View Full Version : Sold Out (wow!)

May 15th, 2002, 02:07:33 PM
I am back, a break from my line waiting, while my friend takes over and allows me a little break and much needed sleep. But I thought I'd share with you guys first.

So far, these showings are sold out (and this is already more impressive than TPM at this point, where actually at my theater only the midnight ones were sold out, everything else was simply very full until the day of, and at that point I do believe they all sold out easily... but this time, it's the day before).



12:01 a.m., 10 a.m., 1:10 p.m., 4:20 p.m., and 7:30 p.m.

Perhaps more amazingly...


10 a.m., 1:10 p.m. SOLD OUT.

The tickets are selling extremely quickly, I would know I was in line the entire time with nothing better to do than watch, and before the box office opened there was a rather large line forming, but then it's been just constant traffic with a small line of 3 to 5 people almost constantly crowding the ticket window that is open. I'm thinking by the end of today, good luck with getting into ANY showing of AOTC on opening day.

It has as many screens as Spider-Man, but way more showings because of the added 10 a.m. showing, 11 a.m. showing, and the two midnight screenings.

Oddly enough, the 12:02 a.m. showing (yes we have one) is NOT sold out and has 100+ tickets left. It's selling fast, but see my theater never informed people of this, so you had to ask specifically, which is great for the die-hards because we all had an easy time. But many people with kids don't want to go to the midnight showings because it's too darn late for them.

The line has been GREAT so far, I have documentary footage from every hour, on the hour. A bit cold at night, but we are....


How cool is that?! FIRST in line. :)

May 15th, 2002, 02:22:58 PM
Cool or Sad, you pick :)

I'm happy enough that we have our tickets, as long as I can get in the theatre I don't care where I am in line.

Only one theatre in Vermont was doing a midnight showing, so everyday I had been calling to verify when they go on sale and so far all was looking well. We had been seeing a very lukewarm reception locally so we weren't too worried. I called on monday at about 11:30am....the line was forming, about 25 people already to a show that would be limited. Uh oh! So I was wrong and there was more interest then anticipated.

About a half hour later my brother arrives and off we go. We arrive at the theatre about 2hrs before the ticket window is supposed to open with about 30 people in front of us. Seats for midnight may be limited as a bunch are being given away to local radio and news stations, but theres a possibility of a 2nd screen being added. I'm banking on both the 2nd screen and a number of people in front of us not going to the midnight. We'll see.

2 Groups of people were squatted down playing Star Wars monopoly on the floor, my brother and I decide to sit and play some Marvel Heroclix for 2 hrs, loads of fun and a great way to kill the time.

They finally open the booth at about 3:30ish, 2 screens it is! Woohoo! We slowly wait our way through line and score our tickets for the 12:15am showing, there was a 12:05am showing but it was in the smaller theatre so we went for the big one.

We already had our tickets for friday night at another theatre so all was well.

The only question is how early do we get there tonight to get in line, we've got the tickets so we'll get our seats, its stadium seating so no worries about a bad view.....decisions decisions :) And of course we're gonna get together before leaving to watch episode 1....gotta keep it fresh in our minds.

May 15th, 2002, 02:31:40 PM
Well I think cool, and if I say it is cool then it is cool because I am doing it. If someone else says it is sad, it is sad to them and therefore they wouldn't want to do it, hehe, which is fine. How boring would it be if everyone loved Star Wars equally and we all thought the same thing? I mean, uhh, wouldn't be very special. I'm happy and that's what matters, and if anyone else wants to comment on my fandom and the fun I have being a fan, then they need to get a life themselves because presumably if they are so wonderful surely they have their own issues to think about and dwell upon ;)

I like your story, JJWR, that is really cool! :)

I think you should get to the theater as early as you feel like so that you can kind of take in the moment, enjoy talking to some other fans maybe, and feel part of the event. As much as you feel you want, of course, but to me this has been a lot of fun and it's a lot about the people. I love getting to meet other Star Wars fans and talk to them, so that's just a huge part of the fun. Just like with TRU, for instance, showing up to get the toys. That wasn't for my collection this time, it was because it was really fun and I got to meet some cool people.

I hope you have a fun time at the screening! I better get some sleep now, though, hehe.

May 16th, 2002, 01:50:40 AM
We got there about a hour or so before it started and the line was huge, and then they opened the doors....had we known they would open so early we would have showed up another hour early just to hang out and mingle, my bro and his girl friend were dressed up as Jedi's and I had a brand spankin new Anakin Saber. Fun stuff :)