View Full Version : nagging questions boba fett, palpatine, jango, dooku

May 16th, 2002, 11:32:05 PM
OK i loved the movie first off i would have trouble rating it where i like it right now (i liked it better than TPM and ROTJ but not sure if i liked it more than ESB or ANH)

I did have a few problems with it like lucas is still trying to connect too much, i like foreshadowing but most of what is being done is bludgeoning (like TPM quote i will have to watch you closely)

the same goes for the conversation between palpatine and anakin in his office its not really foreshadowing since we kow its coming

for me the best foreshadowing of the movie was after anakin slaughter all the tuskens and he was back and he feel to his knees crying, and you could see how torn padme was she loves him and understands hes hurting but their is still some reluctance there because of what he has done

Ok i do have some nagging questions though

Is boba fett jango's clone? I get the impression he is.

Why does sideuos look so old and wrinkled (hes obviously the emperor who is palpatine) but palpy isn' that old and wrinkled yet

Why does dooku never know the connection on how the jedi got their army so quick (jango says he was recruited by a tyranus who we know is dooku), unless hes playing a ploy against the trade federation and not revealing his hand to get his war to get the palpatine more power

which now that i think about it, thats probably it

and how much does jango know and why use jango and not dooku to make clones

Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 11:46:47 PM
I haven't seen the movie yet, but....

Perhaps Sidious and Palpatine are clones of each other? And same for Dooku and Tyranus. I guess that also answers your last question. :)

May 17th, 2002, 12:00:49 AM
Is boba fett jango's clone? I get the impression he is.

[spoiler]Boba Fett is plainly stating as being a clone of Jango that Jango requested to be given to him. Jango desired a son and companion for reasons still unknown.

The darkside had consumed the emperor's essence. Leaving a horrible looking creature remaining. Obviously in the prequels Palpatine has not degenerated to this state of being. He did look very pale and sickly in ATOC. As he grows stronger in the darkside, the more likely he is going to be consumed by the darkside.

Palpatine and Dooku are master manipulators. These schemes were created to empower the Grand Chancillor with the clone army. A seperatists threat condones the justification of and authorizes the need of... an official republican army. How convenient that there is a complete clone army at Kamino and god who knows where else. Now the pieces are in place with the Palpatine with an unstoppable war machine at his command. The rouse worked brilliantly.

An army of soldiers and machines of destruction are more desired. Who wants to create an army of maniacal Sith. They would scheme against one another and off each other. No, you need to build the ultimate war machine to put the universe under dictatorial rule.

Live Wire
May 17th, 2002, 01:23:05 AM
here's my take on it

"Is boba fett jango's clone? I get the impression he is."


"Why does sideuos look so old and wrinkled (hes obviously the emperor who is palpatine) but palpy isn' that old and wrinkled yet"

well I noticed in this movie palpatine looked aged so I'd have to see a side by side comparisson. BUt he did look a little more wrinkled but not enough so I'd wonder about it.

"Why does dooku never know the connection on how the jedi got their army so quick (jango says he was recruited by a tyranus who we know is dooku), unless hes playing a ploy against the trade federation and not revealing his hand to get his war to get the palpatine more power

which now that i think about it, thats probably it"

Dooku does know! He's in on it with palpatine/siddioius. But he can't tell that to all the people he's just lied to to get them to stage this rebellion. He's set himself up as this person against the republic and he can't very well come out and say Im using you to start a war so that palpatine can come to power in the senate.

"and how much does jango know and why use jango and not dooku to make clones"

I think jango knew enough to know what was really going on. THats obvious because hes hte patter for the clones and he was fighting with the droid armies of the other side. Now Idont know if he knew the extent of everything but he knew the basic plot Im sure. And as for not using dooku I dunno. Maybe the didnt want a force user for various reasons. I know that the EU brings out problems with clones and force user clones but I dunno if that matters or not. THey wanted someone who was a good fighter and fett fit the bill.

May 17th, 2002, 09:28:54 AM
>>Is boba fett jango's clone? I get the impression he is.

It says he is, but not with everything the troopers get

May 17th, 2002, 04:16:21 PM
He's an "unaltered clone'

May 18th, 2002, 12:31:39 AM
Jango is the purest of warrior with all the greed of a hired gun. He is likely aware of enough of what is going on but ask him if he gives a damm. He don't. Pay is good and leaves a legacy of being the father of the republican army and possibly the stormtroopers too. The things is the clonetroopers were very proficient while the stormtroopers are knuckle heads. I wonder if this mystery has something to do with intricacies of this cloning science and Jango's death.

May 18th, 2002, 10:08:39 AM
Maybe they lost Jango's DNA and had to find another host. Considering how dopey stormtroopers are, maybe they picked Jar Jar? :lol

May 18th, 2002, 10:48:24 AM
i don't think the ears would fit under the helmet though

May 18th, 2002, 11:06:36 AM
As in Phantom Menace, Sidious/Palpatine and his new apprentice Tyrannus/Dooku are in control of both sides, and handle both sides decisions including the Jedi Order. BTW it makes sense for Sidious to have a very strong apprentice, because they seem to be blocking the jedi from the force. Dooku kiss ass and makes Maul seem like a toddler IMO

Doc Milo
May 18th, 2002, 01:10:50 PM
I don't think that Sidious and Tyrannus are blocking the Jedi from the Force. The reason the Jedi, in Mace's words, "ability to use the Force has dimminished" has to do with the imbalance in the Force . . . something that is brought on by the corruption of the Dark Side. Another symptom of that we see, is when Yoda says that arrogance has become an all too-common flaw among Jedi, even the older, wiser Jedi. All this has to do with the imbalance of the Force, not the Sith actively separating the Jedi from the Force.