View Full Version : Hmm...

Gormul Hyfe
Mar 21st, 2001, 01:24:02 PM
We hold Wayland? Interesting indeed...

Darth Viscera
Mar 22nd, 2001, 01:50:40 AM
Yep, which means that we control the planet with the largest amount of Noghri in the galaxy. TGE had it, so we inherited it from them when they went kaput.

Gormul Hyfe
Mar 22nd, 2001, 08:39:23 AM
Does the Empire still use the Noghri as commandos?

Darth Viscera
Mar 22nd, 2001, 10:21:59 AM
We can, if we wish.

Gormul Hyfe
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:18:13 PM
How's that exactly?

And what do you mean when you say we hold the planet with the largest population of Noghri? Wayland? Did I miss something?

Darth Viscera
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:27:29 PM
TSO massacred all the Noghri on Honoghr, but luckily many had migrated to Wayland during the Thrawn trilogy. Honoghr now has like 1,000, according to them, and Wayland has something like 200,000.

And any Imperial officer can use the noghri. Just requisition them, as you would a ship.