View Full Version : Hades ship training
Darth Viscera
Jan 6th, 2001, 01:03:46 PM
This mission for you is a further test of your abilities as a future Fleet Commander.
Hades, you will be commanding a medium Taskforce with the following ships under your flag:
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Mk.II Subjugator
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Mk.II Adamant
Victory-Class Star Destroyer Mk.I Hammer
Interdictor Cruiser Constrainer
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Corusca Fire
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Balmorra's Wrath
Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser Mantooine Terror
Carrack Light Cruiser Dominant
Carrack Light Cruiser Predominator
Carrack Light Cruiser Subdominator
Carrack Light Cruiser Dominator
Imperial Assault Transport Undaunted
Imperial Assault Transport Dauntless
You are currently blockading an Imperial World that is in the process of uprising against Imperial Rule.
The World is called Ghorman.
Before your Assault Transports and Star Cruisers can launch their troops which will bring peace back to the world, and supplement the Imperial Garrison which is already in place, a Rebel Taskforce arrives at the edge of the system. Your sensors indicate that the following Rebel ships have arrived:
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC80-mod. Home One
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC80 Independance
Mon Calamari Star Cruiser MC40 Maria
Alliance Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier Freedom
Alliance Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier Flurry
Nebulon-B Frigate Redemption
Nebulon-B Frigate Rebel Star
Corellian Corvette Sparrow
Corellian Corvette Shadow
Modified Corvette Victorious
Corellian Gunship Spear
Gallofree Yards Medium Transport Success
Gallofree Yards Medium Transport Paradigm
Rebel Bulk Transport Lucrative
The previous ships have full Starfighter Complements, and begin launching their fighters to challenge your blockade.
Their main objective in this battle may be to deliver Rebel Troops to Ghorman, and secure the planet for themselves.
Since the Rebel ship Home One appears to have arrived, it is believed that the rebel Admiral Ackbar himself is leading the taskforce, as it is his flagship.
You are now in charge of the battle, Hades. You may choose your flagship, and attempt to win the battle.
Please note that you are slightly outnumbered. The previous cadets failed to recognise that, which cost them a few promotion points. Knowing that, you'll have to use superior tactics in order to win this battle. Good luck.
Emporer Hades
Jan 6th, 2001, 03:09:09 PM
OOC: I have an idea of...most of the ships at my command...I am clueless of the Rebel ones...but by their names I have a clue to what they would I'm going to take a good swing at this...
*Hades stares at the approaching Rebel ships from the bridge of his flagship, the Subjugator; who he knows will try to take Ghorman with a slightly stronger force, but Hades is in know position to let this happen. As Hades is ready to give the order to get back-up from the closest Death Star, about 1000 clicks away, he than hesitates, than stops himself, knowing he must prove himself. He than observes as the fleet of Rebels, most likely commanded by Ackbar, approach.
Hades watches as Home One positions itself fairly far back from the rest of the Rebel force, Hades starts to chuckle at Ackbar's lack of personal bravery.
Hades than relizes that the Rebels are approaching faster than he had estimated, and it seemed that they are already releasing a few squadrons of different types of starfighters to guard the transports that they seem to almost be approaching. Hades than yells the order to release 5 sqaudrons of fighters and to instruct them to fly towards the outer-atmosphere of Ghorman, as a last resort if the main onslaught fails. Hades then instructs the Hammer to let loose 2 squadrons of fighters and to command them with the Corusca Fire and Balmorra's Wrath to intercept the group of 3 Rebel Transports and the 'few squadrons' or what now looks to be about 3 squadrons of fighters, guarding them.
Hades than sees the Maria and the Victorious ready to intercept Hades' main group of ships. Hades than tells the Predominator, Subdominator, and the Dominator with a group 1 squadron to approach the Maria and the Victorious and to try to hold out untill the Subjugator and the Adamant arrive.
As Hades hears that the warhead that he ordered to be loaded as the Rebels had first approached was in place...he was ready to fire. But, he didn't know where. He than arrived with the idea of launching the warhead at Ackbar's main fleet, as simply a diversion as Hades sent his transports down to Ghorman. As the warhead is fired, he commands the Mantooine Terror, along with its 1 sqaudron to escort the transports down to the planet, and to stay as the main command-ship for its squadron and the 5 squadrons that have just arrived at the outer-atmosphere of the planet as directed before.
As the Subjugator and Admant approach the Subdominator, Predominator, and the Denominator, he sees that the Subdominator has been destroyed, along with the Rebel Victorious. Hades imediately orders for the Subjuctor, Adamant, Dominator, and Predominator to fire at will upon the Maria. As the Maria is destroyed, Hades relizes that his transports have succesfully landed, and that his previous command to take out the Rebel transports w/ escorting fighters have been carried out, and that the Rebebls have lost all hopes of taking Ghorman now that their transports have been destroyed.
Hades also sees that Ackbar must've also found out of his losses, and starts to retreat. As Ackbar retreats, Hades hesitates to intercept as he knows that he has taken the planet, and should see to it that order is made on Ghorman. Hades than turns back to sit in his chair on the bridge, and breathes a sigh of relief*
Darth Viscera
Jan 6th, 2001, 10:06:25 PM
Ummm, nearest death star? What, do we have like 10 of them? Imperial Jay will help you with this mission, as will I.
Imperial Jay
Jan 6th, 2001, 10:16:11 PM
Well, a ship is usually destroyed in a few posts unless you have a very strong force. I think you should've explained the battle between the squadrons a little more.
Emporer Hades
Jan 6th, 2001, 10:43:30 PM
OOC: Well...I will start all over tommorrow...think I'll have a better idea to go about it this next try.
Emporer Hades
Jan 7th, 2001, 10:18:44 AM
OOC: I'm ready to take this all over...putting to use the knowledge I have learned.
*As Hades quietly sits on the bridge, thinking of how to control the politics on Ghorman once order is restored, as loud noise disturbs his train of thought and he is forced to look out the from the bridge of the Subjugator to see a medium-sized Rebel force approaching them. Hades relizes that they will try to get their forces on Ghorman first by the looks of their transports: the Success; the Paradigm; and the Lucrative. He also relized that one of their goals will be to destroy his own 2 transports: the Undaunted; and the Dauntless.
As he is noticing this, he sees 5 sqaudrons of Y-wings that were released from the Home One approaching their position.
Hades imediately calls out to withdraw the transports from their current course of landing on Ghorman, and haves them instructed to take refuge in the grouop of Carrack Cruisers.
Hades than decides that he should quickly take action to engage the 5 squadrons of fast-approaching Y-Wings, so he has the Constrainer(Interdictor Cruiser), Dominator(Carrack Light Cruiser), and Mantooine's Terror(Dreadnaughht) intercept the force, unleashing their squadrons, and to fire for themselves if the Y-Wings get too close. He then instructs them to move on to the Freedom when a reinforcements of 1 squadron come.
Emporer Hades
Jan 7th, 2001, 10:43:29 AM
Hades than yells out for the main portion of the fleet to move a little forward to be able to quickly dispatch the squadron of fighters when the 5 sqaudrons of Y-Wings are destroyed.
As planned, the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror intercepted the 5 squadrons of Y-Wings. The 3 ships unleashed 3 squadrons of fighters all together, 1 sqadron of TIE Phantoms, one of TIE Advanced, and one of TIE Defenders. As the TIEs intercepted, the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Wrath to back-up the fighters by using their turbo-lasers and lasers. Everything then starts to go smoothly, the losses in this bout thus far was that 3 sqaudrons of Y-Wings were lost, and only 1 squadron of Imperial fighters(all types of TIEs destroyed) thanks to the help of the main guns of the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror. Now that the Rebels had the same amount of fighters as the us, they didn't have a chance because of the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror back-up fire.
As Hades hears that the last of the 5 squadrons of fighters were destroyed, Hades quickly calls for the Adamant to let loose 1 squadron of TIE advanced and instruct them to meet up with the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror.
Hades than figures that he should now take the chance to take out at least one of the Rebel's Star Crusiers, which the Rebel Transports were now stationed behind. Since the transports were stationed behind the Independence, that was his first target. He than had the Subjugator, Adamant, and the Balmorra's Wrath(Dreadnaught) intercept the Independence.
Emporer Hades
Jan 7th, 2001, 11:17:19 AM
Hades now hopes that during the bouts with the Independence and Freedom that are soon to come, that in all of the havoc that he would be able to send a fleet around the Independence while it is busily defending itself from Subjugator, Adamant, and Balmorra's Wrath, that he will be able to send 2 squadrons of TIE Advanced from the Hammer behind the Independence to where the transports are, destroying them, and hopefully making Ackbar retreat his forces.
As the Subjugator approaches the Indepedence, he watches the bout with Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Wrath go against the Freedom. It seemed to Hades that the Imperials had the good element of suprise since he saw the Freedom's fighters at first going towards the Subjugator, at least untill the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Wrath started fire upon the Freedom, of coarse. Since the fighters took a few minutes to return from their current coarse, the very un-heavily shielded and weapon-equiped Freedom already had its shields down, and 3/4 of its hull penetrated as the fighters arrived to back it up. The TIE fighters were now directed to intercept the 4 sqaudrons of Y-Wings(2 squadrons) and X-Wings(2 squadrons) while the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror finished off the very damaged Freedom. When the Freedom was destroyed, the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror were now instructed to supply the Imperial TIEs with back-up fire. But by the time they approached and started to fire, the Imperials had lost 1 squadron leaving them with 2 squadrons, and the Rebels lost 1 squadron leaving them with 3 squadrons.
As the Subjugator now approached the Independence along with the Adamant and Balmorra's Wrath, Hades turns his attention to the bout he personally has now just entered. He also at the same time hears that the Hammer's fighters were now ready to be launched to the Rebel transports at any time. But Hades decides to wait on launching them untill the Indepedence is a little more...occupied. As the Subjugator have now approached, Hades imediately sends out 5 of the 6 squadrons of mixed-types of TIEs out of the Subjugator, and also instructs the Adamant and Balmorra's Wrath to release their 1 squadron, to make a total of 7 squadrons, and the possibilty for the Subjugator to send out 1 more if needed. Then, Hades instructs half of the 7 squadrons to fire upon the Independence itself, while the other half goes to intercept the 3 squadrons of X-Wings just released from the Indepedence. Hades than instructs the Subjugator to fire its turbo-lasers at the X-Wings, and use its Ion Cannons to hit the Independence, as he instructs the Adamant to do the same. After roughly 30 minutes of the battle, the Indepedence's shields are down, and half of its X-Wings destroyed. The Imperial's Star Destroyers have about 1/2 shield damage, but also 1/2 of its 7 squadrons of fighters have been destroyed.
Emporer Hades
Jan 7th, 2001, 11:38:34 AM
The Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror have now have 1 squadron of fighters remaing, along with the Rebels. The Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror have mininum damage, because it seems that the Rebel fighters have been concentrating most of its force on the Imperial fighters. Shortly later, 4/5 of the Imperial squadron is destroyed, but all of the Rebel squadron is destroyed.
As the bout against the Indepedence has gone on for about and hour now, the Indepence with 1/2 of its hull intact...Hades now decides it's the right time to send the 2 squadrons of TIE Advanced from the Hammer, to the Rebel Transports. Shortly after that, the Indpedence is almost done for, and the squadrons fighting on both side are almost depeleted.
Now, the 2 squadrons directed to procede behind the Independence have got there...with relatively few losses from when they had to fly pretty close to the Indepedence bout. Once they have reached the transports, the TIE advance see that the transports have already started to approach Ghorman. The TIE advance are quickly relayed the message from Hades to follow them and destroy them at all costs. Due to the TIE Advanced's very fast speed, they catch up to the transports very quickly. Since they have no escorts since the Rebels thought they were descending un-detected, the measly 3 transports are taken out by the Advanced TIEs, almost right as the Independence is destroyed.
Once it is relized by Ackbar that his transports were lost, and saw the loss of the Independence, he sounds retreat knowing that even if he did over-take the Imperials, that reinforcements would come quickly and that he wouldn't even be able to take the planet of Ghorman, having no transports. Hades hesitates to intercept Ackbar, relizing that he must deal with the Ghorman issue, and that he has pretty high losses. So he just sits back in to his chair, commands the Constrainer, Dominator, and Mantooine's Terror to escort the transports down to the surface. Hades than returns to thinking about how he will dealt with the political problems on Ghorman.*
Darth Viscera
Jan 7th, 2001, 09:36:44 PM
Excellent job. Your training is complete. I'm giving you a commission of Captain in the Navy.
Emporer Hades
Jan 7th, 2001, 09:58:45 PM
*rocks around in a daze*
"Wow...didn't know I can do that so good....thanks"
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