View Full Version : Do you have a room? (open)

imported_Corin Zetith
May 15th, 2002, 08:51:21 PM
Corin walked into the jedi living quarters and asked the nearest passer by:

"Excuse me but do you possibly have a spare room for me?"

(ooc: my character needs a home somebody wanna help me?)

imported_Corin Zetith
May 20th, 2002, 04:10:07 PM
ooc:somebody wanna gimme a room or do i just find my own?

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 04:48:13 PM
OOC- Sejah's room suddenly turns from a single to a double. Yay, Force renovations!


Sejah was wandering the halls again, his leg having healed mostly form the last spar he had with Satine. Heading back to his room, he was stopped by a human he didn't recognize who asked him about a room.

Looking down the hall for a moment, Sejah stopped and shrugged his shoulders, replying, "Well, it's not a whole room, but, ut's got two beds. If you don't mind roomign with me, we can split mine. Most of the other rooms are taken, though,"

Smiling, he extened his gloved paw in handshake manner and said, "Well, even if you don't want to split, I'm Sejah, I take it you're new here? So am I. Good to meet you."

imported_Corin Zetith
May 20th, 2002, 06:45:38 PM
Corin grasped the offered arm and shook it heartily this was the first real friendly face he had seen thus far.

"i would gladly share a room with you, sir Sejah. thank you im currently just waiting for a master and want to feel at home. thanks for helping. I hope you don't mind sketch my astromech. he's pretty quiet most of the time, and he stays out of the way."

Corin followed Sejah to his new room. he had finally come the closest he had ever been to a real home in a long time.

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 07:02:31 PM
Opening the door with his keycard, Sejah stepped in and discreetly kicked a pair of pants that were on the floor under his bed. The room wasn't much, about the size of a college dorm with a bed against each wall, two windows with not much of a view, and a desk between teh two beds. On the wall opposite the feet of the beds stood a shelving unit and entertainment center, complete with holovid TV.

"Well, it's not much, but it works, and we get free cable, " Sejah joked, pulling off his gloves and tossing them on his bed, "Kitchenete is through there, and there's also a door to the bathroom. We have a compact laundry center in there too. I've only been here a few days myself, so I guess we're both waiting for masters."

Cricking his back, Sejah then pulled his lightsaber out of his belt and set it on the shelf bext to the TV before stepping into the kitchen and pouring himself a glass of water. Takign a drink wo quench his thirst, the mongoose smiled and looked back to Corin. "So, do I get to know my new roomate's name? Or shouldI just refer to you as Roomie?"

imported_Corin Zetith
May 20th, 2002, 07:42:49 PM
Corin placed his things on his bed and then slapped a hand to his forehead. his mother would have slapped him by now for not introducing himself.

"forgive me, my humblest apologies. my name is Corin Elijah Stefan Tobiath Zetith, or just Corin. 9corin smiled as he saw his new roomates amazement at having such a long/wierd name). i am of the royal zetith line of Naboo, the only one left of my line. it is a pleasure to have you as a roomate and a friend."

Corin offered him his hand again and smiled at his new found friend.

"hey, since you gave me a room; why don't we go get dinner and a drink? its on me."

ooc: hey do you have an email or yahoo msgr if so tell me and ill email you my characters profile/background and you can do likewise. my email iscclilred337@yahoo.com (http://)

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 07:58:36 PM
"Free food? I'm there!" Sejah chuckled, giving Corin's hand a good shake again. "But seriously, good to meet you, and you even sound royal, with that way you talk. That's cool."

Stepping back to his small closet in the wall by his bed, Sejah pulled out a new shirt and tossed it on his bed. "But mind if I change my shirt first? Just got done with a spar, and this one needs mending now. Mind kicking the door shut, there? Thanks."

With the ease of familiarity, Sejah unwound his belt and then pulled off his shirt and vest, wadding them up and tossing them into the hamper in the corner. He was decently well built, but not ripped or chiseled by any means. A medium brown fur covered most of his body, except for his headfur (hair), parts of his face, beneath his arms, and down his chest. Scratchign lightly at a spot where Satine had tagged him in the spar, Sejah then pulled his new shirt over his head and wound his cloth belt back into place, tugging it to make sure it fit right.

"There, much better. So, want to go now, or later? I could show you around a bit, if you like."

(OOC- I've got Yahoo Messenger. Look for Sejah_Haversh on it and that will be me. My e-mail is nehantish@hotmail.com, but you can read Sejah's biography int eh Jedi Biographies forum on the GJO main page. Goot to meet you. What's your Yahoo Messenger handle?)

imported_Corin Zetith
May 20th, 2002, 08:17:03 PM
Corin looked down at his bruised and beaten body from his spar earlier that morning with Shade Mangus and decided he better get cleaned up too.

"all right i'll take a quick refresher trip then we'll go ok?"

Corin grabbed his casual emerald green jedi robes that used to be his fathers and went into the bathroom. he came out a few minutes later and was ready to go.

"I hope you don't mind but my g/f might meet us there too. she'll want to meet you."

Sejah Haversh
May 20th, 2002, 08:30:08 PM
The Nehantite debated about wearing his gloves again, and eventually opted not to. Especially since there was going to be a lady present.

"You allready got a girlfriend here? Dang, you're quick! That's a trick you've got to teach me." Sejah joked as he adjusted the strap on his sandal that kept breaking, "Nice robe, too. Man, you really know how to work this place, don't you?"

Darth Uhlen
May 21st, 2002, 06:18:30 AM
Corin laughed, something he had not done in a while.

"no, no i've had a g/f for quite a while. she's just visiting with me and making sure i get in all right. she's been through alot of trauma lately with the force so i have just one request;do not even attempt to use it around her. it causes her pain. she is probably going to go home and visit her family for a while after this."

"thank you for the compliment about my clothes, they were my fathers. it was handed down to me along with my lightsaber."

Corin handed Sejah the weapon to inspect it.

OOC:hey if you wanna know about enya go to the Yavin IV post in the roleplaying forum.

Jedi Master Leia Solo
May 21st, 2002, 08:06:40 AM
OOC: Ummm...Corin you posted as a sith. I believe that was an error. I can delete it if you like ;) You see I saw a sith post here and since they are NOT suppose to I thought I look into it. But it was an error.

Let me know what you want to do.

Sejah Haversh
May 21st, 2002, 10:31:37 AM
OOC- Leia- I don't mind if he's got the Avatar different, I know who it is, so that's good enough for me. I don't have a problem with it.


It was then Sejah's turn to laugh, "You really don't know me yet, pallie. Trust me, I wouldn't be using the Force even if I wanted to. Like I said, I've just been here a few days, I'm no maser yet."

As Corin passed him the lightsaber, Sejah felt its weight in his paw, and found the grip to be well sculpted. It was then that he realized how low-end his own saber really was. "Man, this is nice," Sejah said, while performing a few practice swings with it, though without the blade extended, "Yeah, really nice. Good piece of work. And I don't have anything of my father's, well, one thing, but, I hardly remember him. Still this is a nice saber." He covered his speech about his dad by passing the saber back, then picking up his own and tucking it through one of the folds of his belt.

Compared to Corin, he felt underdressed, but seeign as he didn't have any finer clothes with him, what he wore would have to be good enough. Tugging on the left sleeve of his shirt to make it fit better, the brown mongoose asked, "So, are we ready to go?"

imported_Corin Zetith
May 21st, 2002, 09:21:28 PM
OOC: um yeah srry bout the posting mix up i do that alot, just pretend its corin.

IC: in noticed Sejah's quick cover up of his father's memory and decided being a roomate he would find out when sejah felt comfortable enough. he took his saber back from Sejah and spoke:

"My father left his jedi things for me to use when i was old enough. i dont use my weapon much, preferring my own fighting skills instead. and im not very good at lightsaber handling either. i only wear my cloak on rare/special occasions. you sir are my new roomate and the only one who has talked/befriended me since i landed. i thank you for that and i will wear it tonight as a token of my gratitude for your kindness. well lets go then."

as Corin walked out of the room he made a mental note that as soon as he got to know Sejah he would stop talking like a royal brat. he hated to do it in the first place but decided to represent his family proper as his mother would have liked.