View Full Version : I still like TPM more.

May 16th, 2002, 10:43:10 AM
Flame me of you want. I understand why some many reviews are saying that they like AOTC much more than TPM, but think I enjoyed Episode 1 more in the theater than Ep.2

Maybe I was way too spoiled for Episode 2. Maybe talking thinking and breathing Star Wars so much for the past three years gave me way too much opportunity to blow up almost every scene and sequence into something more than it could be. (well ALMOST every scene).

[gotta go - more later]

May 16th, 2002, 10:55:47 AM
Why would anyone flame you for thinking that? So what if you're in the minority on that one. There isn't one identical ranking list for everybody. Look at the ranking thread, some have TPM in the middle of the pack, some at the bottom. There is NO one correct list. Love Jar Jar till you drop if you want!:D

May 16th, 2002, 11:05:14 AM
I thought there was more compelling and intricate stuff going on in TPM.

Overall AOTC does confirm some of the things that I THOUGHT was going on with Episode 1. Mainly how UN-action/adventury the prequels really are.

They have the same stucture - but the Good Guys are supposed to win and give you a feeling of triumph at the end of an action adventure movie.

With the prequels, even when the good guys 'win' they really don't. And it kind of FEELS that way. I think a lot of people will view this a a flaw - because the good guys winning is a key part of the 'magic' of the OT.

And as we all know, the PT is going in a completely different direction.

May 16th, 2002, 11:20:40 AM
ESB fits into your scenario, and it's certainly considered part of the OT magic. The good guys get their butts handed to them there.

Nathaniel Nore
May 16th, 2002, 01:29:46 PM
George "Let's see if i can cram the most technology and super duper special effects into one of my new movies and forget what made the OT so special, the story line." Lucas

is not putting much faith in me.

THIS IS MY OPINOIN however...I did like AOTC. Some scenes could have been done better...more dramatic....but...overall i dont know what to think....

Jedi Master Carr
May 16th, 2002, 03:28:03 PM
I really liked AOTC and I see where you are coming Darth, but Jedieb is right the bad guys did win in TESB so this film is similar though it appears the heroes do win in this movie. I think Ep3 might be a problem though because the bad guys will win and there will only be a glimmer of hope left (of course it does help that we know how the OT will turn out)

May 16th, 2002, 09:10:15 PM
ATOC was definitely a huge improvement over TPM. But the classics... OT... were more character driven with more subdued special/sound effects. That is what makes them so classic and charming. And there is no bigger screen presence like Darth Vader.. cold and calculating accentuated with an ominous deep voice and mechanical breathing. However ATOC was AWESOME!!!

Aayla Secura
May 16th, 2002, 09:12:09 PM
How true JMC!!! Ep3 won't be no ROTJ!

Doc Milo
May 16th, 2002, 09:22:20 PM
Well, in the prequels, there really shouldn't be a presence like Darth Vader until . . . well, the appearence of Darth Vader. It's the progression of the story. Remember, this is, in the end, One Story told in six parts. Therefore, things must build toward the OT . . . and this episode definitely does that!

May 16th, 2002, 10:05:55 PM
I agree with Doc...

Darth23, there is nothing wrong with that... TPM is an awesome movie, no matter what some people say. The podrace is still by far the most exhilirating sequence in any of the films, far above the Coruscant chase (which I loved!!!), IMO.

TPM is a great movie and I kind of like the light feeling of it, because we need that too. AOTC is super dark and it almost bothers me, haha, yet it is my new favorite film. It bothers me in a good way, but it's like every time I see it I want to go see TPM or ROTJ again just to balance that out ;) So I can remember that in the end, the good guys win, I want to see ROTJ again, haha.

May 16th, 2002, 10:16:08 PM
I like them both for different reason, I like the lightness of TPM, and the darkness of AotC.