View Full Version : Cleaners - Blue Skinned Mamas

Mercery Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 12:04:16 AM
Mercery Oracle, one of two dastardly "cleaners", arched on the bar counter. Elbows bent behind him in an ackward looking, yet suprisingly comfortable position.

"The Jedi are omni-suckish," Mercery said matter of factly, mid-sentence. "I enjoy coasters for the condensation on my drink. I feel guilty when I get the counter wet."

A Bith walked by, to whom Mercery casually asked. "Need a Clock Cleaned?" The Bith ignored them, and Mercery continued.

"You okay there?" Mercery asked to his scrummy looking, nerfherder of a brother.

Before he could reply, a Twilek sauntered by. Attractive, as could be expected from their species. Scantly clad as ever.

"Go ahead. You know you wanna," Mercery baited Cypress, wanting desperately to see him shot down.

Cypress Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 12:16:40 AM
Cypress wiped his mouth.

"No.. she's not my type. A lil on the heavy side.[/i]."

He took out a cigarette and lit it.

"Stop standing like that Merk. ."

OOC: This is a family forum. Please keep this in mind. I edited this to the best I can. Maybe you would like to try again. Thank you.

Aayla Secura
May 17th, 2002, 09:32:07 AM
**The slender Twi-lek walked by and stopped briefly. Her dark eyes showed no emotion by the Oracles comments.**

Excuse me gentlemen. But I find your mannerisms rather distasteful. I suggest you keep your comments to yourself. I am not the type to get heated up by comments like that. But you never know who will. This galaxy is full with people that would kill you in a heartbeat.

Have a Good Evening!

**Was all that was said as the Jedi Padawan walked away, leaving them with some life saving advise**

Mercery Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 01:34:41 PM
Mercery raised his glass in exaggrerated, fake salute before returning back to his chum.

"We all know how dangerous it is in a Jedi bar, right?" he said, dripping with sarcasm.

Another potential customer walked by.

"Need a clock cleaned?"

The alien made a rude gesture in return, continuing on.

"You're scaring off the costumers."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 05:31:35 PM
It was a warm evening as Xazor entered the bar. She needed a drink to cool down from her day of training sessions. Her waist length blonde hair hung in Garou warrior braids with pretty coins interwoven into them. Her red robes flowed behind her like ocean waves as she walked to the front of the bar, and her blue eyes glowed as the silver specs in them caugt the light and reflected it like pieces of glass. Gently, she raised her arm to place a hand on the bar top, revealing the hilt of her saber hanging from her belt.

"Can I get a Daiquerie.....strawberry..."

She told the bar tender in a soft voice. He nodded and quickly filled her order as she sat down on an empty stool. The drink was brought to her in a frosted glass and she took a sip of the cool liquid. Smiling once again, she spoke.

"It's great..."

She commented to him, before turning around to watch the crowd. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw two men speaking together....and they looked slightly familiar. Perhaps she had seen them in the bar before and did not realize it. She shrugged it off and eyed the rest of the crowd, searching for a friend in the sea of strangers. It was an awkward time and not many of the usual group she spent time with was there. She sighed and took another sip of her drink....watching...

Cypress Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 08:34:53 PM
Cypress made a face.


He spotted a girl across the bar. He didn't know her name, but
she looked vaguely familiar.

"Dude... flexible pretzel, ten o'clock."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 08:46:39 PM
Xazor's Garou senses never failed her...and this time was no exception. She heard what the man had said, and glanced over at him, her face a shade of crimson. They made eye contact and she quickly looked away to the other side of the bar. She had to laugh to herself about his comment, and she did so...but she didn't let either of the men see it. Turning around again, she took a sip of her drink and ran her finger around the lip of the frosted glass. She then realized that this might appear provocative....especially to the one who had made the comment. The Knight turned crimson once again and faced away from them, embarrassed by the actions of herself and the comment he had made. She wondered why he kept staring at her, but passed it off to be her beauty. Most people knew her for it, and she was not ashamed...but it did get in her way of having any male friends. Even a few of her apprentices had been caught up with her looks. She had to smile to herself again as she recalled so many instances of men and their silly comments....

Mercery Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 09:14:45 PM
Mercery's jaw dropped.

"Oh my god! What a disgusting display!"

He'd seen the provocative finger play, although short stinted. Also, ever being the ladies man(in his own mind), he thought he knew enough to tell when a woman was all afluster.

"She must not know about your prepetual bed wetting."

Mercery smiled innocently before downing his drink and pulling away from the bar.

"Oh-ho-ho, down boy. Check out the bling bling. She's already got someone to disappoint her."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 09:44:17 PM
Xazor heard the second man speak, and she looked up at him. Growling deeply, she set her drink down on the bar top and boldly walked over to them.

"Disgusting display? Really....it seems to me that the two of you, are a rather, disgusting display. Wouldn't you say so?"

She smiled toothily, showing her bright Garou canines in the light of the bar. Her eyes sparkeled with the message "Don't mess with me". She laughed to herself and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't bite hard..."

She smiled once again, the menacing teeth gleamed in the light.

Cypress Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 10:04:22 PM
"Dear diary... today I met an insane woman... See offered to bite me, and get this... for free."

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 10:17:19 PM
Xazor growled deeply again and grabbed the man by the shirt collar. She was not in the mood for this, not today. With her elongated canines exposed, she nearly got close enough to bite his face off.

"You don't want to do that....it would be very unwise. I would hate for the guards to have to remove you in pieces."

He gave her a funny look as did others around the bar. She had not gotten any sleep recently, due to the planning of her wedding. Her nerves had been pushed to the limit and the stress level was enourmous. The name "Ms. PMS" was whispered throughout the crowd until she gave them a silencing glare, which they all turned back to their own business and began talking once again. She then turned back to the man whom was still in her hold.

"You are very lucky today..."

She growled out and pushed him back into the wall. Crossing her arms over her chest, she eyed the pair once again.

"So...are you two one of those kinds? I mean, you're not...together?"

She questioned as an insulting joke, knowing the answer was "no". She had to resist smiling or laughing, and kept a pretty serious face...but inside, she was screaming with laughter.

Cypress Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 10:30:19 PM
Cypress made a face.

"I don't believe in incest, baby... But, I will be your daddy... You like that?"

Morgan Evanar
May 17th, 2002, 10:31:52 PM
Quieter than a cat, the Jedi Master walked up behind Xazor.

"You're walking a thin line, Dawnstrider. Be careful you do not trip over someone's drying laundry and land on the wrong side."

Morgan took a swig from his stien of ale, and adressed the two undistinguished men.

"Please, behave yourselves. I'm really enjoying this ale." He smiled, raised the stien, and turned to retun to his table.

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 10:34:43 PM
Xazor was shocked when she turned around to face the Jedi Master. Her face burned crimson for a moment.

"Please forgive me Master Evanar....I am having a bad day..."

She said softly, embarrassment rang on her voice. She looked at the two men and shook her head.

"Perhaps we shall meet again...but I hope not...for your sake..."

She growled and then went to leave the bar.

"I will go meditate, great Jedi Master...I apologize once again..."

She said to Morgan before fully leaving the bar for her room.

Mercery Oracle
May 17th, 2002, 10:43:26 PM
"Next time a half breed canine growls at us, I'm doing the talking. Not that you didn't do a premo job."

Mercery held his thumbs up in mock congrats.

Another potential customer walked pass.

"Pendelum Cleaners, we clea--"

The individual was too far past for him to complete the sentence.

"Why are all these people--" with people he raised his voice, then brought it back down. "--so rude? The fall of civilization is among us, and it starts with you my unclensed friend."

In his eyes darting here and there, he saw Morgan. The Jedi who had interfered. On their behalfs, which was a first. He gave him the "wink and a gun", to show his appreciation.

Cypress Oracle
May 18th, 2002, 08:05:05 PM
"Merk... we need a new gig, man.... This place just ain't working... Jedi don't even get inneuendo. 'Need a clock cleaned',
they don't understand all that. They're like-robots.... Robots are afraid of cleaning materials."

Mercery gives Cypress a look.

"I used to know a robot... Terry, the robot. You'd pull out the Pledge, man, right? He'd run like s---. He became fluid..
in motion. It was like..."

Cypress raises his knees mimicking a slow running movement.

In a robot voice he said, "I'm a robot. I am running like s---....
Cypress has the Pledge."

Darth Mugatu
May 18th, 2002, 11:26:02 PM
A massive stout but impeccably well-dressed man of quite some bearing saunters into the bar and grill. In a gruff but high pitched voice, but always completely masculine he cries out to the bartender, "Barkeep, it's so hot right now and I've grown dehydrated from sketching fashionable unisex armor and wish to swallow some of your finest Hlliniennn Ale". The bartender a half-cat, half-mushroom said with a slow snarl, "We don't serve..." Darth Mugatu, he of magnificent stature and stylish man skirts interjects hastily,"...MY KIND? Isn't that what you were going to say! You don't serve MY kind here!?!?" The mushroom cat bartender wiggles it's whiskers, "No I meant Hllinennn Ale, I never heard of it. What kind are you exactly?" Tears well up in that proud man's eyes (Darth Mugatu's). Well, I guess I can tell you. I'm legally color-blind." The barkeep speaks,"Well how can you be a fashion designer if you're..." Darth mugatu grabs the feline fungus,"Just give me some ale, Ding Dong, I've had a bad time" Mugatu releases the barkeep and spies some old acquaintances down the bar a bit. "Well if it isn't the Oracle brothers!" Mugatu runs to the pair and gives a squeeze to the aghast brothers. " How the Heckfire are you guys?", Mugatu says as he makes playful jabs at the engorged belly of Cypress. "hey but seriously, if Cype here loses some air in his tire I could cut you guys a great deal on a unisex armor skirt. Hey mind if I join you?, Chewin Tabaccy will be here in a minute, he's parking the air chariot."

Cypress Oracle
May 18th, 2002, 11:42:49 PM
"No.. no. You couldn't make a skirt long enough... You are a good man, though. The last thong, you sold me.. was so pink--it burned my girlfriend's freakin' retina, man.... And if I had to choose between the two, the thong was winning."

Mercery Oracle
May 19th, 2002, 12:18:17 AM
"Sure, but try not to act quite so 'sizzling'. You're attracting unwanting attention."

In reality, he really didn't care for the armor designer. He was too chummy.

As Mugatu looked for a seat, Mercery made sure to point to an open one near Cypress.

"Why don't you sit right there. Yeah, over there."

Darth Mugatu
May 19th, 2002, 02:53:48 PM
Darth Mugatu with supple tiger like movements traipses over to the empty seat and plops down. Muggy's eyes light up and his wispy blue hair stands on end as he claps his hands together, "There's Chewin now!" A large, half-naked, hairless, onyx-hued, humanoid waltzes in. It's carrying a bratty little Plithian poodle form the planet Plith. "And Feefee!" yelps Mugatu as his jumps up in the air and claps. The manly, muscular dark creature approaches Mugatu and hands over the poodle. It eyes the Oracle brothers and shoots them a head nod along with a wink. "Wazzup crackers. Wat be the dillio, homefries!"

Cypress Oracle
May 19th, 2002, 03:58:51 PM
Cypress smiled mockingly.

"Crackers.. yeah..."

He gave both Chewin' and Darth a quick once over, taking a slow drag from his cigarette in the process.

Returning his attention to Chewin', Cypress stated, "Um... who does he make sleep at the foot of the bed? You or the dog?"

Darth Mugatu
May 20th, 2002, 09:25:22 PM
Darth Mugatu laughs a deep, hearty laugh which escalates into a coughing fit. As the coughing tears glisten in his eyes he says, "No, my chums no, Chewin is a Plantimal from the planet Plantimallo where the only creatures are nonsexual, humanoid flora. Chewin here is a plant creature and he can only give his pollen to the swimming bees who fly/swim in the hydrogen ocean on Plantimallo, but poor Chewin is allergic to hydrogen. No, it's true. Feefee on the other hand I intend to marry." He squeezes the poodle and says, " the only one who's never betrayed me." The poodle emits foul onion smelling gas. "Take it Chewin, I may have to return that one." Mugatu turns back to the brothers. "So you're the Penduluous Cleaners huh? I may have a little dirty work for you fellows but there are too many ears in this dive to discuss it. Won't you join me in my air chariot? AT ONCE!" Mugatu storms to the exit with Chewin close behind. Mugatu turns at the bar and grill door. "Do NOT make me use my force powers in here." He waves a single finger slowly at the duo. "Very messy". Mugatu bolts out.

Mercery Oracle
May 25th, 2002, 03:27:03 PM
Mercery turns to Cypress... slowly, jaw askew.

"That was the most insane thing I've ever witnessed. I want the wolf girl back."