View Full Version : Simon

Marcus Telcontar
May 17th, 2002, 04:41:43 AM
<font color=red>catch your breath hit the wall
scream out loud as you start to crawl
back in your cage the only place
where they will leave you alone

'cause the weak will seek the weaker
til they've broken them
could you get it back again
would it be the same

fulfillment to their lack of strength
at your expense
left you with no defense
they tore it down

and I have felt the same as you
I've felt the same as you
I've felt the same

locked inside the only place
where you feel sheltered where you feel safe
you lost yourself in your search
to find something else to hide behind

the fearful always preyed upon your confidence
did they see the consequence they pushed you around
the arrogant build kingdoms made of the different ones
breaking them 'til they've become just another crown

and I have felt the same as you
I've felt the same as you
I've felt the same as you
I've felt the same

refuse to feel, anything at all
refuse to slip, refuse to fall
can't be weak, can't stand still
you watch your back 'cause no one will

you don't know why they had to go this far
traded your worth for these scars for your only company
don't believe the lies that they have told to you
not one word was true

you're alright
you're alright
you're alright

and I have felt the same as you
I've felt the same as you
I've felt the same as you
I've felt the same


“… The last resistance of the Empire had ended and the Sith menace is wiped out. After the last ships were destroyed, Admiral Ackbar accepted the surrender of the ground forces. Losses were heavy with the Jedi loosing many of their own. Now, years later, we have a lasting and complete peace. The Republic is guided by the Senate once again, with the Jedi the peacekeepers….”

“…..It has been 12 years since the disappearance of the Jedi Master Turbogeek, there continues to be sightings, but none are substantiated….”

“….News of a battle at Munniiist, where an unidentified Jedi saved …”

“…. Strange monsters were sighted on Coruscant….”

The images flashed through her mind as she sat on the old style chair, in the rustic room, on a planet so far away form anything that even news a decade old was fresh. Her drink sat by her as she scrolled through a secret data pad, checking for any sign. It wasn’t time, not yet. He had not appeared, although there were signs if you read them well. She would wait then. The hunt had been on for 12 years, another couple more would not matter.

Hurry Marcus, she thought, please hurry. I know you can’t rest while Callista lives, but come back to me. Maybe then we can live together in peace.


“…. And the Jedi have negotiated the settlement of the Unilist standoff. Both sides say they are happy with the outcome..”

The words ended in a buzz of static as a large work hardened hand pushed the off button of the data display. The hand connected to a large muscular arm, the arm to a tall man, sunburnt, dark hair, features hardened by exposure to wind and rain, muscles rippled under his fairly thin clothing. The actual room itself was now dark, it being quite late. He was not surprised to see the woman sprawled on the makeshift bed, well and truly asleep with a blanket over her body.

“Fallen asleep watching the news service again? Aye, you stayed up waiting for me to finish up. Told you to not do that. I did – might as well let you sleep there. I probably wont be in bed for a few more hours. There’s another nerf about to give birth that I need to look over. Eh, why am I talking when your asleep? Good Lord, I’ll be chatting to nerfs next!” He laughed quietly, turning away to leave. But he made sure he stole one more glance at the beautiful woman sleeping in his room. Correction, Their room. He had been living in that place for so long by himself, it was hard to reconcile the fact she was in his life to stay. Her and her daughter.

“Ahh Simon, you won the pot making her your wife. She be quite a woman, she is. Sleep well my love”. He closed the old fashioned hinged door behind him, leaving the woman to sleep on in peace.


It was a clear and even balmy night, as Simeon Desvelles, known to others as Simon, stepped outside the house that he had inherited from his parents some years ago. The house was itself quite large, far too large for him, but it was his home for longer than he could remember. A solid construction, it had weathered much and matched it’s present owner. In contrast was the green fields surrounding the structure that spread out for as far as the eye could see. Not far away was the barns and storehouses, which he was now headed for. He didn’t need a light to find his way, his feet knew the path perfectly. To be honest, he wasn’t expecting a problem with the delivery of this nerf, but he never failed to get over the wonder of a birth of a new animal into his herds. Even after 40 years, first accompanying his father to the herds, then as his own master, he never got tired of seeing the newborn struggle to their feet and find their mothers. It was like a miracle to him, happening before his eyes.

He could get one of his many workers to attend. After all, the land was good and had made his family wealthy, even important in some ways. He could go back into his home and sleep with his wife. But no…. there was something about getting dirt under your fingernails, the scent of the land after rain. Something powerful that he could not explain. Rivel said it was because he was born of the land, it was part of him, he was a born farmer.

She might even have something with saying that. He did know that the city folk made an insult out of nerf herder, to describe a backwards and dumb person. Personally, Simon couldn’t think of anything more that he would want to be. If that made him dumb in some fools eyes, fine by him. To him, foolishness was wanting to live in those tiny boxes, flying in those “space ships”, never staying in one place. Apparently, he could afford lots of those and some folk said it was desirable to do so. Even some of his fellow farmers, one even had a landing pad!

That’s not me, thought Simon. I’m staying right here and I’ll live like my fathers of before did.

“Boss? Is that you?”

Simon came out of his thoughts, seeing a light coming to him from one of the storehouses. “Yes it is… Tholins, what are you doing out?”

“You don’t need to be here Boss. We can look after the herd tonight.”

“I wanted to look over the births tonight Tholins”

“Aye, but you should be inside with your wife Boss. You don’t need to be here, you should be spending time with your missus, like you insist we do”

He thought about the comment from his farm hand, then shook his head. ”Point taken. I’ll take the day off tomorrow then, if that makes you happy”

“Never seen you take a day off in my life Boss. Not even when you wed. What she going to think? Be hard enough being an Outsider trying to settle in you know”

“Yeah, but she does better than most, She likes the peace and quiet. Something in her don’t like being made a fuss over either. Rivel likes things as they are, don’t think I haven’t asked”

“Aye, as I said when I first saw her, she be a strange one. Ain’t heard of no high brow woman wanting to be a farmer’s wife, if you be getting my meaning and no offence. We farmers don’t get nought but pudgy mid wives and ye know that well”

“Well, you wont catch me complaining Tholins and I won’t be calling your missus a pudgy mid wife either. You likely to get a frying pan across your lug hole. She be a fine woman and you know it”

Tholins Geome smirked. “Aye, know that well I do, better than those city women with their airs and funny talk. Ah, this be the place we have the birthing nerfs. You sure you want to do this? More than enough workers Simon you know. No one’s going to grudge you a night inside”

“Yep, but there’s something about new life that still makes me want to be part of it Tholins. Some sort of miracle that still attracts me. Come on then, it must be time” Desvelles opened the door and without another word stepped inside the barn that both men had arrived at. The smells of the animals immediately assaulted the nose, the fresh hay, the feeds, the smells of the nerfs themselves, their manure. The city folk would hate it. Desvelles however, thought it was what made him, what kept life worth living. Geome too smelt the odours, but thought slightly differently. A man like Simon, who didn’t have to bend his back in hard work, a man who could be anywhere other than the farm, still preferred to get dirty, live as any other common herder and crop grower. Despite his size, a kind and gentle man to boot. Tholins Geome was like the other 150 workers employed on Desvelles freehold farm, located in a huge valley, he would refuse to leave and continue to work here while Desvelles remained.

Maybe that was the reason why Rivel chose to be here as well, he thought. Them City women looked down on the farmers as manure, so one of them coming to live with a herder spoke volumes for what type of man Desvelles was.


The moons had just set, leaving the land in deep darkness, before Simon finally came out of the barn. He waved the others goodnight, before beginning the walk over to his home. He was tired, physically, but his mind still raced. The last nerf to birth had caused some trouble, but in the end it all was well. Several minutes later, he arrived at the back entrance. Pausing only to touch the unlock code, he pushed the door open and turned on the lights. In the room was a simple washing and cleaning area, plus a mirror for grooming – a recent addition in deference to the two women now under the roof. Desvelles normally didn’t care much for appearances, preferring to just simply keep shaven and hair shortish. Tonight, he would really need some cleaning tho, birthing was a messy and unpleasant at times job. Crap caked his shirt and his face had blood smatters on it. His arms were smeared with mucus and blood too. Considering himself in the mirror, what a sight he would look to others, more like a butcher than a farmer.

The room had a refresher coming off it, complete with a sonic shower and a real water sluice. Normally, the sonic would be fine, but for times when he was feeling physically spent and needing of something more, only the sluice would do. Setting the shower spray for as hot as his skin could cope with, he stepped in fully clothed, squawking as hot water touched skin. It did take him a few minutes to acclimatise, by with time he had stripped naked and was beginning to cleanse himself with a antiseptic gel. Standing with his back to the doorway, he scrubbed the stains and blood off his body, before rinsing off and if the truth be told, just malingering as the water and steam massaged and loosened sore and tired muscles for quite some time.

Simple pleasures for a simple man.

Eventually, he reached over to the taps and with a firm twist, turned off the flow of water. Steam partially obscured the air, dripping off walls and making everything damp. He glanced around, trying to find where the…

“Looking for this?”

The female voice spun him around in surprise. A dark haired woman, with a loose fitting robe sat in a corner, with a towel on her lap, cross legged, chin on cupped hands, positively leering at his nakedness.

“Oh… yes I was. When did you come in here, I thought you would be asleep” said Desvelles as he walked across, gently picking up the towel. He began to dry himself as she watched silently, adding a pouting as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

“Mneh! You spoil all my fun!” The pout changed just as quickly in a stunning smile that lit her whole face up. “At least I had the spy camera on so I can watch later again!”

“Anyone would think you have a girlish crush on me” he replied.

“Who said it was girlish, mister? Didn’t I ever tell you I have a very bad case of a lust fixation on you?”

“Several times actually. What are you doing up Rivel? I thought you would be asleep at this hour”

The woman got up, showing off her slim build and figure that could be seen with the robe clinging to her curves. “I was, but I was awake when you came in. How did it go Simon?”

“Pretty good. 5 new calves all healthy. The south field watering systems are repaired, so it’s been a good and productive day all around. How about my wife? Did she have a good day too?”

Rivel Desvelles, nee Blackwing, smiled at her husband. “All the better for seeing you in the shower” She came closer, placing a hand on his chest. “I hope your not planning to get up early Simon. I’ll be most disappointed if you do”

He allowed the towel to drop, reaching out and encircling Rivel in his, before moving his head to kiss her lips softly. “Well I cant allow that, can I?”

“Allow what?”

“Can’t allow you to get up early or be disappointed. Can I now?”

She laughed as he picked her up and carried her off in the direction of their bedroom.


The morning light filtered through the curtains as he got up slowly, as not to disturb Rivel, who was still fast asleep. It was probably a few hours after his normal wake up time, certainly he would normally be out and about well before now. There was no such thing as a day with nothing to do when you worked on a farm as big as this one and plenty that needed to be done today. Still, he thought as he pulled his shirt on, it was good to relax now and then… if you could call spending a night in bed with a woman like Rivel relaxation.

Must be. He was feeling quite good and relaxed.

Simon paused only to kiss Rivel on her forehead, before turning and exiting the room. He paused and looked down as he stepped on something unexpected. Picking it up, Desvelles realised it was Rivel’s robe. Now had that had been thrown here or they nearly didn’t get into the bedroom – from the memories of last night, Simon would bet on the latter. Smiling slightly, he tossed the robe into the room, before closing the door quietly so as not to disturb Rivel.

Down the stairs, through the hall to the right, second door, he entered into the rather large kitchen / dining room. It had been added for Simon’s great grandfather, who had had 16 children. Much like the rest of this home, it was designed to cater for the typically large herdsman family, not for a man whom had remained single until his 37th summer and whom only had after that a wife and a teenage girl sharing the abode. Rivel had not done more than settle into Simon’s bedroom and have one room for what she called her hobby room – mainly reading and fitness work. She seemed to take a delight in not doing much at times, while at others, she seemed to be a whirlwind of energy and activity. Apart from her initial caution at being in a new and strange place, Rivel had settled in well, like she truly wanted to be here, almost like she had been born here.

Quite unlike the girl who sat at the large dining table now. If there was one thing Jina Q’Dunn-Blackwing would never be was a farmer’s wife. For one thing, even given Rivel was one of the most beautiful women Simon had ever seen, the blazing redhead, only 16 and not fully filled out was utterly sensational to look upon already. In the terms of the class society of Ukio, she would obviously be one of the Overleige and even then put even the high borns into the shade. Give it a few years and suitors would be coming from all ends of the planet.

And going home rather sore, added Simon mentally as he moved to pick up a cup. He had personally witnessed as she had, in an almost offhand and casual way, dissuade the unwanted attentions of a young herder, who was almost the same size of Simon. Jina had simply executed a couple of fighting moves Simon still found hard to believe could be done, hitting the herder into a wall, which had splintered from the force of the impact. No one had said or tried anything from then on and even Simon felt uneasy being around the young girl.

“Where did she learn to fight like that?” he had asked Rivel one night, as they relaxed in bed.

“I did a bit before we came here, but she mainly learned from a Martial Master on Arcan IV. I guess she hopes to go back one day and complete that training. Which is why she reads as many manuals and trains like she does. Why do you ask?”

“Because, your not bringing up a young lady. Your bringing up a fell warrior Rivel. Do you really want that from your daughter?”

“If that’s what she wants, I won’t prevent it. It’s a harsh Galaxy out there Simon, even if your not going to leave here and experience for yourself. She’s just not going to be a herdsman’s wife one day”

“And your different?”

“Oh, I’m very different Simon, I rather like being a farmer’s wife…” she said, slowly beginning to crawl on top of Simon and not long after that, words were not really possible, nor thoughts on the subject of Jina.

Still, he wasn’t by nature a curious man, so he had let it go at that point. But he did wonder now and then however, mostly when Jina gave signs of her strangeness.

“Your up late Simon”

Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Late night with the nerfs. Thought it best that I got some sleep for once”

Her eyes seem to stare right through him, brilliant green offset by the flaming red hair. Desvelles had the uncomfortable feeling she could tell the real reason. Just like he had the idea she could pick the truth from any lie. She chose not to comment further, instead turning back to the datapad she had been studying when he arrived in the room. Pausing for a moment, he went to a fruit bowl, selecting some of the choice pieces. He picked up a knife, before moving to the other end of the table, setting the fruit down before sitting and beginning to peel them. “What are you reading this time?” Nice subject change Simon

“History of the Old Republic. I wanted to find out more about the relationship the Jedi had with the Senate and reasons for their fall”

“Jedi?” He partially hid his surprise by beginning to carve one of the pieces of fruit, then beginning to eat the remains.

“Yes, just seeing how here Chancellor Palpatine managed to manipulate the Clone Masters to produce an army that firstly……” She continued for a few moments, until she caught Simon’s expression. “You don’t believe a word of this, do you?”

“Jina” He started, pointing the knife straight at the girl for emphasis “The Jedi are nothing more than scare tales to keep bad children in line. The only things real are what you see and feel, not some mystical field that controls everything. About the only thing I could ever believe in is God and that’s pushing it”

“Oh no, that THAT again” groaned Jina, eyes flicking upwards. They both had had the theological discussion before, Desvelles a passionate believer there was a God. Jina seemed to have other ideas.

“No, not that again. You however, can’t tell me that these… Jedi existed. I mean, it’s nonsense!”

She gave him a searching look. “Not even Luke Skywalker?”

“Obviously absurd. No man can do the things he is credited with”

“Okay. Suit yourself”. She turned her attention back to the datapad, leaving Simon perplexed and silent. The girl had never been particularly silent on the dislike for her mother’s choice in a mate and for the dislike for herding life. They never said anything in front of Simon, but it the tension was there. He continued to eat in silence until all the fruit was consumed. Then, he stood up.

“Tell your mother I’m on the South valley today. Have a good day”

“Sure. Have fun” She didn’t even look up from her data pad. Desvelles sighed.

“Remember your place young lady. Your under my roof, understand?” She looked up, distain in her eyes. He stared at her until she dropped her eyes. Desvelles turned and left the kitchen, heading for the front door where his speeder was parked. Dismissing Jina from his mind, he began to think about the things he needed to get done today.


She sat at the dining table, continuing to read for nearly an hour before Rivel entered, dressed in a smock she had taken to wearing. Jina looked up.

“Desvelles has gone to the South Valley. And you look like a nerf herder or a beggar”

Rivel faced Jina. “Oh, I’m so glad you noticed. I just happen to be a herder’s wife! I would appreciate you speak about Simon with some respect too!”

“He’s just a farmer! What do you expect me to say?!?!”

“Just… A FARMER?! Jina, he’s my husband! I don’t expect you to approve, I just expect you to accept!”

Jina placed the data pad down slowly, calmly, then stood up. “You know what He would say to this, don’t you?”

“Do I care?”

“Obviously not. We should have moved on years ago”

“You cant run forever Jina. Didn’t your Father tell you that?”

“Yes and he told me never to grow roots, your going to regret this one day!. I’ll be in my training room if you want me”. Jina turned on her heel and marched off, leaving Rivel by herself in the middle of the kitchen.

“Believe me Jina, some days I do already” Rivel said quietly.
