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Khendon S
Dec 12th, 2001, 11:07:51 PM
Plasma Lace Module (Energy Weapons)
A module is set in the barrel of the cannon; it basically feeds off the waste emissions of the weapon, lowering the waste heat caused by the cannon, and superheats and magnetizes them. The beam is set with a polar magnetisms which attracts the plasma, which lines the module, as the beam fires, the plasma lines on the head of the energy beam and continues on towards its target.

To cool the system Crystal cooling is used.

Crystal Cooling
Crystals, which are produced by compression of carbon and various other chemicals, are places around an object in need of heat relief. Sensors around the crystal detect when the area set for the crystal to cover is warmed, and an electrical charge is released into the crystal, causing it to generate cold equal to the heat, providing cooling.

Plasma Lace Module (Shielding)
Waste from the shield generators are heated to plasma and projected around the shield, providing superior stopping against projectile weaponry and stopping weapons that usually can pass through an average shield. The plasma is regulated and can be turned on or off.

To cool the system Crystal cooling is used.

Start: 12/12/01
End: 1/11/01

Plasma Lace technologies to be implemented in all Imperial ships.

Khendon S
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:58:27 PM
Name: Executioner Death Droid
Combat Designation: Anti-force User Droid
Mission Profile: Defensive/Offensive Heavy Combat Droid
Diameter: 1m
Crew: Droid Brain
Troopers: None
Cargo Capacity: 5 Metric Tons (Held in nets of reinforced carbon-fibre)
Sublight Speed: 50 MGLT
Atmospheric Speed: 1,800 KPH
Consumables: 2 year battery
Hull Rating: 10 RU
Shielding: 100 SBD
Backup Shielding: 10 SBD
Hyperdrive: Class A
Reactors: Single Ion
Weapons: 2 Enforcer Cannons
Special: Shield Compensator, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibiter, Extendable stun net for transport of prisoners, encrypted comm., carbon-fibre armor, PLM, TS Lining

Once the EDD locates a target, it checks the force user against a list of known force users; it avoids friendly units and calls for reinforcements before engaging enemy targets. If the user is not found in the databank he is classified as an enemy. The droid’s weapons have both stun settings and lethal settings, both automatically adjusted by the onboard computers to fit the type of target. The EDD can travel via space to target worlds and work with many other droids to locate and capture or eradicate force users.

For detection of force users the EDD uses voxyn organs, which are bred individually and contained within large flasks, that are linked to computers which read the emissions from the glands which react to the force, the computers can pinpoint direction as well as direct location.

For suppression of force users, the droid uses Ysalamiri organs, basically in the same way that the voxyn’s organs are used, but minute electrical stimulations are used.

For defense against detection, the craft uses a synthesized Taozin skin lining over its armor, protecting it from displaying a force signature.

Name: Enforcer Cannon
Information: The EC is a powerful cannon that fires compressed energy that can be set high enough to cut through thick armor to low enough to be considered just a beam of light. These weapons can only be used by droids or droid modified suits due to their complexity.

started: 12/13
ends: 1/12

Khendon S
Dec 21st, 2001, 03:50:26 PM
Defiant Ion Torpedo
The Defiant Ion Torpedo is much like its cousin, the Ion Torpedo, but is equipped with several new features. The Defiant has a two second A.L.F. burst, dreamweaver engines, and a miniature ion generator. To allow this modern weapon superiority on the battle field, technology such as the Plasma Lace Module (for shielding, which is 10 SBD), Crystal Cooling, VB Force Detector, YB Force Inhibitor, and TS Lining.

The Torpedo locks onto the energy source of the opponent, if the opponent is a force user, it locks onto the force signature. Once the torp. is in the area around the force user, it can block his abilities, and cannot be detected in the force.

TIE Devil upgrade
This upgrade uses the VB Force Detection technology and YB Force Inhibitor technology in TIE Devils and can be installed on existing units or new production craft.

Start: 12/21/01
End: 1/20/01

Khendon S
Dec 24th, 2001, 05:16:54 PM
Force Seeker Grenade
The FSG searches for force signatures and destroys them via a compressed shape charge lined with fragmental metals. The grenade is made from Taozin skin based armor so that it does not appear in the force.

Force Hole Grenade
The FHG generates a void of force energy in its direct 10m radius which lasts roughly one minute, but varies according to the power pack within the grenade. The grenade stimulates Ysalamiri organs to generate the void and once the power pack is used metabolizes so that the technology within cannot be discovered.

Force Hole Cloak
This cloak is made of Taozin skin based armor; it provides relatively little protection for the wearer but hides him from the force so that he will not be detected.

Force Hole Armor
See-through sculpted sheets of Taozin skin, which can be placed over existing trooper armor to hide his force signature.

Start: 12/24/01
Finish: 1/08/01