View Full Version : Redemption

May 16th, 2002, 08:11:18 PM
As he steps into the Council hall, he leans his head up torward the Coucil and lets his hood fall past his ears. His face has a scar across it's left cheek from a singed Lightsaber wound. He is about 5' 11" and a has a dark figure about him. His silver hair falls to his shoulders and he peers through his blue-grey eyes at the unknown faces and calls out.....

* I wish to see the council underthe circumstances that I want to become a Jedi and find a suitable Master to help me in my Jedi Arts. I come here because I was tested for my meti-chlorine count and I was told that I had a very high count. Also, my true reason is for redemption. I have hurt few, yet, they bear a great burden on my soul. I want to avenge their wrongful deaths by helping others and trying to bring peace to the Force...... *

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 04:52:32 PM
Xazor steps from the shadows that dance around the perimiter of the room. She smiles and bows to the newcomer as she replays his request in her mind.

"Greetings to you.....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You come here to the Greater Jedi Order, seeking redemption...yes? Then your cause is noble young sir. I too came here seeking redemption and I found it. But is that the only real reason? Is there not something else that lurks on your soul?"

She questioned the young one gently, looking into his mind to see past his physicality....to see his thoughts and soul. She would not read him by body language but by the trueness of his heart. Indeed, he wished to become a Jedi and by good cause.