View Full Version : Order

Vekaar Vekin
May 19th, 2001, 09:28:43 PM
Is it possible I could be made a fully equipped Dreadnaught with a Cloaking device? And I would also like two extra turbolaser cannons added.

Vekaar Vekin
May 19th, 2001, 09:29:45 PM
OOC: Excuse my horrible english, it's late and I'm tired :p

Darth Viscera
May 20th, 2001, 04:54:03 AM
We could make you a Dreadnaught with two extra turbolasers, two squadrons of starfighters, but cloaks are incredibly expensive. Unless you have a billion credits burning holes in your pockets.

Vekaar Vekin
May 20th, 2001, 10:01:01 PM
A billio--A Billion credits?! Forget the cloaking device, too much money. But the extra turbolasers and the two squadron starfighter deal sounds mighty fine.

Darth Viscera
May 21st, 2001, 06:08:04 AM
That'll be five million, my friend.

Vekaar Vekin
May 21st, 2001, 08:50:17 AM
"5 million credits..."

(Vekaar clicked on his comm channel and conversed with a person for a few moments. About a minute later a tram with a briefcase rolls in.)

"Hey, you know anyone who could give me an odd job or two? I'm low on money after the purchase of this ship."

Darth Viscera
May 21st, 2001, 08:57:46 AM
*Viscera points to a group of cargo containers at the far side of the Shipyard's deck.*

"Transport that cargo to Moff Sevon's fleet at Coruscant very quickly, and you'll be paid 20,000 credits Imperial."

Vekaar Vekin
May 24th, 2001, 03:24:18 PM
(Vekaar scratches his chin.)

"Well I would, but I have some business to attend to first. Forgive me Diktat. Is my dreadnaught ready?"

Darth Viscera
May 24th, 2001, 03:27:11 PM
It is indeed.