View Full Version : TIE Devil Development

Darth Viscera
Jan 17th, 2001, 12:36:42 PM
I am developing a state of the art fighter called the "TIE Devil". This fighter should prove to perform exceptionally, be 10 times as cheap as competing Starfighters, and be nearly invulnerable to enemy fighters.

Projected Cost per unit: 25,000 Credits
Class: TIE Devil
Length: 3 meters
Height: 3 meters
Shields: 0
Hull: 5 RU
Speed: 166 MGLT
Hyperdrive: None

--Weapons Systems--
SFS L-s6:1 (Rapid-Fire)
Light Ion Cannon:1 (Rapid-fire)

These starfighters shall take up approximately 1/27th the volume of a standard Starfighter, having these extroardinarily small dimensions. Not only will this allow for perhaps 20 times as many starfighters to be kept on board starships, but the small size of these starfighters will prevent all but the most skilled enemy pilots from targeting them.

In addition to their small size, these ships have a small targeting profile, as they are shaped as a 3 meter long/high ball.


More information to come. These starfighters will be ready for mass production after the standard 40 day development time and available for purchase from any and all parties with a Type 2B or above Imperial Weapons license.

Darth Viscera
Jan 17th, 2001, 12:48:32 PM
Woohoo! Edited out the specs for the TIE Devil at TIE, so hopefully Thrawn cannot produce them anymore.