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Darth Havok
Sep 25th, 2000, 03:07:12 AM
I would like to place an order, if at all possible...

Here is what I would like to further compliment some of the ships in my personal fleet...

3 squad- Defenders,
8 squad- Advanced,
9 squad- Scimitar Bombers,
1/2 squad - TIE Boarding Craft
1/2 squad - TIE Short Range Ground Targeting Support Fighters
10 - Alpha Class XG-1 Star Wings
1 squad- MKII Daggers

80 Gamma Class ATR-6 Transports

Darth Viscera
Sep 25th, 2000, 12:26:47 PM
Order is complete.

(5/5) Order Complete.

Darth Havok
Sep 30th, 2000, 01:39:06 AM
*Arrives with the crew to man, pilot the vessels. Is given direction to the docking in which they are in, and has them dock with a variety of ships in his fleet*

Dark Side Adept 327
Sep 30th, 2000, 05:47:57 AM
Safe voyage to you, fellow Sith!

Darth Havok
Sep 30th, 2000, 12:41:09 PM
*Has the required credits transferred to the GMA account, as he departs from the planet..*

A’ye, farewell DSA…