View Full Version : The Love Story.(masked spoilers)

May 17th, 2002, 09:06:11 PM
when I first saw AOTC I really was not into it(mainly because in my mind it would turn off Non Starwars fans).
Now after seeing it a few times I love it. I really feel HC and NP worked great together and I believed they were falling in love. Also I really am in awe of HC performance. When his mother died in his arms I got misty, AUGUST/Hayden made me believe it.When they got married at the end Just made me Happy/sad like a real wedding would.

and You know the action was GREAT!!! but what did it for me was when SHIMI died , I got Goose bumps from Anikins action's. The look on his face as he carried His mother's body back to the house(so to speak) gave me goose bumps. His confession to padme about killing ALL of them absolutely sent CHILLS down my spine!!! I truely find these the BEST scenes in the movie , EVEN better than YODA kicking ARS!!!!!!!

There is no DOUBT Hayden Christian is VADER . Just simply amazing

May 17th, 2002, 09:48:56 PM
I thought HC botched a couple (and I mean 2) lines, but otherwise, I thought he was fantastic, I agree with you, and the 2 scenes you talk about were, as you put it, bone chilling.

May 17th, 2002, 09:54:45 PM
You know those scene's had alot of meaning for starwars fans BUT do you think that non Starwars fans will realize how POWERFUL and I mean POWERFUL (IMHO) those scene's are ?? specially the last one??

May 17th, 2002, 09:57:20 PM
I loved it when HC was saying how he slaughtered the Tusken Raiders like animals...wow he's a good actor :D I cried :( hehe

May 17th, 2002, 10:01:10 PM
I also really dug Amidala's confession of her love of Anakin before the execution.

May 17th, 2002, 10:12:27 PM
I really LAUGHED my ars off when she pulled back from the first kiss and the music just stopped

May 18th, 2002, 12:56:57 AM
Originally posted by Ravishing Jedi
I really LAUGHED my ars off when she pulled back from the first kiss and the music just stopped

The verdict is still out for me on this scene. That was like something out of a Naked Gun movie, or some other goofy comedy. :crack

May 18th, 2002, 01:05:07 AM
I agree Ravishing! That was funny! Another scene that sent chills up and down my spine was when Anakin was speaking of senators. How he disliked them and how much he thought the present system is a utter failure. And how he felt this political system needs to be led by a single individual... one whom is more capable than the present beaucracy. Then Padme looks at him and lightly scorns him about it be a dictatorship. Anakin reacts with a serious face and a glee in his eye before calming Padme with a laugh. Anakin already thinks highly of Palpatine and the Supreme Chancellor is surely feeding the boy VENOM. Awesome emotionally charged stuff was in this episode. Lucas really friggin out did himself!

Live Wire
May 18th, 2002, 01:17:45 AM
the only thing I didnt like about that was that everyone confesses their love right before they think they are going to die and then they live. Geez if you think you're gonna die just confess your love for someone and you wont die. It was kind cliche but when Im watching it Im so into the movie it doesnt bother me. Its kind of an after the fact reaction.

what I really liked was the look that anakin gave owen lars when he said Im sort of your step brother. And then the way he looked at him when he got up to leave to go look for his mother and when he brought back her body. It was a look of utter contempt. Like here you see her like your step mother and you're not doing anything you worthless clod. Just the way he said "Im going to find my mother" just made my heart break and go yeah you worthless piece of crap why are you just sitting there????

May 18th, 2002, 01:27:08 AM
Those are really strong points. However the book delves into this completely, the Lars do have a genuine reason for not pursuing the Tusken Raiders after their first attempt... an attempt which cost Cliegg his leg. But Anakin has no clue what happened out there. And I happen to feel his rage is so righteous at that moment.

Live Wire
May 18th, 2002, 01:33:11 AM
I havent read the book so Im sure I dont know everything. And I do understand how lars lost his leg. And knowing tusken raiders trying to get her back is no easy task for a non jedi. But I understood what anakin felt. Here these people claim to love shimi and they sit there not trying in his eyes. Cause owen was uninjured and could have kept looking. Im sure anakin was like Im going to get her back or die trying! True uncondional love. That broke my heart and I sympathized with him. I was sitting there going if someone I loved had been taken and was being tortured Id get them back or die in the attempt.

what I also dont understand and made me mad was that anakin had been having dreams. Why didnt anyone tell him what he was seeing. It was obviously a force vision. And no one said you may be seeing actuall events...go to your mother? WTF was with that. Everyone played them off like he was just having trouble sleeping till finally he realized he had to go to his mother. If they had done something earlier she would have been alive. I know for the story its necessary as its part of his fall to the dark side. But damn the jedi slipped up. Maybe if his mother hadn't died his fall could have been delayed. Who knows.

May 18th, 2002, 01:42:02 AM
Well I will only state that the hunting party of consisting of Cliegg and Owens along with 28 others from neighboring moisture farms went out after her. And after being hidiously ambushed by the Tusken Raiders (graphically written in the novel) .. only four made it back alive and Cliegg lost a leg too. Yes, I think if a loved one was taken by very hostile nomads I would go out and chase them to the ends of the earth. But there is Beru to consider and so many already had lost their lives... to attempt it again would be suicide.

Live Wire
May 18th, 2002, 01:51:53 AM
yeah like I said I understand their point of view and I understand anakins. He's a jedi padawan. His mother means the world to him and I felt his anger and contempt and fear and irrationality right a long with him. But I felt for the lars' as well. Of course Im gonna feel more for anakin just cause thats the way it is and the loss for him is greater and has a greater effect on his life.

May 18th, 2002, 10:16:23 AM
I loved when Anakin got up and said he was going to get Shmi. After hearing the story of all those people dying by the Tuskens, he was like "Forget it, you're useless, I'll get her". As for the Jedi not telling Anakin to go to his mother, perhaps they figured that he was simply having problems with detaching himself from her emotionally and focusing on his duty as a Jedi.

Jinn Fizz
May 18th, 2002, 03:45:01 PM
I think it's very clear that Cliegg Lars adored Shmi. He loved her with all his heart, and I can say this with great confidence just from the few moments of screen time that the Lars family had. Cliegg tried to save Shmi, he took 29 other people out with him. Only he and 3 other people came back, and Cliegg himself lost his leg in the process. Sometimes, you just have to realize when you're outmatched and outclassed, and that's what happened in this case. Yes, Shmi might have eventually been rescued, but only after more and more slaughtering of Cliegg's friends by the Tuskens. So the Lars family's reluctance to make any more rescue attempts was very understandable.

I'm just really glad to realize that in the 10 years since Anakin had left with Qui-Gon, Shmi was taken in by a man who loved her deeply, and she ended up having a very good life until she was captured by the Tuskens. She deserved some brightness in her life, and she got it. :)

As for the Anakin/Padme love story, I thought it was nicely done, even if it did have its Harlequin-type moments. And it was kind of funny to realize that although Padme tried to keep the relationship platonic at first, she kept putting on revealing clothing. The black leather dominatrix outfit is probably the best example :lol. But thank goodness she finally came to her sense :). Her confession to Anakin before the arena battle is wonderful, and Natalie delivered the lines beautifully, in the hoarse whisper. Yes, it's true that it seems like quite often in the movies, confessing your love to someone right before you think you're going to die helps make sure you won't die, but still, this one works very nicely. :)