View Full Version : looking for a family

imported_Corin Zetith
May 15th, 2002, 02:40:53 PM
a young man (about 5'6", short curly red hair, light build but toned, and deep dark blue eyes)walked into the Jedi recruitment center and looked around.

"hello, is anyone here? my name is Corin Zetith and i wish to further my rather shallow force training hopefully with a master who will be willing to teach me."

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 04:14:26 PM
Xazor stepped up behind the young man and smiled. She gently tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around, she bowed. Her waist length blonde hair was in Garou Warrior braids and was laced with coins. Her red robes gathered at her feet like sand on a beach. She was a picture of beauty, despite her muscular build. She almost did not appear like the Jedi she was, rather more like a princess. She smiled at the newcomer once again before speaking.

"Greetings to you....I am Warrior Jedi Knight, Xazor Dawnstrider. You seek training in the ways of the light, you say?"

She said softly, crossing her arms over her chest and eyeing the young man. He had mentioned previous training....and she wondered about his past. She was always curious about the new people she met, especially the ones who had trained before and then decided to join the Greater Jedi Order.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 15th, 2002, 05:03:49 PM
Corin returned her bow and spoke:

"Milady Xazor, my name is Corin Zetith, i am 19 the last of the Zetith line. my past training started at age 5 when my mother saw i had a very high medicolorian count. she bought me a jedi-holocube (worth probably more than our home on Naboo) to train with. i went to the yavin IV academy and for a time i trained under the eye of jedi master Kam Solusar. i grew tired of training with him although a great jedi he has too many padawans i think for him to spend any real one on one training with me. i am afraid i need much of this. i have practiced with the martial artist and bodygaurd Shada Dou'kal. and have a recomendation from her as a superb martial artist and covert agent. im afraid my lightsaber and force skills need much more work though. my mother and niece-the only two family members i have ever known-were killed by Darth Uhlen. my weapon i carry is my father's dual phase lightsaber which was passed to my mother to give to me when i was old enough to become/train as a jedi. i believe now is my time. i stand no chance against Uhlen as of now but wish to one day rid the galaxy of him so he can hurt no more families. i would humbly ask you Milady if you would let me train with the jedi knights?"

every time Corin said Uhlen his eyes seemed to light up with an unexplained hatred to kill, then it would quickly fade out of existince.

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 05:40:28 PM
Xazor listened intently, carefully watching his body language. Indeed, everytime he mentioned the name of the Sith, she could see the hatred in his eyes....and feel it through the Force. Shaking her head slightly, she forced a smile when he finished.

"Your cause is noble, Corin....but I sense a dangerous hate in you. I know exactly how you feel about the Sith...but that is no reason to wish to end his life. There are other ways....you learn this as a Jedi."

She sighed and shifted her weight from her left to her right foot. She had seen this type of hate ruin people.....like herself. Looking at the floor for a moment as if it held all of the answers she needed, her eyes slowly drifted to meet his once again.

"I welcome you to the Greater Jedi Order. Indeed, you will be trained. We have had a great increase in padawans in the recent, but myself and many others are working very hard to find a Master for each and every one of them. You yourself included in this growing list. Have patience young one, and a Master shall be assigned to train you. Never forget....the greatest attribut of a Jedi is compassion......"

She smiled gently, hoping he would see her lesson in the words she spoke to him.

imported_Corin Zetith
May 15th, 2002, 08:44:26 PM
"Thank you Milady Xazor, i will train vigorously to enhance my force skills and be the best jedi knight i can be. this was my mother's dying wish to have me become a jedi, i thank you again for this oportunity."

Corin made an elegant bow and went to tend to his ship and relax a little.

Xazor Elessar
May 15th, 2002, 08:46:51 PM
Xazor smiled brightly and bowed once again.

"You are quite welcome....I look forward to hearing great things about you. May the Force be with you, and may it guide your footsteps."

She concluded gently and then turned, seeming to almost disappear in the shadows as she had come.