born, think of what that would mean for you! Your casting your family, your position and title away and for what? You would choose a nothing in comparison?”

“You know that is not true Marcus… you may have been stolen when young and you may have since then deliberately chosen exile, but you are not what you say you are. I know what that man is and I would give this to no lesser a man. It is mine to give… just like my heart”

Rocked to the foundations of his soul, Marcus could only stare at the beautiful woman before him, whose eyes flicked from his face, downwards and then back. Hesitantly, she began to lean forward, closing her eyes as she kissed his lips ever so gently. Marcus just couldn’t move, could hardly think, could hardly breathe. This just wasn’t happening!

Helenias drew back, opened her eyes. “I love you Marcus Q’Dunn. You are my friend, you are my lover, you are my husband and you are my King. I could love no other”

It seemed like a spell was lifted off him and he was able to speak for himself. And finally act. “Fair maiden, you have bettered me with your words! How could I deserve one such as you?” He stepped back and from under his cloak, he produced a wood handled sword, it’s hilt beautifully worked in leather and steel. Bowing to one knee, he held the sword aloft in both hands. “Accept this gift of betrothal from me. Once I had nothing, now I do. It’s named Maiden’s Sword and I give it to thee. It is a work of my hands and of the crafts of the First Born”

Matching his formal tone and demeanour, Helenias picked the weapon up and with care, clipped it to her sash of her gown. “I accept your gift Marcus Q’Dunn and I will wear it in memory of this moment. You may arise and call yourself my Husband”

Finally, finally, a smile was coming over his face, his rough features creasing. “I am your husband. And you are my wife. I renew my vow to you Helenias – I will not forsake you, nor leave you as long as I truly live…” This time it was his turn to draw forward, but unlike last time, there was no reluctance on either’s behalf.

And nor was there any protest as her hand moved up and begun to take his cloak off.


Xazor sat on her seat, seemingly not listening to the conversations going on around her. Finally, Shade gave her a light jog with his elbow.

“Hey there! It’s nearly time to leave. Is Helenias coming back?”

Xazor closed her eyes for a moment, then shook her head. “No. She’s uuhhhhh….. occupied.”

“Oh? What doing?”

Xazor blushed, then deliberately ignored the images coming to her through the Life Bond Marcus and Xazor shared. “I would rather not say”

Something after all should remain private between a man and his wife.