View Full Version : Major Karrn

Darth Viscera
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:26:28 PM
<font size=1>_Rx-HoloNet-1B-IMP-HC
_DispMsg2D (400x300)</font>

For your mildly exemplary training results,

You are being promoted, as I'm sure you've noticed. I'm giving you a starfighter squadron; 18 Mk. II Missile Boats and 1 Lambda-class Shuttle, along with 36 starfighter techs are being transferred to your squadron's hangar on Coruscant. The Squadron's official serial # is IMP-SC-141237. You may give it whatever unofficial name you like.

Your squadron will be designated as on detached service, responding only to the Diktat, and directly to the Diktat.

Long live the New Order.

Darth Viscera,
Imperial Diktat