View Full Version : Any Bloopers/Easter Eggs you saw/know of? [masked spoilers]

May 17th, 2002, 08:18:23 PM
Here's a start :)


Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best in the club

a YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon) on Naboo

Count Dooku's bust

A Jedi kid called Liam

3P0 calls ANakin "The Maker". In ANH, he thanks him :)

UNSEEN (So may not be true):

One of Lucas' kids in the club

X-Wing and TIE FIghter on COruscant

George Lucas in the senate

George Lucas bust

Palpatines chair same as what he uses in ROTJ

Vader breathing after Qui Gon calls out


1138 on a trooper and in the sand

Jango's head apparently leaves the helmet

May 17th, 2002, 08:23:30 PM
Dang you Fett , I was getting ready to do this:zzz

Figrin D'an
May 17th, 2002, 08:26:08 PM

Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best in the club

a YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon) on Naboo

Count Dooku's bust

A Jedi kid called Liam

George Lucas in the senate (look for him in the shot right after Palpatine makes his little speech about loving democracy and giving up his power when the crisis is over... GL is in middle to lower right hand side of the shot, in a Senate "booth", and is clapping... you only see him from the back, but considering it's a guy with gray/white hair wearing a flannel shirt, it's pretty safe to say that it is him... :)

The head-butt... (silly Brits... ) :)

May 17th, 2002, 08:30:21 PM
SPeaking of which btw Figrin, we didnt even lose the motion, I think it was just the impact :)

May 17th, 2002, 08:33:46 PM

slave 1 in coruscant

Figrin D'an
May 17th, 2002, 08:36:09 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
SPeaking of which btw Figrin, we didnt even lose the motion, I think it was just the impact :)

Really? How did they pull off that edit without it looking really out-of-place? Was it just the shot of Jango's head moving forward, then cut to Obi-Wan falling backwards, without the impact sound-effect?

May 17th, 2002, 08:47:15 PM
to be honest, I cant remember. I think it was the camera, as it was at an angle so that we dont see Obi miles away when it goes to his landing shot

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 17th, 2002, 08:59:08 PM
I've only noticed "bloopers".

Like Amidala's magical dissappearing shirt when she gets clawed. Suddenly, she's missing half of her shirt, including - even more magically - an arm. Oh well, it's not like I'm complaining. ;)

Crap. There was something else I noticed, but now I've forgotten. I'll mention it later whenever I remember. Ah well... I did notice there were no Wookies in the Senate this time. Pity.

Jedi Master Carr
May 17th, 2002, 09:11:01 PM
as far as wookies, they may have seperated from the republic, the book mentions the senate has a lot of empty seats so they could have been one of the systems that left, might explain why they get enslaved later on. As far as easter eggs, I didn't see Lucas's kid but I did see Best and Daniels, have to look for Lucas next time. Also saw YT-1300 on Naboo that was a cool easter egg.

May 17th, 2002, 09:11:56 PM
I'm not sure if this is what you are talking about but. [spolier] when she gets clawed look at the lower left side of the screen and you see her part of her shirt flotting down out of sight

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 17th, 2002, 09:19:55 PM
Let me explain myself better, then.

She gets clawed. You can see the gashes in her back. This is all well and fine - well, not for her, but you know. However, this one slash makes her entire lower shirt come off, as well as a sleeve. ...Meh.

Oh, and I did notice something fly out of Jango's helmet when he's decapitated, so my guess is it's a head. Obviously the helmet is empty when Boba is holding it. Poor lil' bugger.

May 17th, 2002, 09:23:35 PM
AHH!!! you got to keep in mind,I'm a little s l oW :x

what really bugs me about that scene is Her whole shirt didn't come off :D

May 17th, 2002, 09:55:01 PM
:lol :lol :lol


Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best in the club

Count Dooku's bust

A Jedi kid called Liam

3P0 calls ANakin "The Maker". In ANH, he thanks him

May 17th, 2002, 09:59:08 PM
;) the bust Obi-wan was looking at was QUI-GONS , right ????? if not I need to edit a previous post on a previous topic

May 17th, 2002, 10:02:02 PM
How come you guy's have yet to mention how HOT portman looked!!!!! or is my eye sight bad ?? and She and BEA are really troll's:huh

May 17th, 2002, 10:08:00 PM
Portman was simply gorgeous in every single shot. That's all I have to say about that.

I thought Obi Wan was looking at Dooku's bust...

May 17th, 2002, 10:15:49 PM
Yeah and Anikin was looking at PADME"S

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 17th, 2002, 11:15:37 PM

I guess I "noticed" that "Maker" comment by Threepio, too. Didn't think that was anything special, though.

Admiral Lebron
May 18th, 2002, 08:34:07 AM
Saw the Dooku bust. That was it for me. I feel so..unobservent.

May 18th, 2002, 10:18:12 AM

Anthony Daniels and Ahmed Best in the club

One of Lucas' kids in the club - Ahmed Best is talking to her.

Palpatines chair same as what he uses in ROTJ

a YT-1300 (Millenium Falcon) on Naboo

Count Dooku's bust

A Jedi kid called Liam

3P0 calls ANakin "The Maker". In ANH, he thanks him :)

1138 in the sand - it isn't all that clear, but I could kind of make it out.

A HEAD BANGING!!!!! Watch Jango as he gets into Slave 1

UNSEEN (So may not be true):

X-Wing and TIE FIghter on Coruscant

George Lucas in the senate

George Lucas bust

Vader breathing after Qui Gon calls out

1138 on a trooper

Jango's head apparently leaves the helmet

One of those cow-like creatures (A shaak, I think) floating in the asteroid field. (I had just heard a rumor about this - don't know if it is true or not).

May 18th, 2002, 10:56:40 AM
I don't know if someone has mentioned this, but when the separatist leadership is looking at the hologram of the battle and Nute Gungray's aid speaks: HE SOUNDS LIKE THE ANDROID DUDE FROM SOME CORPORATE ORGANIZATION....

Master Yoghurt
May 18th, 2002, 06:37:53 PM
Btw, I can confirm Vader's breathing can be heard after Anakin goes maniac at the Tusken Raider camp. First Qui Gon's "No, Anakin.. No!!", then the breathing as Yoda feels it

May 18th, 2002, 06:46:07 PM
That's creepy. Seeing the future Yoda is. I wonder if he realizes it?

May 18th, 2002, 07:14:48 PM
Ok I have the lamest thing to add, then...

What gives with the "Second Second Assistant Director"?

There is no such thing, nor do you ever put two of the same words like that back to back, it simply makes no sense. Look at the credits, right as they start to "roll" instead of just showing stationary main characters, then you look to the left of the screen and you can't miss it. I saw it on the 2nd viewing, again on the 4th, or I thought so, and then the 5th I put my glasses on and confirmed it.

LOL, kind of silly because Second Second Assistant Director seems like a silly mistake to make unless you wrote it intentionally seeing if anyone would notice. You can't write First First Man or whatever, or First First Director. You just don't do that. It's not some "filmmaking" term, either, it just doesn't exist. lol.

May 18th, 2002, 07:19:12 PM
Didn't you see "second best gripping grip hand man"? I wonder what that entails.:p

May 18th, 2002, 07:23:53 PM
Everyone gets a title on that set :)

Notice Javva the Hutt returned? :)

May 18th, 2002, 07:37:09 PM
I thought I saw the Falcon on Naboo at my second viewing, I was really stoked.

I saw Lucas's daughter, that was a nice touch. Seeing Daniels was great too, he deserved to be in there. I think that was pretty nice of Lucas.

In the nightclub, one of the screens is playing shots of one of the TPM pod racing video games. It could have been from the first one or the sequel, I don't know, but it was definitely the video game. I thought that was pretty funny.

I can't wait for the DVD so I can go Zapruder on it!

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 18th, 2002, 10:44:16 PM
Okay, I finally remembered what it was I saw. :p

In the scene on Tatooine, where Anakin visits Watto, you can see two of the pod race worker droids (not really sure what they're called), who appear to be wondering what to do over what is apparently a piece of luggage on the ground. But a bit later on, in the last part of that scene, you can see the two droids and the ground where the luggage USED to be, but it is now gone. But the two droids are still together like they're wondering what to do with it.

POSSIBLE EXPLANATIONS: They are practicing magicians. Or the luggage was CG and the droids were real. ;)

May 19th, 2002, 02:15:50 PM
I was watching the pitdroids in that scene you are talking about, but not that carefully so I will do so this time.

Well I DID notice the Vader breathing someone mentioned as Qui Gon Jinn says, "No Anakin, No!" or whatever. That was great, thanks to whoever pointed that out! I thought it was clearly there as long as you are listening for it, VERY freaky. Wow. Adds a lot to the movie for those watching carefully enough.

These discussions are why I see the films over and over, so that I can always notice more. Without the other fans, I wouldn't be able to see the movies as many times and keep learning more.

May 19th, 2002, 02:21:44 PM
It has nothing to do with doing your part to drive the box office total up, does it? :lol

Jinn Fizz
May 19th, 2002, 02:26:03 PM
It's a small blooper, but what the heck...I've noticed in the scene with Shmi and Anakin, when the POV changes back and forth between the 2 of them, Shmi's hand isn't always on the same position on Anakin's face. Sometimes it's on his left cheek, sometimes it's cupping his chin, things like that.

Ryla Relvinian
May 19th, 2002, 04:05:57 PM
Uhh, I don't know how to do the spoiler grey thing so don't read this if you don't like itty bitty spoilers, mmmkay?

Ok, anyway, Lucas' daughter is the purple twi'lek in the nightclub, talking to ahmed and another spotted twi'lek. Is his son the one in the library?

May 19th, 2002, 08:49:17 PM
How about this for a blooper....

When Anakin cuts the piece of fruit for Padme it is much larger than the CGI piece he "force floats" over to her fork.

I think that is Lucas' son Jett in the Jedi Archives.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 19th, 2002, 09:37:15 PM
It is and it is, Bronto. I was going to point out the fruit size bloopette myself, but now I'll just have to agree with you. :)

More details on the pit droid thing I mentioned. When you first see them, there are two or three walking around moving luggage or parts or whatever those are. However, it will end up that there is just one pit droid staring at one of the... things... and then that another joins him and you can hear them natter to each other. In the very last (I believe) shot where you can see them, the camera has just used a different point of view onto the street so that the two are further on the left of the screen than they have been. And there is no longer anything on the ground there.

The reason COULD be that another droid has moved it while we were unable to see the pit droids. But it seems rather suspect that there are two droids nattering about nothing in the exact same way they were nattering (I like that word) about the piece of equipment a bit earlier.

I am rather upset that I can't spot a YT-1300 Corellian freighter on Tatooine, when does it appear? I've noticed the Dooku bust, the headbang of Jango's (Although you must admit, there's an excuse... that door is closing pretty fast), the progeny of Lucas, and Anthony and Ahmed.

Also the Darth Vader breathing bit where you hear Qui-Gon shout.


Is this the future? We all know that Anakin will sound like Darth sometime relatively soon. I suspect we may see a scene in the next movie where we hear Qui-Gon shout the same line... eh, but who knows. Difficult to see, the future is. And the Vader breath sound effect does kind of blend into the soundtrack noises at that point, so it COULD be unintentional altogether. Not likely, but... well, it might.

May 19th, 2002, 11:28:22 PM
Finally saw the Falcon and Ahmed Best, and George Lucas in the senate

Master Yoghurt
May 21st, 2002, 01:43:36 AM
I actually saw the YT-1300 on my first viewing. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2002, 12:30:19 AM
I have seen/heard Dooku's bust, Palpatine's chair being the same as it is when he's the Emperor, and the infamous headbutt.

Must ...go...see....it...again...tomorrow! *stumbles away to buy tickets* ;)

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 22nd, 2002, 12:37:51 AM
Headbutt? No, we're not talking about during the fight between Jango and Obi-Wan, dear sister. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
May 22nd, 2002, 01:46:11 AM
Ooops! :o Someone said Headbutt, and now I see that someone ELSE said "head banging." All is now perfectly clear dear brother.

Okay, NOW I have seen:

The heag bang when Jango enters Slave I
The magically disappearing crate with the pit droids
George Lucas in the Senate
His Daughter as the Twi'lek in the club
Ahmed Best and Anthony Daniels in the club
Lucas' son in the Archives
Dooku's Bust in the Archives
Padawan named Liam
Heard the Vader breathing after Qui Gon says "Anakin...ANakin!" It appears to be someone *else* saying "Noooooo!" not Qui Gon. Interesting.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 24th, 2002, 02:53:39 PM
I recall some thread here about Bothans in Episode II.

I can't find it and am lazy, so I'll just say the supposed Bothan is to the left (on screen) of Count Dooku, where the good Count is related how the Trade Federation has lent him their support, and with their droids combined with the other droids blah blah grandest army in the world.

It is rather hard to make out if the fuzzy creature IS a Bothan or not... but it could be, imo.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 24th, 2002, 11:51:38 PM
OOoh yes, last time I saw the movie, I looked specifically and I do indeed think that was a Bothan. Matches the one in my Essentials Guide to Alien Species, at least. :D Yay!

May 25th, 2002, 12:03:43 AM
You know, I clearly saw Jango bang his head on Slave I today. But I have to think that that was more of an Easter Egg than a blooper. That part of Slave I was probably digital anyway. I think that was an ILM guy throwing fans a bone, don't you?

May 25th, 2002, 01:35:44 AM
Rgarding the whole Jango head-butting Obi and his head coming out of his helmet or wherever, you know why I didn't see it the second time rouhnd, even when I was specifically lookong for it (sorta)? Well, its 'cause those damn BBFC censors have cut it from the UK version! Apparently they considered it to be too violent for a PG rating :p This is from iMDB's 'Alternate Versions' (http://uk.imdb.com/AlternateVersions?0121765) list:
UK version was cut by the distributor to secure a PG rating. About 1 second of footage was excised, removing a head butt in the fight scene between Obi-Wan and Jango Fett.

Anger! I mean, come on - 'Fellowship of the Ring' was one of the most violent films I've ever seen, and that managed a PG rating (okay, so technically it was accompanied with a warning about "not being suitable for Under-8's")!

Anyway, these were the other bloopers/easter eggs I managed to see:

Jango hitting his head on the Slave 1 door

Lucas at the Senate

Obi looking at Qui-Gonn/Dooku's bust

Ahmed Best at the nightclub (and I guess it was one of Lucas' kids he was chatting to)

The PS2 PodRace game at the nightclub

The pit droids and them arguing over the mysteriously dissapearing crates

Sebulba at the speeder chase through Coruscant (does that count?)

Vader's shadow on the Lars' hovel just before he goes off to find him mom

The scene at the Arena battle at the end where all the Jedi come andkick -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- - Mace goes over to Obi and they stand side-by-side; perfectly mirroring the scene in 'Gladiator' where Maxumis and.. the other black slave guy (sorry, can't remember his name) are side by side in the middle of the arena fighting off incoming attacks.. And how come I seem to be the only one who noticed this?

Obi clinging to the asteroid mirroring what Han did with the Star Destroyer in ESB

Palpatine's 'Emperor'-style chair

The red imperial royal guards (plus the pre-royal guards that were also at the end of 'Phantom Menace' - they're similar but dark green/blue but you can see some of their faces - I found it interesting them both being here - kinda signals the gradual change-over into the inter/disintergration into The Empire)

I think thats all the ones I remember now.. :)

Alec Lafeyette
May 25th, 2002, 07:19:48 AM
I'm not sure if anyone has pointed this out or not, but in the novel Obi-Wan studies Dooku's bust while waiting for the librarian.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2002, 11:40:44 AM
Yes we have said that already. I haven't read the novel, but I saw it in the movie. :)

Zartan Fett
May 26th, 2002, 12:02:51 AM
The Vader shadow thing is not real. His tail gives the illusion of the dome as the shadow moves from one side of the wall to the next.

Lucas's daughter in the nightclub and another as a Jedi in the arena. His son in the training scene also.

3 Falcons or Corellian freighters on Naboo in a row.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 26th, 2002, 02:41:04 AM
Really!? I must look!

Jinn Fizz
May 26th, 2002, 03:44:04 PM
Yup, the Vader shadow thing is one of those good ol' urban legends. I specifically looked for it today, and it isn't there. But the story does remind me of how people were sure you saw Vader's helmet on Anakin's bed in TPM, when it was actually his knapsack. :p

Today I did hear the Vader breathing that everyone else has talked about. Seems to be just the inhalation part of the breathing, but it sure as heck does sound like Vader.

I've also noticed that poor Corde gets blown right out of her shoes in the opening scene! When she comes down the ramp of the ship, she has little white shoes on. But when Padme runs up to her when she's lying on the landing platform, her feet are bare!

May 27th, 2002, 11:43:46 AM
Originally posted by Zartan Fett
The Vader shadow thing is not real. His tail gives the illusion of the dome as the shadow moves from one side of the wall to the next.

'Not real'? Well, dur.. What do you expect? Darth Vader himself to pop up from behinf the Lars' hovel and wave at the camera? The illusion itself is the in-joke/easter-egg/foreshadowing reference to Anakin's tragic future seduction to the Dark Side and to the monster he turns into - I thought the image/illusion/shadow/whatever of 'Vader' hugging Padme was one of the most touching scenes of the whole Star Wars saga - it really makes you pity the future Anakin/Vader, seeing that he used to have so much compassion for people..

Yeah, and its just a huge coincidence that it happens to mirror the classic Episode 1 teaser poster depicting the young Anakin casting Vader's shadow onto his hovel.. yeah - just a huuuge coincidence.. So what explaination do you give for the camera zoning in on Anakin and Padme's long-casting shadows then? Did Hayden Christiensen have a huge spot on his forehead that day? Come on, when a camera zones into something in a film, it does so for a very specific story-driven reason.. :p

Sorry for sounding for a bit of a smart-bum.. I just couldn't believe being claimed to be a liar and a hoax-starter, especially after you go to prove my point when you'd just denied it the very sentance before.

May 27th, 2002, 11:49:58 AM
'Not real'? Well, dur.. What do you expect? Darth Vader himself to pop up from behinf the Lars' hovel and wave at the camera?

YES! :)

Lilaena De'Ville
May 27th, 2002, 12:38:56 PM
I thought it looked like Darth Vader's shadow. I know it was his padawan tail thingy making it look that way, but it was very cool.

Also, I noticed Corrde being blown out of her shoes. Poor thing! That was the awesomest opening scene ever. I was NOT expecting it!

Jedi Neo
May 27th, 2002, 10:59:47 PM
I guess no one saw Darth Vaders Helmate on a dock worker in the hanger scene, or Yoda's Kung Fu poses, or the entire fight between Dooku and Yoda being well how do I put this, "scripted like in famious Saturday Matinees of the past"

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 27th, 2002, 11:05:34 PM
Blown out of her shoes, ahaha... no, I never noticed that before. I did enjoy seeing that R2 unit get smoked by the wreckage, as well as one of the Naboo fighters... I managed to miss those the first time around.

May 31st, 2002, 08:23:03 PM
There a Coca-Cola can at the left of Anakin's foot in the shot just after he and Padme kiss on Naboo for the first time. I haven't seen it myself, just thought I'd report it.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
May 31st, 2002, 11:33:59 PM
Thought I'd share this with anyone who isn't signed up for the SW.com newsletter:

STAR WARS HOMING BEACON - The Official StarWars.com Newsletter
Thursday, 05-30-02 - Issue #61

Welcome back to the Homing Beacon, the official newsletter of


The Star Wars films are brimming with so much detail, that they require
multiple viewings to soak it all in. First time screenings are to watch
the main characters and the core story, but with subsequent viewings
it's hard not to let your eye wander and take in some of the extras.

Sometimes, the details are intentional elements meant to remind you how
the galaxy fits together. Other times, it's an unintentional flub that
illustrates the complexities of filmmaking (keep track of the color of
the clothes that Padmé packs on Coruscant in Episode II, for example).
And, on occasion, the filmmakers purposely put in a little visual joke
to reward sharp-eyed (or in some cases, sharp-eared) movie-goers.

Here's some of the things to watch for the next time you go to see
Attack of the Clones.

Trundling along the streets of Mos Espa as Anakin and Padmé
go to meet Watto is none other than R5-D4, the grumpy astromech
from Episode IV that blows its stack in front of Luke.

What has become a tradition of sorts is the "Wilhelm," the
affectionate moniker given to a very distinct scream sound effect
used in all of the Star Wars films (and quite a few non-Star Wars
films too). In A New Hope, it's the stormtrooper that plummets
down the Death Star chasm. In Episode II, it's a Naboo soldier
thrown in the opening explosion of the film.

The very first shot of Episode II has an homage to another
sci-fi classic as the camera tilts up to the crowded orbital
traffic of Coruscant. "That shot had been executed in 2001: A
Space Odyssey," explains John Knoll, one of Episode II's
Visual Effects Supervisors. "I put an Orion space plane
flying in there."

Star Wars continuity purists will have a hard time
explaining just how an X-wing fighter and TIE fighter got
into the speeder chase over Coruscant.

By now, many have spotted the familiar Millennium Falcon-style
Corellian freighters docked on Naboo. "It was George Lucas'
idea," says VFX Supervisor Pablo Helman. "He said something
like, 'should we dare go there?' And we did." In addition to
those saucer-shaped freighters, expanded universe fans might
be able to spot a Corellian bulk freighter, the same model as
Talon Karrde's Wild Karrde.

It appears that Fett genes and low headroom don't mix. In
an homage to the classic Star Wars misstep, wherein a
stormtrooper bangs his head on a low-hanging door, Jango
Fett also takes a wallop on the noggin -- complete with
sound effect -- as he enters the Slave I after
tangling with Obi-Wan.

"There's these big cow-like creatures called shaaks that
Anakin rides on Naboo," explains Knoll. "The shaaks got to
be a bit of a joke with the crew. I put one in the asteroid
sequence, in a reference to Ken Ralston [visual effects artist
in the classic trilogy] having put potatoes and tennis shoes
in space battle scenes previously. So there's a shaak there,
but it's got the asteroid shader on it with craters. You really
can't see it unless you start to look at it and see the
legs and snout."

"There may be a shaak on fire during the Clone War," hints
Ben Snow, another of Episode II's Visual Effects Supervisors.
"It was almost a competition. Can anyone get a shaak in
their scene?"

Of course, for every confirmed Easter Egg, there are dozens of imagined
ones (Luke's landspeeder? Sebulba? Darth Maul? Joey Fatone?). Keep a
close eye on the screen during your next viewing, but remember: your
eyes can deceive you; don't trust them.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2002, 03:00:54 AM
Nice article. :) I need to see the shaak! Both of them! :D

Jun 1st, 2002, 10:01:51 AM
I really want to see those X-Wings and TIE fighters in the Coruscant chase.

Jun 1st, 2002, 03:56:24 PM
There is a soda can about 3 feet to annie's left foot kind of in beteween the opening of the concret opening's.100% is there. Just not sure if it coke or not .You can only see the top of it and a little red.

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Jun 1st, 2002, 04:47:41 PM
Coca-Cola: The preferred soft drink of Jedi the galaxy over.

Strange, they had Pepsi tie-ins for the last movie. ;)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2002, 06:53:00 PM
Coke is bettah. :D Another thing for me to watch for. I did see the YT-2500 (? I think thats the right number..the Milennium Falcon type) freighters on Naboo. Very cool. :)

Jun 1st, 2002, 08:15:23 PM

Jun 1st, 2002, 09:18:46 PM
Star Wars continuity purists will have a hard time
explaining just how an X-wing fighter and TIE fighter got
into the speeder chase over Coruscant.

That's bound to drive some people nuts. :lol

Jun 2nd, 2002, 03:36:05 AM
Easy, they just looked like them ;)

Jinn Fizz
Jun 2nd, 2002, 02:59:43 PM
I saw the Coke can today :)