View Full Version : Cadet Desaria starfighter training

Darth Viscera
Jul 11th, 2001, 11:45:53 PM
You are a sole TIE/ln Fighter on patrol from your Imperial Battle Platform. You are 300 clicks out by visual scanning, and well out of sensor range of the battle platform. All of a sudden, a Flight Group (4 ships) of T-65R3 New Republic X-Wings pops out of hyperspace, and jams your communications. Their intentions are hostile, as witnessed by the salvo of blaster bolts they fire at you while flying in a quad-diamond formation.

You continue this RP now. Your reaction will determine how well you are deemed to be trained as of now, and ultimately how quickly you will be promoted.

If you're having some trouble, read the training posts of others, which should give you some insight.