View Full Version : Cadet Pallaton starfighter training

Darth Viscera
Jul 2nd, 2001, 01:53:23 AM
You are a sole TIE/ln Fighter on patrol from your Imperial Battle Platform. You are 300 clicks out by visual scanning, and well out of sensor range of the battle platform. All of a sudden, a Flight Group (4 ships) of T-65R3 New Republic X-Wings pops out of hyperspace, and jams your communications. Their intentions are hostile, as witnessed by the salvo of blaster bolts they fire at you while flying in a quad-diamond formation.

You continue this RP now. Your reaction will determine how well you are deemed to be trained as of now, and ultimately how quickly you will be promoted.

If you're having some trouble, read the training posts of others, which should give you some insight.

Daray Pallaton
Jul 3rd, 2001, 02:29:11 AM
“Imperial Battle Platform, This is Cadet Pallaton requesting permission to leave the station to commit a patrol of the area.”

“Permission granted, Cadet.”

The engines of the TIE/ln roared to life, and shortly after the TIE blasted out of the hangar. Daray had to fly to a point that was 500 clicks out of the visual scanning range, which didn't really suit him. If any form of an attack was to just pop out of hyperspace, and block his communication, he'd probably be turned into star dust. Although, to send an attack out after a lone TIE/ln would be quite stupid, as it would only destory one fighter, and reveal that there is enemy planning, or waiting to attack.

It didn't take long for his TIE/ln to reach the end of the visual scanning range. Before he knew it, Daray was 290 clicks out from the scanning range, and no attack had showed up. A small beep turned Daray to look down at his radar. Four red blips appeared on the screen, and Daray scanned them to be T-65R3 New Republic X-wings.

Well great. Just as I kick my fears of being attacked to the bottom of me, I get att-

Daray's thoughts were stopped as red bolts flash by his fighter. Doing a spiral dive, he avoided the salvo of blaster bolts that were heading for his fighter. The X-wings followed, and fired off more bolts. Daray knew that if even one bolt hit his cockpit, he was gone. The Cadet would have to fire several bolts at the X-wing, to bust through it's shields, and to rip up the hull.

The TIE/ln straightened up out of the dive, and began to turn to the left, then quickly swirved to the right. This sent the X-wings off course, sending 2 of them to the left, and two following him. Slamming his control stick to the left, Daray hoped to send the other two of course also, yet they still followed him.

Hmn.. These guys might actually be good.

When Daray had turned his TIE to the left, he had actually lined himself up with the other two X-wings. Letting out a flurry of blaster bolts, the X-wing didn't even see them coming until they hit him. Half of the bolts smashed into the rear shields, and before long broke through. Several other bolts hit the engines, and one of them went up in a small explosion.

The other two X-wings had caught up to him while he was blasting the other ones, and managed to get several blaster bolts away. One came so close to the cockpit that it actually rocked it, and as soon as that happened, he slammed his control stick forward, sending the TIE into a dive. Twisting the stick, he made it harder for the X-wings to follow, as he went from a dive, to a sharp right turn.

Spotting the other two X-wings, one which seemed damaged, and the other seemingly protecting it, Daray aimed his guns for the damaged one. They were flying in a formation where the damaged fighter was infront, and the other behind, protecting it from fire. Pulling his stick back slightly, he let the ship glide upwards for a few moments, before leveling it out again. This put him in a position to attack the damaged X-wing fighter.

Round after round of blaster bolts flashed out from Daray's TIE, moving in on a fast speed to the damaged X-wing. The X-wing began to turn, but it was too late. The blaster bolts ripped through the back of the X-wing, blowing all four engines up, which started up a chain-reaction, and blew the whole fighter up. Daray let a grin form over his face, and slammed his stick right again, avoiding some bolts from the oncoming X-wings.

Darth Viscera
Jul 5th, 2001, 02:39:46 AM
OOC: Please continue.

Daray Pallaton
Jul 8th, 2001, 04:37:23 AM
OOC: I was planning to, Vis. Just been havin' some trouble IRL recently.


He jammed his stick to the side, sending the TIE/ln reeling out of the way of X-wing blaster bolts.

I think I annoyed them by killing their friend, heh..

Daray twisted the stick of his TIE, making it spiral, while he turned starboard. Two of the three X-wings followed him, and Daray saw this on his radar. He pulled his stick backwards, his fighter lifting from the position. The X-wings that were following him stayed in there position, continuing to go forward. Daray finished off the loop, coming out behind the X-wings.

He grinned as the crosshairs on his targetting system flashed green, and he let out a flurry of green blaster bolts. All were just about to hit- then the sim went dead. Everything suddenly stopped, and the sim hatch opened up. Daray let out a sigh, thinking that he had failed the sim. Turning his head to the right side, he saw the figure of what seemed to be a man.

Zorin Hexes
Jul 8th, 2001, 05:18:47 AM
An officer stood waiting outside the hatch, standing straight and ready to formally address the Cadet.

"Yes?" Cadet Pallaton asked, rather startled by the unexpectedly shut down of the simulation.

The officer cleared his throat and spoke up, his tone rising gradually. "Vice-Admiral Hexes has asked that you report for <a href=http://pub24.ezboard.com/fgalacticmilitaryalliancefrm49.showMessage?topicID =12.topic>briefing</a>."</a> The Cadet was obviously taken by surprise. He hadn't even finished his training.


"Immediately." The officer turned on his heels and walked out of the room, the door hissing shut behind him.