View Full Version : Unbelievable....[masked spoilers]

May 16th, 2002, 05:57:37 PM
I was impressed...I'll say more later.

May 16th, 2002, 06:10:05 PM
Unbelieveable is RIGHT!!

you know I was not sure of how people would react with all the love story going on,you know it's not action !! But in each of the 3 times I have seen it thus far I heard NO!! complaints about it :) there were VERY few poeple who even left there seats to get something. NO sigh's of Oh my ,More love crap. George got it right (although I love TPM) . Also I had the feeling that People PAID attention to what was going on Like they were really into it:)

All it takes to love this movie is to Pay attention to it . It really reveals SO!!! much.Listen to the music with each scene WOW!! that right there is anough to let you know. I wish I knew how to do the spoiler tag because I would really LOVE to say Just how Hayden as anikin gave me goose bumps in a couple of scenes,those who have seen it Should know what I'm talking about.Awesome just plain AWeSOMEHayden Christian is VADER (so to speak)

May 16th, 2002, 06:16:08 PM
Also I truely believe with all my heart Lucas is heading us towards the Greatest movie we will ever see or hope to see,ALL the plans have been laid.TPM and AOTC are just the ice tips,I really believe eps 3 will be nothing but an adrenaline(spell check) rush!

May 16th, 2002, 08:36:21 PM
I'm gonna give a quick spolier free review because I don't wanna write too much...and I still haven't figured out the whole masking thing. :)

I gotta give props to Hayden...he was excellent. I saw Vader in his eyes many times. Especially during one scene......that was the best part of the film to me, and THIS series' defining moment.

McGregor is even starting to have similar Obi Wan mannerisms...It's like he was channeling Sir Alec. I really liked the chemistry between Master and Apprentice.

The love story...weak at times...yet fascinating to watch Anakin live on the border of good and bad.

Dooku...very Vader like to me...which is the highest compliment I can bestow upon a villain.

Music...classic of course.

Effects...see above.

Sound....most impressive, even more so than the visuals to me.

I need time to let the film marinate...but preliminarily the film is as good if not better than ANH, but not quite ESB. Nonetheless it is the film I dreamed it would be....I was so happy as I left the theatre. It towers over TPM and ROTJ.

Admiral Lebron
May 16th, 2002, 08:49:48 PM
Windu is evil! He decapitated the icon of coolness for Episode II!

Other then that major shock to me the movie was about A material. I did, though, did not like the Saber fight at the end, flashing just the lights on the faces between Anikan and Dooku was not fun for the eyes and it took away from the coolness of saber fight.

May 16th, 2002, 08:56:39 PM
Jango Fett was a very cool character. He was an iceman bad***. I also loved how Boba glared at Obi-Wan and cheered his father with wicked laughter. Gave us tremendous insight of the Boba Fett we seen in OT. Everyone cheered when his head was chopped off in the theatre but I didn't. However, it was Windu(one of my fav Jedi) that killed him and that lessens the sting alittle. ;)

I do not agree with you Lebron. The duel between Dooku and Anakin was beautifully metaphoric. Lucas did that on purpose!

May 16th, 2002, 10:31:03 PM
Metaphoric how?

Anyway, I rhought AotC was really good, I can't wait for a second dose tomorrow at 3!

Jedi Master Carr
May 16th, 2002, 10:52:12 PM
Speaking of Boba he has been confirmed to return in Episode 3 anybody think he will be after some revenge, it look like he was about 12 or 13 here so that would make him 15-17 depending on how many years pass by between 2 and 3 so it is possible. Not sure if he could beat Mace though, maybe he kills some Jedi Padawans, could explain the braids on his armor (everybody has thought they were Wookie braids but that could change) I still think Jango was cooler than Darth Maul and way more important, realize he still exists through the Clonetroopers and Boba Fett so actually he exists in the time of OT. What did Jango in was arrogance, he thought he could take on Mace, he killed one jedi and defeated two others so he figured he could beat Mace, and that was his mistake.

May 16th, 2002, 11:23:56 PM
JMK... The images were metaphoric and possible foreshadow... him and Dooku dancing in the _dark_. Metaphoric of Anakin's turning to the darkside... in essence joining Dooku in the "shadows"... joining the darkside. The intense expression of determination and anger written on Anakin's face. And the possible foreshadow of an future event.. as they fought in literally darkness.. they will fight again in the darkside.

May 16th, 2002, 11:34:32 PM
I agree, Carr, Count Dooku and Jango Fett make Maul a forgettable character. Especially with the larger role both of them played in the machinations of the universe's corruption.

Jango's refusal to flee may have been arrogance. He did dispatch the horned Jedi easily.. on the balcony. Or perhaps his jetpack was serious damaged after the reek trampled him. The equipment was definitely suffering a short of some sort. Now I really loved this Jango character. I like to imagine the latter, he was doing the only thing he could have and that is keeping shooting. Hoping to get a lucky shot, a suicidal last stand because no ordinary human being can outrun an enraged Jedi.

Master Yoghurt
May 17th, 2002, 10:41:27 AM
I was most impressed by the movie myself. I agree with CMJ on what makes the film good. Not only does AOTC have outstanding effects, sound, music and visuals, but the acting and the plot is very good as well.

Lets talk about the acting a bit. Jango, Dooku and Palpatine/Sideous made excellent villains

* Palpatine was as manipulative as ever. I had to smile several times. "I love democracy!!", "You dont NEED guidance, Anakin..." etc. It was not only his lines, but the way he delivered them. I liked it a lot. It becomes apparent how many strings are pulled.

* Dooku was very powerful and manipulative as well. Notice when Obi is captured in the stasis field. "Join me, and we will destroy the Sith". So deceitful and just like Vader! He is so confident, it borders to arrogance. Mace pulled a lightsabre at him, and he just stands there calmly, having control of the situation. You can see his power just looking at his face expressions, how he manipulates by words, it is pure evil! Then the ligthsabre duel.. he is so skilled and superior that he just plays with Obi and Anakin. Maul seems like a wimp in comparison now, never thought I would say that! It is not only how controlled he is handling his sabre, but how he uses the Force while he fights as well, Force Lightning etc. This baddie means the business!

* Jango made for some amazing Bounty Hunter action. I love the fight in the rain. Great moves and high seat tilt factor. In fact, I thought everything about Kamino was fantastic. I like how Obi and Jango sends suspicious looks at each others. The cloning facilities and the Kaminoan were amazing. The asteroids chase was just.. WOW!

It was not only the villains that played their parts well though. I was really impressed by Haydens performance. At certain parts, you realise he is not only to become Vader, but he IS Vader. The Tusken village and the confession to Padme showed brilliantly on what path he is heading. Notice the look in his eyes when he is angered, most convincing. I also really like the humor and arguing between Anakin and Obi.

May 17th, 2002, 10:56:48 AM
I cheered when Jango had his head chopped off. He got what he deserved. He was a cool villian, but a villian nevertheless. All the cool costumes and gadgets make to no difference to me. If you're a murdering assasin and you're foolish enough to take on the second highest ranking Jedi in the galaxy then you deserve a good purple bladed beheading! But I certainly admired Jango's courage. He showed no fear in his taunting conversation with Obi-Wan. I also thought he was a much more compelling villian than Maul, and the OT Fett. He was actually an integral part of the plot. To think that every submissive, inept head banging Stormtrooper is a clone of Jango makes him an important part of the saga in my eyes. It did occur to me that we could see a full grown Boba in EP3. He is after all a clone, and the clones can be accelerted. He's already unique in that Jango wanted him to be more independant than the other clones. Who's to say he can't be further modified and have his growth accelerated?

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2002, 03:09:01 PM
Um, problem with that last one. I don't know how to do the masking, so, ARRGH! I can't point out your mistake!

May 17th, 2002, 03:18:16 PM
Well, Boba may not be full grown by next movie, because he was supposed to be unaltered.

Sejah Haversh
May 17th, 2002, 03:58:39 PM
That's it! Thank you, McBain.

May 17th, 2002, 04:29:00 PM
Sure he's unaltered, but when he was "conceived", he was probably yanked from the "brainwashing" sequence of the cloning process. He would still have the superior DNA, but have a mind of his own. It's a possibility, no?

Figrin D'an
May 17th, 2002, 07:16:34 PM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt

* Dooku was very powerful and manipulative as well. Notice when Obi is captured in the stasis field. "Join me, and we will destroy the Sith". So deceitful and just like Vader! He is so confident, it borders to arrogance. Mace pulled a lightsabre at him, and he just stands there calmly, having control of the situation. You can see his power just looking at his face expressions, how he manipulates by words, it is pure evil! Then the ligthsabre duel.. he is so skilled and superior that he just plays with Obi and Anakin. Maul seems like a wimp in comparison now, never thought I would say that! It is not only how controlled he is handling his sabre, but how he uses the Force while he fights as well, Force Lightning etc. This baddie means the business!

I completely agree with your assessment, Yog. Dooku reminded me of Vader on more than one occasion, with his complete confidence and the way that he treated Obi-Wan and Anakin as amateurs (he backed up his talk, too, which is all the more impressive).

However, you have to admit, if Dooku had decided to stick around instead of escaping to Coruscant with the Death Star plans... I think Yoda would have turned him into shish kabob. :)

Admiral Lebron
May 17th, 2002, 07:40:23 PM
I think what was great the way Dooku never once lied. He told the full truth and Yoda and others didn't believe him fully. Back to the general topic though, I bet Boba is growth accelerated just so he can kill Jedi in Episode III.

May 17th, 2002, 08:21:09 PM
I don't see why why he would need to excelerate his growth.If he is around 15 16 17 that would be old enough to do the deeds he is going to do ie... help destroy the jedi for killing his father.when I was 17 I was bigger and stronger than I am now. of course I'm sure it will depend on how many years between 2 and 3 .

Figrin D'an
May 17th, 2002, 08:31:38 PM
From everything I have heard and read, there is a 4 year gap between AOTC and Episode III.

so... that's something to think about....

May 17th, 2002, 08:54:27 PM
Gosh !I hate thinking :(

Jedi Master Carr
May 17th, 2002, 09:31:18 PM
I heard 2 or 3 could be as much as 4 I guess. Well AOTC takes place 22 years before ANH and Luke and Leia were about 18 (though I read somewhere they might have been 20) its hard to say right now I am think it will be about 3, it depends how much time takes place in EP 3. There would have to be a 9 month period for Padme to give birth to the twins so that would mean that EP 3 could take place over a longer timespan, (TESB has the longest though its not clear how long either several weeks or maybe a couple of months). as far as Boba goes, if there is a 3 year gap he would be at least 15 maybe 16 and I think he could take down some Jedi, not sure about Mace, I have a feeling that Mace will meet his end at the hands of Palpatine and we will then see how powerful he is.

May 18th, 2002, 02:16:23 AM
I agree with Carr. It is time we've seen just how powerful da man whom Darth Maul, Darth Tyrannus, and Darth Vader all bowed to and called "Master" is. Back to Boba... he is called the silent rage. You seen the love and trust he had for Jango. And the way little Boba sneered and glared at Obi-Wan was worth a thousand words. I think it would be ironic if it is Boba that kills Mace Windu... his father's killer. But I think it is highly unlikely. Boba has to play a bigger role in EP.III and history is full of young figures whom have accomplished great deeds. So it is not implausible if Boba turns out to be an awesome Jedi slayer in EP.III.

May 18th, 2002, 02:38:25 AM
Some great commentary here, but Jedieb had me laughing the hardest about Jango. :)

I couldn't agree more. My basic philosophy with the cheering/clapping and whatnot is that if someone else does, I do so also in support. Not to say I won't start my own, if I think it's appropriate. Like I didn't care at the midnight screening what everyone else did, that's their deal, I was clapping myself when Yoda showed up to kick some butt.

I'm not so sure about one thing you said, EB, I am not convinced Stormtroopers are clones at all yet. I'm not totally sold on that. I think it's likely, but not inevitable. Perhaps some are, some are not, or if they are, I don't know if they are Jango clones...

Lucas has said before...

TPM is 10 years before...

AOTC, which is 2 years before...

Episode III, which is 20 years before...

ANH, which is 3 years before...

ESB, which is one year before...


The gap between TPM and AOTC is rare because no other SW films are separated like that, except Episodes III and IV, but that's more natural because of the two different storylines (that, of course, collide into one giant saga).

I felt that Episode II, just totally in and of itself, was a DANG epic film, which is kind of odd because I don't really know that I'd say any SW film is super epic by itself, I always just considered it an epic saga. AOTC is amazingly epic, without any of the other movies.

Just imagining how much changes from TPM to ROTJ is frickin' remarkable. It's the most epic story ever told, I think. No other work is so long. LOTR is incredibly epic, but not quite as much material as the SW Saga (I realize there are more books besides just LOTR, like The Hobbit, The Simarillion, etc, but if you want to include those let's just go ahead and add the 150 SW novels, lol, didn't think so).

Admiral Lebron
May 18th, 2002, 08:29:40 AM
I think that some of the stormtroopers, would be left over Jango Fett clones, since I doubt all of them were killed off in the clone war. So it make sense if they were still in commision as they were perfect warriors. They are probably the basis for stormtroopers.