View Full Version : Waiting for Corin....

Enya Ramelian
May 16th, 2002, 08:06:06 PM
Enya sat in the bar while Corin became a member of the GJO. She was having a rough time being around all of the force users. She had once been a force user but circumstances had taken it form her and now she felt empty. She didn't understand it anymore than Corin did but she was now unable to even think about using the force. It made her violently ill and scared her to much.

She didn't want to hold her love back from his dream but she wondered where there lives together would go from here. She had always been strong, fearless until she had been kidnapped. Now she was just a shell of her former self.

Enya leaned her head back against the bench she sat on. Her thoughts muddled and pain filled.

"Can you love who I have become Corin? Can I stay where I am not needed?" There was so much left unsaid between them. What had happened to her was to painful to recount but she knew it was building a wall between the two lovers.

"What can I offer you now Corin but an empty woman who is afraid of life." Tears pooled in the corners of her eye's and slipped silently down her cheeks....

imported_Corin Zetith
May 16th, 2002, 08:34:39 PM
Corin entered the bar happy at being accepted and looking for his love, she was off in the corner crying her eyes out. looking very confused and worried he walked up to her and sat beside her. she was shaking all over and all he wanted to do was reach out and comfort her. he placed his arm around her and used his other sleeve to wipe her eyes with.

"Whats this? crying? Enya what's the matter with you my love, is it still about what happened? or is it something else? please tell me, i cant stand it when you're unhappy."

he held her close not wanting her to feel alone.

"hey i got in to the GJO and im asking for a room, maybe you can stay too. i know it hurts you to use the force now, but im sure there are other non-force wielders who stay here too."

seeing that she still hadn't composed herself he looked even more concerned than before.

"Enya, im here for you. you can tell me whats wrong can't you? i love you dearly and want you to be happy."

Enya Ramelian
May 16th, 2002, 08:46:58 PM
Leaning into Corin Enya shuddered when he said they were to stay. She would stay in hell if he wanted.

"That's what it's going to be like here." She thought to herself. She could not tell him these things. Nor could she tell him of the pain or what had gone on while she was in the clutches of the mad man. Enya had never kept anything from Corin but this, what had happened she had to. It would kill him if he knew.

"Corin I'm ok. Please don't worry. I'm happy you were able to get in and fulfill your dream." She said with a trembling smile. Though not completely the truth she was happy that he had found what he wanted.

"I know you love me Corin and someday I will tell you what has happened but for now I cant, " She whispered as she tucked her face into his neck. She hoped someday tat she could but she doubted it.

"I will stay here with you for as long as you want me to Corin. "Reaching out she tried to send him a small thought with the force. Pain racked her body, bending her forward. A small cry escaped her lips at the horror she felt. She could not even have that, a simple touch of her mind with his. Bitterness crept into Enya's kind heart.

"What good am I to you now Corin." She said softly...

imported_Corin Zetith
May 18th, 2002, 06:36:39 AM
Corin hugged her closer he felt her pain through a small shimmer and he hadnt liked what he felt.

"Enya, don't use it. i dont care if you and i can no longer feel each other through the force i can still sense when your in pain and uncomfortable. im getting you to somebody who can at least help you to get rid of this pain in the force. you wont have to use it, it just wont be a constant nightmare whenever you think about people and using the force. there has got to be someone who can help you."

Enya Ramelian
May 19th, 2002, 12:48:35 AM
Enya nodded, her eyes empty. She had slipped into the void that had always protected her from the pain and memories. She hated hurting Corin this way but she didn't know how to stop the hurt without retreating from herself and everything around her.

"Yes, Corin Maybe someone can help me to forget. To lock it all away." She said her voice distant her eyes clouded. She had always been a strong force wielder and to have it taken was like losing a part of herself. She would gladly lose that part of her if only the memories and the pain would go with it...

imported_Corin Zetith
May 19th, 2002, 11:43:15 AM
Corin gazed into her stunning blue eyes and said...

"Enya, do you want to be here? or is it too painful. if you are uncomfortable here than leave, go visit your family or something. do something to get your mind off what has happened lately. if you truly are uncomfortable here than i want you to leave. i want whats best for you. i still love you very much, and want to be with you, but sometimes we will have to be seperated. is perhaps one of those times now?"