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Shade Magus
May 16th, 2002, 06:23:14 PM
A faint breeze blew across the dry desert floor, and it was silent again. A rock fell from the cliff at the edge of the desert and the sound of it fallinf was all the was heard for miles around.

Suddenly, out of the sky came a small ship and it landed on the nearby cliffs. As the hatchway door opened, Jedi Knight Shade Magus exited the ship. Behind him stood some of his closest freinds and allies. He walked over to the edge of the cliffand crouched, as if trying to hide from something. his eyes scanned across the desert for a moment until he saw a small gleam of metal.

"There it is."

Shade pointed his finger while a few f the people stepped forward and others just looked on.

"That is where we must go. When the Empire was ruling they had slaves in underground factories, building wapons and designing computer programs. This is one of the last known factories of that type. We have to shut it down and free those people..."

Shade dropped his hand to the ground and with one deft move, he leapt over the edge. For a moment everyone was shocked until his head popped back up.

"Well...you guys coming?"

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2002, 02:48:37 PM
Sejah shook his head, the cliff had only been a few feet down until the next platform. Stepping past the others, the masterless Jedi in training nodded and jumped down to the next ledge as well.

The planet's surface was similar ot parts of his own, dry and desolate. But it didn't smell like home. Adjusting the band on his head covering, the Nehantite looked out over the landscape while his robes blew lightly in the wind. The mission Shade had spoken of sounded dangerous, but somethign eh could do. That, and it included a trip to a place like his home.

"What is our strategy? Do we have a map of the complex, or will we just have to find our way in?" He asked, hooking his thumb into the folds of his cloth belt as he looked out ahead. "And what kind of resistance should we expect?"

Azhure Darkstone
May 17th, 2002, 11:55:48 PM
::The desert was hot, the sun rays beating down at the naked specks of sand, no mercy at all. There was nothing here accept for rocks, sand and what the leader of the mission, Shade, had pointed out. She heard his question but did not feel the need to speak, once here you were obligated to do what you agreed upon.
Azhure did not speak her reply, only nodded her head. Such a desolate place, how many were hidden underground?
She had not just come here for an adventure, but also to finally do some good, if many were alive in this place. Imagine what the conditions would be like, especially without water around.
Azhure had practical clothes and a brown coat that blocked most of the sand and sun rays. The saber was attatched to her belt and her blade to her back. Too many things slowed you down.
She looked up at Sejah and nodded.The questions were good ones and she waited for the answer::

Shade Magus
May 18th, 2002, 09:12:36 AM
"I am not expecting that much resistance. Maybe a few droids and Imperial gaurds, but nothing serious. There may be one or two Sith. As for the complex. They are all pretty much the same. Once inside, there are tree parts. The feeding area, the sleeping area, and the working area. Dring this time of the day most people will be in the working par of the building. Right now we have to rely on ourselves and the Force to help us get in. Once inside we will slit off into two groups. One will be a diversion and the other will rescue the slaves."

Shade put his hand on the next rock below and contiuedhis climbing until his feet touched the ground and he looked out across the desert.

"We will stay here untl dusk. Then we will move with the dark of night. Now let us prepare. "

Sejah Haversh
May 18th, 2002, 10:37:27 PM
Climbing down the rockface with both the deftness of his species, and many years of play on similar surfaces as a boy, Sejah stood beside Shade and looked out across the land ahead, his eyes not squinting a bit in the bright light reflected form the shimmering sands. "We should ahve arrived by night," he commented, "We will loose much enregy even trying to rest in this direct sunlight. We should seek shelter, or at least shade. I've seen too many overworked and overharted combatants go into contest and lose even though they ahd superior skill."

It hadn't meant to be derogatory, but he couldn't help but voice his informed opinion. Squatting doen, the brown mongoose pulled back the sleeve of his long, lightweight robe and scooped up a pawful of sand, letting it slip slowly back to ground like an hourglass vents its sand. Looking back up, Sejah then brshed the last grains of sand form his paw and stood up. "I'm sorry if I sould a little negative, but, this is just my first misson, after all, and I just have a lot of questions. But, what should I do if I enconter one of these Sith by myself?"

Azhure Darkstone
May 18th, 2002, 11:42:16 PM
::Azhure looked at the mongoose, her eyes did not squint for the protection of her hood, but she could see by the way he stood and his eyes were that he was used to this surrounding. That could be used well::

If you are attacked, you fight back. Send for help as you fight via. telepathy or we will probably feel some disturbance. A sith will not let go a living jedi so easily. You are a good fighter.

::Perhaps this was the wrong anwser but she decribed what she would do in that situation. She walked for a bit in the sand, feeling the heat around her. Her eyes looked at the metal speck, she looked back at the two. They had the main briefing, the orders, now to perform it and somehow get out. Didnt sound too hard in theory. but practise was pretty hard as timing and circumstances were always differed even slightly. Ruined the system but circumstance did that. Perhaps assasin silence skills could be used here::

Perhaps I could sneak around the outside area first? Find an opening in a venting system or such?

Sejah Haversh
May 19th, 2002, 02:39:27 AM
Sejah raised a paw in concern at her mention of telepathy,, but then let it die back down. He didn't want to appear stupid quite yet, so he let himself pass on his own question.

"Fight them off, I see..." he replied, though mostly to himself as he felt the hilt of his lightsaber subconsiously, "But we will probably travel together, right? I mean, splitting up would lessen our odds, I'd think."

Logical concerns were often the best way to cover other fears, as that they were instantly pondered without thinking of why else you would ask the question. Sejah had survived a long time on a system he had created to help keep himself from becoming embarassed for faults.

Azhure Darkstone
May 19th, 2002, 03:50:59 AM
::Azhure looked at the three of them and thought about that. There were three, and if they split then one would be left alone, unless another came. She didnt mind going alone, but if there was a sith there it wouldnt end up very well. But that was up to Shade.
She looked at the area where they were heading and felt they should be getting along soon. She looked at Sejah for a second, had he tried to avoid something? She ignored the feeling and looked at Sejah and smiled::

I have a feeling we can cut the mission smaller if we split, but we will become weaker if we do. But it depends on which stone you want to kill to which position the decision is made.

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 08:13:56 AM
Shade looked up from his position on the ground.

"Don't you two worry. Sejah I know about your problem with telepathy, so if you get int any trouble then just formulate a thought in your head and I will get it. As for the waiting, it is to: one, rest for tonight and two, there maybe a few others that join us, but I need to give them time to get here."

Shade lowered his head again.

"And if we split up with just us three, then you two shall go together and free the slaves and I will draw everyone else in my direction."

Sejah Haversh
May 19th, 2002, 02:44:26 PM
Slavery had existed for thousands of years in many different forms on his homeworld, and it hadn't been until about a hundred years before he was born that it was fully outlawed. Sejah knew what it could entail, though, and some of the side effects.

Looking at Shade, he asked in an almost fearful voice, "What if they don't wish to go? If this is all they know, what will they do if we free them?"

Xazor Elessar
May 19th, 2002, 03:08:23 PM
Xazor suddenly appeared behind Shade. She lovingly placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled gently.

"You honestly didn't think you'd do this without me, now did you?"

She said softly, embracing him quickly as she noticed the others that were joining them on this mission.

"Greetings Azhure, Sejah...it is good to see both of you again."

She said softly, bowing in respect to her fellow Jedi.

Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 03:35:01 PM
Shade kissed Xazor's hand and then turned to Sejah.

"You must understand that I am not here to make them leave, but I know all to well the pains that one endures in these factories. If they wish to stay then they can, but atleast now they will have freinds, and they can do what they want and not what others say. This 'crusade', if you will, will also allow the young one a better chance at life."

Sejah Haversh
May 19th, 2002, 04:22:20 PM
Nodding, Sejah understood what Shade meant, and also smiled a bowed slightly to Xaxor, the first person who had greeted him at the Jedi complex. "I understand, Shade; it was just cultutral insight that made me ask."

Stepping back, Sejah made his way to some shade in which to sit. He had not gone camping in the deep desert in some time, and after three weeks of climate controlled environments--be them on transport ships or in his new room on Arcan-- the heat of the desert was growing uncofrotable. Either that, or he was growing soft.

From his seated position, Sejah looked at the others, each allready full Jedi as far as he knew, and able to do things he only dreamt of. Though it was good to be accepted on a real misson, the Nehantie was beginnign to have doubts abotu whether or not he would even be very useful to them. A man who can only fight is of little value outside of wartime, and he ahd only fought in competition, never real battle.

Pulling the draping from his head covering to a more comfortable position, Sejah leaned his head abck against he cliff and sat in his pool of shade, waiting.

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 12:41:10 PM
Shade looked at Sejah for a moment. he meant well and that was what mattered. He didn't know of the Nehantie's past training, nor did he care. What mattered was the here and now.

Shade closed his eyes and reached out with the Force. He reached into the depths of its everlasting pool of energy. He wasn't as good as Master Sage or Master Yogurt, but he could sense some future. Shade smiled as he thought about it. Sejah woul be a great Jedi Knight.

The Jedi Knight got up and walked over to Sejah. He sat down beside him and leaned back on the rock also.

"Sejah..do you mind if I have a quick word?"

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 02:14:29 PM
Looking over as Shade say down beside him, Sejah pulled the draping of his head covering out of the way and his pink eyes were open with curiosity as to what Shade wanted.

In a friendly tone, he replied, "Why, yes, of course, Master Magus. What, what is it you would like to speak about?"

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 03:47:33 PM
"I wish to know about your past, and why I sense the shadow of doubt on your arua. You should have none. Remember: doubt leads to fear, fear leads to hate, hate leads to the darkside. You must learn to have confidencein everything that you do."

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 04:03:40 PM
A bit put on edge by that statement, Sejah pulled his cheek and pawed at the sand as he tried to think up a response. Finally, he just said what he thought was right.

"I don't know, it's just, well, you all have had training, and know what you're doing, and I, well, I think I might have been too hasty to jump on the bandwagon for this mission." Swallowing, he looked to Shade and sighed, "I just don't want to be the guy everybody always has to watch to make sure he doesn't mess up. I've never been offworld before three weeks ago, and I'm the first of my kind that I know of who has any kind of contact with the Force. It's just, well, a lot to deal with."

The real fear he did not voice, though, was his fear of full failure as a Jedi. He had his share of failures and stumbling blocks thrown at him in the past, and he never fared well with them. This was the biggest thing he had ever tried, and if he failed, he had nothing to go back to.

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 04:14:35 PM
"Sejah...we are all freinds and allies here. It is our job and responsiblity to look after each one. We all make mistakes, even the Jedi Masters."

Shade closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"Just because you are scared, doesn't mean you can't do things, just rely on the others to help you and most importantly, be confident in yourself."

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 04:22:39 PM
"I guess you're right, Master Magus; I'll try and do my best." The Nehantite replied, though hints of worry still lingered in him.

"I guess it's just easier when you're going up agaisnt a species you know, and a culture you understand, is all. I've got a lot of learning to do. But thank you, Master, I will keep your words ion my mind."

Azhure Darkstone
May 20th, 2002, 04:35:55 PM
::Azhure smiled at Xazor in welcome, accepting Shade's words. More people.
She turned to the endless sand area, this felt familiar. Doing a mission, it felt good. Though something troubled her and she could not tell what. She did not let her thoughts slip into her face though., and perhaps this was just uncertainty. Uncertainty was not good, so she banished it from her mind. Think of this mission as a stone, and believe you can win against solid rock, and believing is easy, an early lesson. One that was often useful. She turend to to Sejah, Shade and xazor::

Whatever happens, may honour be with you in the mission. Where shall we rest?

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 05:07:52 PM
Having practical experience with similar terrain before, Sejah replied first, "If we were to rest in the ship, we could use teh cliamte control to remain cool, but it would make us an easy target. I suggest we make camp here in the shade of this cliff, or one like it. It will be cool enough to travel by about eleven tonight, if this is anything like home."

A small smile graced the corners of his mouth as he suddenly realized that he knew somethign the others might not have. Perhaps the mission wouldn't be as bad as he thought after all.

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 05:51:44 PM
Shade smiled and nodded.

"Very good Sejah...."

Shade turned to the others.

"We shall do like Sejah said and move out around midnight."

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 05:58:44 PM
The slim smile on Sejah's face grew to a full grin, and he settled back against the cliffside. Shade trusted him.

But his happiness soon faded into boredom, as the wait was dull, and he was not tired. The wind whipped through canyons of rock a ways away, making familiar sounds. Closing his eyes, he took them in, imagining he was back on Nehantish once more. Life there had not been peaceful and wonderful through childhood as most have, but he had survived, and survived well enough to get him that far.

His paw strayed to the hild of his lightsaber, and eh felt the ridged and shallows of its surface through his gloved paw, trying to make them more familiar.

Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 06:27:04 PM
Shade closed his eyes and turned his head to Xazor.

"Honey...please wake me in three hours if I dose off."

Shade then settled back and thoguht about what was to come. Not only the mission, but his and Xazor's wedding that would happen soon after they got back.

Xazor Elessar
May 20th, 2002, 08:49:30 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled. She kissed his cheek gently and brushed his hair back.

"I will, my love....for now, I need some rest, perhaps a meditation."

She leaned back and rested her head against his. Her thoughts drifted to what was to come....especially the upcoming wedding. Her heart jumped in her chest as she thought of this exciting time, and a smile danced upon her lips as she slipped into a meditative state...keeping her sub-conscious fully aleart so she knew when to wake Shade if he drifted off to sleep....and if anything happened while all was quiet.....

Sejah Haversh
May 21st, 2002, 07:08:38 PM
As the others tried to rest, Sejah sat still where he was, and waited.

After ten minutes, he wished he had his portable game system, and after an hour, he could not stand it anymore and got up. A small breeze picked up, and pulled at his long, light outer robe. Pullign it close, the mongoose stepped out into a patch of sunlight, and looked around.

There was nothing to see, and he knew it. Glancing back at the others, they all appeared to be asleep, so he tought it okay to get in a little more practice with his lightsaber. Pulling it from his belt, the Nehantite powered it up and stepped into an openign stance before whirlign it about in a complex series of attacks and defenses, each moment becomign more familiar with the weightless blade, and the sound of it humming as it whipped around. Though there were many moves and techniques he ahd learned in his years of fencing and competitive swordplay, some of them were impossible with the saber, and he had to focus on comign up with new ones instead.

Afte a half-hour's work, he was sweating, and knew he ahd to stop lest he overheat. Powering down his saber, he tucked it back into his belt and walked back into the shade with the others, lying down on the cool sand and shutting his eyes. A little rest went a long way, sometimes.

May 21st, 2002, 07:44:41 PM
Soon after the Jedi sat down to rest, another craft set down half a click away with a silent swooshes in the night air. The craft seemed like it would fall apart if someone tapped it to hard but looks can be deceptive, the ship had several scorch marks from blasters on it with smoke still drifting from the hull. The hatch lifted and a robed figure nearly cloaked in the night sky climbed out.

Several minutes later, Kanji had exited the landing area of his craft and was heading up to an area that was mentioned earlier at the GJO. It wouldn’t be known if the Drakkan had any weapons to defend himself with, but the obvious clinking of something hinted at some type of use.

Kanji couldn’t tell if the party ahead of him was known of his presence, for he had yet to gain any training in his talents, but he could hear them shifting around. Removing his hood to keep the others from getting surprised and thinking a scout had found them, he loudly walked up to the outcropping, whispering along the way;

“Hello? Anyone there?”

Azhure Darkstone
May 21st, 2002, 11:44:23 PM
::Azhure had been sleeping, but she never had been a deep sleeper and woke up to the soft sound. She grabbed her blade, and made sure her saber was on her belt before standing up and moving soundlessly towards the voice.
She noted the presence of a new person, it did not feel like a sith, and the ship had the look of being attacked. She wandered if it was a lost person, a jede or a hidden sith, though for some reason she doubted the sith choice. Still, better to be safe. Her hand on her blade she stood behind him, and smiled genuinly, giving the person benefit of the doubt::

There certainly is someone here. Who are you?

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 08:03:10 AM
Xazor had sensed the presence of others. She rose from her place beside Shade and exited the ship. Jumping down from the side, she kept her hand on the hilt of her saber and crept around to the other side where she found two other beings...squinting, she released her tension and smiled brightly.

"Greetings Azhure....oh! And Kanji, it is so good to see you!"

She said with a hint of excitment as she approached her two friends.

May 22nd, 2002, 10:31:38 AM
Kanji stood his ground infront of Azhure, then the Knight Xazor appeared, "Greetingsss Lady Xazor." He spoke out in his serpitine accented deep voice, hearing the being infront of him name, Kanji bowed awkardly, "Greetings, Azhure. I am known as Kanji, as Lady Xazor spoke."

Xazor Elessar
May 22nd, 2002, 11:04:20 AM
Xazor smiled, seeing that Azhure had obviously been unsure of Kanji.

"It's okay, Azhure...Kanji is a new Padawan at the Order!"

She said softly, trying not to wake Shade yet.

Azhure Darkstone
May 23rd, 2002, 02:16:02 AM
::Azhure nodded, adding the face to her list. She then relaxed a bit and though she didnt smile a friendly look was in her eyes::

Im sorry, I am wary of those I do not know, and being out here one must be aware. Forgive my rudeness.

::She walked back and hinted for them to follow::

Come, lets get back to the others.

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 09:22:33 AM
Xazor smiled and nodded.

"I am sure he does not take it offensively...we all know to be on guard."

She said softly as the trio made their way back to the ship.

Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 04:06:23 PM
When the group made it back they found Shade standing on a small rock. He sensed the others behind him.

"It is time.....let us go."

Shade then jumped off the rock and started towards the facility. His nap had completely refreshened him.

May 23rd, 2002, 06:23:20 PM
Kanji followed Azhure and Xazor to the camp, when Shade jumped off the cliff Kanji peered over the edge and smiled. Gripping the left clasp of the robe he wore, Kanji unbucked a cover over the robe revealing a pair of wings which the drakan streched with happyness. It was so fullfilling to be free in the air.

"Shall we?" He asked behind himself before crouching and launching into the air, spreading his ash and sand colored wings catching updrifts and flying downwards and torward the facility where Shade was heading..

Xazor Elessar
May 23rd, 2002, 06:35:30 PM
Xazor smiled and nodded as she walked beside Shade. She watched as the others walked randomly behind, next to, and in front of them...with the exception of Kanji who could fly. He had beautiful wings and Xazor admired them greatly, but she knew that she was ground-bound. The Knight looked over at Shade and took his hand in her own.

"This is great...what we are doing and all..."

She said to him softly, looking on out in front of her at the complex which they were heading toward.

Sejah Haversh
May 24th, 2002, 12:06:49 AM
Sejah felt better after his practice and nap, and he followed along behind the others, his robes flutterign in the night bereeze. It was dark out, good time to travel in on such a warm planet. The breezed were still hot, but for the most part tolerable.

As he walked behind the others, sejah pulled the cord warpped around his headcovering in a band away, and then removed the sheet of cloth form his head, tuckign them into his robe's pocket, and then finally removing his outer robe and rolling it up, tying the belt straps around the bundle to keep it secure,a nd then stuffing the whole thing into a leather satchel.

Down to his now standard Jedi uniform, Sejah felt more comfortable, and lighter. The Drakan above he recognized against lingering light, and smiled. It was Kanji, they had met in class. So he wasn't the only newbie among them, that was a comforting thought.

But because he was new, he remained quiet, not wishing to say anythign wrong, or cause distrust of hismelf because of what he might say. The complex was growing neared, and eh felt his paw straying to the handle of his saber. In the two weeks since he had purchased it, it had fast become close to him, even though he knew it was of poor quality. It still brought him comfort knowing it was there, and what it smbolized. He only hoped he wouldn't have to use it that night, but knew that was a hope that would easily be shattered.

Shade Magus
May 24th, 2002, 06:53:22 AM
Shade looked at Xazor and smiled. It was still a ways to the hold so now would be a good tiem to talk to her about something that had been bothering him.

"Xazor I have a queston about Natia........you being her mother and all...do you know of anyway that I cn get her trust?"

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 08:25:23 AM
Xazor looked at Shade and smiled gently.

"The only way I know how, is to show her that you love me...show that same love to her too. It will not be easy, for she thinks that you're taking me away from her...but if you show her that she is coming with me, then maybe she will learn to accept you and give you her trust. My father did not seem to have a problem...but then again, it doesn't seem to her like he is going to take me away. She has seen so much in her short life. Her mother was killed...but she was told by her father that she died when she looked at Natia. Her father beat her as well as her legal guardian. She has a hard time trusting males...but I think that if you do as I have said, in no time...she too will see what I see."

She leaned over and kissed his cheek in comfort. The way that Natia felt about him would change with time...she hoped anyway. But somehow, she knew that it would...

Shade Magus
May 24th, 2002, 09:20:28 AM
Shade smiled.

"I hope so."

He then turned his attention to the facility as they neared it.

"Alright, we are here."

Shade stopped in front of the door and knocked. He then turned back to the others.

"be on your gaurdcause as soon as this door opens we will need to defend ourselves."

Just as Shade stopped speaking the door opened and an Imperial gaurd came out. When he saw the Jedi he raised his blaster and fired, but the shot was deflected by Shade's lightsaber and it hit the ground near te soldier's feet.

He then raised his hand and used the Force to cloud the man's mind. He then walked over to the man and hopped his neck and the gaurd fell unconsious.

"Alright....let's go in......"

Shade walked silently towards the opening, careful not to make that much noise incase others where inside near the door.

Xazor Elessar
May 24th, 2002, 09:27:23 AM
Xazor did not draw her saber...she was always too quick to do so and this time would be different. She would use the Force, her greatest ally. She kept close watch as they walked...being sure not to be too loud in her breathing or steps...it was quite nervewracking, but she would survive...

Azhure Darkstone
May 24th, 2002, 11:47:43 PM
::Azhure moved as she always did, silent like an assasin, she slowed down her heart by the body control so to breath slower and be more alert. She scanned the area, but mostly the areas someone might come out, or any vent systems or alternative routes. No fear, fear may have the capacity to overcome your senses. No strong emotion, it dulles your judgement. KIll swiftly and painlessly. Kill? No, no...the damned brainwashing of training children coming back.
Her senses became aware of someone breathing just behind the door and the instinct told her to get rid of him/her quickly, and she let the mind take control instead of instinct. Softly she walked up to the door. Azhure blew softly, aware he/she was awaiting the slightest disturbance and as the person who ended up being a she came out the doorframe she knocked the gaurd out.
Thanking whatever was out there it was not a force user, she did not pretend she was strong or she was above the level she really was.
Azhure looked around and continued following Shade::

Shade Magus
May 25th, 2002, 07:44:39 AM
Shade walked a few halls, twising and turning. His lightsaber hilt, now deactivated by his side. He finally came to a fork in the passageways. He turned to the others and smiled.

"This is it. There are five of us and now we have to split up. I will cause the distraction and Xazor will free the slaves. I only want one of you to come with me...."

Shade narrowed his eyes, glancing at each Padawan respectively.

"And I think that should be......Sejah...."

Shade walked over to Xazor and hugged her.

"Be careful. I love you."

Shade whispered into her ear. He pulled back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and turned own the right passage, with Sejah following.

Xazor Elessar
May 25th, 2002, 11:44:42 AM
Xazor ran her hand down his arm until their fingertips touched...just before he slipped away from her.

You be careful as well...I love you too...

She spoke in his mind as he rounded the corner. Looking around for a moment as the others departed, an eerie darkness seemed to set in. She knew what she had to do, though. Down the next hall was where the slaves were kept. She placed her hand on her saber hilt, refusing to draw it yet as she made her way toward the slaves. Once she freed them, there would be a great commotion. Once they saw here....all would know. She placed her back up against the wall and peered around the corner. Slaves...it seemed as though there were hundreds...all locked up in what appeared to be cage like structures. Xazor fell back to her place and gasped for breath as a tear surfaced in her eye. She had to hold it back, though. Peering around the corner once again, she saw two guards who seemed to be...sleeping! She drew her saber with intention to cut through the chains and locks once she reached them. One small girl saw Xazor approach, and her eyes widened. She whispered something to another woman...probably her mother. The Jedi Knight placed her finger to her lips so all were quiet as she tip-toed her way toward them. Knowing that the guards would eventually wake up from all of the commotion, she had to do something. She walked over to the one on her right and placed her hand in a pressure point on his neck. He awoke from the coldness of her hands, but she squeezed the pressure point and he dropped to the floor in a slump. The other guard had awoken and came at her quickly, but she ran past him and sent a heavy Force blast at his chest, sending him flying into the wall. He slumped to the floor beside the other one. She could now get to work...but she would have to hurry...

Sejah Haversh
May 25th, 2002, 06:26:57 PM
Me? He wants, me? Sejah thought, his eyes wide as Shade picked him. But after their training sessions, the mongoose knew better than to argue with him. That, and a portion of his soul wanted to follow, for he somehow knew Shade would find some action. Nodding to Shade, Sejah tugged on his gloves to sit them better on his arms, and then followed.

The complex was old, probably having been there a number of years, and appeared to have been added onto at various times, for the hallways were not all the same in structure and shape. The air was dank and musty, but Sejah made no complaint, even though his sense of smell was more acute then most of the others. His tail flicked anxiously behind himself, and his paw found itself hovering above the center of his belt; ready to grab at his saber if the need arose. But it was an old habit, and his paw was still more apt to grab at the second weapon in his belt. His kris.

IT was a weapon of great significance to him, having been passed through the family for slightly over a hundred years. A kris is a dagger with a grip like a revolver handle, and a wavy blade of damascus steel. It's scabbard was wooden, with a boat'shaped top, and was inserted through the front of his belt. Though he had become decently proficient with his saber, the kriss was a familiar weapon, and important to keep handy.

As they progressed through the halls, Shade seemed to know where he was going, so Sejah just followed, until noises made his large ears c ockand scan. Stoping still, he whispered, "I hear something. Do you sense anything?"

Azhure Darkstone
May 25th, 2002, 11:44:16 PM
::Azhure followed Xazor, not making any noise and watched as Xazor sent a man flying force blast. She did not linger watching but went to work, knowing the other two were doing the same.
She got her saber, ignited it, turned the length of the saber point to a smaller degree and started cutting through the chains, she did not speak to any of them, and if any of them tried she told them to hurry. There was no time, and she was not talkative when concentrating. She had done three cages but there were many more, was there enough time? If there wasnt they'd have to make do. Another cage was broken through, and she let the prisoners open the door themselves as she opened another. There was a small boy who did not make an attempt to move out, were where his parents? Why did someone leave him behind, he had a broken leg but that was no reason. She ran in quickly and picked him up, careful of the legs position, hoping the others were opening the doors quickly and dragged him out without a word, ignoring his cries of pain. Pain or death, it could be healed later. One of the prisoners took the boy and she smiled at the boy briefly before she returned to opening cages::

Xazor, how much time left?

Shade Magus
May 26th, 2002, 03:25:48 PM
Shade nodded, but kept walking. He spoke in almost a whisper, but the Force carried it to Sejah's ears.

"Yes...there are three gaurds follingus. One on your left and two on your right. They think that they have gone undected so just play along....and if they try to capture us then let them. This way more security will be brought here and the others will have an easier time."

No sooner had Shade spoken than the three gaurds deactivated a cloaking devie and rushed at the pair. He had to force himself not to grab his lightsaber, but he didn't want it to look like he was putting on an act so he threw a right cross at the first one to reach him and the other jumped on him and wrestled him to the ground.

May 26th, 2002, 04:31:54 PM
Kanji followed suit of the other two, instead of cutting the chains. Kanji grasped the chains and snapped them with pure strength. Suddenly, Kanji heard something coming down the hallway behind them. Looking at one of the fallen guards, Kanji concentrated and took his form. Taking the keys from one of the fallen guards, he unlocked the remaining cells and walked torward the hallway. Two guards came forth infront of him.

"What's going on here?" One asked,

"What are ya talkin about, nothing's wrong here." Kanji replied, faking a look of anger, "It's all quiet and dandy." The guards gave him a foul look and turned back down the hall.

Kanji waited until they were out of sight before referting to his normal form and continuing with freeing the remaining prisoners.

Sejah Haversh
May 26th, 2002, 08:29:01 PM
Sejah had intentionally lost a match only once, and it was due to circumstances set upon himself by others who held a great deal of power in his home town. But at least this loss would be noble.

As Shade was rushed, Sejah spun to see another guard charging at himself. A smirk on his face, Sejah knew he was supposed to lose, but he never said he wouldn't put up a fight before doing so. After all, the more comotion, the more guards there would be.

Just before his own personal attacker was upon him, Sejah dropped and snapped out a set of kicks to the inside of his right knee, and then dropped forward into a kneel, slamming home a full-knuckled punck to his groin. As the guard reached down out of instinct to protect his pained area, Sejah reached up and grabbed his hair with both paws and yanked down hard, slamming him face-down onto the hard floor. Sure it was a bit excessive, but it got the desired result; one of the other two guard's attention.

And it got it in a big way, too. An electric shock ripped through the Nehantite's body as a stunning rod was jammed into his back. Gritting his teeth as he fell over, Sejah could hardly move. He had been expecting a taser shot, but not one that powerful.

Xazor Elessar
May 26th, 2002, 10:24:41 PM
Xazor shook her head and whipped out her Lightsaber. Spinning around, she jumped up into the air to cut the chains and locks of the multi-level holding unit. The doors swung open and people began climbing down. She then turned to Azhure.

"Not much time is left....Shade and Sejah will be caught....we must hurry."

She said as she cut through some more chains. The people looked at the three of them curiously, especially the young children who's eyes widened at the sight of the sabers. Finally all of the locks and chains were cut, and all of the doors were open. Now the real challenge was transporting the slaves without anyone noticing. It would be a very difficult task, especially with guards everywhere.

Azhure Darkstone
May 27th, 2002, 02:59:57 AM
::Azhure nodded, wondering what she had up her sleeve. Azhure was used to dissapearing by herself but all these people.....
There would have to be a distraction on this part as well if guards came, or a quick unconcious fix. Hopefully these people didnt make too much noise. They could escape through a back entrace, the guards near the front may have awakened by now and there would be extra guards at the front. There would most probably be extra guards in every exit if the guard had alerted security.
She walked towards the slaves and told them to be quiet in a hushed whisper, they obeyed, some not sure of what was happening and of what their motives were.
Azhure looked around the corners waiting for the others and watching for gaurds::

Xazor Elessar
May 27th, 2002, 12:10:07 PM
Xazor had a good plan up her sleeve. With a grin, she walked over to Azhure and spoke softly.

"I have a plan....when you hear a loud explosion and you see a bunch of smoke roll through the hall and enter her, take everyone out the exit in the back. It is to your right....just keep going straight ahead. No guards are outside in the back, I already looked before we came in here. Alright, you have to trust me on this one....."

She smiled and gently sqeezed the woman's shoulder in comfort. The Knight then ran out of the hall they were in. From out of her robes, she took a small bomb-like device....it was actually a flare missle, but it could be used for destructive purposes also. She pressed a button, pulled out a wire, and then lit its wick with the help of the Force. She quickly tossed it across the hall and threw herself back several yards. As she did this, the flare missle landed and exploded, knocking out a wall and setting off a number of alarms. Her robes were all tattered now, and she had a few cuts on her arms and legs....but the most important thing was, was that she looked like one of the slaves. Keeping her saber hidden, she laid on the ground crying in false agony for help. Immediatly, a whole regime of guards reported to the area, along with a med unit. This drew all attention away from the slave holding chambers, where Azhure and Kanji were. Now they could safely lead every one of the slaves out the back way....and Shade and Sejah could escape as well for the guards they were dealing with ran to the sight of the explosion. Though Xazor had badly sprained her left wrist, it was little on comparison to the many lives the destraction saved. As the guards fussed over her, she allowed them to tend to her wounds and question her. The Knight acted delirious...and it didn't help them much, which was her plan...to stall for the others.

Shade Magus
May 27th, 2002, 12:47:06 PM
The gaurds tooik the two Jedi to a back room. They had fifteen gaurds surrounding them, and if Shade's memory served right that was over half of the gaurds that were in the building. When they sat the two down, Shade looked over and could see that Sejah was still groggy from the shock.

Gaurd-"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Shade smiled at the gaurd and brought his now free hands around to the front and enjoyed the look of surprise on the gaurds' faces.

Shade-"I am here to put a stop to your operations."

Guard-"What the?!"

No sooner ad the guard openned his mouth, Shade gave him a right hook and a left jab to the one behind him. He called his lightsaber to his hand. Gaea's green blade came to life as he twirled it around, knocking back bolts as they wizzed past him.

Sejah Haversh
May 27th, 2002, 09:25:27 PM
His senses still not fully about himself, Sejah's mind lingered for a moment as Shade popped one of the guards in the mouth.

A burst of adrenalin was released through is veins, and his eyes deeped their shade lightly as a result of the chemical augmenting his thinking and strength. His own saber had been taken away form him, but his kris, looking so foriegn, ahd been left in his belt. Had one not known what it was, they would have thought it to be an ornamental piece of wood. after all, Jedis didn't usually carry a real balde, did they?

Realizing he had to help, Sejah dug in his heels and leapt backwards, slamming the guard behind himself into the wall, and then pushed off him while drawing his kris dagger and punching another guard, raking the blade edge along his face. An illegal move, but he knew it would work. After that, he flipped the dagger over and passed it into his right paw, diving forward and as another guard raised a blaster to shoot at him with, Sejah slashed his hand, splaying three fingers and cutting down the lower palm as he released his hold on his weapon. A second strike was then administered to his right thigh; stabbing and then twisting the wavy balde before ripping it back out.

The feelign that his kris was adequete to deal with the guards neearly sank in; until a series of balster bolts nearly ceased his brain activity. Thinking out of survival instinct, he grabbed up the guard's fallen blaster, and turned it on the others. His shots--though fast--were erratic, but a few found their targets.

Another guard seeking refuge behind a small console wall fired off a snap shot and blasted the gun form his paws. Diving to the side, Sejah peeked up and saw that the others were focused on Shade. He also saw a welcome sight--his lightsaber!

Reachign out, he snatched up the silver metal handle and squeezed the button on it, bringing the blue saber to life. His eyes were a full red, and his connection to the light side of the Force was gone. He was tapping into emotions, and using them to fuel his abilities. It was how he was tought to fight before, but this time lives were on the line, and one of them was his.

Azhure Darkstone
May 28th, 2002, 03:51:50 AM
::Azhure didnt like it but she trusted Xazors judgement. This was no time to debate and Xazor knew what she was doing.
Looking around the area again for soldiers and for the sign she saw the smoke and assembled the people, well those who werent trying to get their own brains to understand anyway.
She pulled Kanji over and looked around::

You go to the front of everyone and lead them to the right side of the area to the back exit. Ill go behind. Keep a lookout for guards or the other jedi and make your way as quickly as possible. I'll be behind the people

::Azhure nodded good luck and went behind, telling people to hurry as they made their way through the long hall.
There was not much time left and so many people to move along.
Finally after what seemed a logmn time, seven close calls with guards who thankfully did not see them. Slaves were used to being slient. That was one thing trained assasins and slaves had in common. One made out of fear, one made out of forced practise.
SAhe saw Kenji force the door open and she started ushering them out, with Kenji's help. This would take some time. While ushering she also kept a lookout for guards or any of the jedi::

Shade Magus
May 28th, 2002, 07:52:06 PM
Shade knocked blaster bolt back at the gaurd on his right. He then turned and brought it down, neatly slicing the barrel of anothers blaster. He was about to do the same to another when he felt something. A disturbance almost. He looked 9over and saw Sejah with is lightsaber, he took no thought of it until he looked closer with the Force ad saw he was figting with emotions, emotions that connected one with the darkside.

"Sejah! What are you doing?!"

Shade swung his blade to the right and deflected a bolt. He Force pushed two gaurd back and spun around on the ball of his heel. That was it. There was only one more gaurd and his fate stood in the hands of Sejah, just as the mongoose's fell in Shade's

"Come on Sejah...remember what I taught you...."

Sejah Haversh
May 28th, 2002, 11:38:16 PM
As Sejah raised his saber for a strike that would have cleaved the last guard's body in two, Shade's words reached his ears. A moment of clarity struck him and he looked into the guard's face to see the utter terror on the man's face, his hands shaking so badly thet couldn't have shot a gun if he he had tried.

Those who used ml-intendt and angered emotion fell into the path of the Sith, He remembered, and stayed his paw on his saber for a moment, though not bringing it down. Think, feel. Let the Force use you, not you use it. He then recalled.

Looking back to Shade momentarily, the Nehantite then sudden;y growled and swung his saber down forard at the guard. Though ont he way, he shut it off, and only bashed the guard's face with the hard metal butt of the handle, blacking him out.

Stepping back, Sejah looked down at himself and then at soem of the other guards lying about,a nd saw that he had overstepped his authority buy using excessive force. Bending down, he picked up his kris and wiped the blood from it on the uniform of a goard before sheathing it, and then looking back to Shade, though fear of ounishment was evident in his eyes as they shifted from their cromson of anger back to their normal pink.

"I-, I'm sorry. I've never been in battle before. Only competition. I will understand if you choose to not train me further because of my actions, Master Magus." He said solemnly.

Shade Magus
May 29th, 2002, 06:03:59 PM
"We all make mistakes. The point is that you learned to control it before you cause real damage."

Shade then bent down and picked up some key cards and swiped one at the door. Thanks to Force Memory he was able to recall it. Sage's teachings were really helping him.

[i]"come on let's go to the others and see how they are doing.

Xazor Elessar
May 29th, 2002, 08:15:12 PM
The guards swarmed Xazor. One picked her up by the back of her collar and glared into her eyes.

"Who are you and what are you doing? You're a slave, aren't you? Get against the wall, bi**h!"

The man slammed Xazor against the wall. She cringed in pain...real pain. No one was supposed to get hurt...but she was. He came up to her and knelt on the floor, then slapped her in the face when she wouldn't speak. It was all part of the sacrifice, though...and other's lives would be saved.

"My name is Xazor...and I am a better person than you!"

She said as she rolled over and snap-kicked him in the side of the head. The guard fell back, but others were there to put her back in line. One main came and grabbed her precious hair, pulling her up to stand. His hand was quickly filled with a warm red liquid...the blood that was flowing from the wound in the back of the Knight's head. She growled deeply and her canines reached their maximum length. They were quite intimidating...enough for the guard to let go of her. The woman's body slumped to the ground as another guard came and reprimanded the one who let her go. He kicked her in the side, fueling the anger she felt toward them now. Glaring up at the one who stood over her, her eyes changed...they split right down the middle and the sides became black. All the color that was left was the piercing blue and silver they normally held. This was not normal, though. She was changing slowly. It had only happened once before, but not fully. Her body was pumped with Adrenaline, and was getting stronger now...her muscles seemed to enlarge.

Standing up, she appeared at a menacing height to the man now. Growling deeply and audibly, she stared right through him.

"What you are doing here is wrong...and I am going to put a stop to it now..."

With that, she side-jacked the man in the face, taking out about five more, just like holo-pins. She stepped up and glared at all of them.

"Go back to your offices...there is nothing to see here."

She said, waving her haid in front of them. The mind trick worked wonders as the men cowered around her and went back to one small chamber toward the front of the building. The distraction had worked! Turning around, she returned normal once again...and the immense pain she had forgotten, returned to her head. Grasping the wound, she fell to her knees and tears streamed from her eyes. She couldn't concentrate enough to take the pain away because it hurt so much....

Sejah Haversh
May 30th, 2002, 12:46:25 AM
Sejah followed, but was shaken. He had shot two men with the blaster bad enough to make them pass out, and severely wounded two others with his kris. But what shook him to the core was that he nearly killed a man, and with his lightsaber no less. His paws tingled as he could still feel it hin them, wanting to brind the blade down and snuff out the man's life. Shuddering, he pushed it from hsi mind, and followed Shade.

They back-tracked through corridoors and hallways, encountering no resistance. Sejah took a drink from his canteen to relieve his dry throat from the action of the fight, still contemplating what had happened to make himself so violent.

Coming back to the entryway, they had still not encountered Xaxor or the others, and Sejah asked quietly "Shade, do you sense them? Have they gone another direction?"

Azhure Darkstone
May 30th, 2002, 02:56:32 AM
::Azhure didnt know what it was but somehthing felt wrong. Someone was hurt. She loooked at Kenji and the slaves wondering if she should leave and make all the jedi vunerable. Perhaps this is what was being planned, a trap?
The feeling still didnt go away and she looked at Kenji once more, catching his eyel. She knew her answer::

You continue getting these slaves out, I have to check something

::She knew if anything was wrong Kenji would have to handle it but he was no more the same level as she was and for some reason something told her she couldnt wait. Somehow the slaves would be alright, if Xazor had been right.
moving softly along the corrodor, her feet were swift to the area where the force had sent her. It must eb getting stronger in her and if she felt it so must have the knights.
Xazor lay there in pain, and Azhure looked around. She could have asked what had happened but felt no need for it, it had happened regardless. She could have asked if Xazor was ok, but was not in the habit of that and could see quite plainly she wasnt ok. This was the need for healing powers, somehthing she did not know. The head appeared to be wounded and Azhure forced herself to see this woman as any other being, a thing that long ago had seemed so easy. Just a body, just another person. Now it seemed harder but she managed and put one hand on the head, not knowing what to do other than trying to stop the blood from coming out. She had never healed anyone other than herself, manually::

Xazor, hang on. I..I dont know what to do...

:;That comment from her own mouth stung. dont know what to do? she had always known what to do. She hated not knowing what to do. Felt helpless, stupid, infintile. Almost lost for one of the first times in her life. Somewhere in her devaloping mental powers she called for Shade. He'd know what to do, had to.
She had never felt too friendly towards anyone who was injured, accept Matthias and it felt strange, scary::

SHADE! Hurry.

::Most of the slaves would be out by now, only a few left. She had not felt any other bad feelings so it must be going alright. Her head felt like it was exploded, she had always been in control and now...things werent going very well at all, not methodical at all. Calm down, keep a detatched eye on things::

Shade Magus
May 30th, 2002, 05:53:07 PM
Shade turned to answer Sejah's question, but stopped in mid-turn. He looked around and then sprinted out of sight. He rsan hader tha he had ever ran before.

He came to a dead stop as he saw Azhure standing over Xazor's body. He turned to his finacee and knelt, slightly knocking into the Jedi Padawan.

"No....Xazor....what happened..."

Shade reached out with a mental connection and felt for Xazor's life force. He felt it faintly, but it was there.

Shade placed his hand on Xazor's hand and opened himself up to the Force. He let it guide him as he brushed his hand across her head. He felt its healing powers, and then fell to a world of darkness.

Xazor Elessar
May 30th, 2002, 09:04:25 PM
Xazor was suddenly aware of someone's presence. The Knight had fallen unconscious while she waited for someone to come, but no one had. She had almost lost hope when she then felt the strong presence of Shade. He couldn't see her like this...hurt.....weak, and suffering. Subconsciously, she reached out for him.

Shade....I can't come back, I don't know why I can't regain mental and physical awareness. I must be hurt badly....

Of course she could not feel anything, for the coma was protecting her body against the deep pain her head injury was causing her. She felt helpless...like she would never come back fully. It was a scary feeling...one she had not had in a long time....

Azhure Darkstone
May 31st, 2002, 02:52:29 AM
::Azhure wanted to stay fi she was ok, but knew she was of no use here. There was one thign sahe couldnt stand and that was beign useless. She nodded to Shade once and ran back to the slaves. Things seemed to eb going well and only around twenty were left to go out. She did not smile, but was pleased at the progress. Lets just hope the other jedi can make it.
She began to hurry the slaves again, putting the worry to the back of her head, becoming less emotional. It wasnt logical to feel that now.::

Time is running out...we must hurry. Good job people, lets move

Shade Magus
Jun 2nd, 2002, 07:08:22 AM
Shade picked up Xazor and started after Azhure.

"You'll be ok."

Jun 2nd, 2002, 02:23:48 PM
Kanji rushed out the remaining slaves and kept a few guards from preventing the excape. There were about 10 to 15 more slaves coming followed by the others of the rescue squad.

A Guard stepped infront of Azhure but fell with a thud from a thrown hammer that smacked him between the shoulderblades.

"C'mon! They've alerted the whole damned camp and coming in force!" He shouted, funneling the rest of the slaves out.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 2nd, 2002, 02:38:18 PM
Xazor heard Shade's reassuring words and smiled inside.

Thank you....

She spoke softly in his mind. She was now aware that he was carrying her....and they were in a hurry. More guards were alerted but the diversion she had created worked perfectly....now all they had to do was get out and get her back to full consciousness.....

Sejah Haversh
Jun 3rd, 2002, 12:55:17 AM
Sejah didn't know waht to do as Xaxor lay there, so he just stood to the side, watching to make sure they weren't ambushed. She was his teacher, he didn't want to lose her. And she was spoken of as a great warrior, as well, so he wondered just what had happened. Looking down at his footpaws for a moment, his pink eyes went wide.

There was blood on his shirtfront, and on the front of his trousers as well; and it was not his own. He must have hit some of the guards harder with his kris than he had thought. Hoping none of the others would make a big deal about it, the Nehantite tightened his grip on his lightsaber and looked up as he quicked his pace to follow after the others as they began to move again.

The smell of all the slaves clouded his usually keen sense, making it nearly worhtless for tracking down incoming guards; and his senses throught he Force were hardly developed beyond what he had figured out on his own as a fencer. But as Kanji announced that the whole camp was alerted, Sejah's mind geared itself to action and defense, forcing needless concerns and worries out. His finger twitched dangerously close to the activation switch on his lightsaber in anticipation of another encounter, hoping he would eb able to control himself better the second time.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 3rd, 2002, 04:20:55 AM
::Azhure nodded to Kenji, a thank-you though she felt foolish for not seeing the gaurd herself. A senseless slip up.
The slaves were out and she could see the other running. Azhure waited for them to come, getting out her sword, Claymore, her saber on hand if she needed it, trusting herself more with steel.
Azhure would fight the guards until she knew everyone was out::

Shade Magus
Jun 8th, 2002, 04:27:48 PM
Shade ran after the others. This was not goiing to plan. The only two knights had been, for the moment atleast, handicapped and they had to reply on the others. He didn't know about the other two, but he didn't know if he could trust Sejah in combat just yet. He had seen what had happened earlier, but he had to make do.

Shade didn't want the mongoose man to go down the darkside like he had once while he fought his brother.

"Come on....we are almost out."

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 9th, 2002, 01:10:31 AM
::Azhure just missed a laser beam, flipped back, and saw another one coming for her neck, moving slightly it hit her arm. Cursing at the pain rising, she clenched her jaw and bore the pain. She could feel the blood seeping out, it was not on her sword arm. Everyone was out accept the other jedi. She kicked the guy in an area in the back, purposely and he went down, unconcious and probably very stiff and sore when he woke up. Azhure had to stop herself from kicking the mans spine, as she used to do, she was a jedi now.
Another was behind her, hit her in the neck and she dropped to her knees, forcing her painful arm to hit him in the side, her left leg pushed her up and she hit him in the face, making him unconcious. Anger rose in her for her own incompetence, your becoming weaker, not observative enough. Looking ahead the jedi were nearly to the door, so she started to follow, she would think about further concentration training later::

Sejah Haversh
Jun 10th, 2002, 01:05:03 AM
"...Out of the canyon, and into the fire, N'duk ran; his heart allready racing from what he had previously encountered. Strange urges of rage had qickened the blood in his veins, and as he neared danger once more, they flowed mroe freely, nearly consuming him as he saw what lay ahead. But Garfife took pity on him, and quelled his anger, giving him peace in which to think. N'duk was saved that day for being allowed his wits through the insanity of the Sherouve chase, and forged on to carry out his given task."
-N'duk the Hunter, passage from Nehantite lore.


Sejah's body refused to let him stow his lightsaber, and it remained clenched in his paw as the group of Jedi pressed on back to the subterranean complex's enterance. Flecks of red still speckled his pink irises, remainders of the rage that had nearly consumed him shortly before.

"We're almost there, I can see the enterance," He called out to the group as they ran as fast as they could, Shade carrying Xaxor, "I smell gun oil, there must be more coming up from behind us. Go, I'll delay them." He insisted, dropping back a bit, though he did feel a pit of fear in his heart as he pondered the thought of himself attempting to hold off a backup squad of armed guards. It was not a comforting thought, but eh kenw that the Knights could do more for others if they lived through it than he could. It was an acceptable risk, in his eyes, though his judement was clouded.

Xazor Elessar
Jun 10th, 2002, 08:46:10 AM
Xazor rested in Shade's arms as he carried her out of the complex. She had some knowledge as to what was going on around her...but not enough to feel the intense pain in her body.

Azhure....I can't speak in Sejah's mind or he'll be paralyzed for a short time. You and he should go up to the next door way and keep a look out for guards. I know that there are some...let Kanji lead the slaves out, and let Shade pick up the rear with me.

She spoke in her friend's mind as she laid physically unconscious in Shade's arms. Her mind was quite active...but only subconsciously. She had no real control over what her body did, or what she felt....but her Force abilities remained, thankfully....

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 12th, 2002, 01:49:45 AM
:;Azhure heard Xazors voice and listened to the instructions carefully, not bothering to ask how Xazor knew.::

Sejah, Xaxor advices you and I to go to the next doorway and look for gaurds. kenji will lead the slaves.

::She nodded at Xazors almost lifeless form and ran swiftly and soundlessly to the nearing of the next doorway, stopping and looking for guards, her sword ready and her other arm aching. It's pain, forget it. Pain only gets in the way... Her voice was a whisper soft enough for only Sejah to hear::

Five on the left, three coming towards us, and one two near the door. Can you see any more?

Sejah Haversh
Jun 15th, 2002, 03:19:46 AM
"I can't see any more, Azhure, I think you got them all," Sejah said as he looked back down the hallway, and then back towards the door. "And I don't think they'll just turn tail and run when they see lightsabers, either," he added, reachign his left paw behind his back and into the folds of this wide sash-belt.

I came out grasping the handle of an old-model pistol. It was a slug-firing weapn, technically a .45 semi-automatic. Though he had no formal trainign with the weapon, the process of using one seemed simple: point and fire, repeat process. Using his other paw he slid back the top of the gun, cocking it. It was then obvious that he was used to more than just swordfighting, you become accustomed to other things living in the wrong side of town all your life.

"On three, we go. We clear a path for the others, and then cover them while they take it. I don't want to kill, but I doubt our adversaries feel the same way." his voice had an unusual coldness to it, and his eyes didn't seem to sparkle with their innocence as he held the gun. But it wasn't the Dark side flowing therough him, it was another aspect of his heritage. Sejah was a descendant of a Sherouve; a desert tribe who were feared fighters and assassins. It later became nown that they were genetically superior in their mindset for battle, but Sejah didn't know he shared their bloodline.

Stepping up to the backside of the door, the mongoose nodded to Azhure and said quietly, "One, two, three."

With a burst of speed, Sejah flund the roor open and rolled around the coornetr out of it, smashing one guard in the head with the hilt of his saber. Another further away fired a shot that narrowly missed him. That was all it took. Sejah raised his arm and fired two shots into the guard's chest, and then dropped a bead on the next one's head, repeating fire. Their armor might have been designed to stop blaster bolts, but not slugs. There was no doubt they were dead.

Looking back down into the doorway, Sejah loered his pistol and ignited his saber. The guards would come to him, and not the others if he planned it right. It wasn't the plan Shade and Xazor had been hoping for, but it was one he thought would get Xazor to safety.

The life of a Master was worth more than that of a Padawan, he thought.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 15th, 2002, 11:41:51 PM
::Azhure saw something in his eyes, something familiar. It reminded her of the eyes of everyone she had grown up with. Detatching herself from her emotions that might conflict she ran
up to one gaurd, he aimed a shot at her head, but she flipped behind him and her elbow went into his neck, hard enough to drive him unconcious. She heard shooting behind her and turned to see the two guards at the door aiming at her. Groaning she looked around for a weapon that would hit them. Guns, she hated guns, for they were simple aim and shoot, and it was over in a second.
Not possessing a blaster of her own, she took the guards one and aimed at the two guards, near the door, and moving towards it, making sure she had a good distance to the door to keep the way clear. With the injured arm she stretched it and figured a good amount of distance, while the other hand shot another guard before he could shoot her.
She could hear more footsteps coming their way, and her body braced itself for quicker movement and a keener eye::

Xazor Elessar
Jun 16th, 2002, 12:42:57 AM
She felt it then.....suffering....dying. People were dying and it did not have to be. Her subconscious overpowered her body and she opened her eyes just a moment as Shade carried her past the bodies on the floor and out through the open door. Her heart jumped in her chest and she closed her eyes once again, unconscious. The Knight coughed a few times.....blood coming up and making a stain in her skin. She was bleeding internally and needed help soon. The woman knew, though, that Sejah had killed....it was not Azhure, it was the one who still had so much to learn. Against her better judgement, she spoke in his mind.

You must stop now!!! Taking a life of another is a transgression against the Force and is a stain upon your soul!!

Her thoughts cried out to his mind and those of the Force sensitive within a few mile radius. Though completely unconscious, she was not useless....yet.......

Sejah Haversh
Jun 16th, 2002, 01:10:34 AM
A massive blow hit Sjah's brain as Xazor sent her mental message. His face contorted in pain as he dropped both his gun and saber and fell to his knees and paws. His heart nearly skipped as his brain wouldn't function correctly to tell it to beat, and his breath was caught in his throat, refusing to move. He had to smach a fist hard against his chest to open his breathign passage again,a dn then heaved deep breaths as his eyes squeezed out tears.

That had been the most painful message yet, and he hadn't understood a word of it, it was so loud and direct. Opening his eyes, his head throbbed but he saw a guard armed with a spearlike staff headed his way. Without thinking, he grabbed up his gun once more and fired two shots, one into each of the man's thighs, dropping him and effectively putting him out fo comission.

It was surprising, really, that he was able to hit him that accurately, his vision slightly blurred, but rapidly clearing. Taking up his saber again, Sejah stowed his .45 in his belt and stood up, lookign back to Azhure putting the other guards out of comission. "Azhure! Come on, Xazor needs to get out of here! Shade, Kanji, hurry up, the ship shouldn't be far!" Sejah shouted, having momentarily forgotten about the freed slaves at the moment, and how they would get off the planet.

Azhure Darkstone
Jun 16th, 2002, 02:04:48 AM
::Azhure watched the reaction to the message Xazor sent Sejah and it looked mighty painful. When he started carrying on she looked at him::

What and leave the slaves here?

::Azhure felt the bottem ankle are of her pants and pulled out a mouth-seal pad, enough for sixteen mouths. They were useful when you needed someone silent, but alive. And alive was what the jedi aimed at, especially Xazor if she judged from what the message to Sejah might have been. Putting the seals over the mouths of the gaurds and putting the pad rolled back onto her leg flat, she stepped back and nodded at Sejah. She sent a message to Xazor, wondering where they were at::

We have cleared the area, theres no-one around. Give me the clear for us to follow you when everyones ok. We'll keep watch until you send for us

::To Sejah she nodded, not sure if this is the right moment to ask the question or if it was rude to ask. If you asked an assasin if they were ok in the middle of a mission, it was saying they were weak and needed help.::