View Full Version : Dancing...(open to any darksider)
Shade Magus
May 15th, 2002, 07:20:23 PM
The young Jedi walked into a run down building and turned several times. He was sure he had sensed the presence of a Darkside user, but where was it coming from?
He walked back out into the crowd and looked around once more before disappearing again into the lines of endless people. He stoppedat every other booth, just looking, never buying. A Jedi Knight had no use for most of these items, but there were a few that he made a mental noted to check out later.
He walked over to a jewelery booth and his eyes scanned, searching for a ring for his finacee. Finding nothing, Shade turned back into the crowd and contiued his walk down the long and seemingly endless road of patrons.
Nathaniel Nore
May 15th, 2002, 07:51:41 PM
I'm sure this would fit her finger quite nicely.
The young Jedi turned in the crowd at the sound of the voice coming from behind him. But no one in particular appeared. He turned back around and came face to face with a dark man in a black cloak. Shading his face, the glimpse of a bullseye on the man's forhead shown lightly. His eyes burned into the Jedis. He took a ring from under the cloak and tossed it in the air. The Jedi caught the ring and examined it.
It was a ring he recently was looking at. The man had stolen it in a mere few seconds.
I sense you search for something Jedi, something for the loved one...?
Nore smiled. He could be paid top dollar for the death of a Jedi, for such things were desired from a few Imperial factions. He turned his glare upward.
Tell me Jedi, you serve to protect, and keep the peace hmm?
Nore took a timed thermal detinator from under his cloak and activated it, rolling it down the street of crowded people. Unknown to anyone but the two, the Jedi's eyes widened.
Go then, protect... Nore smiled.
Shade Magus
May 16th, 2002, 02:19:42 PM
Shade's eyes widened at the sight of the thermal detenator. He quickly pushed the guys back and threw his hand out towards the detenator and it flew to his hand. He quickly found the deactivation button and pressed it.
"What did you do that for? What have thesepeople done to you?"
Shade's voice raised as he looked at the man.
"Are you insane?"
Nathaniel Nore
May 16th, 2002, 07:54:22 PM
Nore's sly grin appeared on his face. He thought for a moment, and turned away from the man.
That I am.....and more.
He paused.
Tell me Jedi, do you honor these people's lives as much as your own?
Shade Magus
May 17th, 2002, 11:36:36 AM
"I honor them more. My life is to serve and protect the innocent."
Nathaniel Nore
May 17th, 2002, 01:26:28 PM
Nore gave a slight chuckle under his breath. Still with his back to the man Nore spoke.
"So it is...." His voice trailed off.
"These ....innocent... as you call them, do you think the value your life as much as they value thier own?.....I think not. What a pitful waste of time you Jedi. With your power" Nore gestured to the dozens of people that lined the pathway and the surronding town. " It could all be yours, . .a true pity."
Shade Magus
May 17th, 2002, 02:25:41 PM
"It could, but what is the point? Why have everything? What would life be worth then?"
Shade looked the man up and down and searched his Force aura. He kept his comments to himself to his findings.
Nathaniel Nore
May 17th, 2002, 02:42:44 PM
"My young Jedi friend, ...why life would be worth everything."
He took a breath. He could feel deep within him, now there was true power. It surronded him, it surronded everything.
Suddenly a nameless fruit from a nearby booth shot from it's resting place to his hand. He examined it before taking a bite.
"These flockless sheep are hopeless." He sighed.
Shade Magus
May 18th, 2002, 09:21:03 AM
"You are the hopeless one. Life can be wrth nothing if you have everything. There would be no point to living."
Shade sighed and shook his head.
"If you take then what good is everything anyways? It won't be worht anything."
Nathaniel Nore
May 18th, 2002, 01:03:47 PM
Nore took attention to the man's words.
"Thats where your mistaken. If you are blind to the corruption in this galaxy, then you are the hopeless one."
He tossed the fruit aside.
"Tell me Jedi, how strong are your feelings for these people that you have been sworn to protect...these innocent women and children?"
Shade Magus
May 18th, 2002, 01:58:57 PM
"Strong enough to lie down my life. And I am not blind to the corruption, I just choose not to follow its path."
Nathaniel Nore
May 18th, 2002, 05:58:17 PM
Nore still faced the opposite direction of the man. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment before he spoke.
"But not stronger than the love for your finacee, or perhaps....your child eh?"
His smile remained hidden.
"A true tragedy if you had to choose between these innocents you protect, and something so dear..."
"Your feelings of compassion are your weakness Jedi."
Shade Magus
May 19th, 2002, 09:01:53 AM
"They are not, they are my strengths. It is these compassions that give me strength. And if anyone threatened my finacee then I am pretty sure that she could take care of herself."
Nathaniel Nore
May 19th, 2002, 05:45:35 PM
Nore stopped to look at the passing people on the streets.
"Perhaps one day we will find out...hmm?"
Shade Magus
May 20th, 2002, 12:32:57 PM
Shade narrowed his gaze at the one in front of him.
"I think not."
Nathaniel Nore
May 21st, 2002, 01:16:10 PM
Nore continued to speak to the man standing behind him in the crowded street.
"Don't be to sure....even for a Jedi, the future is hard to see."
Shade Magus
May 21st, 2002, 03:54:58 PM
"It is, but if I have anything to do with it then it will not happen."
Nathaniel Nore
May 21st, 2002, 09:08:37 PM
Nore ignored the man's comment and continued on.
"Getting people to do what you want, is merely a matter of telling them what they want to hear."
He paused for a moment to let the words soak.
"Not since Darth Vader's death has this galaxy seen such high esteem and leadership. Now it is once again infested with Jedi and the Senate's so called leadership. A change is once again needed....dont you think? Someone to lead these sheep, tell them where to go, so they don't stray."
Shade Magus
May 23rd, 2002, 03:58:38 PM
"I agree that a change is needed, but not one like you envision."
Nathaniel Nore
May 23rd, 2002, 06:42:01 PM
"On the contrary, that is exactly what is needed....someone must teach these animals disipline. And respect."
Nore turned to face the Jedi and outstreched his palm. The jedi was sent spawling backwards, knocking over innocents that lined the street. The jedi met with the brick wall of a hut. He slid down to a heap at the bottom of the impact point.
The turning his hand to a nearby water tower, it began to creak and shake at it's foundation. As it began its decent towards the hundreds of patons that lined the road, panic insued. People ran for thier lives and screams echoed in the Jedi's woozy mind.
"And I shall teach them respect."
Shade Magus
May 24th, 2002, 07:04:51 AM
Shade hit the wall. He faintly heard what was going on around him. He jumped to as soon as he came to and saw the water coming down. He put his handup towards the leaking water and used a Force wall to hold the thing from coming down.
It would hold long enough for most of the people to get out, as long as they hurried. He then turned to Nathaniel, and grabbed his lightsaber andignited it. It caught the sight of many people around him because some had never seen the weapon in action before.
"As I said before. You will do nothing to harm people a long as I can stop it."
Nathaniel Nore
May 24th, 2002, 10:11:10 PM
"Then we will have to do something about that won't we?"
Nore once again turned his hand to the jedi as slab of concrete lifted out of the pavement. The section slamed into the jedi and sent him spawling. The water tower crashed onto the now deserted street.
Nore's red lightsaber blade hissed to life.
Shade Magus
May 25th, 2002, 07:47:37 AM
Shade jumped to his feet and took a defensive position. His green blade shimmering in the air. Shade extended his hand to the dark one and beckoned him forward.
"Then come and do something."
Shade blew out a deep breath and allowed the Force to fill him with strength and speed.
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