View Full Version : Hyfe....
Sith Summoner
Oct 9th, 2000, 09:41:53 PM
concerning your thread in phantoms post...
calm down... yes both myself and Phantom are higher in rank then you are... but you command in space... i command on the ground... they are two different arenas of battle... It wouldn't make sense for a Colnel to be leading all of GMA's ground forces... therefore the automatic title... look you probably know more about space combat then i do... but i am here to do ground tactics and stratagy which in my opinion i am very good at and well versed in...
just my thoughts on the subject...
Darth Viscera
Oct 9th, 2000, 09:55:39 PM
Actually, I believe Gormul is higher than or exactly the same rank as Phantom.
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:09:49 PM
Actually, when I first came to join the GMA, I lied about my fleet experience. I know nothing about fleet tactics and have never been involved with commanding a fleetl, or any space forces for that matter.
I remember now that the original position I asked for when coming to GMA was the General of Ground Forces. I felt that that position is what I was most experienced BY FAR. I was denied the rank and made to go through all of DSAs little training games. I myself think I did rather well for my first time. Apparantly good enough even to have earned the rank of Vice Admiral. It just irks me that neither of you had to do anything, you just said that you were hot-shots and got a high rank.
Now I am outranked by two brand-new members which have taken command of the position that I had originally wanted.
Darth Viscera
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:17:56 PM
1. You outrank Phantom. He's a Lt. General and you're an Admiral.
2. You are the same rank as Summoner, now. You are an Admiral with a special simulations award, so you both have the same VFP.
3. Congratulations on your promotion.
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:25:43 PM
OOC: :lol: Thanks man.
I'm out for the night. I'll continue the RP thread at swfans with ya'll later. Try not to get to involved with actions in there while I'm gone... that would kinda mess it up a bit. 'Night.
Sith Summoner
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:28:17 PM
sorry... been a rough night round here... congrats on your promotion bud... and i won't take any action... its your show i'm just playing in the supporting role...
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 10th, 2000, 12:15:15 PM
I'll be home from school in about 4 hours. Then we can finish up the thread in a few posts.
Tomorrow sometime I will make a post about it being ready for the shipyards to be built. And you can begin that immediately after, or whenever you feel is a suitable time, Viscera.
See you guys in a few hours.
Darth Viscera
Oct 10th, 2000, 12:52:24 PM
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 11th, 2000, 07:32:28 AM
Well, I'm at school again, and guess what! (insert hundreds of curses here) My computer at home STILL isn't fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Darth Viscera
Oct 15th, 2000, 03:39:42 PM
have you called AOL Tech Support?
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:38:17 PM
It isn't AOL. If I download a picture onto my computer and then try to just view it with IE, it freezes up the same way it does when I try to load a webpage online. My computer is just screwed to hell.
Darth Viscera
Oct 15th, 2000, 07:56:11 PM
Sounds like either a Dial-Up Networking problem, or an Internet Explorer/Windows problem. What version of IE/Windows are you running?
Gormul Hyfe
Oct 15th, 2000, 10:01:33 PM
Windows 95, IE 5.0
Darth Viscera
Oct 15th, 2000, 10:13:20 PM
next time you get the chance, try and update to IE 5.5. 5.5 doesn't crash as much. I'm using it now. Also, delete all your plugins. your plugins might be making IE take up more memory than it should. And try to stick to running two programs or less.
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